// Defined by the WebCrypto spec as:
//     typedef Uint8Array BigInteger;
bool getBigInteger(const Dictionary& raw, const char* propertyName, RefPtr<Uint8Array>& array, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    if (!getUint8Array(raw, propertyName, array, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    if (!array->byteLength()) {
        errorDetails = context.toString(propertyName, "BigInteger should not be empty");
        return false;

    if (!raw.get(propertyName, array) || !array) {
        errorDetails = context.toString(propertyName, "Missing or not a Uint8Array");
        return false;
    return true;
bool getUint8Array(const Dictionary& raw, const char* propertyName, RefPtr<Uint8Array>& array, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    if (!raw.get(propertyName, array) || !array) {
        errorDetails = context.toString(propertyName, "Missing or not a Uint8Array");
        return false;
    return true;
// Defined by the WebCrypto spec as:
//     typedef (ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView) CryptoOperationData;
// FIXME: Currently only supports ArrayBufferView.
bool getCryptoOperationData(const Dictionary& raw, const char* propertyName, RefPtr<ArrayBufferView>& buffer, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    bool hasProperty;
    bool ok = getOptionalCryptoOperationData(raw, propertyName, hasProperty, buffer, context, errorDetails);
    if (!hasProperty) {
        errorDetails = context.toString(propertyName, "Missing required property");
        return false;
    return ok;
bool parseHash(const Dictionary& raw, blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& hash, ErrorContext context, String& errorDetails)
    Dictionary rawHash;
    if (!raw.get("hash", rawHash)) {
        errorDetails = context.toString("hash", "Missing or not a dictionary");
        return false;

    return parseAlgorithm(rawHash, Digest, hash, context, errorDetails);
bool getInteger(const Dictionary& raw, const char* propertyName, double& value, double minValue, double maxValue, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    bool hasProperty;
    if (!getOptionalInteger(raw, propertyName, hasProperty, value, minValue, maxValue, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    if (!hasProperty) {
        errorDetails = context.toString(propertyName, "Missing required property");
        return false;

    return true;
// Defined by the WebCrypto spec as:
//    dictionary AesCbcParams : Algorithm {
//      CryptoOperationData iv;
//    };
bool parseAesCbcParams(const Dictionary& raw, OwnPtr<blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmParams>& params, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    RefPtr<ArrayBufferView> iv;
    if (!getCryptoOperationData(raw, "iv", iv, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    if (iv->byteLength() != 16) {
        errorDetails = context.toString("iv", "Must be 16 bytes");
        return false;

    params = adoptPtr(new blink::WebCryptoAesCbcParams(static_cast<unsigned char*>(iv->baseAddress()), iv->byteLength()));
    return true;
// Gets an integer according to WebIDL's [EnforceRange].
bool getOptionalInteger(const Dictionary& raw, const char* propertyName, bool& hasProperty, double& value, double minValue, double maxValue, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    double number;
    bool ok = raw.get(propertyName, number, hasProperty);

    if (!hasProperty)
        return true;

    if (!ok || std::isnan(number)) {
        errorDetails = context.toString(propertyName, "Is not a number");
        return false;

    number = trunc(number);

    if (std::isinf(number) || number < minValue || number > maxValue) {
        errorDetails = context.toString(propertyName, "Outside of numeric range");
        return false;

    value = number;
    return true;
bool parseAlgorithm(const Dictionary& raw, AlgorithmOperation op, blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm, ErrorContext context, String& errorDetails)

    if (!raw.isObject()) {
        errorDetails = context.toString("Not an object");
        return false;

    String algorithmName;
    if (!raw.get("name", algorithmName)) {
        errorDetails = context.toString("name", "Missing or not a string");
        return false;

    const AlgorithmInfo* info = AlgorithmRegistry::instance().lookupAlgorithmByName(algorithmName);
    if (!info) {
        errorDetails = context.toString("Unrecognized algorithm name");
        return false;


    if (info->paramsForOperation[op] == UnsupportedOp) {
        errorDetails = context.toString("Unsupported operation");
        return false;

    blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmParamsType paramsType = static_cast<blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmParamsType>(info->paramsForOperation[op]);
    OwnPtr<blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmParams> params;
    if (!parseAlgorithmParams(raw, paramsType, params, context, errorDetails))
        return false;

    algorithm = blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm(info->algorithmId, params.release());
    return true;
// Defined by the WebCrypto spec as:
//     typedef (ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView) CryptoOperationData;
// FIXME: Currently only supports ArrayBufferView.
bool getOptionalCryptoOperationData(const Dictionary& raw, const char* propertyName, bool& hasProperty, RefPtr<ArrayBufferView>& buffer, const ErrorContext& context, String& errorDetails)
    if (!raw.get(propertyName, buffer)) {
        hasProperty = false;
        return true;

    hasProperty = true;

    if (!buffer) {
        errorDetails = context.toString(propertyName, "Not an ArrayBufferView");
        return false;

    return true;