Beispiel #1
bool CEditShape::GetBox(Fbox& box)
	if (m_Box.is_valid()){
    	return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #2
IC void get_cam_oob( Fvector	&bc, Fvector &bd, Fmatrix33	&mat, const Fmatrix &xform, const SRotation &r_torso, float alpha, float radius, float c )
	get_box_mat ( mat, alpha, r_torso );
	Fbox				xf;
	get_q_box( xf, c, alpha, radius );
	xf.xform			( Fbox().set(xf), xform )	;
	// query
	xf.get_CD			(bc,bd)		;
Beispiel #3
r_aabb_ssa		r_pixel_calculator::calculate	(dxRender_Visual* V)	{
	r_aabb_ssa	result			= {0};
	float		area			= float(_sqr(rt_dimensions));

	u32	id				[6]		;
	for (u32 face=0; face<6; face++)	{
		// setup matrices
		Fmatrix						mProject,mView	;
		Fvector						vFrom			;
		Fbox						aabb			;

		// camera - left-to-right
		mView.build_camera_dir		(vFrom.invert(cmDir[face]).mul(100.f),	cmDir[face],	cmNorm[face])	;
		aabb.xform					(V->,mView);
		D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterLH	( (D3DXMATRIX*)&mProject, aabb.min.x, aabb.max.x, aabb.min.y, aabb.max.y, aabb.min.z, aabb.max.z );
		RCache.set_xform_world		(Fidentity);
		RCache.set_xform_view		(mView);
		RCache.set_xform_project	(mProject);

		// render-0
		Device.Clear				();	// clear-ZB
		RCache.set_Shader			(V->shader);
		V->Render					(1.f);

		// render-1
		RImplementation.HWOCC.occq_begin	(id[face]);
		V->Render							(1.f);
		RImplementation.HWOCC.occq_end		(id[face]);

	for (u32 it=0; it<6; it++)	{
		float	pixels	= (float)RImplementation.HWOCC.occq_get	(id[it]);
		float	coeff	= clampr(pixels/area,float(0),float(1));
		Msg		("[%d]ssa_c: %1.3f,%f/%f",it,coeff,pixels,area);
		result.ssa	[it]= (u8)clampr(iFloor(coeff*255.f+0.5f),int(0),int(255));

	return result	;
Beispiel #4
bool CEditShape::FrustumPick(const CFrustum& frustum)
	const Fmatrix& M	= _Transform();
	for (ShapeIt it=shapes.begin(); it!=shapes.end(); it++){
		switch (it->type){
		case cfSphere:{
		    Fvector 	C;
            Fsphere&	T	= it->data.sphere;
        	if (frustum.testSphere_dirty(C,T.R*FScale.x)) return true;
		case cfBox:{
        	Fbox 			box;
            box.identity	();
            Fmatrix B		= it->;
            B.mulA_43 		(_Transform());
            box.xform		(B);
			u32 mask		= 0xff;
            if (frustum.testAABB(,mask)) return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #5
IC bool	_IsBoxVisible(dxRender_Visual* visual, const Fmatrix& transform)
    Fbox 		bb; 
    bb.xform	(visual->,transform);
    return 		::Render->occ_visible(bb);
Beispiel #6
void CActor::cam_Update(float dt, float fFOV)
	if(m_holder)		return;

	if(mstate_real & mcClimb&&cam_active!=eacFreeLook)

	Fvector point={0,CameraHeight(),0}, dangle={0,0,0};

	Fmatrix				xform,xformR;
	xform.setXYZ		(0,r_torso.yaw,0);

	// lookout
	if (this == Level().CurrentControlEntity())
		if (!fis_zero(r_torso_tgt_roll)){
			Fvector src_pt,tgt_pt;
			float radius		= point.y*0.5f;
			float alpha			= r_torso_tgt_roll/2.f;
			float dZ			= ((PI_DIV_2-((PI+alpha)/2)));
			calc_point			(tgt_pt,radius,0,alpha);
			src_pt.set			(0,tgt_pt.y,0);
			// init valid angle
			float valid_angle	= alpha;
			// xform with roll
			xformR.setXYZ		(-r_torso.pitch,r_torso.yaw,-dZ);
			Fmatrix33			mat; 
			mat.i				= xformR.i;
			mat.j				= xformR.j;
			mat.k				= xformR.k;
			// get viewport params
			float w,h;
			float c				= viewport_near(w,h); w/=2.f;h/=2.f;
			// find tris
			Fbox box;
			box.invalidate		();
			box.modify			(src_pt);
			box.modify			(tgt_pt);
			box.grow			(c);

