Beispiel #1
void BloomFilterPlugin::InitFilterTable(const Film &film) {
	const u_int width = film.GetWidth();
	const u_int height = film.GetHeight();

	// Compute image-space extent of bloom effect
	const u_int bloomSupport = Float2UInt(radius * Max(width, height));
	bloomWidth = bloomSupport / 2;

	// Initialize bloom filter table
	delete[] bloomFilter;
	bloomFilterSize = 2 * bloomWidth * bloomWidth + 1;
	bloomFilter = new float[bloomFilterSize];
	for (u_int i = 0; i < bloomFilterSize; ++i)
		bloomFilter[i] = 0.f;

	for (u_int i = 0; i < bloomWidth * bloomWidth; ++i) {
		const float z0 = 3.8317f;
		const float dist = z0 * sqrtf(i) / bloomWidth;
		if (dist == 0.f)
			bloomFilter[i] = 1.f;
		else if (dist >= z0)
			bloomFilter[i] = 0.f;
		else {
			// Airy function
			//const float b = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(1, dist);
			//bloomFilter[i] = powf(2*b/dist, 2.f);

			// Gaussian approximation
			// best-fit sigma^2 for above airy function, based on RMSE
			// depends on choice of zero
			const float sigma2 = 1.698022698724f; 
			bloomFilter[i] = expf(-dist * dist / sigma2);
Beispiel #2
void BloomFilterPlugin::Apply(Film &film, const u_int index) {
	//const double t1 = WallClockTime();

	Spectrum *pixels = (Spectrum *)film.channel_IMAGEPIPELINEs[index]->GetPixels();
	const u_int width = film.GetWidth();
	const u_int height = film.GetHeight();

	// Allocate the temporary buffer if required
	if ((!bloomBuffer) || (width * height != bloomBufferSize)) {
		delete[] bloomBuffer;
		delete[] bloomBufferTmp;

		bloomBufferSize = width * height;
		bloomBuffer = new Spectrum[bloomBufferSize];
		bloomBufferTmp = new Spectrum[bloomBufferSize];


	// Apply separable filter
	BloomFilter(film, pixels);

	for (u_int i = 0; i < bloomBufferSize; ++i) {
		if (*(film.channel_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK->GetPixel(i)))
			pixels[i] = Lerp(weight, pixels[i], bloomBuffer[i]);

	//const double t2 = WallClockTime();
	//SLG_LOG("Bloom time: " << int((t2 - t1) * 1000.0) << "ms");
Beispiel #3
void PathHybridState::Init(const PathHybridRenderThread *thread) {
	PathHybridRenderEngine *renderEngine = (PathHybridRenderEngine *)thread->renderEngine;
	Scene *scene = renderEngine->renderConfig->scene;

	depth = 1;
	lastPdfW = 1.f;
	throuput = Spectrum(1.f);

	directLightRadiance = Spectrum();

	// Initialize eye ray
	PerspectiveCamera *camera = scene->camera;
	Film *film = thread->threadFilm;
	const u_int filmWidth = film->GetWidth();
	const u_int filmHeight = film->GetHeight();

	sampleResults[0].screenX = std::min(sampler->GetSample(0) * filmWidth, (float)(filmWidth - 1));
	sampleResults[0].screenY = std::min(sampler->GetSample(1) * filmHeight, (float)(filmHeight - 1));
	camera->GenerateRay(sampleResults[0].screenX, sampleResults[0].screenY, &nextPathVertexRay,
		sampler->GetSample(2), sampler->GetSample(3));

	sampleResults[0].alpha = 1.f;
	sampleResults[0].radiance = Spectrum(0.f);
	lastSpecular = true;
Beispiel #4
void TileRepository::Tile::AddPass(const Film &tileFilm) {		
	// Increase the pass count

