Beispiel #1
// Cut a partitioning poly by a list of polys, and add the resulting inside pieces to the
// front list and back list.
static void SplitPartitioner
	UModel*	Model,
	FPoly**	PolyList,
	FPoly**	FrontList,
	FPoly**	BackList,
	int32		n,
	int32		nPolys,
	int32&	nFront, 
	int32&	nBack, 
	FPoly	InfiniteEdPoly,
	TArray<FPoly*>& AllocatedFPolys
	FPoly FrontPoly,BackPoly;
	while( n < nPolys )
		FPoly* Poly = PolyList[n];
		switch( InfiniteEdPoly.SplitWithPlane(Poly->Vertices[0],Poly->Normal,&FrontPoly,&BackPoly,0) )
			case SP_Coplanar:
				// May occasionally happen.
//				UE_LOG(LogBSPOps, Log,  TEXT("FilterBound: Got inficoplanar") );

			case SP_Front:
				// Shouldn't happen if hull is correct.
//				UE_LOG(LogBSPOps, Log,  TEXT("FilterBound: Got infifront") );

			case SP_Split:
				InfiniteEdPoly = BackPoly;

			case SP_Back:

	FPoly* New = new FPoly;
	*New = InfiniteEdPoly;
	New->iBrushPoly |= 0x40000000;
	FrontList[nFront++] = New;
	AllocatedFPolys.Add( New );
	New = new FPoly;
	*New = InfiniteEdPoly;
	BackList[nBack++] = New;
	AllocatedFPolys.Add( New );
Beispiel #2
FPoly FPoly::BuildAndCutInfiniteFPoly(const FPlane& InPlane, const TArray<FPlane>& InCutPlanes, ABrush* InOwnerBrush)
    FPoly PolyMerged = BuildInfiniteFPoly( InPlane );
    PolyMerged.Finalize( InOwnerBrush, 1 );

    FPoly Front, Back;
    int32 result;

    for( int32 p = 0 ; p < InCutPlanes.Num() ; ++p )
        const FPlane* Plane = &InCutPlanes[p];

        result = PolyMerged.SplitWithPlane( Plane->GetSafeNormal() * Plane->W, Plane->GetSafeNormal(), &Front, &Back, 1 );

        if( result == SP_Split )
            PolyMerged = Back;


    return PolyMerged;
Beispiel #3
// Pick a splitter poly then split a pool of polygons into front and back polygons and
// recurse.
// iParent = Parent Bsp node, or INDEX_NONE if this is the root node.
// IsFront = 1 if this is the front node of iParent, 0 of back (undefined if iParent==INDEX_NONE)
void FBSPOps::SplitPolyList
	UModel				*Model,
	int32                 iParent,
	ENodePlace			NodePlace,
	int32                 NumPolys,
	FPoly				**PolyList,
	EBspOptimization	Opt,
	int32					Balance,
	int32					PortalBias,
	int32					RebuildSimplePolys
	FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get());

	// Keeping track of allocated FPoly structures to delete later on.
	TArray<FPoly*> AllocatedFPolys;

	// To account for big EdPolys split up.
	int32 NumPolysToAlloc = NumPolys + 8 + NumPolys/4;
	int32 NumFront=0; FPoly **FrontList = new(FMemStack::Get(),NumPolysToAlloc)FPoly*;
	int32 NumBack =0; FPoly **BackList  = new(FMemStack::Get(),NumPolysToAlloc)FPoly*;

	FPoly *SplitPoly = FindBestSplit( NumPolys, PolyList, Opt, Balance, PortalBias );

	// Add the splitter poly to the Bsp with either a new BspSurf or an existing one.
	if( RebuildSimplePolys )
		SplitPoly->iLink = Model->Surfs.Num();

	int32 iOurNode	= bspAddNode(Model,iParent,NodePlace,0,SplitPoly);
	int32 iPlaneNode	= iOurNode;

	// Now divide all polygons in the pool into (A) polygons that are
	// in front of Poly, and (B) polygons that are in back of Poly.
	// Coplanar polys are inserted immediately, before recursing.

