Beispiel #1
// ExtractDNA
void Bed2Fa::ExtractDNA() {

    /* Make sure that we can oen all of the files successfully*/

    // open the fasta database for reading
    ifstream faDb(_dbFile.c_str(), ios::in);
    if ( !faDb ) {
        cerr << "Error: The requested fasta database file (" << _dbFile << ") could not be opened. Exiting!" << endl;
        exit (1);

    // open and memory-map genome file
    FastaReference *fr = new FastaReference;
    bool memmap = true;
    fr->open(_dbFile, memmap);

    BED bed, nullBed;
    string sequence;

    while (_bed->GetNextBed(bed)) {
        if (_bed->_status == BED_VALID) {
            // make sure we are extracting >= 1 bp
            if (bed.zeroLength == false) {
                size_t seqLength = fr->sequenceLength(bed.chrom);
                // seqLength > 0 means chrom was found in index.
                // seqLength == 0 otherwise.
                if (seqLength) {
                    // make sure this feature will not exceed the end of the chromosome.
                    if ( (bed.start <= seqLength) && (bed.end <= seqLength) ) 
                        int length = bed.end - bed.start;
                        sequence = fr->getSubSequence(bed.chrom, bed.start, length);
                        ReportDNA(bed, sequence);
                        cerr << "Feature (" << bed.chrom << ":" << bed.start << "-" << bed.end << ") beyond the length of "
                            << bed.chrom << " size (" << seqLength << " bp).  Skipping." << endl;
                    cerr << "WARNING. chromosome (" << bed.chrom << 
                            ") was not found in the FASTA file. Skipping."<< endl;
            // handle zeroLength 
            else {
                cerr << "Feature (" << bed.chrom << ":" << bed.start+1 << "-" << bed.end-1 << ") has length = 0, Skipping." << endl;
            bed = nullBed;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    string bedFileName;
    string vcfFileName;
    string fastaFileName;
    bool intersecting = false;
    bool unioning = false;
    bool invert = false;
    bool contained = true;
    bool overlapping = false;
    int windowsize = 30;

    if (argc == 1)

    int c;
    while (true) {
        static struct option long_options[] =
            /* These options set a flag. */
            //{"verbose", no_argument,       &verbose_flag, 1},
            {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
            {"bed",  required_argument, 0, 'b'},
            {"invert",  no_argument, 0, 'v'},
	    {"intersect-vcf", required_argument, 0, 'i'},
	    {"union-vcf", required_argument, 0, 'u'},
            {"contained",  no_argument, 0, 'c'},
            {"overlapping", no_argument, 0, 'o'},
	    {"window-size", required_argument, 0, 'w'},
	    {"reference", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
            {0, 0, 0, 0}
        /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */
        int option_index = 0;

        c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hvcob:i:u:w:r:",
                         long_options, &option_index);

        if (c == -1)

        switch (c) {

	    case 'w':
		windowsize = atoi(optarg);

            case 'b':
                bedFileName = string(optarg);

            case 'i':
		intersecting = true;
                vcfFileName = string(optarg);

            case 'u':
		unioning = true;
                vcfFileName = string(optarg);

	    case 'r':
		fastaFileName = string(optarg);

            case 'v':
                invert = true;

            case 'c':
                contained = true;

            case 'o':
                overlapping = true;

            case 'h':

            case '?':

                abort ();

    bool usingBED = false;
    if (!bedFileName.empty()) {
	usingBED = true;
    BedReader bed;
    if (usingBED) {;

    VariantCallFile variantFile;
    string inputFilename;
    if (optind == argc - 1) {
        inputFilename = argv[optind];;
    } else {;

    if (!variantFile.is_open()) {
        cerr << "could not open VCF file" << endl;

    if (usingBED) {
	variantFile.parseSamples = false;

    VariantCallFile otherVariantFile;
    if (!vcfFileName.empty()) {;
	if (!otherVariantFile.is_open()) {
	    cerr << "could not open VCF file " << vcfFileName << endl;

