Beispiel #1
void EarthquakeApp::parseEarthquakes( const string &url )
	XmlDocument doc( loadUrlStream( url ) );
	vector<XmlElement> items( doc.rootNode().children() );

	for( vector<XmlElement>::iterator itemIter = items.begin(); itemIter != items.end(); ++itemIter ) {
		if( itemIter->name() == "entry" ) {
			// Title is in the form "M 3.3, Puerto Rico region"
			const XmlElement &titleEl = itemIter->findChild( "title" );
			istringstream titleString( titleEl.value() );
			string dummy, title;
			float magnitude;
			titleString.ignore( 2, ' ' );
			titleString >> magnitude;
			titleString.ignore( 2, ' ' );
			char lineBuffer[512];
			titleString.getline( lineBuffer, 511 );
			title = string( lineBuffer );
			const XmlElement &locationEl = itemIter->findChild( "georss:point" );
			istringstream locationString( locationEl.value() );
			Vec2f locationVector;
			locationString >> locationVector.x >> locationVector.y;
			mEarth.addQuake( locationVector.x, locationVector.y, magnitude, title );
void EarthquakeApp::parseEarthquakes( const string &url )
	try {
		const JsonTree json( loadUrl( url ) );
		for( auto &feature : json["features"].getChildren() ) {
			auto &coords = feature["geometry"]["coordinates"];
			float mag = feature["properties"]["mag"].getValue<float>();
			string title = feature["properties"]["title"].getValue();
			mEarth.addQuake( coords[0].getValue<float>(), coords[1].getValue<float>(), mag, title );
	catch( ci::Exception &exc ) {
		console() << "Failed to parse json, what: " << exc.what() << std::endl;
	//mEarth.addQuake( 37.7f, -122.0f, 8.6f, "San Francisco" );
void EarthquakeApp::parseEarthquakes( const string &url )
	const XmlTree xml( loadUrl( Url( url ) ) );
	for( XmlTree::ConstIter itemIter = xml.begin( "feed/entry" ); itemIter != xml.end(); ++itemIter ) {
		string titleLine( itemIter->getChild( "title" ).getValue() );
		size_t firstComma = titleLine.find( ',' );
		float magnitude = fromString<float>( titleLine.substr( titleLine.find( ' ' ) + 1, firstComma - 2 ) );
		string title = titleLine.substr( firstComma + 2 );

		istringstream locationString( itemIter->getChild( "georss:point" ).getValue() );
		Vec2f locationVector;
		locationString >> locationVector.x >> locationVector.y;
		mEarth.addQuake( locationVector.x, locationVector.y, magnitude, title );		
	console() << xml << std::endl;
	//mEarth.addQuake( 37.7f, -122.0f, 8.6f, "San Francisco" );