operator()( OriginalTypeRef orig )
  origObj_ = &orig;

  assert( !orig.IndicesAreGlobal() );

  //test if matrix has missing local columns in its col std::map
  const Epetra_Map & RowMap = orig.RowMap();
  const Epetra_Map & DomainMap = orig.DomainMap();
  const Epetra_Map & ColMap = orig.ColMap();
  const Epetra_Comm & Comm = RowMap.Comm();
  int NumMyRows = RowMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumCols = DomainMap.NumMyElements();
  int Match = 0;
  for( int i = 0; i < NumCols; ++i )
    if( DomainMap.GID(i) != ColMap.GID(i) )
      Match = 1;

  int MatchAll = 0;
  Comm.SumAll( &Match, &MatchAll, 1 );

  if( !MatchAll )
    newObj_ = origObj_;
    //create ColMap with all local rows included
    std::vector<int> Cols(NumCols);
    //fill Cols list with GIDs of all local columns 
    for( int i = 0; i < NumCols; ++i )
      Cols[i] = DomainMap.GID(i);

    //now append to Cols any ghost column entries
    int NumMyCols = ColMap.NumMyElements();
    for( int i = 0; i < NumMyCols; ++i )
      if( !DomainMap.MyGID( ColMap.GID(i) ) ) Cols.push_back( ColMap.GID(i) );
    int NewNumMyCols = Cols.size();
    int NewNumGlobalCols;
    Comm.SumAll( &NewNumMyCols, &NewNumGlobalCols, 1 );
    //create new column std::map
    NewColMap_ = new Epetra_Map( NewNumGlobalCols, NewNumMyCols,&Cols[0], DomainMap.IndexBase(), Comm );

    //New Graph
    std::vector<int> NumIndicesPerRow( NumMyRows );
    for( int i = 0; i < NumMyRows; ++i )
      NumIndicesPerRow[i] = orig.NumMyEntries(i);
    NewGraph_ = new Epetra_CrsGraph( Copy, RowMap, *NewColMap_, &NumIndicesPerRow[0] );

    int MaxNumEntries = orig.MaxNumEntries();
    int NumEntries;
    std::vector<int> Indices( MaxNumEntries );
    for( int i = 0; i < NumMyRows; ++i )
      int RowGID = RowMap.GID(i);
      orig.Graph().ExtractGlobalRowCopy( RowGID, MaxNumEntries, NumEntries, &Indices[0] );
      NewGraph_->InsertGlobalIndices( RowGID, NumEntries, &Indices[0] );
    const Epetra_Map & RangeMap = orig.RangeMap();

    //intial construction of matrix 
    Epetra_CrsMatrix * NewMatrix = new Epetra_CrsMatrix( View, *NewGraph_ );

    //insert views of row values
    int * myIndices;
    double * myValues;
    int indicesCnt;
    int numMyRows = NewMatrix->NumMyRows();
    for( int i = 0; i < numMyRows; ++i )
      orig.ExtractMyRowView( i, indicesCnt, myValues, myIndices );
      NewGraph_->ExtractMyRowView( i, indicesCnt, myIndices );

      NewMatrix->InsertMyValues( i, indicesCnt, myValues, myIndices );


    newObj_ = NewMatrix;

  return *newObj_;