    FastaReference reference;
    if (unioning || intersecting) {
	if (fastaFileName.empty()) {
	    cerr << "a reference is required for haplotype-based intersection and unioniong" << endl;

    if (!unioning && !intersecting) {
	variantFile.parseSamples = false; // faster, as when we are
					  // only bed-intersecting we
					  // can do position-only
					  // output and don't have to
					  // manipulate specific
					  // alleles

    // read the VCF file for union or intersection into an interval tree
    // indexed using some proximity window

    map<string, IntervalTree<Variant*> > variantIntervals;
    map<string, list<Variant> > otherVariants;
    map<string, vector<Interval<Variant*> > > otherVariantIntervals;

    if (unioning || intersecting) {

	Variant ovar(otherVariantFile);
	while (otherVariantFile.getNextVariant(ovar)) {
	    long int left = ovar.position;
	    long int right = left + ovar.ref.size(); // this should be 1-past the end
	    Variant* v = &otherVariants[ovar.sequenceName].back();
	    otherVariantIntervals[ovar.sequenceName].push_back(Interval<Variant*>(left, right, v));
	for (map<string, vector<Interval<Variant*> > >::iterator j = otherVariantIntervals.begin(); j != otherVariantIntervals.end(); ++j) {
	    variantIntervals[j->first] = IntervalTree<Variant*>(j->second);


    set<Variant*> outputVariants;

    long unsigned int lastOutputPosition = 0;
    string lastSequenceName;

    cout << variantFile.header;

    Variant var(variantFile);
    while (variantFile.getNextVariant(var)) {

	if (lastSequenceName.empty()) {
	    lastSequenceName = var.sequenceName;
	} else if (lastSequenceName != var.sequenceName) {
	    if (unioning) {
		vector<Interval<Variant*> > previousRecords;
		long int lastSeqLength = reference.sequenceLength(lastSequenceName);
		variantIntervals[lastSequenceName].findContained(lastOutputPosition, lastSeqLength, previousRecords);
		for (vector<Interval<Variant*> >::iterator r = previousRecords.begin(); r != previousRecords.end(); ++r) {
		    Variant* v = r->value;
		    if (outputVariants.find(v) == outputVariants.end()) {
			cout << *v << endl;  // does this output everything in correct order?
		lastSequenceName = var.sequenceName;
		lastOutputPosition = 0;

	if (usingBED) {
	    BedTarget record(var.sequenceName, var.position, var.position + var.ref.size(), "");
	    vector<BedTarget*> overlaps = bed.targetsOverlapping(record);

	    if (!invert && !overlaps.empty()) {
		cout << variantFile.line << endl;
	    } else if (invert && overlaps.empty()) {
		cout << variantFile.line << endl;

	} else if (unioning || intersecting) {

	    // TODO check overlaps with union/intersection
	    // hmm... for unioning, you might need to step through the original VCF records
	    // but the idea is to exclude the haplotype-based duplicates

	    vector<Interval<Variant*> > results;

	    variantIntervals[var.sequenceName].findContained(var.position - windowsize, var.position + var.ref.size() + windowsize, results);

	    vector<Variant*> overlapping;

	    for (vector<Interval<Variant*> >::iterator r = results.begin(); r != results.end(); ++r) {

	    if (unioning) {

		// unioning strategy

		// write out all the records from the last file
		// between the last one printed out and the first
		// one we're about to print out

		vector<Interval<Variant*> > previousRecords;

		variantIntervals[var.sequenceName].findOverlapping(lastOutputPosition, var.position - windowsize, previousRecords);

		map<long int, vector<Variant*> > variants;

		for (vector<Interval<Variant*> >::iterator r = previousRecords.begin(); r != previousRecords.end(); ++r) {
		    Variant* v = r->value;
		    if (outputVariants.find(v) == outputVariants.end()) {

		for (map<long int, vector<Variant*> >::iterator v = variants.begin(); v != variants.end(); ++v) {
		    for (vector<Variant*>::iterator o = v->second.begin(); o != v->second.end(); ++o) {
			cout << **o << endl;
			lastOutputPosition = max(lastOutputPosition, (*o)->position);

