UnicodeString& RelativeDateFormat::format(  Calendar& cal,
        UnicodeString& appendTo,
        FieldPosition& pos) const {

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar emptyStr = 0;
    UnicodeString dateString(&emptyStr);

    // calculate the difference, in days, between 'cal' and now.
    int dayDiff = dayDifference(cal, status);

    // look up string
    int32_t len = 0;
    const UChar *theString = getStringForDay(dayDiff, len, status);
    if(U_SUCCESS(status) && (theString!=NULL)) {
        // found a relative string
        dateString.setTo(theString, len);

    if(fTimeFormat == NULL || fCombinedFormat == 0) {
        if (dateString.length() > 0) {
        } else if(fDateFormat != NULL) {
    } else {
        if (dateString.length() == 0 && fDateFormat != NULL) {
        UnicodeString timeString(&emptyStr);
        FieldPosition timepos = pos;
        Formattable timeDateStrings[] = { timeString, dateString };
        fCombinedFormat->format(timeDateStrings, 2, appendTo, pos, status); // pos is ignored by this
        int32_t offset;
        if (pos.getEndIndex() > 0 && (offset = appendTo.indexOf(dateString)) >= 0) {
            // pos.field was found in dateString, offset start & end based on final position of dateString
            pos.setBeginIndex( pos.getBeginIndex() + offset );
            pos.setEndIndex( pos.getEndIndex() + offset );
        } else if (timepos.getEndIndex() > 0 && (offset = appendTo.indexOf(timeString)) >= 0) {
            // pos.field was found in timeString, offset start & end based on final position of timeString
            pos.setBeginIndex( timepos.getBeginIndex() + offset );
            pos.setEndIndex( timepos.getEndIndex() + offset );

    return appendTo;
Beispiel #2
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
udat_format(    const    UDateFormat*    format,
        UDate           dateToFormat,
        UChar*          result,
        int32_t         resultLength,
        UFieldPosition* position,
        UErrorCode*     status)
    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) return -1;

    UnicodeString res;
    if(!(result==NULL && resultLength==0)) {
        // NULL destination for pure preflighting: empty dummy string
        // otherwise, alias the destination buffer
        res.setTo(result, 0, resultLength);

    FieldPosition fp;

    if(position != 0)

    ((DateFormat*)format)->format(dateToFormat, res, fp);

    if(position != 0) {
        position->beginIndex = fp.getBeginIndex();
        position->endIndex = fp.getEndIndex();

    return res.extract(result, resultLength, *status);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
unum_formatDouble(    const    UNumberFormat*  fmt,
            double          number,
            UChar*          result,
            int32_t         resultLength,
            UFieldPosition  *pos, /* 0 if ignore */
            UErrorCode*     status)
  if(U_FAILURE(*status)) return -1;

  UnicodeString res;
  if(!(result==NULL && resultLength==0)) {
    // NULL destination for pure preflighting: empty dummy string
    // otherwise, alias the destination buffer
    res.setTo(result, 0, resultLength);

  FieldPosition fp;
  if(pos != 0)
  ((const NumberFormat*)fmt)->format(number, res, fp);
  if(pos != 0) {
    pos->beginIndex = fp.getBeginIndex();
    pos->endIndex = fp.getEndIndex();
  return res.extract(result, resultLength, *status);
Beispiel #4
unum_formatUFormattable(const UNumberFormat* fmt,
                        const UFormattable *number,
                        UChar *result,
                        int32_t resultLength,
                        UFieldPosition *pos, /* ignored if 0 */
                        UErrorCode *status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
      return 0;
    if (fmt == NULL || number==NULL ||
        (result==NULL ? resultLength!=0 : resultLength<0)) {
      return 0;
    UnicodeString res(result, 0, resultLength);

    FieldPosition fp;

    if(pos != 0)

    ((const NumberFormat*)fmt)->format(*(Formattable::fromUFormattable(number)), res, fp, *status);

    if(pos != 0) {
        pos->beginIndex = fp.getBeginIndex();
        pos->endIndex = fp.getEndIndex();

    return res.extract(result, resultLength, *status);
static jcharArray formatResult(JNIEnv* env, const UnicodeString& s, FieldPositionIterator* fpi, jobject javaFieldPositionIterator) {
    static jmethodID gFPI_setData = env->GetMethodID(JniConstants::fieldPositionIteratorClass, "setData", "([I)V");

    if (fpi != NULL) {
        std::vector<int32_t> data;
        FieldPosition fp;
        while (fpi->next(fp)) {

