void SProfilerThreadView::DrawUIStackNodes() const
	check( PaintState );
	const double ThreadViewOffsetPx = PositionXMS*NumPixelsPerMillisecond;

	static const FSlateBrush* BorderBrush = FEditorStyle::GetBrush( "Profiler.ThreadView.SampleBorder" );
	const FColor GameThreadColor = FColorList::Red;
	const FColor RenderThreadColor = FColorList::Blue;
	const FColor ThreadColors[2] = {GameThreadColor, RenderThreadColor};

	// Draw nodes.
	for( const auto& RowOfNodes : ProfilerUIStream.LinearRowsOfNodes )
		int32 NodeIndex = 0;
		for( const auto& UIStackNode : RowOfNodes )
			// Check if the node is visible.
			//if( UIStackNode->IsVisible() )
				const FVector2D PositionPx = UIStackNode->GetLocalPosition( ThreadViewOffsetPx, PositionY ) * FVector2D( 1.0f, NUM_PIXELS_PER_ROW );
				const FVector2D SizePx = FVector2D( FMath::Max( UIStackNode->WidthPx - 1.0, 0.0 ), NUM_PIXELS_PER_ROW );
				const FSlateRect ClippedNodeRect = PaintState->LocalClippingRect.IntersectionWith( FSlateRect( PositionPx, PositionPx + SizePx ) );

				// Check if this node is inside the visible area.
				if( ClippedNodeRect.IsEmpty() )

				FColor NodeColor = UIStackNode->bIsCombined ? ThreadColors[UIStackNode->ThreadIndex].WithAlpha( 64 ) : ThreadColors[UIStackNode->ThreadIndex].WithAlpha( 192 );
				NodeColor.G += NodeIndex % 2 ? 0 : 64;

				// Draw a cycle counter for this profiler UI stack node.
					PaintState->AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry( ClippedNodeRect.GetTopLeft(), ClippedNodeRect.GetSize() ),

	// @TODO yrx 2014-04-29 Separate layer for makebox, makeshadowtext, maketext.

	const float MarkerPosYOffsetPx = ((float)NUM_PIXELS_PER_ROW - PaintState->SummaryFont8Height)*0.5f;
	// Draw nodes' descriptions.
	for( const auto& RowOfNodes : ProfilerUIStream.LinearRowsOfNodes )
		for( const auto& UIStackNode : RowOfNodes )
			const FVector2D PositionPx = UIStackNode->GetLocalPosition( ThreadViewOffsetPx, PositionY ) * FVector2D( 1.0f, NUM_PIXELS_PER_ROW );
			const FVector2D SizePx = FVector2D( UIStackNode->WidthPx, NUM_PIXELS_PER_ROW );
			const FSlateRect ClippedNodeRect = PaintState->LocalClippingRect.IntersectionWith( FSlateRect( PositionPx, PositionPx + SizePx ) );

			// Check if this node is inside the visible area.
			if( ClippedNodeRect.IsEmpty() )

			FString StringStatName = UIStackNode->StatName.GetPlainNameString();
			FString StringStatNameWithTime = StringStatName + FString::Printf( TEXT( " (%.4f MS)" ), UIStackNode->GetDurationMS() );
			if( UIStackNode->bIsCulled )
				StringStatName += TEXT( " [C]" );
				StringStatNameWithTime += TEXT( " [C]" );

			// Update position of the text to be always visible and try to center it.
			const float StatNameWidthPx = PaintState->FontMeasureService->Measure( StringStatName, PaintState->SummaryFont8 ).X;
			const float StatNameWithTimeWidthPx = PaintState->FontMeasureService->Measure( StringStatNameWithTime, PaintState->SummaryFont8 ).X;
			const float TextAreaWidthPx = ClippedNodeRect.GetSize().X;