			// query
			Fvector				bc,bd		;
			Fbox				xf			; 
			xf.xform			(box,xform)	;
			xf.get_CD			(bc,bd)		;

			xrXRC				xrc			;
			xrc.box_options		(0)			;
			xrc.box_query		(Level().ObjectSpace.GetStaticModel(), bc, bd)		;
			u32 tri_count		= xrc.r_count();
			if (tri_count)		{
				float da		= 0.f;
				BOOL bIntersect	= FALSE;
				Fvector	ext		= {w,h,VIEWPORT_NEAR/2};
				if (test_point(xrc,xform,mat,ext,radius,alpha)){
					da			= PI/1000.f;
					if (!fis_zero(r_torso.roll))
						da		*= r_torso.roll/_abs(r_torso.roll);
					float angle = 0.f;
					for (; _abs(angle)<_abs(alpha); angle+=da)
						if (test_point(xrc,xform,mat,ext,radius,angle)) { bIntersect=TRUE; break; } 
					valid_angle	= bIntersect?angle:alpha;
			r_torso.roll		= valid_angle*2.f;
			r_torso_tgt_roll	= r_torso.roll;
			r_torso_tgt_roll = 0.f;
			r_torso.roll = 0.f;
	if (!fis_zero(r_torso.roll))
		float radius		= point.y*0.5f;
		float valid_angle	= r_torso.roll/2.f;
		calc_point			(point,radius,0,valid_angle);
		dangle.z			= (PI_DIV_2-((PI+valid_angle)/2));

	float flCurrentPlayerY	= xform.c.y;

	// Smooth out stair step ups
	if ((character_physics_support()->movement()->Environment()==peOnGround) && (flCurrentPlayerY-fPrevCamPos>0)){
		fPrevCamPos			+= dt*1.5f;
		if (fPrevCamPos > flCurrentPlayerY)
			fPrevCamPos		= flCurrentPlayerY;
		if (flCurrentPlayerY-fPrevCamPos>0.2f)
			fPrevCamPos		= flCurrentPlayerY-0.2f;
		point.y				+= fPrevCamPos-flCurrentPlayerY;
		fPrevCamPos			= flCurrentPlayerY;
	float _viewport_near			= VIEWPORT_NEAR;
	// calc point
	xform.transform_tiny			(point);

	CCameraBase* C					= cam_Active();

	if(eacFirstEye == cam_active)
//		CCameraBase* C				= cameras[eacFirstEye];
		xrXRC						xrc			;
		xrc.box_options				(0)			;
		xrc.box_query				(Level().ObjectSpace.GetStaticModel(), point, Fvector().set(VIEWPORT_NEAR,VIEWPORT_NEAR,VIEWPORT_NEAR) );
		u32 tri_count				= xrc.r_count();
		if (tri_count)
			_viewport_near			= 0.01f;
			xr_vector<ISpatial*> ISpatialResult;
			g_SpatialSpacePhysic->q_box(ISpatialResult, 0, STYPE_PHYSIC, point, Fvector().set(VIEWPORT_NEAR,VIEWPORT_NEAR,VIEWPORT_NEAR));
			for (u32 o_it=0; o_it<ISpatialResult.size(); o_it++)
				CPHShell*		pCPHS= smart_cast<CPHShell*>(ISpatialResult[o_it]);
				if (pCPHS)
					_viewport_near			= 0.01f;
		CCameraBase* C				= cameras[eacFirstEye];
		float oobox_size			= 2*VIEWPORT_NEAR;

		Fmatrix						_rot;
		_rot.k						= C->vDirection;
		_rot.c						= C->vPosition;
		_rot.i.crossproduct			(C->vNormal,	_rot.k);
		_rot.j.crossproduct			(_rot.k,		_rot.i);

