bool            // false if zero magnitude
 normalize()     // Useful for deserialization of user data
     T   mag = m_real*m_real + m_comp.lengthSqr();
     if (mag == T(0))
         return false;
     T   fac = T(1) / sqrt(mag);
     m_real *= fac;
     m_comp *= fac;
     return true;
    const FgMatrixC<double,dim,1> &     pos,
    const FgMatrixC<double,dim,1> &     mean,
    const FgMatrixC<double,dim,dim> &   chol)
    double  det = 1.0;
    for (uint ii=0; ii<dim; ii++)
        det *= chol.elem(dim,dim);
    FgMatrixC<double,dim,1> mhlbs = chol * (pos-mean);
    return (0.5 * std::log(det) -               // Cholesky has all diagonals > 0
            0.5 * double(dim) * fgLn_2pi() -
            0.5 * mhlbs.lengthSqr());
    const FgMatrixC<double,dim,1> &     pos,
    const FgMatrixC<double,dim,1> &     mean,
    const FgMatrixC<double,dim,dim> &   chol)   // Right-hand cholesky term of concentration
    double  det = 1.0;
    for (uint ii=0; ii<dim; ii++)
        det *= chol.elem(ii,ii);                // Cholesky is upper or lower triangular.
    FgMatrixC<double,dim,1> mhlbs = chol * (pos-mean);
    return (
        std::pow(2.0 * fgPi(),double(dim) * -0.5) *
        std::sqrt(det) *
        fgExp(-0.5 * mhlbs.lengthSqr()));
fgLengthSqr(const FgMatrixC<T,nrows,ncols> & m)
{return m.lengthSqr(); }