Beispiel #1
vector<Feature*> ShapeFile::addFeatures(GraphicElement* pGraphicElement, GraphicObject* pObject,
                                        RasterElement* pGeoref, string& message)
   vector<Feature*> features;

   if (pGraphicElement == NULL)
      message = "Features cannot be added because the data element is invalid!";
      return features;

   if (pGeoref == NULL || !pGeoref->isGeoreferenced())
      message = "No georeferencing information can be found.";
      return features;

   // Do not allow erase or toggle objects
   if (pObject != NULL)
      if (pObject->getDrawMode() != DRAW)
         message = "The " + pObject->getName() + " object is an erase or toggle object, so a feature "
            "will not be added.";
         return features;

   // Get the objects
   list<GraphicObject*> objects;
   if (pObject != NULL)
      GraphicGroup* pGroup = pGraphicElement->getGroup();
      if (pGroup != NULL)
         // If the element is displayed in an annotation layer, use the selected objects
         AnnotationLayer* pAnnotationLayer = dynamic_cast<AnnotationLayer*>(pGroup->getLayer());
         if (pAnnotationLayer != NULL)

         if (objects.empty())
            objects = pGroup->getObjects();

   // Create the features
   string elementName = pGraphicElement->getName();
   const DynamicObject* pMetadata = getSourceMetadata(*pGraphicElement);

   switch (mShape)
   case ShapefileTypes::POINT_SHAPE:
         if (dynamic_cast<AnnotationElement*>(pGraphicElement) != NULL)
            if (objects.empty())
               message = "Cannot create a shape file from an empty element.";
               return features;

            // Get names of attributes which should be copied/exported.
            vector<string> attrNames;
            const DynamicObject* pAttributeMetadata = getSourceAttributeMetadata(*pGraphicElement);
            if (pAttributeMetadata != NULL)

            for (list<GraphicObject*>::const_iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)
               GraphicObject* pCurrentObject = *it;
               if (pCurrentObject != NULL)
                  // Do not allow erase or toggle objects
                  if (pCurrentObject->getDrawMode() != DRAW)

                  string objectName = pCurrentObject->getName();
                  vector<LocationType> vertices;

                  // Each point created from this object uses the same metadata.
                  int idx = -1;
                  if (pMetadata != NULL)
                     idx = getAttributeIndex(*pCurrentObject, *pMetadata);

                  LocationType pixel;
                  for (vector<LocationType>::const_iterator verticesIter = vertices.begin();
                     verticesIter != vertices.end();
                     // Add the feature
                     SessionItem* pSessionItem = pGraphicElement;
                     if (pObject != NULL)
                        pSessionItem = pObject;

                     Feature* pFeature = new Feature(pSessionItem);
                     VERIFYNR(pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified)));

                     // Fields
                     pFeature->addField("Name", string());

                     if (!elementName.empty())
                        if (pObject != NULL)
                           pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName + ": " + pObject->getName());
                           pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName + ": " + objectName);

                     pixel.mX = verticesIter->mX + 0.5;
                     pixel.mY = verticesIter->mY + 0.5;
                     QString pixelName = "(" + QString::number(verticesIter->mX + 1) + ", " + 
                        QString::number(verticesIter->mY + 1) + ")";
                     pFeature->setFieldValue("Pixel", pixelName.toStdString());

                     if (idx > -1 && pAttributeMetadata != NULL)
                        copyMetadata(attrNames, idx, *pAttributeMetadata, *pFeature);

