Beispiel #1
/// Prune the cache of files that haven't been accessed in a long time.
bool llvm::pruneCache(StringRef Path, CachePruningPolicy Policy) {
  using namespace std::chrono;

  if (Path.empty())
    return false;

  bool isPathDir;
  if (sys::fs::is_directory(Path, isPathDir))
    return false;

  if (!isPathDir)
    return false;

  Policy.MaxSizePercentageOfAvailableSpace =
      std::min(Policy.MaxSizePercentageOfAvailableSpace, 100u);

  if (Policy.Expiration == seconds(0) &&
      Policy.MaxSizePercentageOfAvailableSpace == 0 &&
      Policy.MaxSizeBytes == 0 && Policy.MaxSizeFiles == 0) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "No pruning settings set, exit early\n");
    // Nothing will be pruned, early exit
    return false;

  // Try to stat() the timestamp file.
  SmallString<128> TimestampFile(Path);
  sys::path::append(TimestampFile, "llvmcache.timestamp");
  sys::fs::file_status FileStatus;
  const auto CurrentTime =
  if (auto EC = sys::fs::status(TimestampFile, FileStatus)) {
    if (EC == errc::no_such_file_or_directory) {
      // If the timestamp file wasn't there, create one now.
    } else {
      // Unknown error?
      return false;
  } else {
    if (Policy.Interval != seconds(0)) {
      // Check whether the time stamp is older than our pruning interval.
      // If not, do nothing.
      const auto TimeStampModTime = time_point_cast<decltype(Policy.Interval)>(
      auto TimeStampAge = CurrentTime - TimeStampModTime;
      if (TimeStampAge <= Policy.Interval) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Timestamp file too recent ("
                     << duration_cast<seconds>(TimeStampAge).count()
                     << "s old), do not prune.\n");
        return false;
    // Write a new timestamp file so that nobody else attempts to prune.
    // There is a benign race condition here, if two processes happen to
    // notice at the same time that the timestamp is out-of-date.

  // Keep track of space. Needs to be kept ordered by size for determinism.
  std::set<std::pair<uint64_t, std::string>> FileSizes;
  uint64_t TotalSize = 0;

  // Walk the entire directory cache, looking for unused files.
  std::error_code EC;
  SmallString<128> CachePathNative;
  sys::path::native(Path, CachePathNative);
  // Walk all of the files within this directory.
  for (sys::fs::directory_iterator File(CachePathNative, EC), FileEnd;
       File != FileEnd && !EC; File.increment(EC)) {
    // Ignore any files not beginning with the string "llvmcache-". This
    // includes the timestamp file as well as any files created by the user.
    // This acts as a safeguard against data loss if the user specifies the
    // wrong directory as their cache directory.
    if (!sys::path::filename(File->path()).startswith("llvmcache-"))

    // Look at this file. If we can't stat it, there's nothing interesting
    // there.
    ErrorOr<sys::fs::basic_file_status> StatusOrErr = File->status();
    if (!StatusOrErr) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Ignore " << File->path() << " (can't stat)\n");

    // If the file hasn't been used recently enough, delete it
    const auto FileAccessTime = StatusOrErr->getLastAccessedTime();
    auto FileAge = CurrentTime - FileAccessTime;
    if (Policy.Expiration != seconds(0) && FileAge > Policy.Expiration) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Remove " << File->path() << " ("
                   << duration_cast<seconds>(FileAge).count() << "s old)\n");

    // Leave it here for now, but add it to the list of size-based pruning.
    TotalSize += StatusOrErr->getSize();
    FileSizes.insert({StatusOrErr->getSize(), std::string(File->path())});

  auto FileAndSize = FileSizes.rbegin();
  size_t NumFiles = FileSizes.size();

  auto RemoveCacheFile = [&]() {
    // Remove the file.
    // Update size
    TotalSize -= FileAndSize->first;
    DEBUG(dbgs() << " - Remove " << FileAndSize->second << " (size "
                 << FileAndSize->first << "), new occupancy is " << TotalSize
                 << "%\n");

  // Prune for number of files.
  if (Policy.MaxSizeFiles)
    while (NumFiles > Policy.MaxSizeFiles)

  // Prune for size now if needed
  if (Policy.MaxSizePercentageOfAvailableSpace > 0 || Policy.MaxSizeBytes > 0) {
    auto ErrOrSpaceInfo = sys::fs::disk_space(Path);
    if (!ErrOrSpaceInfo) {
      report_fatal_error("Can't get available size");
    sys::fs::space_info SpaceInfo = ErrOrSpaceInfo.get();
    auto AvailableSpace = TotalSize +;

    if (Policy.MaxSizePercentageOfAvailableSpace == 0)
      Policy.MaxSizePercentageOfAvailableSpace = 100;
    if (Policy.MaxSizeBytes == 0)
      Policy.MaxSizeBytes = AvailableSpace;
    auto TotalSizeTarget = std::min<uint64_t>(
        AvailableSpace * Policy.MaxSizePercentageOfAvailableSpace / 100ull,

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Occupancy: " << ((100 * TotalSize) / AvailableSpace)
                 << "% target is: " << Policy.MaxSizePercentageOfAvailableSpace
                 << "%, " << Policy.MaxSizeBytes << " bytes\n");

    // Remove the oldest accessed files first, till we get below the threshold.
    while (TotalSize > TotalSizeTarget && FileAndSize != FileSizes.rend())
  return true;