	// If any polygons are split by Poly, we ignrore the original poly,
	// split it into two polys, and add two new polys to the pool.
	FPoly *FrontEdPoly = new FPoly;
	FPoly *BackEdPoly  = new FPoly;
	// Keep track of allocations.
	AllocatedFPolys.Add( FrontEdPoly );
	AllocatedFPolys.Add( BackEdPoly );

	for( int32 i=0; i<NumPolys; i++ )
		FPoly *EdPoly = PolyList[i];
		if( EdPoly == SplitPoly )

		switch( EdPoly->SplitWithPlane( SplitPoly->Vertices[0], SplitPoly->Normal, FrontEdPoly, BackEdPoly, 0 ) )
			case SP_Coplanar:
	            if( RebuildSimplePolys )
					EdPoly->iLink = Model->Surfs.Num()-1;
				iPlaneNode = bspAddNode( Model, iPlaneNode, NODE_Plane, 0, EdPoly );
			case SP_Front:
	            FrontList[NumFront++] = PolyList[i];
			case SP_Back:
	            BackList[NumBack++] = PolyList[i];
			case SP_Split:

				// Create front & back nodes.
				FrontList[NumFront++] = FrontEdPoly;
				BackList [NumBack ++] = BackEdPoly;

				FrontEdPoly = new FPoly;
				BackEdPoly  = new FPoly;
				// Keep track of allocations.
				AllocatedFPolys.Add( FrontEdPoly );
				AllocatedFPolys.Add( BackEdPoly );


	// Recursively split the front and back pools.
	if( NumFront > 0 ) SplitPolyList( Model, iOurNode, NODE_Front, NumFront, FrontList, Opt, Balance, PortalBias, RebuildSimplePolys );
	if( NumBack  > 0 ) SplitPolyList( Model, iOurNode, NODE_Back,  NumBack,  BackList,  Opt, Balance, PortalBias, RebuildSimplePolys );

	// Delete FPolys allocated above. We cannot use FMemStack::Get() for FPoly as the array data FPoly contains will be allocated in regular memory.
	for( int32 i=0; i<AllocatedFPolys.Num(); i++ )
		FPoly* AllocatedFPoly = AllocatedFPolys[i];
		delete AllocatedFPoly;

Beispiel #4
// Recursively filter a set of polys defining a convex hull down the Bsp,
// splitting it into two halves at each node and adding in the appropriate
// face polys at splits.
static void FilterBound
	UModel*			Model,
	FBox*			ParentBound,
	int32				iNode,
	FPoly**			PolyList,
	int32				nPolys,
	int32				Outside
	FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get());
	FBspNode&	Node	= Model->Nodes  [iNode];
	FBspSurf&	Surf	= Model->Surfs  [Node.iSurf];
	FVector		Base = Surf.Plane * Surf.Plane.W;
	FVector&	Normal	= Model->Vectors[Surf.vNormal];
	FBox		Bound(0);

	Bound.Min.X = Bound.Min.Y = Bound.Min.Z = +WORLD_MAX;
	Bound.Max.X = Bound.Max.Y = Bound.Max.Z = -WORLD_MAX;

	// Split bound into front half and back half.
	FPoly** FrontList = new(FMemStack::Get(),nPolys*2+16)FPoly*; int32 nFront=0;
	FPoly** BackList  = new(FMemStack::Get(),nPolys*2+16)FPoly*; int32 nBack=0;

	// Keeping track of allocated FPoly structures to delete later on.
	TArray<FPoly*> AllocatedFPolys;

	FPoly* FrontPoly  = new FPoly;
	FPoly* BackPoly   = new FPoly;

	// Keep track of allocations.
	AllocatedFPolys.Add( FrontPoly );
	AllocatedFPolys.Add( BackPoly );

	for( int32 i=0; i<nPolys; i++ )
		FPoly *Poly = PolyList[i];
		switch( Poly->SplitWithPlane( Base, Normal, FrontPoly, BackPoly, 0 ) )
			case SP_Coplanar:
//				UE_LOG(LogBSPOps, Log,  TEXT("FilterBound: Got coplanar") );
				FrontList[nFront++] = Poly;
				BackList[nBack++] = Poly;
			case SP_Front:
				FrontList[nFront++] = Poly;
			case SP_Back:
				BackList[nBack++] = Poly;
			case SP_Split:
				FrontList[nFront++] = FrontPoly;
				BackList [nBack++] = BackPoly;

				FrontPoly = new FPoly;
				BackPoly  = new FPoly;

				// Keep track of allocations.
				AllocatedFPolys.Add( FrontPoly );
				AllocatedFPolys.Add( BackPoly );


				UE_LOG(LogBSPOps, Fatal, TEXT("FZoneFilter::FilterToLeaf: Unknown split code") );
	if( nFront && nBack )
		// Add partitioner plane to front and back.
		FPoly InfiniteEdPoly = FBSPOps::BuildInfiniteFPoly( Model, iNode );
		InfiniteEdPoly.iBrushPoly = iNode;