                     LocationType geo = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(*verticesIter);
                     pFeature->addVertex(geo.mY, geo.mX);
            // The BitMaskIterator does not support negative extents and
            // the BitMask does not correctly handle the outside flag so
            // the BitMaskIterator is used for cases when the outside flag is true and
            // the BitMask is used for cases when the outside flag is false
            AoiElement* pAoiElement = dynamic_cast<AoiElement*>(pGraphicElement);
            VERIFYRV(pAoiElement != NULL, features);
            const BitMask* pMask = pAoiElement->getSelectedPoints();
            if (pObject != NULL)
               pMask = pObject->getPixels();
               if (pMask == NULL)
                  message = "The " + pObject->getName() + " object cannot be represented by the " +
                     StringUtilities::toDisplayString(mShape) + " shape type, so a feature will not be added.";
                  return features;

            if (pMask != NULL)
               BitMaskIterator maskIt(pMask, pGeoref);
               if ((maskIt.getCount() > 0 && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true) ||
                  (pMask->getCount() > 0 && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false))
                  // Add features for each selected pixel
                  int startColumn = 0;
                  int endColumn = 0;
                  int startRow = 0;
                  int endRow = 0;
                  if (pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true)
                     maskIt.getBoundingBox(startColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow);
                     pMask->getBoundingBox(startColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow);
                  LocationType pixel;
                  for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++)
                     for (int j = startRow; j <= endRow; j++)
                        if ((maskIt.getPixel(i, j) && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true) ||
                           (pMask->getPixel(i, j) && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false))
                           // Add the feature
                           SessionItem* pSessionItem = pGraphicElement;
                           if (pObject != NULL)
                              pSessionItem = pObject;

                           Feature* pFeature = new Feature(pSessionItem);
                           VERIFYNR(pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified),
                              Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified)));

                           pixel.mX = i + 0.5;
                           pixel.mY = j + 0.5;

                           // Fields
                           pFeature->addField("Name", string());
                           pFeature->addField("Pixel", string());

                           if (!elementName.empty())
                              if (pObject != NULL)
                                 pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName + ": " + pObject->getName());
                                 pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName);

                           QString pixelName = "(" + QString::number(i + 1) + ", " + QString::number(j + 1) + ")";
                           pFeature->setFieldValue("Pixel", pixelName.toStdString());

                           // Vertex
                           pixel = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
                           pFeature->addVertex(pixel.mY, pixel.mX);    // Longitude as x-coord

   case ShapefileTypes::POLYLINE_SHAPE:
         if (objects.empty())
            message = "Cannot create a shape file from an empty element.";
            return features;

         // Get names of attributes which should be copied/exported.
         vector<string> attrNames;
         const DynamicObject* pAttributeMetadata = getSourceAttributeMetadata(*pGraphicElement);
         if (pAttributeMetadata != NULL)

         for (list<GraphicObject*>::const_iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)
            GraphicObject* pCurrentObject = *it;
            if (pCurrentObject != NULL)
               GraphicObjectType objectType = pCurrentObject->getGraphicObjectType();
               if ((objectType == LINE_OBJECT) || (objectType == POLYLINE_OBJECT) ||
                  (objectType == HLINE_OBJECT) || (objectType == VLINE_OBJECT))
                  // Do not allow erase or toggle objects
                  if (pCurrentObject->getDrawMode() != DRAW)

                  string objectName = pCurrentObject->getName();

                  vector<LocationType> vertices;
                  if (vertices.empty() == false)
                     Feature* pFeature = new Feature(pCurrentObject);
                     VERIFYNR(pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified)));

                     pFeature->addField("Name", string());
                     if (!elementName.empty())
                        pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName + ": " + objectName);

                     // Copy attributes.
                     if ((pMetadata != NULL) && (pAttributeMetadata != NULL))
                        int idx = getAttributeIndex(*pCurrentObject, *pMetadata);
                        if (idx > -1)
                           copyMetadata(attrNames, idx, *pAttributeMetadata, *pFeature);

                     for (vector<LocationType>::const_iterator iter = vertices.begin(); iter != vertices.end(); ++iter)
                        LocationType geo = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(*iter);
                        pFeature->addVertex(geo.mY, geo.mX);

   case ShapefileTypes::POLYGON_SHAPE:
         if (objects.empty())
            message = "Cannot create a shape file from an empty element.";
            return features;