		Fvector						vbox; 
		vbox.set					(oobox_size, oobox_size, oobox_size);

		Level().debug_renderer().draw_aabb  (C->vPosition, 0.05f, 0.051f, 0.05f, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,255,0));
		Level().debug_renderer().draw_obb  (_rot, Fvector().div(vbox,2.0f), D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,0,0));

		dMatrix3					d_rot;
		PHDynamicData::FMXtoDMX		(_rot, d_rot);

		CPHActivationShape			activation_shape;
		activation_shape.Create		(point, vbox, this);

		dBodySetRotation			(activation_shape.ODEBody(), d_rot);

		activation_shape.Activate	(vbox,1,1.f,0.0F);

		point.set					(activation_shape.Position());
		activation_shape.Destroy	();
	C->Update						(point,dangle);
	C->f_fov						= fFOV;
	if(eacFirstEye != cam_active)
		cameras[eacFirstEye]->Update	(point,dangle);
		cameras[eacFirstEye]->f_fov		= fFOV;
	if( psActorFlags.test(AF_PSP) )
		Cameras().Update			(C);
		Cameras().Update			(cameras[eacFirstEye]);

	fCurAVelocity			= vPrevCamDir.sub(cameras[eacFirstEye]->vDirection).magnitude()/Device.fTimeDelta;
	vPrevCamDir				= cameras[eacFirstEye]->vDirection;

	if (Level().CurrentEntity() == this)
		Level().Cameras().Update	(C);
		if(eacFirstEye == cam_active && !Level().Cameras().GetCamEffector(cefDemo)){
			Cameras().ApplyDevice	(_viewport_near);
Beispiel #7
void CLightProjector::calculate	()
	#ifdef _GPA_ENABLED	
		TAL_SCOPED_TASK_NAMED( "CLightProjector::calculate()" );
	#endif // _GPA_ENABLED

	if (receivers.empty())		return;

	// perform validate / markup
	for (u32 r_it=0; r_it<receivers.size(); r_it++)
		// validate
		BOOL				bValid	= TRUE;
		IRenderable*		O		= receivers[r_it];
		CROS_impl*			LT		= (CROS_impl*)O->renderable_ROS();
		int					slot	= LT->shadow_recv_slot;
		if (slot<0 || slot>=P_o_count)								bValid = FALSE;	// invalid slot
		else if (cache[slot].O!=O)									bValid = FALSE;	// not the same object
		else {
			// seems to be valid
			Fbox	bb;		bb.xform		(O->renderable.visual->getVisData().box,O->renderable.xform);
			if (cache[slot].BB.contains(bb))	{
				// inside, but maybe timelimit exceeded?
				if (Device.dwTimeGlobal > cache[slot].dwTimeValid)	bValid = FALSE;	// timeout
			} else													bValid = FALSE;	// out of bounds

		if (bValid)			{
			// Ok, use cached version
			cache[slot].dwFrame	= Device.dwFrame;
		} else {
			taskid.push_back	(r_it);
	if (taskid.empty())			return;

	// Begin
	Device.Statistic->RenderDUMP_Pcalc.Begin	();
	RCache.set_RT				(RT->pRT);
	RCache.set_ZB				(RImplementation.Target->pTempZB);
	CHK_DX(HW.pDevice->Clear	(0,0, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER | (HW.Caps.bStencil?D3DCLEAR_STENCIL:0), 0,1,0 ));
	RCache.set_xform_world		(Fidentity);

	// reallocate/reassociate structures + perform all the work
	for (u32 c_it=0; c_it<cache.size(); c_it++)
		if (taskid.empty())							break;
		if (Device.dwFrame==cache[c_it].dwFrame)	continue;

		// found not used slot
		int				tid		= taskid.back();	taskid.pop_back();
		recv&			R		= cache		[c_it];
		IRenderable*	O		= receivers	[tid];
		const vis_data& vis = O->renderable.visual->getVisData();
		CROS_impl*	LT		= (CROS_impl*)O->renderable_ROS();
		VERIFY2			(_valid(O->renderable.xform),"Invalid object transformation");
		VERIFY2			(_valid(vis.sphere.P),"Invalid object's visual sphere");

