Beispiel #1
PyObject* plPythonPack::OpenPacked(const char* fileName)
    if (!Open())
        return nil;

    std::string pythonName = fileName;
    pythonName += ".py";

    FileOffset::iterator it = fFileOffsets.find(pythonName);
    if (it != fFileOffsets.end())
        plPackOffsetInfo offsetInfo = (*it).second;
        hsStream* fPackStream = fPackStreams[offsetInfo.fStreamIndex];

        int32_t size = fPackStream->ReadLE32();
        if (size > 0)
            char *buf = new char[size];
            uint32_t readSize = fPackStream->Read(size, buf);
            hsAssert(readSize <= size, xtl::format("Python PackFile %s: Incorrect amount of data, read %d instead of %d",
                fileName, readSize, size).c_str());

            // let the python marshal make it back into a code object
            PyObject *pythonCode = PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromString(buf, size);

            delete [] buf;

            return pythonCode;

    return nil;
Beispiel #2
bool plPythonPack::Open()
    if (fPackStreams.size() > 0)
        return true;
    // We already tried and it wasn't there
    if (fPackNotFound)
        return false;

    fPackNotFound = true;

    // Get the names of all the pak files
    std::vector<plFileName> files = plStreamSource::GetInstance()->GetListOfNames("python", "pak");

    std::vector<time_t> modTimes; // the modification time for each of the streams (to resolve duplicate file issues)

    // grab all the .pak files in the folder
    for (int curName = 0; curName < files.size(); curName++)
        // obtain the stream
        hsStream *fPackStream = plStreamSource::GetInstance()->GetFile(files[curName]);
        if (fPackStream)
            fPackStream->Rewind(); // make sure we're at the beginning of the file
            fPackNotFound = false;

            time_t curModTime = 0;
            plFileInfo info(files[curName]);
            if (info.Exists())
                curModTime = info.ModifyTime();

            // read the index data
            int numFiles = fPackStream->ReadLE32();
            uint32_t streamIndex = (uint32_t)(fPackStreams.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
                // and pack the index into our own data structure
                plString pythonName = fPackStream->ReadSafeString();
                uint32_t offset = fPackStream->ReadLE32();

                plPackOffsetInfo offsetInfo;
                offsetInfo.fOffset = offset;
                offsetInfo.fStreamIndex = streamIndex;

                if (fFileOffsets.find(pythonName) != fFileOffsets.end())
                    uint32_t index = fFileOffsets[pythonName].fStreamIndex;
                    if (modTimes[index] < curModTime) // is the existing file older then the new one?
                        fFileOffsets[pythonName] = offsetInfo; // yup, so replace it with the new info
                    fFileOffsets[pythonName] = offsetInfo; // no conflicts, add the info

    return !fPackNotFound;
Beispiel #3
bool plPythonPack::IsPackedFile(const plString& fileName)
    if (!Open())
        return nil;

    plString pythonName = fileName + ".py";

    FileOffset:: iterator it = fFileOffsets.find(pythonName);
    if (it != fFileOffsets.end())
        return true;

    return false;
Beispiel #4
bool plPythonPack::Open()
    if (fPackStreams.size() > 0)
        return true;
    // We already tried and it wasn't there
    if (fPackNotFound)
        return false;

    fPackNotFound = true;

    // Get the names of all the pak files
    std::vector<std::wstring> files = plStreamSource::GetInstance()->GetListOfNames(L"python", L".pak");

    std::vector<time_t> modTimes; // the modification time for each of the streams (to resolve duplicate file issues)

    // grab all the .pak files in the folder
    for (int curName = 0; curName < files.size(); curName++)
        // obtain the stream
        hsStream *fPackStream = plStreamSource::GetInstance()->GetFile(files[curName]);
        if (fPackStream)
            fPackStream->Rewind(); // make sure we're at the beginning of the file
            fPackNotFound = false;

            char* tempFilename = hsWStringToString(files[curName].c_str());
            struct stat buf;
            time_t curModTime = 0;
            if (stat(tempFilename,&buf)==0)
                curModTime = buf.st_mtime;
            delete [] tempFilename;

            // read the index data
            int numFiles = fPackStream->ReadLE32();
            uint32_t streamIndex = (uint32_t)(fPackStreams.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
                // and pack the index into our own data structure
                char* buf = fPackStream->ReadSafeString();
                std::string pythonName = buf; // reading a "string" from a hsStream directly into a stl string causes memory loss
                delete [] buf;
                uint32_t offset = fPackStream->ReadLE32();

                plPackOffsetInfo offsetInfo;
                offsetInfo.fOffset = offset;
                offsetInfo.fStreamIndex = streamIndex;

                if (fFileOffsets.find(pythonName) != fFileOffsets.end())
                    uint32_t index = fFileOffsets[pythonName].fStreamIndex;
                    if (modTimes[index] < curModTime) // is the existing file older then the new one?
                        fFileOffsets[pythonName] = offsetInfo; // yup, so replace it with the new info
                    fFileOffsets[pythonName] = offsetInfo; // no conflicts, add the info

    return !fPackNotFound;