	// Update the done flag
	if (tileRepository->enableMultipassRendering) {
		// Check if convergence test is enable
		if (tileRepository->convergenceTestThreshold > 0.f) {
			// Add the tile to the all pass film
					0, 0,
					0, 0);

			if (pass % 2 == 1) {
				// If it is an odd pass, add also to the even pass film
					0, 0,
					0, 0);
			} else {
				// Update tileRepository->tileMaxPixelValue before to check the
				// convergence

				// Update linear tone mapping plugin
				LinearToneMap *allLT = (LinearToneMap *)allPassFilm->GetImagePipeline()->GetPlugin(typeid(LinearToneMap));
				allLT->scale = 1.f / tileRepository->tileMaxPixelValue;
				LinearToneMap *evenLT = (LinearToneMap *)evenPassFilm->GetImagePipeline()->GetPlugin(typeid(LinearToneMap));
				evenLT->scale = allLT->scale;

				// If it is an even pass, check convergence status

		if ((tileRepository->maxPassCount > 0) && (pass >= tileRepository->maxPassCount))
			done = true;
	} else
		done = true;
void BackgroundImgPlugin::UpdateFilmImageMap(const Film &film) {
	const u_int width = film.GetWidth();
	const u_int height = film.GetHeight();

	// Check if I have to resample the image map
	if ((!filmImageMap) ||
			(filmImageMap->GetWidth() != width) || (filmImageMap->GetHeight() != height)) {
		delete filmImageMap;
		filmImageMap = NULL;

		filmImageMap = imgMap->Copy();
		filmImageMap->Resize(width, height);
Beispiel #6
void BloomFilterPlugin::BloomFilterY(const Film &film) {
	const u_int width = film.GetWidth();
	const u_int height = film.GetHeight();

	// Apply bloom filter to image pixels
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (
		// Visual C++ 2013 supports only OpenMP 2.5
#if _OPENMP >= 200805
		int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
		for (u_int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
			if (*(film.channel_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK->GetPixel(x, y))) {
				// Compute bloom for pixel (x, y)
				// Compute extent of pixels contributing bloom
				const u_int y0 = Max<u_int>(y, bloomWidth) - bloomWidth;
				const u_int y1 = Min<u_int>(y + bloomWidth, height - 1);

				float sumWt = 0.f;
				const u_int bx = x;
				Spectrum &pixel(bloomBuffer[x + y * width]);
				pixel = Spectrum();
				for (u_int by = y0; by <= y1; ++by) {
					if (*(film.channel_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK->GetPixel(bx, by))) {
						// Accumulate bloom from pixel (bx, by)
						const u_int dist2 = (x - bx) * (x - bx) + (y - by) * (y - by);
						const float wt = bloomFilter[dist2];
						if (wt == 0.f)

						const u_int bloomOffset = bx + by * width;
						sumWt += wt;
						pixel += wt * bloomBufferTmp[bloomOffset];

				if (sumWt > 0.f)
					pixel /= sumWt;
Beispiel #7
void Reinhard02ToneMap::Apply(Film &film, const u_int index) {
	Spectrum *pixels = (Spectrum *)film.channel_IMAGEPIPELINEs[index]->GetPixels();
	RGBColor *rgbPixels = (RGBColor *)pixels;

	const float alpha = .1f;
	const u_int pixelCount = film.GetWidth() * film.GetHeight();

	float Ywa = 0.f;
	for (u_int i = 0; i < pixelCount; ++i) {
		if (*(film.channel_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK->GetPixel(i)) && !rgbPixels[i].IsInf())
			Ywa += logf(Max(rgbPixels[i].Y(), 1e-6f));

	if (pixelCount > 0)
		Ywa = expf(Ywa / pixelCount);

	// Avoid division by zero
	if (Ywa == 0.f)
		Ywa = 1.f;

	const float invB2 = (burn > 0.f) ? 1.f / (burn * burn) : 1e5f;
	const float scale = alpha / Ywa;
	const float preS = scale / preScale;
	const float postS = scale * postScale;

