void UAnimGraphNode_TwoBoneIK::DrawTargetLocation(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, USkeleton * Skeleton, EBoneControlSpace SpaceBase, FName SpaceBoneName, const FVector & TargetLocation, const FColor & TargetColor, const FColor & BoneColor) const
	const bool bInBoneSpace = (SpaceBase == BCS_ParentBoneSpace) || (SpaceBase == BCS_BoneSpace);
	const int32 SpaceBoneIndex = bInBoneSpace ? Skeleton->GetReferenceSkeleton().FindBoneIndex(SpaceBoneName) : INDEX_NONE;
	// Transform EffectorLocation from EffectorLocationSpace to ComponentSpace.
	FTransform TargetTransform = FTransform (TargetLocation);
	FTransform CSTransform;

	ConvertToComponentSpaceTransform(SkelComp, TargetTransform, CSTransform, SpaceBoneIndex, SpaceBase);

	FTransform WorldTransform = CSTransform * SkelComp->ComponentToWorld;

#if 0 // @TODO : remove this code because this doesn't show correct target location
	DrawCoordinateSystem( PDI, WorldTransform.GetLocation(), WorldTransform.GetRotation().Rotator(), 20.f, SDPG_Foreground );
	DrawWireDiamond( PDI, WorldTransform.ToMatrixWithScale(), 2.f, TargetColor, SDPG_Foreground );

	if (bInBoneSpace)
		ConvertToComponentSpaceTransform(SkelComp, FTransform::Identity, CSTransform, SpaceBoneIndex, SpaceBase);
		WorldTransform = CSTransform * SkelComp->ComponentToWorld;
		DrawCoordinateSystem( PDI, WorldTransform.GetLocation(), WorldTransform.GetRotation().Rotator(), 20.f, SDPG_Foreground );
		DrawWireDiamond( PDI, WorldTransform.ToMatrixWithScale(), 2.f, BoneColor, SDPG_Foreground );
void UAnimGraphNode_BoneDrivenController::Draw(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelMeshComp) const
	static const float ArrowHeadWidth = 5.0f;
	static const float ArrowHeadHeight = 8.0f;

	const int32 SourceIdx = SkelMeshComp->GetBoneIndex(Node.SourceBone.BoneName);
	const int32 TargetIdx = SkelMeshComp->GetBoneIndex(Node.TargetBone.BoneName);

	if ((SourceIdx != INDEX_NONE) && (TargetIdx != INDEX_NONE))
		const FTransform SourceTM = SkelMeshComp->GetSpaceBases()[SourceIdx] * SkelMeshComp->ComponentToWorld;
		const FTransform TargetTM = SkelMeshComp->GetSpaceBases()[TargetIdx] * SkelMeshComp->ComponentToWorld;

		PDI->DrawLine(TargetTM.GetLocation(), SourceTM.GetLocation(), FLinearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), SDPG_Foreground, 0.5f);

		const FVector ToTarget = TargetTM.GetTranslation() - SourceTM.GetTranslation();
		const FVector UnitToTarget = ToTarget.GetSafeNormal();
		FVector Midpoint = SourceTM.GetTranslation() + 0.5f * ToTarget + 0.5f * UnitToTarget * ArrowHeadHeight;

		FVector YAxis;
		FVector ZAxis;
		UnitToTarget.FindBestAxisVectors(YAxis, ZAxis);
		const FMatrix ArrowMatrix(UnitToTarget, YAxis, ZAxis, Midpoint);

		DrawConnectedArrow(PDI, ArrowMatrix, FLinearColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0), ArrowHeadHeight, ArrowHeadWidth, SDPG_Foreground);

		PDI->DrawPoint(SourceTM.GetTranslation(), FLinearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.2f), 5.0f, SDPG_Foreground);
		PDI->DrawPoint(SourceTM.GetTranslation() + ToTarget, FLinearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.2f), 5.0f, SDPG_Foreground);
bool UGripMotionControllerComponent::TeleportMoveGrippedActor(AActor * GrippedActorToMove)
	if (!GrippedActorToMove || !GrippedActors.Num())
		return false;

	FTransform WorldTransform;
	FTransform InverseTransform = this->GetComponentTransform().Inverse();
	for (int i = GrippedActors.Num() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
		if (GrippedActors[i].Actor == GrippedActorToMove)
			// GetRelativeTransformReverse had some serious f*****g floating point errors associated with it that was f*****g everything up
			// Not sure whats wrong with the function but I might want to push a patch out eventually
			WorldTransform = GrippedActors[i].RelativeTransform.GetRelativeTransform(InverseTransform);