		// TODO find the duplicates for the other file

	    if (overlapping.empty()) {

		if (unioning || (intersecting && invert)) {
		    cout << var << endl;
		    lastOutputPosition = max(lastOutputPosition, var.position);

	    } else {

		// get the min and max of the overlaps

		int haplotypeStart = var.position;
		int haplotypeEnd = var.position + var.ref.size();

		for (vector<Variant*>::iterator v = overlapping.begin(); v != overlapping.end(); ++v) {
		    haplotypeStart = min((*v)->position, (long unsigned int) haplotypeStart);
		    haplotypeEnd = max((*v)->position + (*v)->ref.size(), (long unsigned int) haplotypeEnd);

		// for everything overlapping and the current variant, construct the local haplotype within the bounds
		// if there is an exact match, the alllele in the current VCF does intersect

		string referenceHaplotype = reference.getSubSequence(var.sequenceName, haplotypeStart - 1, haplotypeEnd - haplotypeStart);
		map<string, vector<Variant*> > haplotypes;

		for (vector<Variant*>::iterator v = overlapping.begin(); v != overlapping.end(); ++v) {
		    Variant& variant = **v;
		    for (vector<string>::iterator a = variant.alt.begin(); a != variant.alt.end(); ++a) {
			string haplotype = referenceHaplotype;
			// get the relative start and end coordinates for the variant alternate allele
			int relativeStart = variant.position - haplotypeStart;
			haplotype.replace(relativeStart, variant.ref.size(), *a);

		// determine the non-intersecting alts
		vector<string> altsToRemove;
		for (vector<string>::iterator a = var.alt.begin(); a != var.alt.end(); ++a) {
		    string haplotype = referenceHaplotype;
		    int relativeStart = var.position - haplotypeStart;
		    haplotype.replace(relativeStart, var.ref.size(), *a);
		    map<string, vector<Variant*> >::iterator h = haplotypes.find(haplotype);
		    if ((intersecting && !invert && h == haplotypes.end())
			|| (intersecting && invert && h != haplotypes.end())
			|| (unioning && h != haplotypes.end())) {

		// remove the non-overlapping (intersecting) or overlapping (unioning) alts
		for (vector<string>::iterator a = altsToRemove.begin(); a != altsToRemove.end(); ++a) {

		if (unioning) {
		    // somehow sort the records and combine them?
		    map<long int, vector<Variant*> > variants;
		    for (vector<Variant*>::iterator o = overlapping.begin(); o != overlapping.end(); ++o) {
			if ((*o)->position <= var.position && // check ensures proper ordering of variants on output
			    outputVariants.find(*o) == outputVariants.end()) {
		    // add in the current variant, if it has alts left
		    if (!var.alt.empty()) {

		    for (map<long int, vector<Variant*> >::iterator v = variants.begin(); v != variants.end(); ++v) {
			for (vector<Variant*>::iterator o = v->second.begin(); o != v->second.end(); ++o) {
			    cout << **o << endl;
			    lastOutputPosition = max(lastOutputPosition, (*o)->position);
		} else {
		    // if any alts remain, output the variant record
		    if (!var.alt.empty()) {
			cout << var << endl;
			lastOutputPosition = max(lastOutputPosition, var.position);




    // if unioning, and any variants remain, output them
    if (unioning) {
	for (map<string, list<Variant> >::iterator chrom = otherVariants.find(lastSequenceName);
	     chrom != otherVariants.end();
	     ++chrom) {
	    for (list<Variant>::iterator v = chrom->second.begin(); v != chrom->second.end(); ++v) {
		Variant* variant = &*v;
		if (outputVariants.find(variant) == outputVariants.end()) {
		    cout << *variant << endl;
		    // TODO guarantee sorting

    exit(0);  // why?
    return 0;

