int main()
	ElementArray elementArray;
	// 데이터 구성
	size_t elementSize, intervalSize;
	cin >> elementSize >> intervalSize;

	elementArray.assign(elementSize, 0);
	// 각 원소 입력
	for (size_t i = 0; i < elementArray.size(); i++)
		cin >> elementArray[i];

	// 각 구간별 최대값 계산 & 출력
	for (size_t i = 0; i < intervalSize; i++)
		size_t begin;
		size_t end;

		cin >> begin >> end;
		cout << elementArray.calcMax(begin - 1, end) << endl;

#ifdef _WIN32
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
TEST(ArrayTest, testConstruction)

	// fundamental type
	typedef Poco::Array<float,6> FloatArray;
	FloatArray a = { { 42.f } };

	for (unsigned i=1; i<a.size(); ++i) {
		a[i] = a[i-1]+1.f;

	// copy constructor and assignment operator
	FloatArray b(a);
	FloatArray c;
	c = a;
	EXPECT_TRUE (a==b && a==c);

	typedef Poco::Array<double,6> DArray;
	typedef Poco::Array<int,6> IArray;
	IArray ia = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }};
	DArray da;
	da = ia;

	// user-defined type
	typedef Poco::Array<Element,10> ElementArray;
	ElementArray g;

	for (unsigned i=0; i<g.size(); ++i) {
		g[i]._data = i;

	for (unsigned i=0; i<g.size(); ++i) {
		EXPECT_TRUE(g[i]._data == i);

Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	double nx = 2.0/7.0, ny = 6.0/7.0, nz = 3.0/7.0;
	double px = 0.5, py = 0.5, pz = 0.5;

	if( argc < 2 )
		std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " mesh [mesh_out=grid.pmf] [nx=0] [ny=0] [nz=1] [px=0.5] [py=0.5] [pz=0.5]" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	std::string grid_out = "grid.pmf";

	if( argc > 2 ) grid_out = std::string(argv[2]);
	if( argc > 3 ) nx = atof(argv[3]);
	if( argc > 4 ) ny = atof(argv[4]);
	if( argc > 5 ) nz = atof(argv[5]);
	if( argc > 6 ) px = atof(argv[6]);
	if( argc > 7 ) py = atof(argv[7]);
	if( argc > 8 ) pz = atof(argv[8]);

	double d = nx*px+ny*py+nz*pz;

	Mesh m;

	std::cout << "Cells: " << m.NumberOfCells() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Faces: " << m.NumberOfFaces() << std::endl;

	MarkerType slice = m.CreateMarker();
	int nslice = 0, nmark = 0;
	for(Mesh::iteratorEdge it = m.BeginEdge(); it != m.EndEdge(); ++it)
		double p[3];
		Storage::real_array c0 = it->getBeg()->Coords();
		Storage::real_array c1 = it->getEnd()->Coords();
		double r0 = c0[0]*nx+c0[1]*ny+c0[2]*nz - d;
		double r1 = c1[0]*nx+c1[1]*ny+c1[2]*nz - d;
		//std::cout << "r0 " << r0 << " r1 " << r1 << std::endl;
		if( r0*r1 < -1.0e-12 )
			p[0] = (r0*c1[0] - r1*c0[0])/(r0-r1);
			p[1] = (r0*c1[1] - r1*c0[1])/(r0-r1);
			p[2] = (r0*c1[2] - r1*c0[2])/(r0-r1);
			//std::cout << "p " << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << std::endl;
			Node n = m.CreateNode(p);
			n.Bulk(sliced) = 1;
			bool was_sliced = it->HaveData(sliced) ? true : false;
			ElementArray<Edge> ret = Edge::SplitEdge(it->self(),ElementArray<Node>(&m,1,n.GetHandle()),0);
			if( was_sliced ) for(int q = 0; q < ret.size(); ++q) ret[q]->Bulk(sliced) = 1;
			if( fabs(r0) < 1.0e-6 )
			if( fabs(r1) < 1.0e-6 )

	std::cout << "sliced edges: " << nslice << " marked nodes: " << nmark << std::endl;