			// Need to use WITH teleport for this function so that the velocity isn't updated and without sweep so that they don't collide
			GrippedActors[i].Actor->SetActorTransform(WorldTransform, false, NULL, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
			FBPActorPhysicsHandleInformation * Handle = GetPhysicsGrip(GrippedActors[i]);
			if (Handle && Handle->KinActorData)

					PxScene* PScene = GetPhysXSceneFromIndex(Handle->SceneIndex);
					if (PScene)
						Handle->KinActorData->setKinematicTarget(PxTransform(U2PVector(WorldTransform.GetLocation()), Handle->KinActorData->getGlobalPose().q));
						Handle->KinActorData->setGlobalPose(PxTransform(U2PVector(WorldTransform.GetLocation()), Handle->KinActorData->getGlobalPose().q));
				//Handle->KinActorData->setGlobalPose(PxTransform(U2PVector(WorldTransform.GetLocation()), Handle->KinActorData->getGlobalPose().q));

				UPrimitiveComponent *root = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(GrippedActors[i].Actor->GetRootComponent());
				if (root)
					FBodyInstance * body = root->GetBodyInstance();
					if (body)
						body->SetBodyTransform(WorldTransform, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
			return true;

	return false;
Beispiel #4
FVector FEdMode::GetWidgetLocation() const
        AActor* SelectedActor = GetFirstSelectedActorInstance();
        if(SelectedActor != NULL)
            if(EditedPropertyName != TEXT(""))
                FVector LocalPos = FVector::ZeroVector;

                    FTransform LocalTM = GetPropertyValueByName<FTransform>(SelectedActor, EditedPropertyName, EditedPropertyIndex);
                    LocalPos = LocalTM.GetLocation();
                    LocalPos = GetPropertyValueByName<FVector>(SelectedActor, EditedPropertyName, EditedPropertyIndex);

                FTransform ActorToWorld = SelectedActor->ActorToWorld();
                FVector WorldPos = ActorToWorld.TransformPosition(LocalPos);
                return WorldPos;

    //UE_LOG(LogEditorModes, Log, TEXT("In FEdMode::GetWidgetLocation"));
    return Owner->PivotLocation;
FBoxSphereBounds UPaperFlipbookComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform& LocalToWorld) const
	if (SourceFlipbook != nullptr)
		// Graphics bounds.
		FBoxSphereBounds NewBounds = SourceFlipbook->GetRenderBounds().TransformBy(LocalToWorld);

		// Add bounds of collision geometry (if present).
		if (CachedBodySetup != nullptr)
			const FBox AggGeomBox = CachedBodySetup->AggGeom.CalcAABB(LocalToWorld);
			if (AggGeomBox.IsValid)
				NewBounds = Union(NewBounds, FBoxSphereBounds(AggGeomBox));

		// Apply bounds scale
		NewBounds.BoxExtent *= BoundsScale;
		NewBounds.SphereRadius *= BoundsScale;

		return NewBounds;
		return FBoxSphereBounds(LocalToWorld.GetLocation(), FVector::ZeroVector, 0.f);
void SStaticMeshEditorViewport::OnFocusViewportToSelection()
	// If we have selected sockets, focus on them
	UStaticMeshSocket* SelectedSocket = StaticMeshEditorPtr.Pin()->GetSelectedSocket();
	if( SelectedSocket && PreviewMeshComponent )
		FTransform SocketTransform;
		SelectedSocket->GetSocketTransform( SocketTransform, PreviewMeshComponent );

		const FVector Extent(30.0f);

		const FVector Origin = SocketTransform.GetLocation();
		const FBox Box(Origin - Extent, Origin + Extent);

		EditorViewportClient->FocusViewportOnBox( Box );

	// If we have selected primitives, focus on them 
	FBox Box(0);
	const bool bSelectedPrim = StaticMeshEditorPtr.Pin()->CalcSelectedPrimsAABB(Box);
	if (bSelectedPrim)

	// Fallback to focusing on the mesh, if nothing else
	if( PreviewMeshComponent )
		EditorViewportClient->FocusViewportOnBox( PreviewMeshComponent->Bounds.GetBox() );
Beispiel #7
bool GetMovementBaseTransform(const UPrimitiveComponent* MovementBase, const FName BoneName, FVector& OutLocation, FQuat& OutQuat)
    if (MovementBase)
        if (BoneName != NAME_None)
            const USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalBase = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(MovementBase);
            if (SkeletalBase)
                const int32 BoneIndex = SkeletalBase->GetBoneIndex(BoneName);
                if (BoneIndex != INDEX_NONE)
                    const FTransform BoneTransform = SkeletalBase->GetBoneTransform(BoneIndex);
                    OutLocation = BoneTransform.GetLocation();
                    OutQuat = BoneTransform.GetRotation();
                    return true;

                UE_LOG(LogCharacter, Warning, TEXT("GetMovementBaseTransform(): Invalid bone '%s' for SkeletalMeshComponent base %s"), *BoneName.ToString(), *GetPathNameSafe(MovementBase));
                return false;
            // TODO: warn if not a skeletal mesh but providing bone index.

