Beispiel #1
void ofApp::onMessage( ofxLibwebsockets::Event& args ){
    cout<<"got message "<<args.message<<endl;
    // trace out string messages or JSON messages!
    if ( !args.json.isNull() ){
        ofPoint point = ofPoint( args.json["point"]["x"].asFloat(), args.json["point"]["y"].asFloat() );
        // for some reason these come across as strings via JSON.stringify!
        int r = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["r"].asString());
        int g = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["g"].asString());
        int b = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["b"].asString());
        ofColor color = ofColor( r, g, b );
        int _id = ofToInt(args.json["id"].asString());
        map<int, Drawing*>::const_iterator it = drawings.find(_id);
        Drawing * d = it->second;
    } else {
    // send all that drawing back to everybody except this one
    vector<ofxLibwebsockets::Connection *> connections = server.getConnections();
    for ( int i=0; i<connections.size(); i++){
        if ( (*connections[i]) != args.conn ){
            connections[i]->send( args.message );
  catch(exception& e){
    ofLogError() << e.what();
Beispiel #2
void ofApp::mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button){
    ofPoint p(x,y);
    map<int, Drawing*>::iterator it = drawings.find(0);
    Drawing * d = it->second;
    server.send( "{\"id\":-1,\"point\":{\"x\":\""+ ofToString(x)+"\",\"y\":\""+ofToString(y)+"\"}," + d->getColorJSON() +"}");
Beispiel #3
void ofApp::mousePressed(int x, int y, int button){

    ofPoint p(x,y);
    map<int, Drawing*>::iterator it = drawings.find(id);
    if ( it == drawings.end() ) return;
    Drawing * d = it->second;
    client.send( "{\"id\":"+ ofToString(id) + ",\"point\":{\"x\":\""+ ofToString(x)+"\",\"y\":\""+ofToString(y)+"\"}," + d->getColorJSON() +"}");
Beispiel #4
void ofApp::onMessage( ofxLibwebsockets::Event& args ){
    cout<<"got message "<<args.message<<endl;
    // trace out string messages or JSON messages!
    if ( !args.json.isNull() ){
        if (!args.json["setup"].isNull()){
            Drawing * d = new Drawing();
            d->_id = args.json["setup"]["id"].asInt();
            // for some reason these come across as strings via JSON.stringify!
            int r = ofToInt(args.json["setup"]["color"]["r"].asString());
            int g = ofToInt(args.json["setup"]["color"]["g"].asString());
            int b = ofToInt(args.json["setup"]["color"]["b"].asString());
            d->color.set(r, g, b);
            drawings.insert( make_pair( d->_id, d ));
            id = d->_id;
            color.set(r, g, b);
            cout << "setup with id:" << id << endl;
        else if (args.json["id"].asInt() != id){
          cout << "received point" << endl;
            ofPoint point = ofPoint( args.json["point"]["x"].asFloat(), args.json["point"]["y"].asFloat() );
            // for some reason these come across as strings via JSON.stringify!
            int r = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["r"].asString());
            int g = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["g"].asString());
            int b = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["b"].asString());
            ofColor color = ofColor( r, g, b );
            int _id = args.json["id"].asInt();
            map<int, Drawing*>::const_iterator it = drawings.find(_id);
            Drawing * d;
            if (it!=drawings.end()){
                d = it->second;
            else {
              d = new Drawing();
              d->_id = _id;
              // for some reason these come across as strings via JSON.stringify!
              int r = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["r"].asString());
              int g = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["g"].asString());
              int b = ofToInt(args.json["color"]["b"].asString());
              d->color.set(r, g, b);
              drawings.insert( make_pair( d->_id, d ));
              cout << "new drawing with id:" << _id << endl;

    } else {
  catch(exception& e){
    ofLogError() << e.what();