	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (
			// Visual C++ 2013 supports only OpenMP 2.5
#if _OPENMP >= 200805
			int i = 0; i < pixelCount; ++i) {
		if (*(film.channel_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK->GetPixel(i))) {
			const float ys = rgbPixels[i].Y() * preS;
			// Note: I don't need to convert to XYZ and back because I'm only
			// scaling the value.
			rgbPixels[i] *= postS * (1.f + ys * invB2) / (1.f + ys);
void BackgroundImgPlugin::Apply(Film &film, const u_int index) {
	if (!film.HasChannel(Film::ALPHA)) {
		// I can not work without alpha channel

	// Check if I have to resample the image map

	Spectrum *pixels = (Spectrum *)film.channel_IMAGEPIPELINEs[index]->GetPixels();

	const u_int width = film.GetWidth();
	const u_int height = film.GetHeight();

	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (
		// Visual C++ 2013 supports only OpenMP 2.5
#if _OPENMP >= 200805
		int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
		for (u_int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
			const u_int filmPixelIndex = x + y * width;
			if (*(film.channel_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK->GetPixel(filmPixelIndex))) {
				float alpha;
				film.channel_ALPHA->GetWeightedPixel(x, y, &alpha);

				// Need to flip the along the Y axis for the image
				const u_int imgPixelIndex = x + (height - y - 1) * width;
				pixels[filmPixelIndex] = Lerp(alpha,
void BiDirVMCPURenderThread::RenderFuncVM() {
	//SLG_LOG("[BiDirVMCPURenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread started");

	// Initialization

	BiDirVMCPURenderEngine *engine = (BiDirVMCPURenderEngine *)renderEngine;
	RandomGenerator *rndGen = new RandomGenerator(engine->seedBase + threadIndex);
	Scene *scene = engine->renderConfig->scene;
	Camera *camera = scene->camera;
	Film *film = threadFilm;
	const u_int filmWidth = film->GetWidth();
	const u_int filmHeight = film->GetHeight();
	pixelCount = filmWidth * filmHeight;

	// Setup the samplers
	vector<Sampler *> samplers(engine->lightPathsCount, NULL);
	const u_int sampleSize = 
		sampleBootSizeVM + // To generate the initial light vertex and trace eye ray
		engine->maxLightPathDepth * sampleLightStepSize + // For each light vertex
		engine->maxEyePathDepth * sampleEyeStepSize; // For each eye vertex
	// metropolisSharedTotalLuminance and metropolisSharedSampleCount are
	// initialized inside MetropolisSampler::RequestSamples()
	double metropolisSharedTotalLuminance, metropolisSharedSampleCount;
	for (u_int i = 0; i < samplers.size(); ++i) {
		Sampler *sampler = engine->renderConfig->AllocSampler(rndGen, film,
				&metropolisSharedTotalLuminance, &metropolisSharedSampleCount);

		samplers[i] = sampler;

	u_int iteration = 0;
	vector<vector<SampleResult> > samplesResults(samplers.size());
	vector<vector<PathVertexVM> > lightPathsVertices(samplers.size());
	vector<Point> lensPoints(samplers.size());
	HashGrid hashGrid;
	const u_int haltDebug = engine->renderConfig->GetProperty("batch.haltdebug").Get<u_int>();

	for(u_int steps = 0; !boost::this_thread::interruption_requested(); ++steps) {
		// Clear the arrays
		for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex) {

		// Setup vertex merging
		float radius = engine->baseRadius;
        radius /= powf(float(iteration + 1), .5f * (1.f - engine->radiusAlpha));
		radius = Max(radius, DEFAULT_EPSILON_STATIC);
		const float radius2 = radius * radius;

		const float vmFactor = M_PI * radius2 * engine->lightPathsCount;
		vmNormalization = 1.f / vmFactor;

		const float etaVCM = vmFactor;
		misVmWeightFactor = MIS(etaVCM);
		misVcWeightFactor = MIS(1.f / etaVCM);