	if( !Element::CheckConnectivity(&m) )
		std::cout << "Connectivity is broken" << std::endl;
	nslice = 0;
	for(Mesh::iteratorFace it = m.BeginFace(); it != m.EndFace(); ++it)
		ElementArray<Node> nodes = it->getNodes(slice); //those nodes should be ordered so that each pair forms an edge
		if( nodes.size() > 1 ) // if there is 1, then only one vertex touches the plane
			//if there is more then two, then original face is non-convex
			if( nodes.size() > 2 ) std::cout << "Looks like face " << it->LocalID() << " is nonconvex" << std::endl;
				Edge e = m.CreateEdge(nodes).first;
				e.Bulk(sliced) = 1;
				bool was_sliced = it->HaveData(sliced) ? true : false;
				ElementArray<Face> ret = Face::SplitFace(it->self(),ElementArray<Edge>(&m,1,e.GetHandle()),0);
				if( was_sliced ) for(int q = 0; q < ret.size(); ++q) ret[q]->Bulk(sliced) = 1;
		//else std::cout << "Only one adjacent slice node, face " << it->LocalID() << std::endl;

	nmark = 0;
	for(Mesh::iteratorEdge it = m.BeginEdge(); it != m.EndEdge(); ++it)
		if( !it->GetMarker(slice) && it->getBeg()->GetMarker(slice) && it->getEnd()->GetMarker(slice) )

	std::cout << "sliced faces: " << nslice << " marked edges: " << nmark << std::endl;

	if( !Element::CheckConnectivity(&m) )
		std::cout << "Connectivity is broken" << std::endl;
	nslice = 0;
	MarkerType visited = m.CreateMarker();
	for(Mesh::iteratorCell it = m.BeginCell(); it != m.EndCell(); ++it)
		ElementArray<Edge> edges = it->getEdges(slice);
		if( edges.size() >= 3 ) //these should form a triangle
			//order edges
			ElementArray<Edge> order_edges(&m);
			while(order_edges.size() != edges.size() )
				for(int k = 0; k < edges.size(); ++k) if( !edges[k]->GetMarker(visited) )
					if( edges[k]->getBeg() == order_edges.back()->getBeg() || edges[k]->getBeg() == order_edges.back()->getEnd() ||
						edges[k]->getEnd() == order_edges.back()->getBeg() || edges[k]->getEnd() == order_edges.back()->getEnd() )
			Face f = m.CreateFace(order_edges).first;
			f.Bulk(sliced) = 1;

	std::cout << "sliced cells: " << nslice << std::endl;
	if( !Element::CheckConnectivity(&m) )
		std::cout << "Connectivity is broken" << std::endl;

	Tag material = m.CreateTag("MATERIAL",DATA_INTEGER,CELL,NONE,1);

	for(Mesh::iteratorCell it = m.BeginCell(); it != m.EndCell(); ++it)
		double cnt[3];
		double v = cnt[0]*nx+cnt[1]*ny+cnt[2]*nz-d;
		if( v < 0.0 )
			it->Integer(material) = 0;
			it->Integer(material) = 1;


	return 0;
Beispiel #4
ConvectionDiffusion::ConvectionDiffusion(Mesh * _m, Tag _tag_U, Tag _tag_K, Tag _tag_BC, MarkerType _boundary_face, bool correct_convection, bool correct_diffusion) 
		: m(_m), tag_U(_tag_U), tag_K(_tag_K), tag_BC(_tag_BC), boundary_face(_boundary_face)
	perform_correction_diffusion = correct_convection;
	perform_correction_convection = correct_diffusion;
	if( tag_U.isValid() )
		//4 entries - triplet for upwind corrector, including the cell
		//back cell corrector
		tag_CONV_CB = m->CreateTag("CONV_BACK_COEFS"   ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,4);
		tag_CONV_RB = m->CreateTag("CONV_BACK_RHS"     ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,1);
		//front cell corrector
		tag_CONV_CF = m->CreateTag("CONV_FRONT_COEFS"  ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,4);
		tag_CONV_RF = m->CreateTag("CONV_FRONT_RHS"    ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,1);
		tag_CONV_RU = m->CreateTag("CONV_UPSTREAM_RHS" ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,1);
		tag_CONV_F = m->CreateTag("CONV_FLAG"          ,DATA_BULK     ,FACE,NONE,1);
	if( tag_K.isValid() )
		//4 entries - triplet for transversal corrector, including the cell
		//back cell corrector
		tag_DIFF_CB = m->CreateTag("DIFF_BACK_COEFS"   ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,4);
		tag_DIFF_RB = m->CreateTag("DIFF_BACK_RHS"     ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,1);
		//front cell corrector
		tag_DIFF_CF = m->CreateTag("DIFF_FRONT_COEFS"  ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,4);
		tag_DIFF_RF = m->CreateTag("DIFF_FRONT_RHS"    ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,1);
		//two-point transmissibility
		tag_DIFF_CT = m->CreateTag("DIFF_TP_COEF"      ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,1);
		tag_DIFF_RT = m->CreateTag("DIFF_TP_RHS"       ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,1);
		tag_DIFF_VT = m->CreateTag("DIFF_TP_CORR"      ,DATA_REAL     ,FACE,NONE,6);
		tag_DIFF_F = m->CreateTag("DIFF_FLAG"          ,DATA_BULK     ,FACE,NONE,1);