			bool bUseShortVersion = true;
			FVector2D AdjustedPositionPx;
			// Center the stat name with timing if we can.
			if( TextAreaWidthPx > StatNameWithTimeWidthPx )
				AdjustedPositionPx = FVector2D( ClippedNodeRect.Left + (TextAreaWidthPx - StatNameWithTimeWidthPx)*0.5f, PositionPx.Y + MarkerPosYOffsetPx );
				bUseShortVersion = false;
			// Center the stat name.
			else if( TextAreaWidthPx > StatNameWidthPx )
				AdjustedPositionPx = FVector2D( ClippedNodeRect.Left + (TextAreaWidthPx - StatNameWidthPx)*0.5f, PositionPx.Y + MarkerPosYOffsetPx );
			// Move to the edge.
				AdjustedPositionPx = FVector2D( ClippedNodeRect.Left, PositionPx.Y + MarkerPosYOffsetPx );

			const FVector2D AbsolutePositionPx = PaintState->AllottedGeometry.LocalToAbsolute( ClippedNodeRect.GetTopLeft() );
			const FSlateRect AbsoluteClippingRect = FSlateRect( AbsolutePositionPx, AbsolutePositionPx + ClippedNodeRect.GetSize() );
			DrawText( bUseShortVersion ? StringStatName : StringStatNameWithTime, PaintState->SummaryFont8, AdjustedPositionPx, FColorList::White, FColorList::Black, FVector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f ), &AbsoluteClippingRect );
Beispiel #2
int32 FSlateTextLayout::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	const FSlateRect ClippingRect = AllottedGeometry.GetClippingRect().IntersectionWith(MyClippingRect);
	const ESlateDrawEffect::Type DrawEffects = bParentEnabled ? ESlateDrawEffect::None : ESlateDrawEffect::DisabledEffect;

	static bool ShowDebug = false;
	FLinearColor BlockHue( 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5 );
	int32 HighestLayerId = LayerId;

	for (const FTextLayout::FLineView& LineView : LineViews)
		// Is this line visible?
		const FSlateRect LineViewRect(AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + LineView.Offset, AllottedGeometry.AbsolutePosition + LineView.Offset + LineView.Size);
		const FSlateRect VisibleLineView = ClippingRect.IntersectionWith(LineViewRect);
		if (VisibleLineView.IsEmpty())

		// Render any underlays for this line
		const int32 HighestUnderlayLayerId = OnPaintHighlights( Args, LineView, LineView.UnderlayHighlights, DefaultTextStyle, AllottedGeometry, ClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled );

		const int32 BlockDebugLayer = HighestUnderlayLayerId;
		const int32 TextLayer = BlockDebugLayer + 1;
		int32 HighestBlockLayerId = TextLayer;

		// Render every block for this line
		for (const TSharedRef< ILayoutBlock >& Block : LineView.Blocks)
			if ( ShowDebug )
				BlockHue.R += 50.0f;

				// The block size and offset values are pre-scaled, so we need to account for that when converting the block offsets into paint geometry
				const float InverseScale = Inverse(AllottedGeometry.Scale);

					AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(TransformVector(InverseScale, Block->GetSize()), FSlateLayoutTransform(TransformPoint(InverseScale, Block->GetLocationOffset()))),
					InWidgetStyle.GetColorAndOpacityTint() * BlockHue.HSVToLinearRGB()

			const TSharedRef< ISlateRun > Run = StaticCastSharedRef< ISlateRun >( Block->GetRun() );

			int32 HighestRunLayerId = TextLayer;
			const TSharedPtr< ISlateRunRenderer > RunRenderer = StaticCastSharedPtr< ISlateRunRenderer >( Block->GetRenderer() );
			if ( RunRenderer.IsValid() )
				HighestRunLayerId = RunRenderer->OnPaint( Args, LineView, Run, Block, DefaultTextStyle, AllottedGeometry, ClippingRect, OutDrawElements, TextLayer, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled );
				HighestRunLayerId = Run->OnPaint( Args, LineView, Block, DefaultTextStyle, AllottedGeometry, ClippingRect, OutDrawElements, TextLayer, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled );

			HighestBlockLayerId = FMath::Max( HighestBlockLayerId, HighestRunLayerId );

		// Render any overlays for this line
		const int32 HighestOverlayLayerId = OnPaintHighlights( Args, LineView, LineView.OverlayHighlights, DefaultTextStyle, AllottedGeometry, ClippingRect, OutDrawElements, HighestBlockLayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled );
		HighestLayerId = FMath::Max( HighestLayerId, HighestOverlayLayerId );

	return HighestLayerId;