		// Using the same time for all rays in the same pass is required by the
		// current implementation (i.e. I can not mix paths with different
		// times). However this is detrimental for the Metropolis sampler.
		const float time = rndGen->floatValue();

		// Trace all light paths

		for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex) {
			Sampler *sampler = samplers[samplerIndex];

			// Sample a point on the camera lens
			if (!camera->SampleLens(time, sampler->GetSample(3), sampler->GetSample(4),

			TraceLightPath(time, sampler, lensPoints[samplerIndex],
					lightPathsVertices[samplerIndex], samplesResults[samplerIndex]);

		// Store all light path vertices in the k-NN accelerator

		hashGrid.Build(lightPathsVertices, radius);

		//cout << "==========================================\n";
		//cout << "Iteration: " << iteration << "  Paths: " << engine->lightPathsCount << "  Light path vertices: "<< hashGrid.GetVertexCount() <<"\n";

		// Trace all eye paths

		for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex) {
			Sampler *sampler = samplers[samplerIndex];

			PathVertexVM eyeVertex;
			SampleResult eyeSampleResult(Film::RADIANCE_PER_PIXEL_NORMALIZED | Film::ALPHA, 1);
			eyeSampleResult.alpha = 1.f;

			Ray eyeRay;
			eyeSampleResult.filmX = min(sampler->GetSample(0) * filmWidth, (float)(filmWidth - 1));
			eyeSampleResult.filmY = min(sampler->GetSample(1) * filmHeight, (float)(filmHeight - 1));
			camera->GenerateRay(eyeSampleResult.filmX, eyeSampleResult.filmY, &eyeRay,
				sampler->GetSample(9), sampler->GetSample(10), time);

			eyeVertex.bsdf.hitPoint.fixedDir = -eyeRay.d;
			eyeVertex.throughput = Spectrum(1.f);
			const float cosAtCamera = Dot(scene->camera->GetDir(), eyeRay.d);
			const float cameraPdfW = 1.f / (cosAtCamera * cosAtCamera * cosAtCamera *
			eyeVertex.dVCM = MIS(1.f / cameraPdfW);
			eyeVertex.dVC = 1.f;
			eyeVertex.dVM = 1.f;

			eyeVertex.depth = 1;
			while (eyeVertex.depth <= engine->maxEyePathDepth) {
				const u_int sampleOffset = sampleBootSizeVM + engine->maxLightPathDepth * sampleLightStepSize +
					(eyeVertex.depth - 1) * sampleEyeStepSize;

				RayHit eyeRayHit;
				Spectrum connectionThroughput, connectEmission;
				const bool hit = scene->Intersect(device, false,
						&eyeVertex.volInfo, sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset),
						&eyeRay, &eyeRayHit, &eyeVertex.bsdf,
						&connectionThroughput, NULL, NULL, &connectEmission);
				// I account for volume emission only with path tracing (i.e. here and
				// not in any other place)
				eyeSampleResult.radiancePerPixelNormalized[0] += connectEmission;

				if (!hit) {
					// Nothing was hit, look for infinitelight

					// This is a trick, you can not have a BSDF of something that has
					// not been hit. DirectHitInfiniteLight must be aware of this.
					eyeVertex.bsdf.hitPoint.fixedDir = -eyeRay.d;
					eyeVertex.throughput *= connectionThroughput;

					DirectHitLight(false, eyeVertex, &eyeSampleResult.radiancePerPixelNormalized[0]);

					if (eyeVertex.depth == 1)
						eyeSampleResult.alpha = 0.f;
				eyeVertex.throughput *= connectionThroughput;