        // No bone supplied
        OutLocation = MovementBase->GetComponentLocation();
        OutQuat = MovementBase->GetComponentQuat();
        return true;

    // NULL MovementBase
    OutLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;
    OutQuat = FQuat::Identity;
    return false;
void UCreatureMeshComponent::DoCreatureMeshUpdate(int render_packet_idx)
	// Update Mesh


	// Debug

	if (creature_debug_draw) {
		FSphere debugSphere = GetDebugBoundsSphere();
			FColor(255, 0, 0)

		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Sphere pos is: (%f, %f, %f)"), debugSphere.Center.X, debugSphere.Center.Y, debugSphere.Center.Z));
		FTransform wTransform = GetComponentToWorld();
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Walk pos is: (%f, %f, %f)"), wTransform.GetLocation().X,
FBoxSphereBounds UPaperGroupedSpriteComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform& BoundTransform) const
	bool bHadAnyBounds = false;
	FBoxSphereBounds NewBounds(ForceInit);

	if (PerInstanceSpriteData.Num() > 0)
		const FMatrix BoundTransformMatrix = BoundTransform.ToMatrixWithScale();

		for (const FSpriteInstanceData& InstanceData : PerInstanceSpriteData)
			if (InstanceData.SourceSprite != nullptr)
				const FBoxSphereBounds RenderBounds = InstanceData.SourceSprite->GetRenderBounds();
				const FBoxSphereBounds InstanceBounds = RenderBounds.TransformBy(InstanceData.Transform * BoundTransformMatrix);

				if (bHadAnyBounds)
					NewBounds = NewBounds + InstanceBounds;
					NewBounds = InstanceBounds;
					bHadAnyBounds = true;

	return bHadAnyBounds ? NewBounds : FBoxSphereBounds(BoundTransform.GetLocation(), FVector::ZeroVector, 0.f);
// NB: ElemTM is assumed to have no scaling in it!
void FKSphylElem::DrawElemWire(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const FTransform& ElemTM, float Scale, const FColor Color)
	FVector Origin = ElemTM.GetLocation();
	FVector XAxis = ElemTM.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X );
	FVector YAxis = ElemTM.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y );
	FVector ZAxis = ElemTM.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z );

	// Draw top and bottom circles
	FVector TopEnd = Origin + Scale*0.5f*Length*ZAxis;
	FVector BottomEnd = Origin - Scale*0.5f*Length*ZAxis;

	DrawCircle(PDI,TopEnd, XAxis, YAxis, Color, Scale*Radius, DrawCollisionSides, SDPG_World);
	DrawCircle(PDI,BottomEnd, XAxis, YAxis, Color, Scale*Radius, DrawCollisionSides, SDPG_World);

	// Draw domed caps
	DrawHalfCircle(PDI, TopEnd, YAxis, ZAxis, Color,Scale* Radius);
	DrawHalfCircle(PDI, TopEnd, XAxis, ZAxis, Color, Scale*Radius);

	FVector NegZAxis = -ZAxis;

	DrawHalfCircle(PDI, BottomEnd, YAxis, NegZAxis, Color, Scale*Radius);
	DrawHalfCircle(PDI, BottomEnd, XAxis, NegZAxis, Color, Scale*Radius);

	// Draw connecty lines
	PDI->DrawLine(TopEnd + Scale*Radius*XAxis, BottomEnd + Scale*Radius*XAxis, Color, SDPG_World);
	PDI->DrawLine(TopEnd - Scale*Radius*XAxis, BottomEnd - Scale*Radius*XAxis, Color, SDPG_World);
	PDI->DrawLine(TopEnd + Scale*Radius*YAxis, BottomEnd + Scale*Radius*YAxis, Color, SDPG_World);
	PDI->DrawLine(TopEnd - Scale*Radius*YAxis, BottomEnd - Scale*Radius*YAxis, Color, SDPG_World);
FMatrix USkeletalMeshComponent::GetTransformMatrix() const
	FTransform RootTransform = GetBoneTransform(0);
	FVector Translation;
	FQuat Rotation;
	// if in editor, it should always use localToWorld
	// if root motion is ignored, use root transform 
	if( GetWorld()->IsGameWorld() || !SkeletalMesh )
		// add root translation info
		Translation = RootTransform.GetLocation();
		Translation = ComponentToWorld.TransformPosition(SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.GetRefBonePose()[0].GetTranslation());