         // Get names of attributes which should be copied/exported.
         vector<string> attrNames;
         const DynamicObject* pAttributeMetadata = getSourceAttributeMetadata(*pGraphicElement);
         if (pAttributeMetadata != NULL)

         for (list<GraphicObject*>::const_iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)
            GraphicObject* pCurrentObject = *it;
            if (pCurrentObject != NULL)
               GraphicObjectType objectType = pCurrentObject->getGraphicObjectType();
               if ((objectType == RECTANGLE_OBJECT) || (objectType == ROUNDEDRECTANGLE_OBJECT) ||
                  (objectType == ELLIPSE_OBJECT) || (objectType == TRIANGLE_OBJECT) ||
                  (objectType == POLYGON_OBJECT) || (objectType == ARC_OBJECT))
                  // Do not allow erase or toggle objects
                  if (pCurrentObject->getDrawMode() != DRAW)

                  string objectName = pCurrentObject->getName();

                  vector<LocationType> vertices;
                  if (vertices.empty() == false)
                     // To represent non-polygon objects as polygons, add the first vertex as the last vertex
                     if (objectType != POLYGON_OBJECT)

                     Feature* pFeature = new Feature(pCurrentObject);
                     VERIFYNR(pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified)));

                     pFeature->addField("Name", string());
                     if (!elementName.empty())
                        pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName + ": " + objectName);

                     // Copy attributes.
                     if ((pMetadata != NULL) && (pAttributeMetadata != NULL))
                        int idx = getAttributeIndex(*pCurrentObject, *pMetadata);
                        if (idx > -1)
                           copyMetadata(attrNames, idx, *pAttributeMetadata, *pFeature);

                     for (vector<LocationType>::const_iterator iter = vertices.begin(); iter != vertices.end(); ++iter)
                        LocationType geo = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(*iter);
                        pFeature->addVertex(geo.mY, geo.mX);

   case ShapefileTypes::MULTIPOINT_SHAPE:
         if (dynamic_cast<AnnotationElement*>(pGraphicElement) != NULL)
            if (objects.empty())
               message = "Cannot create a shape file from an empty element.";
               return features;

            // Get names of attributes which should be copied/exported.
            vector<string> attrNames;
            const DynamicObject* pAttributeMetadata = getSourceAttributeMetadata(*pGraphicElement);
            if (pAttributeMetadata != NULL)

            for (list<GraphicObject*>::const_iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)
               GraphicObject* pCurrentObject = *it;
               if (pCurrentObject != NULL)
                  // Do not allow erase or toggle objects
                  if (pCurrentObject->getDrawMode() != DRAW)

                  Feature* pFeature = new Feature(pGraphicElement);
                  VERIFYNR(pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified)));

                  // Fields
                  pFeature->addField("Name", string());
                  if (!elementName.empty())
                     if (pObject != NULL)
                        pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName + ": " + pObject->getName());
                        pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName);

                  // Copy attributes.
                  if ((pMetadata != NULL) && (pAttributeMetadata != NULL))
                     int idx = getAttributeIndex(*pCurrentObject, *pMetadata);
                     if (idx > -1)
                        copyMetadata(attrNames, idx, *pAttributeMetadata, *pFeature);

                  vector<LocationType> vertices;
                  for (vector<LocationType>::const_iterator iter = vertices.begin(); iter != vertices.end(); ++iter)
                     LocationType geo = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(*iter);
                     pFeature->addVertex(geo.mY, geo.mX);
            // The BitMaskIterator does not support negative extents and
            // the BitMask does not correctly handle the outside flag so
            // the BitMaskIterator is used for cases when the outside flag is true and
            // the BitMask is used for cases when the outside flag is false
            AoiElement* pAoiElement = dynamic_cast<AoiElement*>(pGraphicElement);
            VERIFYRV(pAoiElement != NULL, features);
            const BitMask* pMask = pAoiElement->getSelectedPoints();
            if (pObject != NULL)
               pMask = pObject->getPixels();
               if (pMask == NULL)
                  message = "The " + pObject->getName() + " object cannot be represented by the " +
                     StringUtilities::toDisplayString(mShape) + " shape type, so a feature will not be added.";
                  return features;

            if (pMask != NULL)
               BitMaskIterator maskIt(pMask, pGeoref);
               if ((maskIt.getCount() > 0 && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true) ||
                  (pMask->getCount() > 0 && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false))
                  // Add the feature
                  SessionItem* pSessionItem = pGraphicElement;
                  if (pObject != NULL)
                     pSessionItem = pObject;

