FValorActionInputBinding UInputBlueprintLibrary::K2_GetInputAction(const FKeyEvent& KeyEvent)
	FValorActionInputBinding Binding;

	Binding.Key = KeyEvent.GetKey();
	Binding.KeyAsString = Binding.Key.GetDisplayName().ToString();

	Binding.bAlt = KeyEvent.IsAltDown();
	Binding.bCtrl = KeyEvent.IsControlDown();
	Binding.bShift = KeyEvent.IsShiftDown();
	Binding.bCmd = KeyEvent.IsCommandDown();

	return Binding;
FReply SWidget::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
	if (SupportsKeyboardFocus())
		EUINavigation Direction = FSlateApplicationBase::Get().GetNavigationDirectionFromKey( InKeyEvent );
		// It's the left stick return a navigation request of the correct direction
		if ( Direction != EUINavigation::Invalid )
			return FReply::Handled().SetNavigation( Direction );
		else if ( InKeyEvent.GetKey() == EKeys::Tab )
			//@TODO: Really these uses of input should be at a lower priority, only occurring if nothing else handled them
			// For now this code prevents consuming them when some modifiers are held down, allowing some limited binding
			const bool bAllowEatingKeyEvents = !InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsAltDown() && !InKeyEvent.IsCommandDown();

			if (bAllowEatingKeyEvents)
				EUINavigation MoveDirection = (InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown())
					? EUINavigation::Previous
					: EUINavigation::Next;
				return FReply::Handled().SetNavigation(MoveDirection);
	return FReply::Unhandled();