SimpleCrossSection :: giveTemperatureVector(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep)
    Element *elem = gp->giveElement();
    //sum up all prescribed temperatures over an element
    StructuralElement *selem = dynamic_cast< StructuralElement * >(elem);
    selem->computeResultingIPTemperatureAt(answer, tStep, gp, VM_Total);

    /* add external source, if provided */
    FieldManager *fm = this->domain->giveEngngModel()->giveContext()->giveFieldManager();
    FM_FieldPtr tf;

    if ( ( tf = fm->giveField(FT_Temperature) ) ) {
        // temperature field registered
        FloatArray gcoords, et2;
        int err;
        elem->computeGlobalCoordinates( gcoords, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() );
        if ( ( err = tf->evaluateAt(et2, gcoords, VM_Total, tStep) ) ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("tf->evaluateAt failed, element %d, error code %d", elem->giveNumber(), err);

        if ( et2.isNotEmpty() ) {
            if ( answer.isEmpty() ) {
                answer = et2;
            } else {
                answer.at(1) += et2.at(1);
Beispiel #2
B3SolidMaterial :: giveHumidityIncrement(GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep) //computes humidity increment at given TimeStep
    double humIncrement = 0.;
    int err, wflag = 0;

    /* ask for humidity from external sources, if provided */
    FieldManager *fm = domain->giveEngngModel()->giveContext()->giveFieldManager();
    FM_FieldPtr tf;
    FloatArray gcoords, et2, ei2;

    if ( ( tf = fm->giveField(FT_HumidityConcentration) ) ) {
        // humidity field registered
        gp->giveElement()->computeGlobalCoordinates( gcoords, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() );
        if ( ( err = tf->evaluateAt(et2, gcoords, VM_Total, tStep) ) ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("tf->evaluateAt failed, error value %d", err);

        if ( ( err = tf->evaluateAt(ei2, gcoords, VM_Incremental, tStep) ) ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("tf->evaluateAt failed, error value %d", err);

        // convert water mass to relative humidity
        humIncrement = this->inverse_sorption_isotherm( et2.at(1) ) - this->inverse_sorption_isotherm( et2.at(1) - ei2.at(1) );
        wflag = 1;

    if ( wflag == 0 ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("external fields not found");

    return humIncrement;
Beispiel #3
LEPlic :: doLagrangianPhase(TimeStep *tStep)
    //Maps element nodes along trajectories using basic Runge-Kutta method (midpoint rule)
    int i, ci, ndofman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    int nsd = 2;
    double dt = tStep->giveTimeIncrement();
    DofManager *dman;
    Node *inode;
    IntArray velocityMask;
    FloatArray x, x2(nsd), v_t, v_tn1;
    FloatMatrix t;
#if 1
    EngngModel *emodel = domain->giveEngngModel();
    int err;
    velocityMask = {V_u, V_v};


    for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
        dman = domain->giveDofManager(i);
        inode = dynamic_cast< Node * >(dman);
        // skip dofmanagers with no position information
        if ( !inode ) {

        // get node coordinates
        x = * ( inode->giveCoordinates() );
        // get velocity field v(tn, x(tn)) for dof manager

#if 1
        /* Original version */
        dman->giveUnknownVector( v_t, velocityMask, VM_Total, tStep->givePreviousStep() );
        /* Modified version */
        //dman->giveUnknownVector(v_t, velocityMask, VM_Total, tStep);

        // Original version
        // compute updated position x(tn)+0.5*dt*v(tn,x(tn))
        for ( ci = 1; ci <= nsd; ci++ ) {
            x2.at(ci) = x.at(ci) + 0.5 *dt *v_t.at(ci);

        // compute interpolated velocity field at x2 [ v(tn+1, x(tn)+0.5*dt*v(tn,x(tn))) = v(tn+1, x2) ]

        FM_FieldPtr vfield;
        vfield = emodel->giveContext()->giveFieldManager()->giveField(FT_Velocity);
        if ( vfield == NULL ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Velocity field not available");

        err = vfield->evaluateAt(v_tn1, x2, VM_Total, tStep);
        if ( err == 1 ) {
            // point outside domain -> be explicit
            v_tn1 = v_t;
        } else if ( err != 0 ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("vfield->evaluateAt failed, error code %d", err);

        // compute final updated position
        for ( ci = 1; ci <= nsd; ci++ ) {
            x2.at(ci) = x.at(ci) + dt *v_tn1.at(ci);

        // pure explicit version
        dman->giveUnknownVector(v_t, velocityMask, VM_Total, tStep);

        for ( ci = 1; ci <= nsd; ci++ ) {
            x2.at(ci) = x.at(ci) + dt *v_t.at(ci);

        // store updated node position
        updated_XCoords.at(i) = x2.at(1);
        updated_YCoords.at(i) = x2.at(2);