    void Factory::readConfig()

        always reload helper
        this is needed to properly handle
        color contrast settings changed

        // initialize default configuration and read
        if( !_defaultConfiguration ) _defaultConfiguration = ConfigurationPtr(new Configuration());
        _defaultConfiguration->setCurrentGroup( QStringLiteral("Windeco") );

        // create a config object
        KSharedConfig::Ptr config( KSharedConfig::openConfig( QStringLiteral("oxygenrc") ) );

        // clear exceptions and read
        ExceptionList exceptions;
        exceptions.readConfig( config );
        _exceptions = exceptions.get();

        // read shadowCache configuration
        _shadowCache.setAnimationsDuration( _defaultConfiguration->shadowAnimationsDuration() );

        // background pixmap
            KConfigGroup group( config->group("Common") );
            helper().setBackgroundPixmap( group.readEntry( "BackgroundPixmap", "" ) );
