int VibesTreeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    if (parent.column() > 0)
        return 0;
    const void *parentItem;
    if (!parent.isValid())
        parentItem = figures;
        parentItem = parent.internalPointer();

    if (parentItem == figures)
        return figures->size();

    // root node
    if (!parent.isValid())
        return figures->size();
    // figure node
    if (parent.internalPointer() == 0)
        Figure2D * fig = figures->values().at(parent.row());
        return fig->scene()->namedItems().size();

    return 0;
void RenderScene::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)  {
   if (_isDrawing) {


       if (drawingFigure->isFinished()) {

    else {
       drawingFigure = getDrawingFigure(figureName, event->scenePos());
       if (!drawingFigure) {
       drawingFigure->setBorderColor(new QColor(lineColor));
       Figure2D* df = dynamic_cast<Figure2D*>(drawingFigure);
       if (withFill && df)
           df->setFillColor(new QColor(fillColor));
Beispiel #3
void VibesWindow::exportCurrentFigureGraphics()
    // Get current selected item in tree view
    QModelIndex selectId = ui->treeView->currentIndex();
    // If no selection, return
    if (!selectId.isValid())
    // If the selected item is a figure, export it
    Figure2D * pfig = static_cast<Figure2D*> (selectId.internalPointer());
    if (figures.values().contains(pfig))
Beispiel #4
VibesWindow::processMessage(const QByteArray &msg_data)
    QJsonParseError parse_error;
    QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(msg_data, &parse_error);
    // Check parsing error
    if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError)
        /// \todo Notify or error in input data
        return false;
    // Check if our document is an object
    if (!doc.isObject())
        return false;

    // Process message
    QJsonObject msg = doc.object();
    // Action is a mandatory field
    if (!msg.contains("action"))
        return false;

    QString action = msg["action"].toString();
    QString fig_name = msg["figure"].toString();

    // Get pointer to target figure
    Figure2D * fig = 0;
    if (figures.contains(fig_name))
        fig = figures[fig_name];

    // Close a figure
    if (action == "close")
        // Figure has to exist to be closed
        if (!fig)
            return false;
        // Remove from the list of figures an delete
        delete fig;
        static_cast<VibesTreeModel*> (ui->treeView->model())->forceUpdate();
        // Create a new figure
    else if (action == "new")
        // Create a new figure (previous with the same name will be destroyed)
        fig = newFigure(fig_name);
        static_cast<VibesTreeModel*> (ui->treeView->model())->forceUpdate();
        // Clear the contents of a figure
    else if (action == "clear")
        // Figure has to exist
        if (!fig)
            return false;
        // Clears the scene
        /// \todo Remove named objects references if needed
        // Sets the view
    else if (action == "view")
        // Figure has to exist
        if (!fig)
            return false;
        // Set the view rectangle to a box
        if (msg["box"].isArray())
            const QJsonArray box = msg["box"].toArray();
            if (box.size() < 4) return false;
            double lb_x = box[0].toDouble();
            double ub_x = box[1].toDouble();
            double lb_y = box[2].toDouble();
            double ub_y = box[3].toDouble();
            fig->fitInView(lb_x, lb_y, ub_x - lb_x, ub_y - lb_y);
            // Auto-set the view rectangle
        else if (msg["box"].toString() == "auto")
        // Export to a graphical file
    else if (action == "export")
        // Figure has to exist
        if (!fig)
            return false;
        // Exports to given filename (if not defined, shows a save dialog)
        // Draw a shape
    else if (action == "draw")
        if (!fig) // Create a new figure if it does not exist
            fig = newFigure(fig_name);

        QColor fill_color;
        QColor edge_color;

        QGraphicsItem * item = 0;

        if (msg.contains("shape"))
            QJsonObject shape = msg.value("shape").toObject();
            // Get shape color (or default if not specified)
            const QBrush & brush = brushes[shape.value("color").toString()];
            if (shape.contains("type"))
                QString type = shape["type"].toString();

                if (type == "box")
                    QJsonArray bounds = shape["bounds"].toArray();
                    if (bounds.size() >= 4)
                        double lb_x = bounds[0].toDouble();
                        double ub_x = bounds[1].toDouble();
                        double lb_y = bounds[2].toDouble();
                        double ub_y = bounds[3].toDouble();