		Fvector			C;		O->renderable.xform.transform_tiny		(C,vis.sphere.P);
		R.O						= O;
		R.C						= C;
		R.C.y					+= vis.sphere.R*0.1f;		//. YURA: 0.1 can be more
		R.BB.xform				(,O->renderable.xform).scale(0.1f);
		R.dwTimeValid			= Device.dwTimeGlobal + ::Random.randI(time_min,time_max);
		LT->shadow_recv_slot	= c_it; 

		// Msg					("[%f,%f,%f]-%f",C.C.x,C.C.y,C.C.z,C.O->renderable.visual->vis.sphere.R);
		// calculate projection-matrix
		Fmatrix		mProject;
		float		p_R			=	R.O->renderable.visual->getVisData().sphere.R * 1.1f;
		//VERIFY2		(p_R>EPS_L,"Object has no physical size");
		VERIFY3		(p_R>EPS_L,"Object has no physical size", R.O->renderable.visual->getDebugName().c_str());
		float		p_hat		=	p_R/P_cam_dist;
		float		p_asp		=	1.f;
		float		p_near		=	P_cam_dist-EPS_L;									
		float		p_far		=	P_cam_dist+p_R+P_cam_range;	
		mProject.build_projection_HAT	(p_hat,p_asp,p_near,p_far);
		RCache.set_xform_project		(mProject);
		// calculate view-matrix
		Fmatrix		mView;
		Fvector		v_C, v_Cs, v_N;
		v_C.set					(R.C);
		v_Cs					= v_C;
		v_C.y					+=	P_cam_dist;
		v_N.set					(0,0,1);
		VERIFY					(_valid(v_C) && _valid(v_Cs) && _valid(v_N));

		// validate
		Fvector		v;
		v.sub		(v_Cs,v_C);;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if ((v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z)<=flt_zero)	{
			CObject* OO = dynamic_cast<CObject*>(R.O);
			Msg("Object[%s] Visual[%s] has invalid position. ",*OO->cName(),*OO->cNameVisual());
			Fvector cc;


			Log	("v_N",v_N);
			Log	("v_C",v_C);
			Log	("v_Cs",v_Cs);

			Log("all bones transform:--------");
			CKinematics* K = dynamic_cast<CKinematics*>(OO->Visual());
			for(u16 ii=0; ii<K->LL_BoneCount();++ii){
				Fmatrix tr;

				tr = K->LL_GetTransform(ii);
				Log("bone ",K->LL_BoneName_dbg(ii));
		// handle invalid object-bug
		if ((v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z)<=flt_zero)	{
			// invalidate record, so that object will be unshadowed, but doesn't crash
			R.dwTimeValid			= Device.dwTimeGlobal;
			LT->shadow_recv_frame	= Device.dwFrame-1;
			LT->shadow_recv_slot	= -1; 
			continue				;

		mView.build_camera		(v_C,v_Cs,v_N);
		RCache.set_xform_view	(mView);

		// Select slot, set viewport
		int		s_x				=	c_it%P_o_line;
		int		s_y				=	c_it/P_o_line;
		D3DVIEWPORT9 VP			=	{s_x*P_o_size,s_y*P_o_size,P_o_size,P_o_size,0,1 };
		CHK_DX					(HW.pDevice->SetViewport(&VP));

		// Clear color to ambience
		Fvector&	cap			=	LT->get_approximate();
		CHK_DX					(HW.pDevice->Clear(0,0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, color_rgba_f(cap.x,cap.y,cap.z, (cap.x+cap.y+cap.z)/4.f), 1, 0 ));

		// calculate uv-gen matrix and clamper
		Fmatrix					mCombine;		mCombine.mul	(mProject,mView);
		Fmatrix					mTemp;
		float					fSlotSize		= float(P_o_size)/float(P_rt_size);
		float					fSlotX			= float(s_x*P_o_size)/float(P_rt_size);
		float					fSlotY			= float(s_y*P_o_size)/float(P_rt_size);
		float					fTexelOffs		= (.5f / P_rt_size);
		Fmatrix					m_TexelAdjust	= 
			0.5f/*x-scale*/,	0.0f,							0.0f,				0.0f,
			0.0f,				-0.5f/*y-scale*/,				0.0f,				0.0f,
			0.0f,				0.0f,							1.0f/*z-range*/,	0.0f,
			0.5f/*x-bias*/,		0.5f + fTexelOffs/*y-bias*/,	0.0f/*z-bias*/,		1.0f
		R.UVgen.mul				(m_TexelAdjust,mCombine);
		mTemp.scale				(fSlotSize,fSlotSize,1);
		R.UVgen.mulA_44			(mTemp);
		mTemp.translate			(fSlotX+fTexelOffs,fSlotY+fTexelOffs,0);
		R.UVgen.mulA_44			(mTemp);