				// Something was hit

				// Update MIS constants
				const float factor = 1.f / MIS(AbsDot(eyeVertex.bsdf.hitPoint.shadeN, eyeVertex.bsdf.hitPoint.fixedDir));
				eyeVertex.dVCM *= MIS(eyeRayHit.t * eyeRayHit.t) * factor;
				eyeVertex.dVC *= factor;
				eyeVertex.dVM *= factor;

				// Check if it is a light source
				if (eyeVertex.bsdf.IsLightSource())
					DirectHitLight(true, eyeVertex, &eyeSampleResult.radiancePerPixelNormalized[0]);

				// Note: pass-through check is done inside Scene::Intersect()

				// Direct light sampling

						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 1),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 2),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 3),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 4),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 5),
						eyeVertex, &eyeSampleResult.radiancePerPixelNormalized[0]);

				if (!eyeVertex.bsdf.IsDelta()) {
					// Connect vertex path ray with all light path vertices
					const vector<PathVertexVM> &lightPathVertices = lightPathsVertices[samplerIndex];
					for (vector<PathVertexVM>::const_iterator lightPathVertex = lightPathVertices.begin();
							lightPathVertex < lightPathVertices.end(); ++lightPathVertex)
								eyeVertex, *lightPathVertex, &eyeSampleResult,
								sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 6));

					// Vertex Merging step

					hashGrid.Process(this, eyeVertex, &eyeSampleResult.radiancePerPixelNormalized[0]);

				// Build the next vertex path ray

				if (!Bounce(time, sampler, sampleOffset + 7, &eyeVertex, &eyeRay))


		// Splat all samples

		for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex)


#ifdef WIN32
		// Work around Windows bad scheduling


		if ((haltDebug > 0u) && (steps >= haltDebug))

	for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex)
		delete samplers[samplerIndex];
	delete rndGen;

	//SLG_LOG("[BiDirVMCPURenderThread::" << renderThread->threadIndex << "] Rendering thread halted");
Beispiel #10
void BloomFilterPlugin::ApplyOCL(Film &film, const u_int index) {
	const u_int width = film.GetWidth();
	const u_int height = film.GetHeight();

	if ((!bloomFilter) || (width * height != bloomBufferSize)) {
		bloomBufferSize = width * height;

	if (!bloomFilterXKernel) {
		oclIntersectionDevice = film.oclIntersectionDevice;

		// Allocate OpenCL buffers
		oclIntersectionDevice->AllocBufferRW(&oclBloomBuffer, bloomBufferSize * sizeof(Spectrum), "Bloom buffer");
		oclIntersectionDevice->AllocBufferRW(&oclBloomBufferTmp, bloomBufferSize * sizeof(Spectrum), "Bloom temporary buffer");
		oclIntersectionDevice->AllocBufferRO(&oclBloomFilter, bloomFilter,  bloomFilterSize * sizeof(float), "Bloom filter table");

		// Compile sources
		const double tStart = WallClockTime();

		cl::Program *program = ImagePipelinePlugin::CompileProgram(

		// BloomFilterPlugin_FilterX kernel

		SLG_LOG("[BloomFilterPlugin] Compiling BloomFilterPlugin_FilterX Kernel");
		bloomFilterXKernel = new cl::Kernel(*program, "BloomFilterPlugin_FilterX");

		// Set kernel arguments
		u_int argIndex = 0;
		bloomFilterXKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetWidth());
		bloomFilterXKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetHeight());
		bloomFilterXKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_IMAGEPIPELINE));
		bloomFilterXKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK));
		bloomFilterXKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclBloomBuffer);
		bloomFilterXKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclBloomBufferTmp);
		bloomFilterXKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclBloomFilter);
		bloomFilterXKernel->setArg(argIndex++, bloomWidth);

		// BloomFilterPlugin_FilterY kernel

		SLG_LOG("[BloomFilterPlugin] Compiling BloomFilterPlugin_FilterY Kernel");
		bloomFilterYKernel = new cl::Kernel(*program, "BloomFilterPlugin_FilterY");