Beispiel #3
void realign_bam(Parameters& params) {

    FastaReference reference;;

    bool suppress_output = false;

    int dag_window_size = params.dag_window_size;
    // open BAM file
    BamReader reader;
    if (!reader.Open("stdin")) {
        cerr << "could not open stdin for reading" << endl;

    BamWriter writer;
    if (!params.dry_run && !writer.Open("stdout", reader.GetHeaderText(), reader.GetReferenceData())) {
        cerr << "could not open stdout for writing" << endl;

    // store the names of all the reference sequences in the BAM file
    map<int, string> referenceIDToName;
    vector<RefData> referenceSequences = reader.GetReferenceData();
    int i = 0;
    for (RefVector::iterator r = referenceSequences.begin(); r != referenceSequences.end(); ++r) {
        referenceIDToName[i] = r->RefName;

    vcf::VariantCallFile vcffile;
    if (!params.vcf_file.empty()) {
        if (! {
            cerr << "could not open VCF file " << params.vcf_file << endl;
    } else {
        cerr << "realignment requires VCF file" << endl;
    vcf::Variant var(vcffile);

    BamAlignment alignment;
    map<long int, vector<BamAlignment> > alignmentSortQueue;

    // get alignment
    // assemble DAG in region around alignment
    // loop for each alignment in BAM:
    //     update DAG when current alignment gets close to edge of assembled DAG
    //     attempt to realign if read has a certain number of mismatches + gaps or softclips, weighted by basequal
    //     if alignment to DAG has fewer mismatches and gaps than original alignment, use it
    //         flatten read into reference space (for now just output alleles from VCF un-spanned insertions)
    //     write read to queue for streaming re-sorting (some positional change will occur)

    long int dag_start_position = 0;
    string currentSeqname;
    string ref;
    //vector<Cigar> cigars; // contains the Cigar strings of nodes in the graph
    //vector<long int> refpositions; // contains the reference start coords of nodes in the graph
    ReferenceMappings ref_map;
    gssw_graph* graph = gssw_graph_create(0);
    int8_t* nt_table = gssw_create_nt_table();
    int8_t* mat = gssw_create_score_matrix(params.match, params.mism);

    int total_reads = 0;
    int total_realigned = 0;
    int total_improved = 0;
    bool emptyDAG = false; // if the dag is constructed over empty sequence
                           // such as when realigning reads mapped to all-N sequence
    if (params.debug) {
        cerr << "about to start processing alignments" << endl;

    while (reader.GetNextAlignment(alignment)) {

        string& seqname = referenceIDToName[alignment.RefID];

        if (params.debug) {
            cerr << "--------------------------------------------" << endl
                 << "processing alignment " << alignment.Name << " at "
                 << seqname << ":" << alignment.Position << endl;

        if (!alignment.IsMapped() && graph->size == 0) {
            if (params.debug) {
                cerr << "unable to build DAG using unmapped read "
                     << alignment.Name << " @ "
                     << seqname << ":" << alignment.Position
                     << " no previous mapped read found and DAG currently empty" << endl;


        BamAlignment originalAlignment = alignment;
        long unsigned int initialAlignmentPosition = alignment.Position;
        //if (dag_start_position == 1) {
        //    dag_start_position = max(1, (int)initialAlignmentPosition - dag_window_size/2);

        // should we construct a new DAG?  do so when 3/4 of the way through the current one
        // center on current position + 1/2 dag window
        // TODO check this scheme using some scribbles on paper
        // alignment.IsMapped()
        if ((seqname != currentSeqname
             || ((alignment.Position + (alignment.QueryBases.size()/2)
                  > (3*dag_window_size/4) + dag_start_position)))
            && alignment.Position < reference.sequenceLength(seqname)) {

            if (seqname != currentSeqname) {
                if (params.debug) {
                    cerr << "switched ref seqs" << endl;
                dag_start_position = max((long int) 0,
                                         (long int) (alignment.GetEndPosition() - dag_window_size/2));
            // recenter DAG
            } else if (!ref_map.empty()) {
                dag_start_position = dag_start_position + dag_window_size/2;
                dag_start_position = max(dag_start_position,
                                         (long int) (alignment.GetEndPosition() - dag_window_size/2));
            } else {
                dag_start_position = alignment.Position - dag_window_size/2;
            dag_start_position = max((long int)0, dag_start_position);