                        item = fig->scene()->addRect(lb_x, lb_y, ub_x - lb_x, ub_y - lb_y, defaultPen, brush);
                else if (type == "boxes")
                    QJsonArray boundsX_lb = shape["boundsX_lb"].toArray();
                    QJsonArray boundsX_ub = shape["boundsX_ub"].toArray();
                    QJsonArray boundsY_lb = shape["boundsY_lb"].toArray();
                    QJsonArray boundsY_ub = shape["boundsY_ub"].toArray();

                    if (boundsX_lb.size() == boundsX_ub.size() &&
                            boundsX_ub.size() == boundsY_lb.size() &&
                            boundsY_lb.size() == boundsY_ub.size())
                        bool colors = shape.contains("colors");
                        bool enoughColors = false;
                        if (colors)
                            enoughColors = shape["colors"].toArray().size() == boundsX_lb.size();
                        for (int i = 0; i < boundsX_lb.size(); i++)
                            double lb_x = boundsX_lb[i].toDouble();
                            double ub_x = boundsX_ub[i].toDouble();
                            double lb_y = boundsY_lb[i].toDouble();
                            double ub_y = boundsY_ub[i].toDouble();

                            item = fig->scene()->addRect(lb_x, lb_y, ub_x - lb_x, ub_y - lb_y, defaultPen, brush);
                else if (type == "ellipse")
                    QJsonArray center = shape["center"].toArray();
                    if (center.size() >= 2)
                        double x = center[0].toDouble();
                        double y = center[1].toDouble();
                        double wx, wy, angle;
                        if (shape.contains("axis") && shape.contains("orientation"))
                            QJsonArray axis = shape["axis"].toArray();
                            wx = axis[0].toDouble();
                            wy = axis[1].toDouble();
                            angle = shape.value("orientation").toDouble();
                        else if (shape.contains("covariance"))
                            double sxx, sxy, syy, s, eval1, eval2, det, trace, rightTerm;
                            double evect1[2], evect2[2];
                            s = shape.contains("sigma") ? shape["sigma"].toDouble() : 5;
                            QJsonArray covariance = shape["covariance"].toArray();
                            sxx = covariance[0].toDouble();
                            sxy = covariance[1].toDouble();
                            syy = covariance[3].toDouble();
                            if (sxy == 0)
                                eval1 = sxx;
                                eval2 = syy;
                                evect1[0] = 1;
                                evect1[1] = 0;
                                evect2[0] = 0;
                                evect2[1] = 1;
                                det = sxx * syy - pow(sxy, 2);
                                trace = sxx + syy;
                                rightTerm = sqrt(pow(sxx + syy, 2) / 4 - det);
                                eval1 = trace / 2 + rightTerm;
                                eval2 = trace / 2 - rightTerm;

                                evect1[0] = evect2[0] = 1; // We set the x-component of the eigenvectors to 1
                                evect1[1] = (eval1 - sxy - sxx) / (sxy + syy - eval1);
                                evect2[1] = (eval2 - sxy - sxx) / (sxy + syy - eval2);
                            // (evect1; evect2) give us the rotation matrix
                            // s*sqrt(eval1) s*sqrt(eval2) give us the main axis-sizes of the ellipse

                            angle = (evect1[0] != evect1[0]) || (evect1[1] != evect1[1]) ? (atan2(evect2[1], evect2[0])*180 * M_1_PI - 90) : atan2(evect1[1], evect1[0])*180 * M_1_PI;
                            wx = s * sqrt(eval1);
                            wy = s * sqrt(eval2);
                        else // should not be here
                            return false;
                        item = fig->scene()->addEllipse(-wx, -wy, 2 * wx, 2 * wy, defaultPen, brush);
                        item->setPos(x, y);
                else if (type == "point")

                else if (type == "points")

        // Unknown action
        return false;
    return true;