		// Set kernel arguments
		argIndex = 0;
		bloomFilterYKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetWidth());
		bloomFilterYKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetHeight());
		bloomFilterYKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_IMAGEPIPELINE));
		bloomFilterYKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK));
		bloomFilterYKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclBloomBuffer);
		bloomFilterYKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclBloomBufferTmp);
		bloomFilterYKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclBloomFilter);
		bloomFilterYKernel->setArg(argIndex++, bloomWidth);

		// BloomFilterPlugin_Merge kernel

		SLG_LOG("[BloomFilterPlugin] Compiling BloomFilterPlugin_Merge Kernel");
		bloomFilterMergeKernel = new cl::Kernel(*program, "BloomFilterPlugin_Merge");

		// Set kernel arguments
		argIndex = 0;
		bloomFilterMergeKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetWidth());
		bloomFilterMergeKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetHeight());
		bloomFilterMergeKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_IMAGEPIPELINE));
		bloomFilterMergeKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK));
		bloomFilterMergeKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclBloomBuffer);
		bloomFilterMergeKernel->setArg(argIndex++, weight);


		delete program;

		const double tEnd = WallClockTime();
		SLG_LOG("[BloomFilterPlugin] Kernels compilation time: " << int((tEnd - tStart) * 1000.0) << "ms");
			cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(RoundUp(film.GetWidth() * film.GetHeight(), 256u)), cl::NDRange(256));
			cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(RoundUp(film.GetWidth() * film.GetHeight(), 256u)), cl::NDRange(256));
			cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(RoundUp(film.GetWidth() * film.GetHeight(), 256u)), cl::NDRange(256));
void HybridRenderThread::RenderFunc() {
	//SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread started");
	boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di;

	Film *film = threadFilm;
	const u_int filmWidth = film->GetWidth();
	const u_int filmHeight = film->GetHeight();
	pixelCount = filmWidth * filmHeight;

	RandomGenerator *rndGen = new RandomGenerator(threadIndex + renderEngine->seedBase);

	const u_int incrementStep = 4096;
	vector<HybridRenderState *> states(incrementStep);

	try {
		// Initialize the first states
		for (u_int i = 0; i < states.size(); ++i)
			states[i] = AllocRenderState(rndGen);

		u_int generateIndex = 0;
		u_int collectIndex = 0;
		while (!boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) {
			// Generate new rays up to the point to have 3 pending buffers
			while (pendingRayBuffers < 3) {

				generateIndex = (generateIndex + 1) % states.size();
				if (generateIndex == collectIndex) {
					//SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] Increasing states size by " << incrementStep);
					//SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] State size: " << states.size());

					// Insert a set of new states and continue
					states.insert(states.begin() + generateIndex, incrementStep, NULL);
					for (u_int i = generateIndex; i < generateIndex + incrementStep; ++i)
						states[i] = AllocRenderState(rndGen);
					collectIndex += incrementStep;

			//SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] State size: " << states.size());
			//SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] generateIndex: " << generateIndex);
			//SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] collectIndex: " << collectIndex);
			//SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] pendingRayBuffers: " << pendingRayBuffers);

			// Collect rays up to the point to have only 1 pending buffer
			while (pendingRayBuffers > 1) {
				samplesCount += states[collectIndex]->CollectResults(this);

				const u_int newCollectIndex = (collectIndex + 1) % states.size();
				// A safety-check, it should never happen
				if (newCollectIndex == generateIndex)
				collectIndex = newCollectIndex;

		//SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread halted");
	} catch (boost::thread_interrupted) {
		SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread halted");
	catch (cl::Error err) {
		SLG_LOG("[HybridRenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread ERROR: " << err.what() <<
				"(" << luxrays::utils::oclErrorString(err.err()) << ")");