            // TODO get sequence length and use to bound noted window size (edge case)
            //cerr << "getting ref " << seqname << " " << max((long int) 0, dag_start_position) << " " << dag_window_size << endl;

            // get variants for new DAG
            vector<vcf::Variant> variants;
            if (!vcffile.setRegion(seqname,
                                   dag_start_position + 1,
                                   dag_start_position + dag_window_size)) {
                // this is not necessarily an error; there should be a better way to check for VCF file validity
                cerr << "could not set region on VCF file to " << currentSeqname << ":"
                     << dag_start_position << "-" << dag_start_position + ref.size()
                     << endl;
            } else {

                // check first variant
                if (vcffile.getNextVariant(var)) {
                    while (var.position <= dag_start_position + 1) {
                        //cerr << "var position == dag_start_position " << endl;
                        dag_start_position -= 1;
                                          dag_start_position + 1,
                                          dag_start_position + dag_window_size);
                        if (!vcffile.getNextVariant(var)) { break; }

                                  dag_start_position + 1,
                                  dag_start_position + dag_window_size);

                while (vcffile.getNextVariant(var)) {
                    if (params.debug) cerr << "getting variant at " << var.sequenceName << ":" << var.position << endl;
                    //cerr << var.position << " + " << var.ref.length() << " <= " << dag_start_position << " + " << dag_window_size << endl;
                    //cerr << var.position << " >= " << dag_start_position << endl;
                    if (var.position + var.ref.length() <= dag_start_position + dag_window_size
                        && var.position >= dag_start_position) {


            //cerr << "dag_start_position " << dag_start_position << endl;
            ref = reference.getSubSequence(seqname,
                                           max((long int) 0, dag_start_position),
                                           dag_window_size); // 0/1 conversion

            // clear graph and metadata

            if (params.debug) { cerr << "constructing DAG" << endl; }
            // and build the DAG
            graph = gssw_graph_create(0);

            if (params.debug) {
                cerr << "graph has " << graph->size << " nodes" << endl;
                cerr << "DAG generated from input variants over "
                     << seqname << ":" << dag_start_position << "-" << dag_start_position + dag_window_size
                     << endl;
            if (params.display_dag) {
                for (Backbone::iterator b = backbone.begin(); b != backbone.end(); ++b) {
                    cout << b->first << " "
                         << b->first->id << " "
                         << b->second.ref_position << " "
                         << b->second.cigar << endl
                         << b->first->seq << endl;

            if (graph->size == 1 && allN(ref) || graph->size == 0) {
                if (params.debug) {
                    cerr << "DAG is empty (1 node, all N).  Alignment is irrelevant." << endl;
                emptyDAG = true;
            } else {
                emptyDAG = false;


        AlignmentStats stats_before;
        bool was_mapped = alignment.IsMapped();
        bool has_realigned = false;
        if (was_mapped) {
            if (dag_start_position + dag_window_size < alignment.GetEndPosition()) {
                ref = reference.getSubSequence(seqname,
                                               max((long int) 0, dag_start_position),
                                               alignment.GetEndPosition() - dag_start_position); // 0/1 conversion

        if (params.debug) {
            if (emptyDAG) {
                cerr << "cannot realign against empty (all-N single node) graph" << endl;

        if (!emptyDAG && shouldRealign(alignment, ref, dag_start_position, params, stats_before)) {


            if (params.debug) {
                cerr << "realigning: " << alignment.Name
                     << " " << alignment.QueryBases << endl
                     << " aligned @ " << alignment.Position
                     << " to variant graph over "
                     << seqname
                     << ":" << dag_start_position
                     << "-" << dag_start_position + dag_window_size << endl;