	// if root rotation is ignored, use root transform rotation
	Rotation = RootTransform.GetRotation();

	// now I need to get scale
	// only LocalToWorld will have scale
	FVector ScaleVector = ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D();

	return FScaleMatrix(ScaleVector)*FQuatRotationTranslationMatrix(Rotation, Translation);
Beispiel #12
void UBodySetup::RescaleSimpleCollision( FVector BuildScale )
	if( BuildScale3D != BuildScale )
		// Back out the old scale when applying the new scale
		const FVector ScaleMultiplier3D = (BuildScale / BuildScale3D);

		for (int32 i = 0; i < AggGeom.ConvexElems.Num(); i++)
			FKConvexElem* ConvexElem = &(AggGeom.ConvexElems[i]);

			FTransform ConvexTrans = ConvexElem->GetTransform();
			FVector ConvexLoc = ConvexTrans.GetLocation();
			ConvexLoc *= ScaleMultiplier3D;

			TArray<FVector>& Vertices = ConvexElem->VertexData;
			for (int32 VertIndex = 0; VertIndex < Vertices.Num(); ++VertIndex)
				Vertices[VertIndex] *= ScaleMultiplier3D;


		// @todo Deal with non-vector properties by just applying the max value for the time being
		const float ScaleMultiplier = ScaleMultiplier3D.GetMax();

		for (int32 i = 0; i < AggGeom.SphereElems.Num(); i++)
			FKSphereElem* SphereElem = &(AggGeom.SphereElems[i]);

			SphereElem->Center *= ScaleMultiplier3D;
			SphereElem->Radius *= ScaleMultiplier;

		for (int32 i = 0; i < AggGeom.BoxElems.Num(); i++)
			FKBoxElem* BoxElem = &(AggGeom.BoxElems[i]);

			BoxElem->Center *= ScaleMultiplier3D;
			BoxElem->X *= ScaleMultiplier3D.X;
			BoxElem->Y *= ScaleMultiplier3D.Y;
			BoxElem->Z *= ScaleMultiplier3D.Z;

		for (int32 i = 0; i < AggGeom.SphylElems.Num(); i++)
			FKSphylElem* SphylElem = &(AggGeom.SphylElems[i]);

			SphylElem->Center *= ScaleMultiplier3D;
			SphylElem->Radius *= ScaleMultiplier;
			SphylElem->Length *= ScaleMultiplier;

		BuildScale3D = BuildScale;
Beispiel #13
void ANimModCharacter::OnEndCrouch(float HalfHeightAdjust, float ScaledHalfHeightAdjust)
	Super::OnEndCrouch(HalfHeightAdjust, ScaledHalfHeightAdjust);
	FTransform currentTransform = Mesh1P->GetRelativeTransform();
	FVector origin = currentTransform.GetLocation();
	origin.Z += (DefaultBaseEyeHeight - CrouchedEyeHeight);// HalfHeightAdjust; //This is different than the one passed in in OnStartCrouch...
	FRotator rotation = currentTransform.GetRotation().Rotator();
	Mesh1P->SetRelativeLocationAndRotation(origin, rotation, false, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
PxTransform U2PTransform(const FTransform& UTransform)
	PxQuat PQuat = U2PQuat(UTransform.GetRotation());
	PxVec3 PPos = U2PVector(UTransform.GetLocation());

	PxTransform Result(PPos, PQuat);

	return Result;
void UTerrainZoneComponent::SerializeInstancedMeshes(FBufferArchive& BinaryData) {
	int32 MeshCount = InstancedMeshMap.Num();
	BinaryData << MeshCount;

	for (auto& Elem : InstancedMeshMap) {
		UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent* InstancedStaticMeshComponent = Elem.Value;
		int32 MeshTypeId = Elem.Key;

		int32 MeshInstanceCount = InstancedStaticMeshComponent->GetInstanceCount();