	build_flux = 0;
	if( m->GetProcessorsNumber() > 1 )
		build_flux = m->CreateMarker();
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp for
		for(integer q = 0; q < m->FaceLastLocalID(); ++q ) if( m->isValidFace(q) )
			Face fKL = m->FaceByLocalID(q);
			Element::Status stat = fKL->BackCell()->GetStatus();
			if( fKL->FrontCell().isValid() ) stat |= fKL->FrontCell()->GetStatus();
			if( stat & (Element::Shared | Element::Owned) )

	initialization_failure = false; //there is a failure during intialization
	//Precompute two-point part, transversal correction direction,
	// upstream and upstream correction directions and flags
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp parallel
		//private memory
		rMatrix	xK(1,3), //center of cell K
				yK(1,3), //projection of xK onto interface
				xL(1,3), //center of cell L
				yL(1,3), //projection of xL onto interface
				xKL(1,3), //center of face common to K and L
				nKL(1,3), //normal vector to face
				KKn(1,3), //co-normal at cell K
				KLn(1,3), //co-normal at cell L
				v(1,3), //vector for correction
				uK(1,3), //vector for upwind correction in back cell
				uL(1,3), //vector for upwind correction in front cell
				r(1,3), //path to reach upstream concentration from downstream concentration
				KK(3,3), //tenosr at cell K
				KL(3,3), //tensor at cell L
				KD(3,3), //difference of tensors
				gammaK(1,3), //transversal part of co-normal at cell K
				gammaL(1,3),  //transversal part of co-normal at cell L
				iT(3,3), //heterogeneous interpolation tensor
				iC(1,3) //heterogeneous interpolation correction
		real	A, //area of the face
				U, //normal component of the velocity
				C, //coefficient for upstream cell
				T, //two-point transmissibility
				R, //right hand side
				dK, //distance from center to interface at cell K
				dL, //distance from center to interface at cell L
				lambdaK, //projection of co-normal onto normal at cell K
				lambdaL //projection of co-normal onto normal at cell L
		const real eps = degenerate_diffusion_regularization;
		Cell cK, cL, cU;
		Face fKL;
		bulk flag_DIFF, flag_CONV;
		U = 0.0;
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp for
		for(integer q = 0; q < m->FaceLastLocalID(); ++q ) if( m->isValidFace(q) )
			fKL = m->FaceByLocalID(q);
			if( !BuildFlux(fKL) ) continue;