	// Clean current ray buffers
	if (currentRayBufferToSend) {
		currentRayBufferToSend = NULL;
	if (currentReiceivedRayBuffer) {
		currentReiceivedRayBuffer = NULL;

	// Free all states
	for (u_int i = 0; i < states.size(); ++i)
		delete states[i];
	delete rndGen;

	// Remove all pending ray buffers
	while (pendingRayBuffers > 0) {
		RayBuffer *rayBuffer = device->PopRayBuffer();
void LightCPURenderThread::TraceEyePath(Sampler *sampler, vector<SampleResult> *sampleResults) {
	LightCPURenderEngine *engine = (LightCPURenderEngine *)renderEngine;
	Scene *scene = engine->renderConfig->scene;
	PerspectiveCamera *camera = scene->camera;
	Film *film = threadFilm;
	const u_int filmWidth = film->GetWidth();
	const u_int filmHeight = film->GetHeight();

	// Sample offsets
	const u_int sampleBootSize = 11;
	const u_int sampleEyeStepSize = 3;

	Ray eyeRay;
	const float screenX = min(sampler->GetSample(0) * filmWidth, (float)(filmWidth - 1));
	const float screenY = min(sampler->GetSample(1) * filmHeight, (float)(filmHeight - 1));
	camera->GenerateRay(screenX, screenY, &eyeRay,
		sampler->GetSample(9), sampler->GetSample(10));

	Spectrum radiance, eyePathThroughput(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
	int depth = 1;
	while (depth <= engine->maxPathDepth) {
		const u_int sampleOffset = sampleBootSize + (depth - 1) * sampleEyeStepSize;

		RayHit eyeRayHit;
		BSDF bsdf;
		Spectrum connectionThroughput;
		const bool somethingWasHit = scene->Intersect(device, false,
				sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset), &eyeRay, &eyeRayHit, &bsdf, &connectionThroughput);
		if (!somethingWasHit) {
			// Nothing was hit, check infinite lights (including sun)
			const Spectrum throughput = eyePathThroughput * connectionThroughput;
			if (scene->envLight)
				radiance +=  throughput * scene->envLight->GetRadiance(scene, -eyeRay.d);
			if (scene->sunLight)
				radiance +=  throughput * scene->sunLight->GetRadiance(scene, -eyeRay.d);
		} else {
			// Something was hit, check if it is a light source
			if (bsdf.IsLightSource())
				radiance = eyePathThroughput * connectionThroughput * bsdf.GetEmittedRadiance(scene);
			else {
				// Check if it is a specular bounce

				float bsdfPdf;
				Vector sampledDir;
				BSDFEvent event;
				float cosSampleDir;
				const Spectrum bsdfSample = bsdf.Sample(&sampledDir,
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 1),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 2),
						&bsdfPdf, &cosSampleDir, &event);
				if (bsdfSample.Black() || ((depth == 1) && !(event & SPECULAR)))

				// If depth = 1 and it is a specular bounce, I continue to trace the
				// eye path looking for a light source

				eyePathThroughput *= connectionThroughput * bsdfSample * (cosSampleDir / bsdfPdf);
				assert (!eyePathThroughput.IsNaN() && !eyePathThroughput.IsInf());

				eyeRay = Ray(bsdf.hitPoint, sampledDir);


	// Add a sample even if it is black in order to avoid aliasing problems
	// between sampled pixel and not sampled one (in PER_PIXEL_NORMALIZED buffer)
	AddSampleResult(*sampleResults, PER_PIXEL_NORMALIZED,
			screenX, screenY, radiance, (depth == 1) ? 1.f : 0.f);
Beispiel #13
void BiDirVMCPURenderThread::RenderFuncVM() {
	//SLG_LOG("[BiDirVMCPURenderThread::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread started");