// 		if( !nFront ) UE_LOG(LogBSPOps, Log,  TEXT("FilterBound: Empty fronthull") );
// 		if( !nBack  ) UE_LOG(LogBSPOps, Log,  TEXT("FilterBound: Empty backhull") );

	// Recursively update all our childrens' bounding volumes.
	if( nFront > 0 )
		if( Node.iFront != INDEX_NONE )
			FilterBound( Model, &Bound, Node.iFront, FrontList, nFront, Outside || Node.IsCsg() );
		else if( Outside || Node.IsCsg() )
			UpdateBoundWithPolys( Bound, FrontList, nFront );
			UpdateConvolutionWithPolys( Model, iNode, FrontList, nFront );
	if( nBack > 0 )
		if( Node.iBack != INDEX_NONE)
			FilterBound( Model, &Bound,Node.iBack, BackList, nBack, Outside && !Node.IsCsg() );
		else if( Outside && !Node.IsCsg() )
			UpdateBoundWithPolys( Bound, BackList, nBack );
			UpdateConvolutionWithPolys( Model, iNode, BackList, nBack );

	// Update parent bound to enclose this bound.
	if( ParentBound )
		*ParentBound += Bound;

	// Delete FPolys allocated above. We cannot use FMemStack::Get() for FPoly as the array data FPoly contains will be allocated in regular memory.
	for( int32 i=0; i<AllocatedFPolys.Num(); i++ )
		FPoly* AllocatedFPoly = AllocatedFPolys[i];
		delete AllocatedFPoly;

void UPaperTerrainComponent::OnSplineEdited()
	// Ensure we have the data structure for the desired collision method
	if (SpriteCollisionDomain == ESpriteCollisionMode::Use3DPhysics)
		CachedBodySetup = NewObject<UBodySetup>(this);
		CachedBodySetup = nullptr;

	const float SlopeAnalysisTimeRate = 10.0f;
	const float FillRasterizationTimeRate = 100.0f;


	if ((AssociatedSpline != nullptr) && (TerrainMaterial != nullptr))
		if (AssociatedSpline->ReparamStepsPerSegment != ReparamStepsPerSegment)
			AssociatedSpline->ReparamStepsPerSegment = ReparamStepsPerSegment;

		FRandomStream RandomStream(RandomSeed);

		const FInterpCurveVector& SplineInfo = AssociatedSpline->SplineInfo;

		float SplineLength = AssociatedSpline->GetSplineLength();

		struct FTerrainRuleHelper
			FTerrainRuleHelper(const FPaperTerrainMaterialRule* Rule)
				: StartWidth(0.0f)
				, EndWidth(0.0f)
				for (const UPaperSprite* Sprite : Rule->Body)
					if (Sprite != nullptr)
						const float Width = GetSpriteRenderDataBounds2D(Sprite->BakedRenderData).GetSize().X;
						if (Width > 0.0f)

				if (Rule->StartCap != nullptr)
					const float Width = GetSpriteRenderDataBounds2D(Rule->StartCap->BakedRenderData).GetSize().X;
					if (Width > 0.0f)
						StartWidth = Width;

				if (Rule->EndCap != nullptr)
					const float Width = GetSpriteRenderDataBounds2D(Rule->EndCap->BakedRenderData).GetSize().X;
					if (Width > 0.0f)
						EndWidth = Width;

			float StartWidth;
			float EndWidth;

			TArray<const UPaperSprite*> ValidBodies;
			TArray<float> ValidBodyWidths;

			int32 GenerateBodyIndex(FRandomStream& InRandomStream) const
				check(ValidBodies.Num() > 0);
				return InRandomStream.GetUnsignedInt() % ValidBodies.Num();

		// Split the spline into segments based on the slope rules in the material
		TArray<FTerrainSegment> Segments;

		FTerrainSegment* ActiveSegment = new (Segments) FTerrainSegment();
		ActiveSegment->StartTime = 0.0f;
		ActiveSegment->EndTime = SplineLength;

			float CurrentTime = 0.0f;
			while (CurrentTime < SplineLength)
				const FTransform Frame(GetTransformAtDistance(CurrentTime));
				const FVector UnitTangent = Frame.GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X);
				const float RawSlopeAngleRadians = FMath::Atan2(FVector::DotProduct(UnitTangent, PaperAxisY), FVector::DotProduct(UnitTangent, PaperAxisX));
				const float RawSlopeAngle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(RawSlopeAngleRadians);
				const float SlopeAngle = FMath::Fmod(FMath::UnwindDegrees(RawSlopeAngle) + 360.0f, 360.0f);