                  Feature* pFeature = new Feature(pSessionItem);
                  VERIFYNR(pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified)));

                  // Fields
                  pFeature->addField("Name", string());
                  if (!elementName.empty())
                     if (pObject != NULL)
                        pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName + ": " + pObject->getName());
                        pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName);

                  // Vertices
                  int startColumn = 0;
                  int endColumn = 0;
                  int startRow = 0;
                  int endRow = 0;
                  if (pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true)
                     maskIt.getBoundingBox(startColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow);
                     pMask->getBoundingBox(startColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow);
                  LocationType pixel;
                  for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++)
                     for (int j = startRow; j <= endRow; j++)
                        if ((maskIt.getPixel(i, j) && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true) ||
                           (pMask->getPixel(i, j) && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false))
                           pixel.mX = i + 0.5;
                           pixel.mY = j + 0.5;
                           pixel = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);

                           pFeature->addVertex(pixel.mY, pixel.mX);    // Longitude as x-coord

      message = "Shape type not recognized.";
      return features;

   if (features.empty())
      message = elementName + " has no objects that can be represented with the " +
         StringUtilities::toDisplayString(mShape) + " shape type, so no features can be added.";

   return features;
Beispiel #2
vector<Feature*> ShapeFile::addFeatures(DataElement* pElement, RasterElement* pGeoref, string& message)
   vector<Feature*> features;

   if (pElement == NULL)
      message = "Features cannot be added because the data element is invalid!";
      return features;

   if (pGeoref == NULL || !pGeoref->isGeoreferenced())
      message = "No georeferencing information can be found.";
      return features;

   // Create the features
   string elementName = pElement->getName();

   AoiElement* pAoi = dynamic_cast<AoiElement*>(pElement);
   if (pAoi != NULL)
      if (mShape == POINT_SHAPE)
         // The BitMaskIterator does not support negative extents and
         // the BitMask does not correctly handle the outside flag so
         // the BitMaskIterator is used for cases when the outside flag is true and
         // the BitMask is used for cases when the outside flag is false
         const BitMask* pMask = pAoi->getSelectedPoints();
         if (pMask != NULL)
            BitMaskIterator maskIt(pMask, pGeoref);
            if ((maskIt.getCount() > 0 && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true) ||
               (pMask->getCount() > 0 && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false))
               // Add features for each selected pixel
               int startColumn = 0;
               int endColumn = 0;
               int startRow = 0;
               int endRow = 0;
               if (pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true)
                  maskIt.getBoundingBox(startColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow);
                  pMask->getBoundingBox(startColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow);
               LocationType pixel;
               for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++)
                  for (int j = startRow; j <= endRow; j++)
                     if ((maskIt.getPixel(i, j) && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true) ||
                           (pMask->getPixel(i, j) && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false))
                        // Add the feature
                        Feature* pFeature = new Feature(mShape);
                        if (pFeature != NULL)
                           pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified));

                           pixel.mX = i + 0.5;
                           pixel.mY = j + 0.5;

                           // Fields
                           pFeature->addField("Name", string());
                           pFeature->addField("Pixel", string());

                           if (!elementName.empty())
                              pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName);

                           string pixelName = "";
                           if (!pixelName.empty())
                              pFeature->setFieldValue("Pixel", pixelName);