		BinaryData << MeshTypeId;
		BinaryData << MeshInstanceCount;

		for (int32 InstanceIdx = 0; InstanceIdx < MeshInstanceCount; InstanceIdx++) {
			FTransform InstanceTransform;
			InstancedStaticMeshComponent->GetInstanceTransform(InstanceIdx, InstanceTransform, true);

			float X = InstanceTransform.GetLocation().X;
			float Y = InstanceTransform.GetLocation().Y;
			float Z = InstanceTransform.GetLocation().Z;

			float Roll = InstanceTransform.Rotator().Roll;
			float Pitch = InstanceTransform.Rotator().Pitch;
			float Yaw = InstanceTransform.Rotator().Yaw;

			float ScaleX = InstanceTransform.GetScale3D().X;
			float ScaleY = InstanceTransform.GetScale3D().Y;
			float ScaleZ = InstanceTransform.GetScale3D().Z;

			BinaryData << X;
			BinaryData << Y;
			BinaryData << Z;

			BinaryData << Roll;
			BinaryData << Pitch;
			BinaryData << Yaw;

			BinaryData << ScaleX;
			BinaryData << ScaleY;
			BinaryData << ScaleZ;
Beispiel #16
void ANimModCharacter::OnStartCrouch(float HalfHeightAdjust, float ScaledHalfHeightAdjust)
	Super::OnStartCrouch(HalfHeightAdjust, ScaledHalfHeightAdjust);
	//FVector origin = Mesh1P->ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
	FTransform currentTransform = Mesh1P->GetRelativeTransform();
	FVector origin = currentTransform.GetLocation();
	origin.Z -= (DefaultBaseEyeHeight - CrouchedEyeHeight);// HalfHeightAdjust;
	FRotator rotation = currentTransform.GetRotation().Rotator();
	Mesh1P->SetRelativeLocationAndRotation(origin, rotation, false, nullptr, ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics);
void UGridMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	if (Moving)
		/* Find the next location */
		Distance = FMath::Min(Spline->GetSplineLength(), Distance + (MaxSpeed * DeltaTime));
		/* Grab our current transform so we can find the velocity if we need it later */
		AActor *Owner = GetOwner();
		FTransform OldTransform = Owner->GetTransform();

		/* Find the next loaction from the spline*/
		FTransform NewTransform = Spline->GetTransformAtDistanceAlongSpline(Distance, ESplineCoordinateSpace::Local);

		/* Restrain rotation axis */
		FRotator Rotation = NewTransform.Rotator();
		Rotation.Roll = LockRoll ? 0 : Rotation.Roll;
		Rotation.Pitch = LockPitch ? 0 : Rotation.Pitch; 
		Rotation.Yaw = LockYaw ? 0 : Rotation.Yaw;


		/* Check if we're reached our destination*/
		if (Distance >= Spline->GetSplineLength())
			Moving = false;
			Distance = 0;
			Velocity = FVector::ZeroVector;
			Velocity = (NewTransform.GetLocation() - OldTransform.GetLocation()) * (1 / DeltaTime);

		// update velocity so it can be fetched by the pawn 
// NB: ElemTM is assumed to have no scaling in it!
void FKSphereElem::DrawElemWire(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const FTransform& ElemTM, float Scale, const FColor Color)
	FVector ElemCenter = ElemTM.GetLocation();
	FVector X = ElemTM.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X );
	FVector Y = ElemTM.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y );
	FVector Z = ElemTM.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z );

	DrawCircle(PDI,ElemCenter, X, Y, Color, Scale*Radius, DrawCollisionSides, SDPG_World);
	DrawCircle(PDI,ElemCenter, X, Z, Color, Scale*Radius, DrawCollisionSides, SDPG_World);
	DrawCircle(PDI,ElemCenter, Y, Z, Color, Scale*Radius, DrawCollisionSides, SDPG_World);
void FAnimNode_Mirror::MirrorPose(FTransform& InPose, const uint8 InMirrorAxis, const uint8 InPosFowdMirror)