			A = fKL.Area();
			if( tag_U.isValid() ) U = fKL.Real(tag_U);
			cK = fKL.BackCell();
			cL = fKL.FrontCell();
			dK = nKL.DotProduct(xKL-xK);
			yK = xK + dK*nKL;
			if( tag_K.isValid() )
				KK = rMatrix::FromTensor(cK.RealArray(tag_K).data(),cK.RealArray(tag_K).size());//.Transpose();
			KKn = nKL*KK;
			lambdaK = nKL.DotProduct(KKn);
			gammaK = KKn - lambdaK*nKL;
			//Diffusion part
			if( cL.isValid() ) //internal, both cells are present
				dL = nKL.DotProduct(xL-xKL);
				yL = xL - dL*nKL;
				if( tag_K.isValid() )
					KL = rMatrix::FromTensor(cL.RealArray(tag_K).data(),cL.RealArray(tag_K).size());//.Transpose();
				KLn = nKL*KL;
				lambdaL = nKL.DotProduct(KLn);
				gammaL = KLn - lambdaL*nKL;
				//don't forget the area!
				R = 0;
				if( split_diffusion )
					uK = A * (lambdaK*lambdaL*(yK-yL) + lambdaL*dK*gammaK + lambdaK*dL*gammaL)/(dK*lambdaL+dL*lambdaK + 1.0e-100);
					uL = uK;
					T = A * lambdaK*lambdaL/(dK*lambdaL+dL*lambdaK + 1.0e-100);
				else //un-splitted diffusion
					uK = A * KKn;
					uL = A * KLn;
					T = 0;

				if( uK.FrobeniusNorm() > 0 || uL.FrobeniusNorm() > 0 )
					flag_DIFF = 3;
					flag_DIFF = 2;
			else if( fKL.GetMarker(boundary_face) ) //boundary interface
				//don't forget the area!
				if( split_diffusion )
					uK = KKn - ((xKL - xK) * lambdaK / dK);
					T = lambdaK / dK;
				else //un-splitted diffusion
					uK = KKn;
					T = 0;
				real bcconds[3] = {0.0,1.0,0.0}; //pure neumann boundary condition
				if( tag_BC.isValid() && fKL.HaveData(tag_BC) ) //are there boundary conditions on face?
					//retrive boundary conditions
					real_array bc = fKL.RealArray(tag_BC);
					bcconds[0] = bc[0];
					bcconds[1] = bc[1];
					bcconds[2] = bc[2];