        jintArray javaData = NULL;
        if (!data.empty()) {
            javaData = env->NewIntArray(data.size());
            if (javaData == NULL) {
                return NULL;
            ScopedIntArrayRW ints(env, javaData);
            if (ints.get() == NULL) {
                return NULL;
            memcpy(ints.get(), &data[0], data.size() * sizeof(int32_t));
        env->CallVoidMethod(javaFieldPositionIterator, gFPI_setData, javaData);

    jcharArray result = env->NewCharArray(s.length());
    if (result != NULL) {
        env->SetCharArrayRegion(result, 0, s.length(), s.getBuffer());
    return result;
Beispiel #6
bool NumberStringBuilder::nextFieldPosition(FieldPosition& fp, UErrorCode& status) const {
    int32_t rawField = fp.getField();

    if (rawField == FieldPosition::DONT_CARE) {
        return FALSE;

    if (rawField < 0 || rawField >= UNUM_FIELD_COUNT) {
        status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return FALSE;

    auto field = static_cast<Field>(rawField);

    bool seenStart = false;
    int32_t fractionStart = -1;
    int32_t startIndex = fp.getEndIndex();
    for (int i = fZero + startIndex; i <= fZero + fLength; i++) {
        Field _field = UNUM_FIELD_COUNT;
        if (i < fZero + fLength) {
            _field = getFieldPtr()[i];
        if (seenStart && field != _field) {
            // Special case: GROUPING_SEPARATOR counts as an INTEGER.
            if (field == UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD && _field == UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_FIELD) {
            fp.setEndIndex(i - fZero);
        } else if (!seenStart && field == _field) {
            fp.setBeginIndex(i - fZero);
            seenStart = true;
        if (_field == UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD || _field == UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_FIELD) {
            fractionStart = i - fZero + 1;

    // Backwards compatibility: FRACTION needs to start after INTEGER if empty.
    // Do not return that a field was found, though, since there is not actually a fraction part.
    if (field == UNUM_FRACTION_FIELD && !seenStart && fractionStart != -1) {

    return seenStart;
Beispiel #7
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
unum_formatDecimal(const    UNumberFormat*  fmt,
            const char *    number,
            int32_t         length,
            UChar*          result,
            int32_t         resultLength,
            UFieldPosition  *pos, /* 0 if ignore */
            UErrorCode*     status) {

    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return -1;
    if ((result == NULL && resultLength != 0) || resultLength < 0) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return -1;

    FieldPosition fp;
    if(pos != 0) {

    if (length < 0) {
        length = uprv_strlen(number);
    StringPiece numSP(number, length);
    Formattable numFmtbl(numSP, *status);

    UnicodeString resultStr;
    if (resultLength > 0) {
        // Alias the destination buffer.
        resultStr.setTo(result, 0, resultLength);
    ((const NumberFormat*)fmt)->format(numFmtbl, resultStr, fp, *status);
    if(pos != 0) {
        pos->beginIndex = fp.getBeginIndex();
        pos->endIndex = fp.getEndIndex();
    return resultStr.extract(result, resultLength, *status);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 
unum_formatDoubleCurrency(const UNumberFormat* fmt,
                          double number,
                          UChar* currency,
                          UChar* result,
                          int32_t resultLength,
                          UFieldPosition* pos, /* ignored if 0 */
                          UErrorCode* status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) return -1;

    UnicodeString res;
    if (!(result==NULL && resultLength==0)) {
        // NULL destination for pure preflighting: empty dummy string
        // otherwise, alias the destination buffer
        res.setTo(result, 0, resultLength);
    FieldPosition fp;
    if (pos != 0) {
    CurrencyAmount *tempCurrAmnt = new CurrencyAmount(number, currency, *status);
    // Check for null pointer.
    if (tempCurrAmnt == NULL) {
        *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
        return -1;
    Formattable n(tempCurrAmnt);
    ((const NumberFormat*)fmt)->format(n, res, fp, *status);
    if (pos != 0) {
        pos->beginIndex = fp.getBeginIndex();
        pos->endIndex = fp.getEndIndex();
    return res.extract(result, resultLength, *status);
Beispiel #9
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
udat_formatCalendar(const UDateFormat*  format,
        UCalendar*      calendar,
        UChar*          result,
        int32_t         resultLength,
        UFieldPosition* position,
        UErrorCode*     status)
    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return -1;
    if (result == NULL ? resultLength != 0 : resultLength < 0) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return -1;

    UnicodeString res;
    if (result != NULL) {
        // NULL destination for pure preflighting: empty dummy string
        // otherwise, alias the destination buffer
        res.setTo(result, 0, resultLength);

    FieldPosition fp;

    if(position != 0)

    ((DateFormat*)format)->format(*(Calendar*)calendar, res, fp);

    if(position != 0) {
        position->beginIndex = fp.getBeginIndex();
        position->endIndex = fp.getEndIndex();

    return res.extract(result, resultLength, *status);