INT32 rtnCoordTransCommit::executeOnDataGroup( CHAR * pMsg,
                                                netMultiRouteAgent * pRouteAgent,
                                                pmdEDUCB * cb )
    INT32 rc = SDB_OK;
    REQUESTID_MAP requestIdMap;
    REPLY_QUE replyQue;
    MsgHeader *pMsgHead = (MsgHeader *)pMsg;
    DpsTransNodeMap *pNodeMap = cb->getTransNodeLst();
    DpsTransNodeMap::iterator iterMap = pNodeMap->begin();
    while( iterMap != pNodeMap->end() )
       rc = rtnCoordSendRequestToNode( (void *)pMsg, iterMap->second,
                                       pRouteAgent, cb, requestIdMap );
       if ( rc )
          rtnCoordClearRequest( cb, requestIdMap );
       PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR,
                   "failed to send the request to the node"
                   "(groupID=%u, nodeID=%u, rc=%d). ",
                   rc );
    rc = rtnCoordGetReply( cb, requestIdMap, replyQue,
                           MAKE_REPLY_TYPE( pMsgHead->opCode ) ) ;
                "failed to get the reply(rc=%d)",
                rc );
    while ( !replyQue.empty() )
       MsgOpReply *pReply = NULL;
       pReply = (MsgOpReply *)(replyQue.front());
       INT32 rcTmp = pReply->flags;
       if ( rcTmp != SDB_OK )
          rc = rc ? rc : rcTmp;
          PD_LOG( PDERROR,
                "failed to execute on data node(rc=%d, groupID=%u, nodeID=%u)",
                rcTmp, pReply->header.routeID.columns.groupID,
                pReply->header.routeID.columns.nodeID );
       SDB_OSS_FREE( pReply );
    if ( rc )
       goto error;
    return rc;
    goto done;
   void _coordListTransCurIntr::_preSet( pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                         coordCtrlParam &ctrlParam )
      ctrlParam._role[ SDB_ROLE_CATALOG ] = 0 ;
      ctrlParam._emptyFilterSel = NODE_SEL_PRIMARY ;

      ctrlParam._useSpecialNode = TRUE ;
      DpsTransNodeMap *pMap = cb->getTransNodeLst() ;
      if ( pMap )
         DpsTransNodeMap::iterator it = pMap->begin() ;
         while( it != pMap->end() )
            ctrlParam._specialNodes.insert( it->second.value ) ;
            ++it ;
   INT32 rtnCoordTransCommit::executeOnDataGroup( MsgHeader *pMsg,
                                                  pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                                  INT64 &contextID,
                                                  rtnContextBuf *buf )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT32 rcTmp = SDB_OK ;
      netMultiRouteAgent *pAgent = pmdGetKRCB()->getCoordCB()->getRouteAgent() ;
      REQUESTID_MAP requestIdMap ;
      REPLY_QUE replyQue;
      DpsTransNodeMap *pNodeMap = cb->getTransNodeLst();
      DpsTransNodeMap::iterator iterMap = pNodeMap->begin();

      while( iterMap != pNodeMap->end() )
         rcTmp = rtnCoordSendRequestToNode( (void *)pMsg, iterMap->second,
                                            pAgent, cb, requestIdMap ) ;
         if ( rcTmp )
            rc = rc ? rc : rcTmp ;
            PD_LOG ( PDWARNING, "Failed to send commit request to the "
                     "node[%s], rc: %d",
                     routeID2String( iterMap->second ).c_str(),
                     rcTmp ) ;
         ++iterMap ;

      rcTmp = rtnCoordGetReply( cb, requestIdMap, replyQue,
                                MAKE_REPLY_TYPE( pMsg->opCode ) ) ;
      if ( rcTmp )
         rc = rc ? rc : rcTmp ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Failed to get the reply, rc: %d", rcTmp ) ;

      while ( !replyQue.empty() )
         MsgOpReply *pReply = NULL;
         pReply = (MsgOpReply *)(replyQue.front());
         rcTmp = pReply->flags ;

         if ( rcTmp != SDB_OK )
            rc = rc ? rc : rcTmp;
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Data node[%s] commit transaction failed, rc: %d",
                    routeID2String( pReply->header.routeID ).c_str(),
                    rcTmp ) ;
         SDB_OSS_FREE( pReply ) ;

      if ( rc )
         goto error ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;