		// Build bbox and render
		Fvector					min,max;
		Fbox					BB;
		min.set					(R.C.x-p_R,	R.C.y-(p_R+P_cam_range),	R.C.z-p_R);
		max.set					(R.C.x+p_R,	R.C.y+0,					R.C.z+p_R);
		BB.set					(min,max);
		R.UVclamp_min.set		(min).add	(.05f);	// shrink a little
		R.UVclamp_max.set		(max).sub	(.05f);	// shrink a little
		ISpatial*	spatial		= dynamic_cast<ISpatial*>	(O);
		if (spatial)			{
			spatial->spatial_updatesector			();
			if (spatial->spatial.sector)			RImplementation.r_dsgraph_render_R1_box	(spatial->spatial.sector,BB,SE_R1_LMODELS);
		//if (spatial)		RImplementation.r_dsgraph_render_subspace	(spatial->spatial.sector,mCombine,v_C,FALSE);

	// Blur
		// Fill vertex buffer
		u32							Offset;
		FVF::TL4uv* pv				= (FVF::TL4uv*) RCache.Vertex.Lock	(4,geom_Blur.stride(),Offset);
		RImplementation.ApplyBlur4	(pv,P_rt_size,P_rt_size,P_blur_kernel);
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(4,geom_Blur.stride());

		// Actual rendering (pass0, temp2real)
		RCache.set_RT				(RT->pRT);
		RCache.set_ZB				(NULL);
		RCache.set_Shader			(sh_BlurTR	);
		RCache.set_Geometry			(geom_Blur	);
		RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,Offset,0,4,0,2);

	// Finita la comedia
	Device.Statistic->RenderDUMP_Pcalc.End	();
	RCache.set_xform_project	(Device.mProject);
	RCache.set_xform_view		(Device.mView);
Beispiel #8
void dx103DFluidRenderer::CalculateLighting(const dx103DFluidData &FluidData, FogLighting  &LightData)


	const dx103DFluidData::Settings &VolumeSettings = FluidData.GetSettings();

	Fvector4 hemi_color = g_pGamePersistent->Environment().CurrentEnv->hemi_color;
	LightData.m_vLightIntencity.set(hemi_color.x, hemi_color.y, hemi_color.z);

	const Fmatrix &Transform = FluidData.GetTransform();

	Fbox	box;
	box.min = Fvector3().set(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
	box.max = Fvector3().set( 0.5f,  0.5f,  0.5f);
	Fvector3	center;
	Fvector3	size;

	// Traverse object database
		0, //ISpatial_DB::O_ORDERED,

	u32 iNumRenderables = m_lstRenderables.size();
	// Determine visibility for dynamic part of scene
	for (u32 i=0; i<iNumRenderables; ++i)
		ISpatial*	spatial		= m_lstRenderables[i];

		// Light
		light*	pLight = (light*) spatial->dcast_Light();

		if (pLight->flags.bStatic) continue;

		float	d	=	pLight->position.distance_to(Transform.c);

		float	R				= pLight->range + _max( size.x, _max( size.y, size.z ) );
		if ( d >= R )

		Fvector3	LightIntencity;

		LightIntencity.set(pLight->color.r, pLight->color.g, pLight->color.b);


		//if (!pLight->flags.bStatic)
		//	LightIntencity.mul(0.5f);

		float	r	=	pLight->range;
		float	a	=	clampr(1.f - d/(r+EPS),0.f,1.f)*(pLight->flags.bStatic?1.f:2.f);



	//LightData.m_vLightIntencity.set( 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
	//LightData.m_vLightIntencity.set( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);