	FVector lMirroredLoc = InPose.GetLocation();

	if (InPosFowdMirror == 1)
		lMirroredLoc.X = -lMirroredLoc.X;
		if (InPosFowdMirror == 2)
			lMirroredLoc.Y = -lMirroredLoc.Y;
			if (InPosFowdMirror == 3)
				lMirroredLoc.Z = -lMirroredLoc.Z;


	switch (InMirrorAxis)
	case 1:
		float lY = -InPose.GetRotation().Y;
		float lZ = -InPose.GetRotation().Z;
		InPose.SetRotation(FQuat(InPose.GetRotation().X, lY, lZ, InPose.GetRotation().W));

	case 2:
		float lX = -InPose.GetRotation().X;
		float lZ = -InPose.GetRotation().Z;
		InPose.SetRotation(FQuat(lX, InPose.GetRotation().Y, lZ, InPose.GetRotation().W));

	case 3:
		float lX = -InPose.GetRotation().X;
		float lY = -InPose.GetRotation().Y;
		InPose.SetRotation(FQuat(lX, lY, InPose.GetRotation().Z, InPose.GetRotation().W));
void FAnimNode_LookAt::EvaluateBoneTransforms(USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones, FA2CSPose& MeshBases, TArray<FBoneTransform>& OutBoneTransforms)
	check(OutBoneTransforms.Num() == 0);

	FTransform ComponentBoneTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(BoneToModify.BoneIndex);

	// get target location
	FVector TargetLocationInComponentSpace;
	if (LookAtBone.IsValid(RequiredBones))
		FTransform LookAtTransform  = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(LookAtBone.BoneIndex);
		TargetLocationInComponentSpace = LookAtTransform.GetLocation();
		TargetLocationInComponentSpace = SkelComp->ComponentToWorld.InverseTransformPosition(LookAtLocation);
	CurrentLookAtLocation = TargetLocationInComponentSpace;

	// lookat vector
	FVector LookAtVector = GetAlignVector(ComponentBoneTransform, LookAtAxis);
	// flip to target vector if it wasnt negative
	bool bShouldFlip = LookAtAxis == EAxisOption::X_Neg || LookAtAxis == EAxisOption::Y_Neg || LookAtAxis == EAxisOption::Z_Neg;
	FVector ToTarget = CurrentLookAtLocation - ComponentBoneTransform.GetLocation();
	if (bShouldFlip)
		ToTarget *= -1.f;
	// get delta rotation
	FQuat DeltaRot = FQuat::FindBetween(LookAtVector, ToTarget);

	// transform current rotation to delta rotation
	FQuat CurrentRot = ComponentBoneTransform.GetRotation();
	FQuat NewRotation = DeltaRot * CurrentRot;

	OutBoneTransforms.Add( FBoneTransform(BoneToModify.BoneIndex, ComponentBoneTransform) );
FTransform ATLSkillsTreeCharacter::GetFixedSpringArmTransform(USpringArmComponent* SpringArm)
	FTransform result;
	if (SpringArm)
		result = SpringArm->GetComponentTransform();
		//We want a fixed location for our transform, since we don't want to spawn our skills
		//right on top of our character.
		result.SetLocation(result.GetLocation() + SpringArm->GetForwardVector() * 100);
	return result;
/** Tests shape components more efficiently than the with-adjustment case, but does less-efficient ppr-poly collision for meshes. */
static bool ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment(UWorld const* World, AActor const* TestActor, UPrimitiveComponent const* PrimComp, FTransform const& TestWorldTransform)
	float const Epsilon = CVarEncroachEpsilon.GetValueOnGameThread();
	if (World && PrimComp)
		bool bFoundBlockingHit = false;
		static FName NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment = FName(TEXT("ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment"));
		ECollisionChannel const BlockingChannel = PrimComp->GetCollisionObjectType();
		FCollisionShape const CollisionShape = PrimComp->GetCollisionShape(-Epsilon);

		if (CollisionShape.IsBox() && (Cast<UBoxComponent>(PrimComp) == nullptr))
			// we have a bounding box not for a box component, which means this was the fallback aabb
			// since we don't need the penetration info, go ahead and test the component itself for overlaps, which is more accurate
			if (PrimComp->IsRegistered())
				// must be registered
				TArray<FOverlapResult> Overlaps;
				FComponentQueryParams Params(NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment, TestActor);
				return World->ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel(Overlaps, PrimComp, TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation(), BlockingChannel, Params);
				UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("Components must be registered in order to be used in a ComponentOverlapMulti call. PriComp: %s TestActor: %s"), *PrimComp->GetName(), *TestActor->GetName());
				return false;
			FCollisionQueryParams Params(NAME_ComponentEncroachesBlockingGeometry_NoAdjustment, false, TestActor);
			return World->OverlapAnyTestByChannel(TestWorldTransform.GetLocation(), TestWorldTransform.GetRotation(), BlockingChannel, CollisionShape, Params);

	return false;
Beispiel #23
void FPhysScene::SyncComponentsToBodies(uint32 SceneType)
	PxScene* PScene = GetPhysXScene(SceneType);