				const FPaperTerrainMaterialRule* DesiredRule = (TerrainMaterial->Rules.Num() > 0) ? &(TerrainMaterial->Rules[0]) : nullptr;
				for (const FPaperTerrainMaterialRule& TestRule : TerrainMaterial->Rules)
					if ((SlopeAngle >= TestRule.MinimumAngle) && (SlopeAngle < TestRule.MaximumAngle))
						DesiredRule = &TestRule;

				if (ActiveSegment->Rule != DesiredRule)
					if (ActiveSegment->Rule == nullptr)
						ActiveSegment->Rule = DesiredRule;
						ActiveSegment->EndTime = CurrentTime;
						// Segment is too small, delete it
						if (ActiveSegment->EndTime < ActiveSegment->StartTime + 2.0f * SegmentOverlapAmount)

						ActiveSegment = new (Segments)FTerrainSegment();
						ActiveSegment->StartTime = CurrentTime;
						ActiveSegment->EndTime = SplineLength;
						ActiveSegment->Rule = DesiredRule;

				CurrentTime += SlopeAnalysisTimeRate;

		// Account for overlap
		for (FTerrainSegment& Segment : Segments)
			Segment.StartTime -= SegmentOverlapAmount;
			Segment.EndTime += SegmentOverlapAmount;

		// Convert those segments to actual geometry
		for (FTerrainSegment& Segment : Segments)
			FTerrainRuleHelper RuleHelper(Segment.Rule);

			float RemainingSegStart = Segment.StartTime + RuleHelper.StartWidth;
			float RemainingSegEnd = Segment.EndTime - RuleHelper.EndWidth;
			const float BodyDistance = RemainingSegEnd - RemainingSegStart;
			float DistanceBudget = BodyDistance;

			bool bUseBodySegments = (DistanceBudget > 0.0f) && (RuleHelper.ValidBodies.Num() > 0);

			// Add the start cap
			if (RuleHelper.StartWidth > 0.0f)
				new (Segment.Stamps) FTerrainSpriteStamp(Segment.Rule->StartCap, Segment.StartTime + RuleHelper.StartWidth * 0.5f, /*bIsEndCap=*/ bUseBodySegments);

			// Add body segments
			if (bUseBodySegments)
				int32 NumSegments = 0;
				float Position = RemainingSegStart;
				while (DistanceBudget > 0.0f)
					const int32 BodyIndex = RuleHelper.GenerateBodyIndex(RandomStream);
					const UPaperSprite* Sprite = RuleHelper.ValidBodies[BodyIndex];
					const float Width = RuleHelper.ValidBodyWidths[BodyIndex];

 					if ((NumSegments > 0) && ((Width * 0.5f) > DistanceBudget))
					new (Segment.Stamps) FTerrainSpriteStamp(Sprite, Position + (Width * 0.5f), /*bIsEndCap=*/ false);

					DistanceBudget -= Width;
					Position += Width;

				const float UsedSpace = (BodyDistance - DistanceBudget);
				const float OverallScaleFactor = BodyDistance / UsedSpace;
 				// Stretch body segments
				float PositionCorrectionSum = 0.0f;
 				for (int32 Index = 0; Index < NumSegments; ++Index)
					FTerrainSpriteStamp& Stamp = Segment.Stamps[Index + (Segment.Stamps.Num() - NumSegments)];
					const float WidthChange = (OverallScaleFactor - 1.0f) * Stamp.NominalWidth;
					const float FirstGapIsSmallerFactor = (Index == 0) ? 0.5f : 1.0f;
					PositionCorrectionSum += WidthChange * FirstGapIsSmallerFactor;

					Stamp.Scale = OverallScaleFactor;
					Stamp.Time += PositionCorrectionSum;
				// Stretch endcaps

			// Add the end cap
			if (RuleHelper.EndWidth > 0.0f)
				new (Segment.Stamps) FTerrainSpriteStamp(Segment.Rule->EndCap, Segment.EndTime - RuleHelper.EndWidth * 0.5f, /*bIsEndCap=*/ bUseBodySegments);

		// Convert stamps into geometry
		SpawnSegments(Segments, !bClosedSpline || (bClosedSpline && !bFilledSpline));

		// Generate the background if the spline is closed
		if (bClosedSpline && bFilledSpline)
			// Create a polygon from the spline
			FBox2D SplineBounds(ForceInit);
			TArray<FVector2D> SplinePolyVertices2D;
			TArray<float> SplineEdgeOffsetAmounts;
				float CurrentTime = 0.0f;
				while (CurrentTime < SplineLength)
					const float Param = AssociatedSpline->SplineReparamTable.Eval(CurrentTime, 0.0f);
					const FVector Position3D = AssociatedSpline->SplineInfo.Eval(Param, FVector::ZeroVector);
					const FVector2D Position2D = FVector2D(FVector::DotProduct(Position3D, PaperAxisX), FVector::DotProduct(Position3D, PaperAxisY));

