void FAnimationRuntime::ConvertPoseToMeshRotation(FCompactPose& LocalPose)
	// Convert all rotations to mesh space
	// only the root bone doesn't have a parent. So skip it to save a branch in the iteration.
	for (FCompactPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex(1); BoneIndex < LocalPose.GetNumBones(); ++BoneIndex)
		const FCompactPoseBoneIndex ParentIndex = LocalPose.GetParentBoneIndex(BoneIndex);

		const FQuat MeshSpaceRotation = LocalPose[ParentIndex].GetRotation() * LocalPose[BoneIndex].GetRotation();
void FAnimationRuntime::ConvertMeshRotationPoseToLocalSpace(FCompactPose& Pose)
	// Convert all rotations to mesh space
	// only the root bone doesn't have a parent. So skip it to save a branch in the iteration.
	for (FCompactPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex(Pose.GetNumBones()-1); BoneIndex > 0; --BoneIndex)
		const FCompactPoseBoneIndex ParentIndex = Pose.GetParentBoneIndex(BoneIndex);

		FQuat LocalSpaceRotation = Pose[ParentIndex].GetRotation().Inverse() * Pose[BoneIndex].GetRotation();
void FAnimationRuntime::BlendPosesTogetherPerBoneInMeshSpace(TArray<FCompactPose>& SourcePoses, const TArray<FBlendedCurve>& SourceCurves, const UBlendSpaceBase* BlendSpace, const TArray<FBlendSampleData>& BlendSampleDataCache, FCompactPose& ResultPose, FBlendedCurve& ResultCurve)
	FQuat NewRotation;
	USkeleton* Skeleton = BlendSpace->GetSkeleton();

	// all this is going to do is to convert SourcePoses.Rotation to be mesh space, and then once it goes through BlendPosesTogetherPerBone, convert back to local
	for (FCompactPose& Pose : SourcePoses)
		for (const FCompactPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex : Pose.ForEachBoneIndex())
			const FCompactPoseBoneIndex ParentIndex = Pose.GetParentBoneIndex(BoneIndex);
			if (ParentIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				NewRotation = Pose[ParentIndex].GetRotation()*Pose[BoneIndex].GetRotation();
				NewRotation = Pose[BoneIndex].GetRotation();

			// now copy back to SourcePoses

	// now we have mesh space rotation, call BlendPosesTogetherPerBone
	BlendPosesTogetherPerBone(SourcePoses, SourceCurves, BlendSpace, BlendSampleDataCache, ResultPose, ResultCurve);

	// now result atoms has the output with mesh space rotation. Convert back to local space, start from back
	for (const FCompactPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex : ResultPose.ForEachBoneIndex())
		const FCompactPoseBoneIndex ParentIndex = ResultPose.GetParentBoneIndex(BoneIndex);
		if (ParentIndex != INDEX_NONE)
			FQuat LocalBlendQuat = ResultPose[ParentIndex].GetRotation().Inverse()*ResultPose[BoneIndex].GetRotation();