				//account for boundary conditions
				R  = A*T*bcconds[2]/(bcconds[0] + bcconds[1]*T + 1.0e-100);
				uK *=A*  bcconds[0]/(bcconds[0] + bcconds[1]*T + 1.0e-100);
				T  *=A*  bcconds[0]/(bcconds[0] + bcconds[1]*T + 1.0e-100);
				//on BC
				if( uK.FrobeniusNorm() > 0 )
					flag_DIFF = 1;
					flag_DIFF = 0;
			else std::cout << "No adjacent cell on non-boundary face" << std::endl;
			//record data for diffusion part
			if( tag_K.isValid() )
				fKL.Bulk(tag_DIFF_F) = flag_DIFF;
				fKL.Real(tag_DIFF_RT) = R;
				fKL.Real(tag_DIFF_CT) = T;
				real_array VT = fKL.RealArray(tag_DIFF_VT);
				VT[0] = uK(0,0);
				VT[1] = uK(0,1);
				VT[2] = uK(0,2);
				VT[3] = -uL(0,0);
				VT[4] = -uL(0,1);
				VT[5] = -uL(0,2);
			//Advection part
			C = 0.0;
			cU = InvalidCell();
			R = 0;
			if( U > 0.0 ) //flow out of back cell to front cell
				cU = cK;
				C = U*A;
				//upstream corrector
				uK = (xK - xKL)*U*A;
				//downstream corrector
				if( cL.isValid() ) //internal face
					r0 = r = xK - xL;
					if( tag_K.isValid() ) //heterogeneous media
						KD = KL - KK;
						if( KD.FrobeniusNorm() > 0.0 ) 
							KD /= lambdaK + eps;
							iT = (rMatrix::Unit(3) + nKL.Transpose()*nKL*KD);
							iC = -nKL*dL*KD;
							r = (r*iT - iC)*(lambdaK/(lambdaK+eps)) + r*(eps/(lambdaK+eps));
							//r = (r*iT - iC)*(lambdaK/(lambdaK+eps)) + (r + nKL*(KL-KK)/(U+eps))*(eps/(lambdaK+eps));
					uL = (xKL - xL - r)*U*A;
					flag_CONV = 2; //internal
				else if( fKL.GetMarker(boundary_face) ) flag_CONV = 1; //on outlet BC
				else std::cout << "No adjacent cell on non-boundary face" << std::endl;
			else if( U < 0.0 ) //flow out of front cell to back cell
				if( cL.isValid() ) //internal face
					cU = cL;
					C = U*A;
					uL = (xKL - xL)*U*A;
					r = xL - xK;
					if( tag_K.isValid() ) //heterogeneous media
						KD = KK - KL;
						if( KD.FrobeniusNorm() > 0.0 ) 
							KD /= lambdaL + eps;
							iT = (rMatrix::Unit(3) + nKL.Transpose()*nKL*KD);
							iC = nKL*dK*KD;
							r = (r*iT - iC)*(lambdaL/(lambdaL+eps)) + r*(eps/(lambdaL+eps));
							//r = (r*iT - iC)*(lambdaL/(lambdaL+eps)) + (r + nKL*(KK-KL)/(U-eps))*(eps/(lambdaL+eps));
					uK = (r + xK - xKL)*U*A;
					flag_CONV = 2; //internal
				else if( fKL.GetMarker(boundary_face) )//boundary face
					real bcconds[3] = {0.0,1.0,0.0}; //pure neumann boundary condition
					if( tag_BC.isValid() && fKL.HaveData(tag_BC) ) //are there boundary conditions on face?
						//retrive boundary conditions
						real_array bc = fKL.RealArray(tag_BC);
						bcconds[0] = bc[0];
						bcconds[1] = bc[1];
						bcconds[2] = bc[2];
					if( bcconds[0] > 0 && fabs(bcconds[1]) < 1.0e-7 ) //Dirichlet BC
						C = 0;
						R = U*A*bcconds[2]/bcconds[0];
						flag_CONV = 0; //on inlet BC
					else if( tag_K.isValid() ) //get expression out of diffusion
						v = - A * (KKn - (xKL - xK) * lambdaK / dK);
						T =   A * lambdaK / dK;
						cU = cK;
						C = U*A*T*bcconds[1]/(bcconds[0] + bcconds[1]*T + 1.0e-100);
						R = U*A  *bcconds[2]/(bcconds[0] + bcconds[1]*T + 1.0e-100);
						uK =U*A*v*bcconds[1]/(bcconds[0] + bcconds[1]*T + 1.0e-100);
						flag_CONV = 1; //treat as outlet BC
						if( bcconds[0] > 0 && bcconds[1] > 0 ) //Mixed BC
							initialization_failure = true;
							std::cout << "Mixed BC type on inlet boundary face " << fKL->LocalID() << " is inconsistent for pure advection" << std::endl;
						else  if( bcconds[1] > 0 ) // Neumann BC
							initialization_failure = true;
							std::cout << "Neumann BC type on inlet boundary face " << fKL->LocalID() << " is inconsistent for pure advection" << std::endl;
				else std::cout << "No adjacent cell on non-boundary face" << std::endl;
			else flag_CONV = 0; //otherwise velocity is zero, no flow through face
			//record data for advection part
			if( tag_U.isValid() )
				fKL.Bulk(tag_CONV_F) = flag_CONV;
				fKL.Real(tag_CONV_CU) = C;
				fKL.Reference(tag_CONV_EU) = cU.GetHandle();
				fKL.Real(tag_CONV_RU) = R;
				real_array VU = fKL.RealArray(tag_CONV_VU);
				VU[0] = uK(0,0);
				VU[1] = uK(0,1);
				VU[2] = uK(0,2);
				VU[3] = uL(0,0);
				VU[4] = uL(0,1);
				VU[5] = uL(0,2);
			} // tag_U is defined
		} // for q
	} //openmp
	Tag failure = m->CreateTag("FAILURE",DATA_INTEGER,CELL,NONE,1);
	//Compute triplets
	integer negative = 0, total = 0;
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp parallel reduction(+:negative,total)
		Cell cK; //current cell
		Face fKL;
		ElementArray<Face> faces; //faces of the cell
		std::vector<Stencil> compute; //approximations to be computed
		Tag tag_iC, tag_iT; //temporary data used for interpolation tensors
			std::stringstream name;
			name << "INTERPOLATION_TENSOR_" << m->GetLocalProcessorRank();
			tag_iT = m->CreateTag(name.str(),DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE);
			name << "INTERPOLATION_CORRECTION_" << m->GetLocalProcessorRank();
			tag_iC = m->CreateTag(name.str(),DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE);
		bulk flag;
		real_array v;
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp for 
		for(integer q = 0; q < m->CellLastLocalID(); ++q ) if( m->isValidCell(q) )
			cK = m->CellByLocalID(q);
			faces = cK.getFaces();
			for(integer k = 0; k < faces.size(); ++k)
				fKL = faces[k];