            try {

                Cigar flat_cigar;
                string read = alignment.QueryBases;
                string qualities = alignment.Qualities;
                int score;
                long int position;
                string strand;
                gssw_graph_mapping* gm =

                if (params.dry_run) {

                    if (strand == "-" && !alignment.IsMapped()) {
                        read = reverseComplement(read);
                    cout << read << endl;
                    cout << graph_mapping_to_string(gm) << endl;
                    cout << score << " " << strand << " "
                         << position << " "
                         << flat_cigar << endl;

                } else {

                    if (strand == "-") {
                        read = reverseComplement(;
                    // TODO the qualities are not on the right side of the read
                    if (strand == "-" && alignment.IsMapped()) {
                        // if we're realigning, this is always true unless we swapped strands
                        //reverse(alignment.Qualities.begin(), alignment.Qualities.end()); // reverse qualities
                    //alignment.QueryBases = reverseComplement(;
                    alignment.QueryBases = read;
                    alignment.Qualities = qualities;

                    alignment.Position = position;// + 1;// + 1;//(trace_report.node->position - 1) + trace_report.x;
                    if (!alignment.MapQuality) {
                        alignment.MapQuality = 20; // horrible hack...  at least approximate with alignment mismatches against graph

                    // check if somehow we've ended up with an indel at the ends
                    // if so, grab the reference sequence right beyond it and add
                    // a single match to the cigar, allowing variant detection methods
                    // to run on the results without internal modification
                    Cigar& cigar = flat_cigar;
                    //cerr << flat_cigar << " " << flat_cigar.readLen() << " " << flat_cigar.refLen() << endl;
                    int flankSize = params.flatten_flank;
                    if (cigar.front().isIndel() ||
                        (cigar.front().isSoftclip() && {
                        alignment.Position -= flankSize;
                        string refBase = reference.getSubSequence(seqname, alignment.Position, flankSize);
                        if (cigar.front().isSoftclip()) {
                        alignment.QueryBases.insert(0, refBase);
                        alignment.Qualities.insert(0, string(flankSize, shortInt2QualityChar(30)));
                        Cigar newCigar; newCigar.push_back(CigarElement(flankSize, 'M'));
                        flat_cigar = newCigar;
                    if (cigar.back().isIndel() ||
                        (cigar.back().isSoftclip() && {
                        string refBase = reference.getSubSequence(seqname,
                                                                  + flat_cigar.refLen(),
                        if (cigar.back().isSoftclip()) {
                        Cigar newCigar; newCigar.push_back(CigarElement(flankSize, 'M'));
                        alignment.Qualities.append(string(flankSize, shortInt2QualityChar(30)));

                    //cerr << flat_cigar << " " << flat_cigar.readLen() << " " << flat_cigar.refLen() << endl;

                    if (dag_start_position + dag_window_size < alignment.GetEndPosition()) {
                        ref = reference.getSubSequence(seqname,
                                                       max((long int) 0, dag_start_position),
                                                       alignment.GetEndPosition() - dag_start_position); // 0/1 conversion

                    AlignmentStats stats_after;
                    countMismatchesAndGaps(alignment, flat_cigar, ref, dag_start_position, stats_after, params.debug);
                    if ((!was_mapped || (stats_before.softclip_qsum >= stats_after.softclip_qsum
                                         && stats_before.mismatch_qsum >= stats_after.mismatch_qsum))
                         && acceptRealignment(alignment, ref, dag_start_position, params, stats_after)) {
                    if ((!was_mapped || (stats_before.softclip_qsum + stats_before.mismatch_qsum
                                         >= stats_after.softclip_qsum + stats_after.mismatch_qsum))
                         && acceptRealignment(alignment, ref, dag_start_position, params, stats_after)) {

