Beispiel #1
    wxFont   guiFont = wxSystemSettings::GetFont( wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT );

    if( m_libListBox == NULL )
        m_libListBox = new LIBRARY_LISTBOX( this, ID_CVPCB_LIBRARY_LIST,
                                            wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize );
        m_libListBox->SetFont( wxFont( guiFont.GetPointSize(),
                                       wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL ) );

    FP_LIB_TABLE* tbl = Prj().PcbFootprintLibs();

    if( tbl )
        wxArrayString libNames;

        std::vector< wxString > libNickNames = tbl->GetLogicalLibs();

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < libNickNames.size(); ii++ )
            libNames.Add( libNickNames[ii] );

        m_libListBox->SetLibraryList( libNames );
bool CVPCB_MAINFRAME::LoadFootprintFiles()
    FP_LIB_TABLE* fptbl = Prj().PcbFootprintLibs();

    // Check if there are footprint libraries in the footprint library table.
    if( !fptbl || !fptbl->GetLogicalLibs().size() )
        wxMessageBox( _( "No PCB footprint libraries are listed in the current footprint "
                         "library table." ), _( "Configuration Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
        return false;

    wxBusyCursor dummy;  // Let the user know something is happening.

    m_FootprintsList.ReadFootprintFiles( fptbl );

    if( m_FootprintsList.GetErrorCount() )
        m_FootprintsList.DisplayErrors( this );

    return true;
Beispiel #3
wxString PCB_BASE_FRAME::SelectLibrary( const wxString& aNicknameExisting )
    wxArrayString headers;

    headers.Add( _( "Nickname" ) );
    headers.Add( _( "Description" ) );

    FP_LIB_TABLE*   fptbl = Prj().PcbFootprintLibs();

    std::vector< wxArrayString > itemsToDisplay;
    std::vector< wxString >      nicknames = fptbl->GetLogicalLibs();

    for( unsigned i = 0; i < nicknames.size(); i++ )
        wxArrayString item;

        item.Add( nicknames[i] );
        item.Add( fptbl->GetDescription( nicknames[i] ) );

        itemsToDisplay.push_back( item );

    EDA_LIST_DIALOG dlg( this, FMT_SELECT_LIB, headers, itemsToDisplay, aNicknameExisting );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return wxEmptyString;

    wxString nickname = dlg.GetTextSelection();

    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Chose footprint library '%s'." ), GetChars( nickname ) );

    return nickname;
Beispiel #4
bool CVPCB_MAINFRAME::LoadFootprintFiles()
    FP_LIB_TABLE* fptbl = Prj().PcbFootprintLibs();

    // Check if there are footprint libraries in the footprint library table.
    if( !fptbl || !fptbl->GetLogicalLibs().size() )
        wxMessageBox( _( "No PCB footprint libraries are listed in the current footprint "
                         "library table." ), _( "Configuration Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
        return false;

    m_footprints.ReadFootprintFiles( fptbl );

    if( m_footprints.GetErrorCount() )
        m_footprints.DisplayErrors( this );

    return true;
bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::SaveFootprintAs( MODULE* aModule )
    if( aModule == NULL )
        return false;

    FP_LIB_TABLE* tbl = Prj().PcbFootprintLibs();

    SetMsgPanel( aModule );

    wxString libraryName = aModule->GetFPID().GetLibNickname();
    wxString footprintName = aModule->GetFPID().GetLibItemName();
    bool updateValue = ( aModule->GetValue() == footprintName );

    wxArrayString              headers;
    std::vector<wxArrayString> itemsToDisplay;
    std::vector<wxString>      nicknames = tbl->GetLogicalLibs();

    headers.Add( _( "Nickname" ) );
    headers.Add( _( "Description" ) );

    for( unsigned i = 0; i < nicknames.size(); i++ )
        wxArrayString item;
        item.Add( nicknames[i] );
        item.Add( tbl->GetDescription( nicknames[i] ) );
        itemsToDisplay.push_back( item );

    EDA_LIST_DIALOG dlg( this, FMT_SAVE_MODULE, headers, itemsToDisplay, libraryName,
                         nullptr, nullptr, /* sort */ false, /* show headers */ false );
    dlg.SetListLabel( _( "Save in library:" ) );
    dlg.SetOKLabel( _( "Save" ) );

    wxBoxSizer* bNameSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );

    wxStaticText* label = new wxStaticText( &dlg, wxID_ANY, _( "Name:" ),
                                            wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    bNameSizer->Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT, 5 );

    wxTextCtrl* nameTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( &dlg, wxID_ANY, footprintName,
                                               wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
    bNameSizer->Add( nameTextCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5 );

    wxTextValidator nameValidator( wxFILTER_EXCLUDE_CHAR_LIST );
    nameValidator.SetCharExcludes( MODULE::StringLibNameInvalidChars( false ) );
    nameTextCtrl->SetValidator( nameValidator );

    wxSizer* mainSizer = dlg.GetSizer();
    mainSizer->Prepend( bNameSizer, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, 5 );

    // Move nameTextCtrl to the head of the tab-order
    if( dlg.GetChildren().DeleteObject( nameTextCtrl ) )
        dlg.GetChildren().Insert( nameTextCtrl );

    dlg.SetInitialFocus( nameTextCtrl );

    mainSizer->Fit( &dlg );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return false;                   // canceled by user

    libraryName = dlg.GetTextSelection();

    if( libraryName.IsEmpty() )
        DisplayError( NULL, _( "No library specified.  Footprint could not be saved." ) );
        return false;

    footprintName = nameTextCtrl->GetValue();
    footprintName.Trim( true );
    footprintName.Trim( false );

    if( footprintName.IsEmpty() )
        DisplayError( NULL, _( "No footprint name specified.  Footprint could not be saved." ) );
        return false;

    aModule->SetFPID( LIB_ID( libraryName, footprintName ) );

    if( updateValue )
        aModule->SetValue( footprintName );

    // Legacy libraries are readable, but modifying legacy format is not allowed
    // So prompt the user if he try to add/replace a footprint in a legacy lib
    wxString    libfullname = Prj().PcbFootprintLibs()->FindRow( libraryName )->GetFullURI();
    IO_MGR::PCB_FILE_T  piType = IO_MGR::GuessPluginTypeFromLibPath( libfullname );

    if( piType == IO_MGR::LEGACY )
        DisplayInfoMessage( this, INFO_LEGACY_LIB_WARN_EDIT );
        return false;

    bool module_exists = tbl->FootprintExists( libraryName, footprintName );

    if( module_exists )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Footprint %s already exists in %s." ),
                                         libraryName );
        KIDIALOG chkdlg( this, msg, _( "Confirmation" ), wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxICON_WARNING );
        chkdlg.SetOKLabel( _( "Overwrite" ) );

        if( chkdlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
            return false;

    if( !saveFootprintInLibrary( aModule, libraryName ) )
        return false;

    // Once saved-as a board footprint is no longer a board footprint
    aModule->SetLink( 0 );

    wxString fmt = module_exists ? _( "Component \"%s\" replaced in \"%s\"" ) :
                                   _( "Component \"%s\" added in  \"%s\"" );

    wxString msg = wxString::Format( fmt, footprintName.GetData(), libraryName.GetData() );
    SetStatusText( msg );

    return true;