Beispiel #1
bool FCollectionManager::CreateCollection(FName CollectionName, ECollectionShareType::Type ShareType)
	if ( !ensure(ShareType < ECollectionShareType::CST_All) )
		// Bad share type
		LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_Internal", "There was an internal error.");
		return false;

	// Try to add the collection
	bool bUseSCC = ShouldUseSCC(ShareType);
	FString SourceFolder = CollectionFolders[ShareType];

	FCollection NewCollection(CollectionName, SourceFolder, CollectionExtension, bUseSCC);
	FCollection* Collection = AddCollection(NewCollection, ShareType);

	if ( !Collection )
		// Failed to add the collection, it already exists
		LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_AlreadyExists", "The collection already exists.");
		return false;

	if ( Collection->Save(LastError) )
		// Collection saved!
		CollectionCreatedEvent.Broadcast( FCollectionNameType( CollectionName, ShareType ) );
		return true;
		// Collection failed to save, remove it from the cache
		RemoveCollection(Collection, ShareType);
		return false;
Beispiel #2
bool FCollectionManager::RemoveFromCollection(FName CollectionName, ECollectionShareType::Type ShareType, const TArray<FName>& ObjectPaths, int32* OutNumRemoved)
	if ( OutNumRemoved )
		*OutNumRemoved = 0;

	if ( !ensure(ShareType < ECollectionShareType::CST_All) )
		// Bad share type
		LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_Internal", "There was an internal error.");
		return false;

	FCollection** CollectionPtr = CachedCollections[ShareType].Find(CollectionName);
	if (CollectionPtr != NULL)
		FCollection* Collection = *CollectionPtr;
		TArray<FName> RemovedAssets;
		for (int32 ObjectIdx = 0; ObjectIdx < ObjectPaths.Num(); ++ObjectIdx)
			const FName& ObjectPath = ObjectPaths[ObjectIdx];

			if ( Collection->RemoveAssetFromCollection(ObjectPath) )

		if ( RemovedAssets.Num() == 0 )
			// Failed to remove, none of the objects were in the collection
			LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_NotInCollection", "None of the assets were in the collection.");
			return false;
		if ( Collection->Save(LastError) )
			// Removed and saved
			if ( OutNumRemoved )
				*OutNumRemoved = RemovedAssets.Num();

			FCollectionNameType CollectionNameType( Collection->GetCollectionName(), ShareType );
			AssetsRemovedEvent.Broadcast( CollectionNameType, ObjectPaths );
			return true;
			// Removed but not saved, revert the remove
			for (int32 AssetIdx = 0; AssetIdx < RemovedAssets.Num(); ++AssetIdx)
			return false;
		// Collection not found
		LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_DoesntExist", "The collection doesn't exist.");
		return false;
Beispiel #3
bool FCollectionManager::AddToCollection(FName CollectionName, ECollectionShareType::Type ShareType, const TArray<FName>& ObjectPaths, int32* OutNumAdded)
	if ( OutNumAdded )
		*OutNumAdded = 0;

	if ( !ensure(ShareType < ECollectionShareType::CST_All) )
		// Bad share type
		LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_Internal", "There was an internal error.");
		return false;

	FCollection** CollectionPtr = CachedCollections[ShareType].Find(CollectionName);
	FCollection* Collection = NULL;
	if (CollectionPtr != NULL)
		Collection = *CollectionPtr;
		// Collection doesn't exist
		LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_DoesntExist", "The collection doesn't exist.");
		return false;

	if ( ensure(Collection) )
		int32 NumAdded = 0;
		for (int32 ObjectIdx = 0; ObjectIdx < ObjectPaths.Num(); ++ObjectIdx)
			if ( Collection->AddAssetToCollection(ObjectPaths[ObjectIdx]) )

		if ( NumAdded > 0 )
			if ( Collection->Save(LastError) )
				// Added and saved
				if ( OutNumAdded )
					*OutNumAdded = NumAdded;

				FCollectionNameType CollectionNameType( Collection->GetCollectionName(), ShareType );
				AssetsAddedEvent.Broadcast( CollectionNameType, ObjectPaths );
				return true;
				// Added but not saved, revert the add
				for (int32 ObjectIdx = 0; ObjectIdx < ObjectPaths.Num(); ++ObjectIdx)
				return false;
			// Failed to add, all of the objects were already in the collection
			LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_AlreadyInCollection", "All of the assets were already in the collection.");
			return false;
		// Collection was never found. Perhaps it was null in the TMap
		LastError = LOCTEXT("Error_DoesntExist", "The collection doesn't exist.");
		return false;