Beispiel #1
void TestSite::setUpDxs()
    // Put some dxs on the list.
    // Their names should be the same as the
    // ones in the expected components configuration info.

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<DxCount; i++)
        DxProxy *proxy;

        // create proxies
        proxy = new DxProxy(site_->dxManager());

        // give the dx a name
        stringstream name;
        name << "dxtest" << i;

        cu_assert(proxy->getName() == name.str());

        // register with the site


Beispiel #2
void TestSite::testDxStatus()
    cout << "testDxStatus" << endl;

    DxProxy *proxy = dxList_.front();

    cout << "DxName: " << proxy->getName() << endl;
    cout << proxy->getCachedDxStatus() << endl;
    cout << proxy->getConfiguration();
    cout << proxy->getIntrinsics();
    cout << "Dx bandwidth: " << proxy->getBandwidthInMHz() << endl;

void NssComponentTreeInternal::getDxsConnectedToIfc(IfcProxy *ifcProxy,
						     DxList &outputDxList)

    // First, use the name of the ifcProxy to look up the
    // names of the dxs that are associated with it.

    string ifcName = ifcProxy->getName();

    vector<string> expectedDxNames =

#if 0
    // debug: print the names
    cout << "dxs expected to be attached to ifc: " << ifcName << endl;
    for (vector<string>::iterator it = expectedDxNames.begin();
	 it != expectedDxNames.end(); ++it)
	cout << *it << " ";
    cout << endl;

    // Now go through the dx proxy list.
    // For each proxy whose name is on the expectedDxNames list, add
    // it to the output proxy list.

    DxList & dxProxyList = dxList_;
    for (DxList::iterator it = dxProxyList.begin();
	 it != dxProxyList.end(); ++it)
	DxProxy *dxProxy = *it;
	if (find(expectedDxNames.begin(), expectedDxNames.end(),
		 dxProxy->getName()) != expectedDxNames.end())

Beispiel #4
string DxOperation::runThroughDxList(const string &dxName,
				       Site *site)
   DxList dxList;

   string resultString;

   bool found = false;
   for (DxList::iterator index = dxList.begin();
	index != dxList.end(); ++index)
      DxProxy *dxProxy = *index;
      if ( (dxName == "all") || dxProxy->getName() == dxName)
	 found = true;
	 resultString += callOperation(dxProxy);

   if (found)
      // if the command had no output text of its own,
      // return a generic acknowledgement.
      if (resultString.empty())
	 resultString =  "dx command sent.";
      resultString = "The requested DX(s) are not connected: " + dxName;

   return resultString;

DxList NssComponentTree::getDxsForBeams(std::vector<std::string> beamNames)
    DxList localDxList;

    // Go through list of dx proxies.  For each one whose beam is
    // on the incoming beamNames argument, add it to the local list.

    for (DxList::iterator it = internal_->dxList_.begin();
	 it != internal_->dxList_.end(); ++it)
	DxProxy *dxProxy = *it;

	string beamForDx = internal_->expectedNssComponentsTree_->getBeamForDx(dxProxy->getName());

	if (find(beamNames.begin(), beamNames.end(), beamForDx)
	    != beamNames.end())

    return localDxList;
Beispiel #6
void TestSite::testGetDxsForIfc()
    cout << "testGetDxsForIfc" << endl;

    // Test that the NssComponentTree correctly
    // uses the expectedNssComponentsTree information
    // to return the dx proxies that
    // are attached to each of the IFs.

    // expected ifc/dx configuration:
    // ifctest0: dxtest0 dxtest1
    // ifctest1: dxtest2

    // Note:
    // a proxy for ifctest2 exists, but it is not listed
    // in the configuration info, and so should have no
    // dxs attached.

    NssComponentTree * tree = site_->getAllComponents();

    IfcList &ifcList = tree->getIfcs();
    cu_assert(ifcList.size() == IfcCount);

    // Get the dx proxies for each of the ifcs
    // and make sure they are the right ones.

    unsigned int nIfcsPassed = 0;
    for(IfcList::iterator it = ifcList.begin();
            it != ifcList.end(); ++it)
        IfcProxy *ifcProxy = *it;

        if (ifcProxy->getName() == "ifctest0")
            DxList & dxList = tree->getDxsForIfc(ifcProxy);
            cu_assert(dxList.size() == 2);

            // make sure the names match
            DxList::iterator it;
            for (it = dxList.begin(); it != dxList.end(); ++it)
                DxProxy *proxy = *it;
                cu_assert(proxy->getName() == "dxtest0" ||
                          proxy->getName() == "dxtest1");

        else if (ifcProxy->getName() == "ifctest1")
            DxList & dxList = tree->getDxsForIfc(ifcProxy);
            cu_assert(dxList.size() == 1);

        else if (ifcProxy->getName() == "ifctest2")
            // this one should not have any dxs attached to it

            DxList & dxList = tree->getDxsForIfc(ifcProxy);
            cu_assert(dxList.size() == 0);

        else {

            // unexpected ifc is on the list
            cout << "error: unexpected ifc on the list: "
                 << ifcProxy->getName() << endl;


    cu_assert(nIfcsPassed == IfcCount);

    delete tree;
Beispiel #7
void TestSite::testGetNssComponentTree()
    cout << "testGetNssComponentTree" << endl;

    NssComponentTree * tree = site_->getAllComponents();

    DxList &dxList = tree->getDxs();
    cu_assert(dxList.size() == DxCount);

    // make sure all the dxs in the component tree are
    // on the original list used to create it
    for(DxList::iterator it = dxList.begin();
            it != dxList.end(); ++it)
        DxProxy *proxy = *it;

        cout << proxy->getName() << endl;

        cu_assert(find(dxList_.begin(), dxList_.end(), proxy)
                  != dxList_.end());

    IfcList &ifcList = tree->getIfcs();
    cu_assert(ifcList.size() == IfcCount);

    // make sure all the ifcs in the component tree are
    // on the original list used to create it
    for(IfcList::iterator it = ifcList.begin();
            it != ifcList.end(); ++it)
        IfcProxy *proxy = *it;

        cout << proxy->getName() << endl;

        cu_assert(find(ifcList_.begin(), ifcList_.end(), proxy)
                  != ifcList_.end());

    vector<string> beamNames;

    IfcList ifcsForBeams(tree->getIfcsForBeams(beamNames));
    cu_assert(ifcsForBeams.size() == 2);

    for (IfcList::iterator it = ifcsForBeams.begin();
            it != ifcsForBeams.end(); ++it)
        IfcProxy *proxy = *it;
        cu_assert(proxy->getName() == "ifctest0" ||
                  proxy->getName() == "ifctest1");

    DxList dxsForBeams(tree->getDxsForBeams(beamNames));
    cu_assert(dxsForBeams.size() == 3);
    for (DxList::iterator it = dxsForBeams.begin();
            it != dxsForBeams.end(); ++it)
        DxProxy *proxy = *it;
        cu_assert(proxy->getName() == "dxtest0"
                  || proxy->getName() == "dxtest1"
                  || proxy->getName() == "dxtest2");

    TscopeList &tscopeList = tree->getTscopes();
    cu_assert(tscopeList.size() == TscopeCount);

    TestSigList &testSigList = tree->getTestSigs();
    cu_assert(testSigList.size() == 0);

    delete tree;