	PxU32 NumTransforms = 0;
	const PxActiveTransform* PActiveTransforms = PScene->getActiveTransforms(NumTransforms);


	for(PxU32 TransformIdx=0; TransformIdx<NumTransforms; TransformIdx++)
		const PxActiveTransform& PActiveTransform = PActiveTransforms[TransformIdx];
		FBodyInstance* BodyInst = FPhysxUserData::Get<FBodyInstance>(PActiveTransform.userData);
		if(	BodyInst != NULL && 
			BodyInst->InstanceBodyIndex == INDEX_NONE && 
			BodyInst->OwnerComponent != NULL &&
			BodyInst->IsInstanceSimulatingPhysics() )
			check(BodyInst->OwnerComponent->IsRegistered()); // shouldn't have a physics body for a non-registered component!

			AActor* Owner = BodyInst->OwnerComponent->GetOwner();

			// See if the transform is actually different, and if so, move the component to match physics
			const FTransform NewTransform = BodyInst->GetUnrealWorldTransform();	
				const FVector MoveBy = NewTransform.GetLocation() - BodyInst->OwnerComponent->ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
				const FRotator NewRotation = NewTransform.Rotator();

				//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("MOVING: %s"), *BodyInst->OwnerComponent->GetPathName());

				//@warning: do not reference BodyInstance again after calling MoveComponent() - events from the move could have made it unusable (destroying the actor, SetPhysics(), etc)
				BodyInst->OwnerComponent->MoveComponent(MoveBy, NewRotation, false, NULL, MOVECOMP_SkipPhysicsMove);

			// Check if we didn't fall out of the world
			if(Owner != NULL && !Owner->IsPendingKill())
void FBodyInstance2D::SetBodyTransform(const FTransform& NewTransform)
	if (BodyInstancePtr != NULL)
		const FVector NewLocation = NewTransform.GetLocation();
		const b2Vec2 NewLocation2D(FPhysicsIntegration2D::ConvertUnrealVectorToBox(NewLocation));

		//@TODO: What about scale?
		const FRotator NewRotation3D(NewTransform.GetRotation());
		const float NewAngle = FMath::DegreesToRadians(NewRotation3D.Pitch);

		BodyInstancePtr->SetTransform(NewLocation2D, NewAngle);
FVector FObserveBoneEditMode::GetWidgetLocation() const
	USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp = GetAnimPreviewScene().GetPreviewMeshComponent();
	USkeleton* Skeleton = SkelComp->SkeletalMesh->Skeleton;
	FVector WidgetLoc = FVector::ZeroVector;

	int32 MeshBoneIndex = SkelComp->GetBoneIndex(GraphNode->Node.BoneToObserve.BoneName);

	if (MeshBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE)
		const FTransform BoneTM = SkelComp->GetBoneTransform(MeshBoneIndex);
		WidgetLoc = BoneTM.GetLocation();

	return WidgetLoc;
 * Render bones for debug display
void USkeletalMeshComponent::DebugDrawBones(UCanvas* Canvas, bool bSimpleBones) const
	if (GetWorld()->IsGameWorld() && SkeletalMesh && Canvas)
		// draw spacebases, we could cache parent bones, but this is mostly debug feature, I'm not caching it right now
		for ( int32 Index=0; Index<RequiredBones.Num(); ++Index )
			int32 BoneIndex = RequiredBones[Index];
			int32 ParentIndex = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.GetParentIndex(BoneIndex);
			FTransform BoneTM = (SpaceBases[BoneIndex] * ComponentToWorld);
			FVector Start, End;
			FLinearColor LineColor;

			End = BoneTM.GetLocation();

			if (ParentIndex >=0)
				Start = (SpaceBases[ParentIndex] * ComponentToWorld).GetLocation();
				LineColor = FLinearColor::White;
				Start = ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
				LineColor = FLinearColor::Red;

				DrawDebugCanvasLine(Canvas, Start, End, LineColor);
				static const float SphereRadius = 1.0f;

				//Calc cone size 
				FVector EndToStart = (Start-End);
				float ConeLength = EndToStart.Size();
				float Angle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FMath::Atan(SphereRadius / ConeLength));

				DrawDebugCanvasWireSphere(Canvas, End, LineColor, SphereRadius, 10);
				DrawDebugCanvasWireCone(Canvas, FTransform(FRotationMatrix::MakeFromX(EndToStart)*FTranslationMatrix(End)), ConeLength, Angle, 4, LineColor);

