Beispiel #1
// convert an elf file to a dol file
// args:        dol file object
//                        elf filename
// returns:        true if successful
bool convertElfFileToDol(DolFile& dolFile, const char *elfFilename)
        // open elf input file
        ElfFile elfFile;
                return false;
                printf("Elf file doesnt seem to be for PPC!\n");
        // create a temp file to store section data during copy
        FILE* temp_fd = fopen("~temp.tmp", "w+b");
        if(temp_fd == 0)
                return false;
        // check which sections to add to dol file
        for(u32 i=0; i<elfFile.getNumSections(); i++)
                // check if section type is 'PROGBITS'
                // these are the sections required for the dol file
                if(elfFile.getSectionType(i) == SHT_PROGBITS)
                        // get section data from elf file
                        fseek(temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
                        elfFile.extractSectionData(i, temp_fd);
                        fseek(temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
                        // sections with 'EXEC' flags are program code, and so
                        // should be added as a TEXT section in the dol file
                        if(elfFile.getSectionFlags(i) & SHF_EXECINSTR)
                                // add section data to dol file
                                dolFile.addTextSection(temp_fd, elfFile.getSectionAddress(i), elfFile.getSectionSize(i));
                                // add section data to dol file
                                if (elfFile.getSectionAddress(i) != 0 && elfFile.getSectionSize(i) != 0)
                                      dolFile.addDataSection(temp_fd, elfFile.getSectionAddress(i), elfFile.getSectionSize(i));
                        // check for bss section by checking section name for '.bss'
                        char *name = 0;
                        if(elfFile.getSectionName(i, name) != ERROR_RETURN)
                                if(strcasecmp(name, ".bss") == 0)
                                delete[] name;
        // set dol files entry point
        // finish up
        printf(        "\nConverted %s to %s\n", elfFilename, dolFile.getFilename());
        return true;
Beispiel #2
// dump dol file to an elf file
// args:        dol file object
// returns:        true if successful
bool dumpDolToElfFile(const DolFile& dolFile)
        // work out filename to use for elf file
        char elfFilename[256];
        strcpy(elfFilename, dolFile.getFilename());
        ChangeFileExtension(elfFilename, "elf");
        // create elf output file
        ElfFile elfFile;
        if(!elfFile.create(elfFilename, ELFDATA2MSB))
                return false;
        // set elf file as PPC
        // set entry point in elf file
        // create a temp file to store section data during copy
        FILE* temp_fd = fopen("~temp.tmp", "w+b");
        if(temp_fd == 0)
                return false;
        char name[32];
        // add dol text sections to elf file
        for(u32 i=0; i<dolFile.getNumTextSections(); i++)
                // get section data from dol file
                fseek(temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
                dolFile.extractTextSection(i, temp_fd);
                sprintf(name, ".text%d", i);
                // add section data to elf file
                fseek(temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
                elfFile.addSection(temp_fd, dolFile.getTextAddress(i), dolFile.getTextSize(i),
                        name, SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC|SHF_EXECINSTR, 32);
                // add a program header for the section just added
                // the section just added, was added as the last section
//                u32 offset = elfFile.getSectionOffset(elfFile.getNumSections() - 1);
//                elfFile.addProgramHeader(dolFile.getTextAddress(i), dolFile.getTextSize(i), offset, PT_LOAD, PF_EXEC|PF_READ, 32);
        // add dol data sections to elf file
        for(u32    i=0; i<dolFile.getNumDataSections(); i++)
                // get section data from dol file
                fseek(temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
                dolFile.extractDataSection(i, temp_fd);
                sprintf(name, ".data%d", i);
                // add section data to elf file
                fseek(temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
                elfFile.addSection(temp_fd, dolFile.getDataAddress(i), dolFile.getDataSize(i),
                        name, SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC|SHF_WRITE, 32);
                // add a program header for the section just added
                // the section just added, was added as the last section
//                u32 offset = elfFile.getSectionOffset(elfFile.getNumSections() - 1);
//                elfFile.addProgramHeader(dolFile.getDataAddress(i), dolFile.getDataSize(i), offset, PT_LOAD, PF_WRITE|PF_READ, 32);
        // add bss section to elf file
        elfFile.addSectionHeader(dolFile.getBssAddress(), dolFile.getBssSize(),
                ".bss", 0, SHT_NOBITS, SHF_WRITE|SHF_ALLOC, 1);
        // add a program header for the section just added
        // the section just added, was added as the last section
//        u32 index = elfFile.getNumSections() - 1;
//        elfFile.addProgramHeader(elfFile.getSectionAddress(index), elfFile.getSectionSize(index), elfFile.getSectionOffset(index), PT_LOAD, PF_WRITE|PF_READ, 32);
        // finish up
        printf(        "\nConverted %s to to %s\n", dolFile.getFilename(), elfFilename);
        return true;