					SplineBounds += Position2D;

					// Find the collision offset for this sample point
					float CollisionOffset = 0;
					for (int SegmentIndex = 0; SegmentIndex < Segments.Num(); ++SegmentIndex)
						FTerrainSegment& Segment = Segments[SegmentIndex];
						if (CurrentTime >= Segment.StartTime && CurrentTime <= Segment.EndTime)
							CollisionOffset = (Segment.Rule != nullptr) ? (Segment.Rule->CollisionOffset * 0.25f) : 0;

					CurrentTime += FillRasterizationTimeRate;

			SimplifyPolygon(SplinePolyVertices2D, SplineEdgeOffsetAmounts);

			// Always CCW and facing forward regardless of spline winding
			TArray<FVector2D> CorrectedSplineVertices;
			PaperGeomTools::CorrectPolygonWinding(CorrectedSplineVertices, SplinePolyVertices2D, false);

			TArray<FVector2D> TriangulatedPolygonVertices;
			PaperGeomTools::TriangulatePoly(/*out*/TriangulatedPolygonVertices, CorrectedSplineVertices, false);

			GenerateCollisionDataFromPolygon(SplinePolyVertices2D, SplineEdgeOffsetAmounts, TriangulatedPolygonVertices);

			if (TerrainMaterial->InteriorFill != nullptr)
				const UPaperSprite* FillSprite = TerrainMaterial->InteriorFill;
				FPaperTerrainSpriteGeometry& MaterialBatch = *new (GeneratedSpriteGeometry)FPaperTerrainSpriteGeometry(); //@TODO: Look up the existing one instead
				MaterialBatch.Material = FillSprite->GetDefaultMaterial();

				FSpriteDrawCallRecord& FillDrawCall = *new (MaterialBatch.Records) FSpriteDrawCallRecord();
				FillDrawCall.Color = TerrainColor;
				FillDrawCall.Destination = PaperAxisZ * 0.1f;

				const FVector2D TextureSize = GetSpriteRenderDataBounds2D(FillSprite->BakedRenderData).GetSize();
				const FVector2D SplineSize = SplineBounds.GetSize();

				GenerateFillRenderDataFromPolygon(FillSprite, FillDrawCall, TextureSize, TriangulatedPolygonVertices);

				//@TODO: Add support for the fill sprite being smaller than the entire texture
				const float StartingDivisionPointX = FMath::CeilToFloat(SplineBounds.Min.X / TextureSize.X);
				const float StartingDivisionPointY = FMath::CeilToFloat(SplineBounds.Min.Y / TextureSize.Y);

				FPoly VerticalRemainder = SplineAsPolygon;
				for (float Y = StartingDivisionPointY; VerticalRemainder.Vertices.Num() > 0; Y += TextureSize.Y)
					FPoly Top;
					FPoly Bottom;
					const FVector SplitBaseOuter = (Y * PaperAxisY);
					VerticalRemainder.SplitWithPlane(SplitBaseOuter, -PaperAxisY, &Top, &Bottom, 1);
					VerticalRemainder = Bottom;

					FPoly HorizontalRemainder = Top;
					for (float X = StartingDivisionPointX; HorizontalRemainder.Vertices.Num() > 0; X += TextureSize.X)
						FPoly Left;
						FPoly Right;
						const FVector SplitBaseInner = (X * PaperAxisX) + (Y * PaperAxisY);
						HorizontalRemainder.SplitWithPlane(SplitBaseInner, -PaperAxisX, &Left, &Right, 1);
						HorizontalRemainder = Right;

						//BROKEN, function no longer exists (split into 2 parts)
						SpawnFromPoly(Segments, SplineEdgeOffsetAmounts, FillSprite, FillDrawCall, TextureSize, Left);

		// Draw debug frames at the start and end of the spline
			const float Time = 5.0f;
				FTransform WorldTransform = GetTransformAtDistance(0.0f) * ComponentToWorld;
				DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(GetWorld(), WorldTransform.GetLocation(), FRotator(WorldTransform.GetRotation()), 30.0f, true, Time, SDPG_Foreground);
				FTransform WorldTransform = GetTransformAtDistance(SplineLength) * ComponentToWorld;
				DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(GetWorld(), WorldTransform.GetLocation(), FRotator(WorldTransform.GetRotation()), 30.0f, true, Time, SDPG_Foreground);