                    // we accept the new alignment if...
                    if (!was_mapped  // it wasn't mapped previously
                        // or if we have removed soft clips or mismatches (per quality) from the alignment
                        //|| ((stats_before.softclip_qsum >= stats_after.softclip_qsum
                        //     && stats_before.mismatch_qsum >= stats_after.mismatch_qsum)
                        || ((stats_before.softclip_qsum + stats_before.mismatch_qsum
                             >= stats_after.softclip_qsum + stats_after.mismatch_qsum)
                            // and if we have added gaps, we have added them to remove mismatches or softclips
                            && (stats_before.gaps >= stats_after.gaps // accept any time we reduce gaps while not increasing softclips/mismatches
                                || (stats_before.gaps < stats_after.gaps // and allow gap increases when they improve the alignment
                                    && (stats_before.softclip_qsum 
                                        + stats_before.mismatch_qsum
                                        + stats_after.mismatch_qsum))))
                            // and the alignment must not have more than the acceptable number of gaps, softclips, or mismatches
                            // as provided in input parameters
                        && acceptRealignment(alignment, ref, dag_start_position, params, stats_after)) {

                        // keep the alignment
                        // TODO require threshold of softclips to keep alignment (or count of gaps, mismatches,...)
                        if (params.debug) {
                            cerr << "realigned " << alignment.Name << " to graph, which it maps to with "
                                 << stats_after.mismatch_qsum << "q in mismatches and "
                                 << stats_after.softclip_qsum << "q in soft clips" << endl;
                        has_realigned = true;
                    } else {
                        // reset to old version of alignment
                        if (params.debug) {
                            cerr << "failed realignment of " << alignment.Name << " to graph, which it maps to with: " 
                                 << stats_after.mismatch_qsum << "q in mismatches " << "(vs " << stats_before.mismatch_qsum << "q before), and "
                                 << stats_after.softclip_qsum << "q in soft clips " << "(vs " << stats_before.softclip_qsum << "q before) " << endl;
                        has_realigned = false;
                        alignment = originalAlignment;
                //} // try block

            } catch (...) {
                cerr << "exception when realigning " << alignment.Name
                     << " at position " << referenceIDToName[alignment.RefID]
                     << ":" << alignment.Position
                     << " " << alignment.QueryBases << endl;
                // reset to original alignment
                has_realigned = false;
                alignment = originalAlignment;


        // ensure correct order if alignments move
        long int maxOutputPos = initialAlignmentPosition - dag_window_size;
        // if we switched sequences we need to flush out all the reads from the previous one
        string lastSeqname = currentSeqname;
        if (seqname != currentSeqname) {
            // so the max output position is set past the end of the last chromosome
            if (!currentSeqname.empty()) {
                maxOutputPos = reference.sequenceLength(currentSeqname) + dag_window_size;
            currentSeqname = seqname;

        if (!params.dry_run) {
            map<long int, vector<BamAlignment> >::iterator p = alignmentSortQueue.begin();
            for ( ; p != alignmentSortQueue.end(); ++p) {
                // except if we are running in unsorted mode, stop when we are at the window size
                if (!params.unsorted_output && p->first > maxOutputPos) {
                    break; // no more to do
                } else {
                    for (vector<BamAlignment>::iterator a = p->second.begin(); a != p->second.end(); ++a) {
            if (p != alignmentSortQueue.begin()) {
                alignmentSortQueue.erase(alignmentSortQueue.begin(), p);
            if (!params.only_realigned || has_realigned) {
    } // end GetNextAlignment loop

    if (!params.dry_run) {
        map<long int, vector<BamAlignment> >::iterator p = alignmentSortQueue.begin();
        for ( ; p != alignmentSortQueue.end(); ++p) {
            for (vector<BamAlignment>::iterator a = p->second.begin(); a != p->second.end(); ++a)



    if (params.debug) {
        cerr << "total reads:\t" << total_reads << endl;
        cerr << "realigned:\t" << total_realigned << endl;
        cerr << "improved:\t" << total_improved << endl;