                           // Vertex
                           pixel = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
                           pFeature->addVertex(pixel.mY, pixel.mX);    // Longitude as x-coord
      else if (mShape == POLYLINE_SHAPE)
         GraphicGroup* pGroup = pAoi->getGroup();
         if (pGroup != NULL)
            const list<GraphicObject*>& objects = pGroup->getObjects();
            if (objects.empty())
               message = "Error Shape File 101: Cannot create a shape file from an empty AOI.";
               return features;
            else if (objects.size() != 1)
               message = "Error Shape File 102: Can only create a polyline shape file "
                  "from an AOI which contains a single object.";
               return features;
            const PolylineObject* pObj = dynamic_cast<const PolylineObject*>(objects.front());
            if (pObj == NULL || pObj->getGraphicObjectType() != POLYLINE_OBJECT)
               message = "Error Shape File 103: Can only create a polyline shape file "
                  "from an AOI which contains a single polyline.";
               return features;
            const std::vector<LocationType>& vertices = pObj->getVertices();
            Feature* pFeature = new Feature(mShape);
            if (pFeature != NULL)
               pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified));

               pFeature->addField("Name", string());
               if (!elementName.empty())
                  pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName);

               for (vector<LocationType>::const_iterator iter = vertices.begin(); iter != vertices.end(); ++iter)
                  LocationType geo = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(*iter);
                  pFeature->addVertex(geo.mY, geo.mX);
      else if (mShape == POLYGON_SHAPE)
         GraphicGroup* pGroup = pAoi->getGroup();
         if (pGroup != NULL)
            const list<GraphicObject*>& objects = pGroup->getObjects();
            if (objects.empty())
               message = "Error Shape File 101: Cannot create a shape file from an empty AOI.";
               return features;
            else if (objects.size() != 1)
               message = "Error Shape File 102: Can only create a polygon shape file "
                  "from an AOI which contains a single object.";
               return features;
            const PolygonObject* pObj = dynamic_cast<const PolygonObject*>(objects.front());
            if (pObj == NULL || pObj->getGraphicObjectType() != POLYGON_OBJECT)
               message = "Error Shape File 103: Can only create a polygon shape file "
                  "from an AOI which contains a single polygon.";
               return features;
            const std::vector<LocationType>& vertices = pObj->getVertices();
            Feature* pFeature = new Feature(mShape);
            if (pFeature != NULL)
               pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified));

               pFeature->addField("Name", string());
               if (!elementName.empty())
                  pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName);

               for (vector<LocationType>::const_iterator iter = vertices.begin(); iter != vertices.end(); ++iter)
                  LocationType geo = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(*iter);
                  pFeature->addVertex(geo.mY, geo.mX);
      else if (mShape == MULTIPOINT_SHAPE)
         // The BitMaskIterator does not support negative extents and
         // the BitMask does not correctly handle the outside flag so
         // the BitMaskIterator is used for cases when the outside flag is true and
         // the BitMask is used for cases when the outside flag is false
         const BitMask* pMask = pAoi->getSelectedPoints();
         if (pMask != NULL)
            BitMaskIterator maskIt(pMask, pGeoref);
            if ((maskIt.getCount() > 0 && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true) ||
               (pMask->getCount() > 0 && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false))
               // Add the feature
               Feature* pFeature = new Feature(mShape);
               if (pFeature != NULL)
                  pFeature->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified), Slot(this, &ShapeFile::shapeModified));

                  // Fields
                  pFeature->addField("Name", string());
                  if (!elementName.empty())
                     pFeature->setFieldValue("Name", elementName);

                  // Vertices
                  int startColumn = 0;
                  int endColumn = 0;
                  int startRow = 0;
                  int endRow = 0;
                  if (pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true)
                     maskIt.getBoundingBox(startColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow);
                     pMask->getBoundingBox(startColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow);
                  LocationType pixel;
                  for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++)
                     for (int j = startRow; j <= endRow; j++)
                        if ((maskIt.getPixel(i, j) && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == true) ||
                           (pMask->getPixel(i, j) && pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false))
                           pixel.mX = i + 0.5;
                           pixel.mY = j + 0.5;
                           pixel = pGeoref->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);

                           pFeature->addVertex(pixel.mY, pixel.mX);    // Longitude as x-coord
         message = "Shape type not recognized.";
         return features;

   if (features.empty())
      message = elementName + " has no selected points, so no features can be added.";

   return features;