				if( !BuildFlux(fKL) ) continue;
				//Diffusion stencils
				if( tag_K.isValid() )
					flag = fKL.Bulk(tag_DIFF_F);
					if( flag == 3 || flag == 1 )
						Stencil s;
						s.type = DIFFUSION;
						if( fKL.FaceOrientedOutside(cK) )
							s.coefs = fKL.RealArray(tag_DIFF_CB);
							s.elems = fKL.ReferenceArray(tag_DIFF_EB);
							s.rhs = &fKL.Real(tag_DIFF_RB);
							v = fKL.RealArray(tag_DIFF_VT);
							s.v[0] = v[0];
							s.v[1] = v[1];
							s.v[2] = v[2];
							s.sign = 1;
							s.coefs = fKL.RealArray(tag_DIFF_CF);
							s.elems = fKL.ReferenceArray(tag_DIFF_EF);
							s.rhs = &fKL.Real(tag_DIFF_RF);
							v = fKL.RealArray(tag_DIFF_VT);
							s.v[0] = v[3];
							s.v[1] = v[4];
							s.v[2] = v[5];
							s.sign = -1;
						if( s.v[0]*s.v[0] + s.v[1]*s.v[1] + s.v[2]*s.v[2] > 0.0 )
				//Advection stencils
				if( tag_U.isValid() )
					flag = fKL.Bulk(tag_CONV_F);
					if( flag >= 2 || flag == 1 )
						Stencil s;
						s.type = CONVECTION;
						if( fKL.FaceOrientedOutside(cK) )
							s.coefs = fKL.RealArray(tag_CONV_CB);
							s.elems = fKL.ReferenceArray(tag_CONV_EB);
							s.rhs = &fKL.Real(tag_CONV_RB);
							v = fKL.RealArray(tag_CONV_VU);
							s.v[0] = v[0];
							s.v[1] = v[1];
							s.v[2] = v[2];
							s.sign = -1;
							s.coefs = fKL.RealArray(tag_CONV_CF);
							s.elems = fKL.ReferenceArray(tag_CONV_EF);
							s.rhs = &fKL.Real(tag_CONV_RF);
							v = fKL.RealArray(tag_CONV_VU);
							s.v[0] = v[3];
							s.v[1] = v[4];
							s.v[2] = v[5];
							s.sign = 1;
						if( s.v[0]*s.v[0] + s.v[1]*s.v[1] + s.v[2]*s.v[2] > 0.0 )
			//Gathered all the stencils at once
			if( !compute.empty() )
				if( !find_stencils(cK,compute,tag_BC,tag_K,tag_iT,tag_iC,boundary_face,bridge_layers,degenerate_diffusion_regularization,max_layers) )
					initialization_failure = true;
					cK.Integer(failure) = 1;
					std::cout << "Cannot find stencil for cell " << cK->LocalID() << std::endl;
					for(size_t it = 0; it < compute.size(); ++it)
						if( !compute[it].computed )
							std::cout << (compute[it].type == DIFFUSION ? "Diffusion" : "Advection");
							std::cout << " vec (" << compute[it].v[0] << "," << compute[it].v[1] << "," << compute[it].v[2] << ")";
							std::cout << std::endl;
					std::cout << "Total: " << compute.size() << std::endl;
				else for(size_t it = 0; it < compute.size(); ++it)
					if( !compute[it].nonnegative ) negative++;
				total += (integer)compute.size();
		} //end of loop over cells
		//release interpolation tags
	} //openmp

	negative = m->Integrate(negative);
	total = m->Integrate(total);
	if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 )
			std::cout << " negative flux approximation: " << negative << "/" << total << std::endl;

	{ //Synchronize initialization_failure
		integer sync = (initialization_failure ? 1 : 0);
		sync = m->Integrate(sync);
		if( sync ) initialization_failure = true;
	if( !initialization_failure )