			RenderAxisGizmo(BoneTM, Canvas);
void DrawDebugCanvasWireCone(UCanvas* Canvas, const FTransform& Transform, float ConeRadius, float ConeAngle, int32 ConeSides, FColor Color)
	static const float TwoPI = 2.0f * PI;
	static const float ToRads = PI / 180.0f;
	static const float MaxAngle = 89.0f * ToRads + 0.001f;
	const float ClampedConeAngle = FMath::Clamp(ConeAngle * ToRads, 0.001f, MaxAngle);
	const float SinClampedConeAngle = FMath::Sin( ClampedConeAngle );
	const float CosClampedConeAngle = FMath::Cos( ClampedConeAngle );
	const FVector ConeDirection(1,0,0);
	const FVector ConeUpVector(0,1,0);
	const FVector ConeLeftVector(0,0,1);

	TArray<FVector> Verts;
	Verts.AddUninitialized( ConeSides );

	for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < Verts.Num() ; ++i )
		const float Theta = static_cast<float>( (TwoPI * i) / Verts.Num() );
		Verts[i] = (ConeDirection * (ConeRadius * CosClampedConeAngle)) +
			((SinClampedConeAngle * ConeRadius * FMath::Cos( Theta )) * ConeUpVector) +
			((SinClampedConeAngle * ConeRadius * FMath::Sin( Theta )) * ConeLeftVector);

	// Transform to world space.
	for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < Verts.Num() ; ++i )
		Verts[i] = Transform.TransformPosition( Verts[i] );

	// Draw spokes.
	for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < Verts.Num(); ++i )
		DrawDebugCanvasLine( Canvas, Transform.GetLocation(), Verts[i], Color );

	// Draw rim.
	for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < Verts.Num()-1 ; ++i )
		DrawDebugCanvasLine( Canvas, Verts[i], Verts[i+1], Color );
	DrawDebugCanvasLine( Canvas, Verts[Verts.Num()-1], Verts[0], Color );
FVector FStaticMeshEditorViewportClient::GetWidgetLocation() const
	const UStaticMeshSocket* SelectedSocket = StaticMeshEditorPtr.Pin()->GetSelectedSocket();
	if( SelectedSocket )
		FMatrix SocketTM;
		SelectedSocket->GetSocketMatrix(SocketTM, StaticMeshComponent);

		return SocketTM.GetOrigin();

	FTransform PrimTransform = FTransform::Identity;
	const bool bSelectedPrim = StaticMeshEditorPtr.Pin()->GetLastSelectedPrimTransform(PrimTransform);
	if (bSelectedPrim)
		return PrimTransform.GetLocation();

	return FVector::ZeroVector;
void UPrimitiveComponent::SyncComponentToRBPhysics()
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("SyncComponentToRBPhysics : Component not registered (%s)"), *GetPathName());

	 // BodyInstance we are going to sync the component to
	FBodyInstance* UseBI = GetBodyInstance();
	if(UseBI == NULL || !UseBI->IsValidBodyInstance())
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("SyncComponentToRBPhysics : Missing or invalid BodyInstance (%s)"), *GetPathName());

	AActor* Owner = GetOwner();
	if(Owner != NULL)
		if (Owner->IsPendingKill() || !Owner->CheckStillInWorld())

	if (IsPendingKill() || !IsSimulatingPhysics())

	// See if the transform is actually different, and if so, move the component to match physics
	const FTransform NewTransform = GetComponentTransformFromBodyInstance(UseBI);	
		const FVector MoveBy = NewTransform.GetLocation() - ComponentToWorld.GetLocation();
		const FQuat NewRotation = NewTransform.GetRotation();

		//@warning: do not reference BodyInstance again after calling MoveComponent() - events from the move could have made it unusable (destroying the actor, SetPhysics(), etc)
		MoveComponent(MoveBy, NewRotation, false, NULL, MOVECOMP_SkipPhysicsMove);
void SStaticMeshEditorViewport::OnFocusViewportToSelection()
	UStaticMeshSocket* SelectedSocket = StaticMeshEditorPtr.Pin()->GetSelectedSocket();

	if( SelectedSocket && PreviewMeshComponent )
		FTransform SocketTransform;
		SelectedSocket->GetSocketTransform( SocketTransform, PreviewMeshComponent );

		FVector Extent(30.0f);

		FVector Origin = SocketTransform.GetLocation();
		FBox Box( Origin - Extent, Origin + Extent);
		EditorViewportClient->FocusViewportOnBox( Box );
	else if( PreviewMeshComponent )
		EditorViewportClient->FocusViewportOnBox( PreviewMeshComponent->Bounds.GetBox() );