	// Initialization

	BiDirVMCPURenderEngine *engine = (BiDirVMCPURenderEngine *)renderEngine;
	RandomGenerator *rndGen = new RandomGenerator(engine->seedBase + threadIndex);
	Scene *scene = engine->renderConfig->scene;
	PerspectiveCamera *camera = scene->camera;
	Film *film = threadFilm;
	const unsigned int filmWidth = film->GetWidth();
	const unsigned int filmHeight = film->GetHeight();
	pixelCount = filmWidth * filmHeight;

	// Setup the samplers
	vector<Sampler *> samplers(engine->lightPathsCount, NULL);
	const unsigned int sampleSize = 
		sampleBootSize + // To generate the initial light vertex and trace eye ray
		engine->maxLightPathDepth * sampleLightStepSize + // For each light vertex
		engine->maxEyePathDepth * sampleEyeStepSize; // For each eye vertex
	double metropolisSharedTotalLuminance, metropolisSharedSampleCount;
	for (u_int i = 0; i < samplers.size(); ++i) {
		Sampler *sampler = engine->renderConfig->AllocSampler(rndGen, film,
				&metropolisSharedTotalLuminance, &metropolisSharedSampleCount);

		samplers[i] = sampler;

	u_int iteration = 0;
	vector<vector<SampleResult> > samplesResults(samplers.size());
	vector<vector<PathVertexVM> > lightPathsVertices(samplers.size());
	vector<Point> lensPoints(samplers.size());
	HashGrid hashGrid;
	while (!boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) {
		// Clear the arrays
		for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex) {

		// Setup vertex merging
		float radius = engine->baseRadius;
        radius /= powf(float(iteration + 1), .5f * (1.f - engine->radiusAlpha));
		radius = Max(radius, DEFAULT_EPSILON_STATIC);
		const float radius2 = radius * radius;

		const float vmFactor = M_PI * radius2 * engine->lightPathsCount;
		vmNormalization = 1.f / vmFactor;

		const float etaVCM = vmFactor;
		misVmWeightFactor = MIS(etaVCM);
		misVcWeightFactor = MIS(1.f / etaVCM);

		// Trace all light paths

		for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex) {
			Sampler *sampler = samplers[samplerIndex];

			// Sample a point on the camera lens
			if (!camera->SampleLens(sampler->GetSample(3), sampler->GetSample(4),

			TraceLightPath(sampler, lensPoints[samplerIndex],
					lightPathsVertices[samplerIndex], samplesResults[samplerIndex]);

		// Store all light path vertices in the k-NN accelerator

		hashGrid.Build(lightPathsVertices, radius);

		// Trace all eye paths

		for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex) {
			Sampler *sampler = samplers[samplerIndex];
			const vector<PathVertexVM> &lightPathVertices = lightPathsVertices[samplerIndex];

			PathVertexVM eyeVertex;
			SampleResult eyeSampleResult;
			eyeSampleResult.type = PER_PIXEL_NORMALIZED;
			eyeSampleResult.alpha = 1.f;

			Ray eyeRay;
			eyeSampleResult.screenX = min(sampler->GetSample(0) * filmWidth, (float)(filmWidth - 1));
			eyeSampleResult.screenY = min(sampler->GetSample(1) * filmHeight, (float)(filmHeight - 1));
			camera->GenerateRay(eyeSampleResult.screenX, eyeSampleResult.screenY, &eyeRay,
				sampler->GetSample(9), sampler->GetSample(10));

			eyeVertex.bsdf.hitPoint.fixedDir = -eyeRay.d;
			eyeVertex.throughput = Spectrum(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
			const float cosAtCamera = Dot(scene->camera->GetDir(), eyeRay.d);
			const float cameraPdfW = 1.f / (cosAtCamera * cosAtCamera * cosAtCamera *
			eyeVertex.dVCM = MIS(1.f / cameraPdfW);
			eyeVertex.dVC = 1.f;
			eyeVertex.dVM = 1.f;

			eyeVertex.depth = 1;
			while (eyeVertex.depth <= engine->maxEyePathDepth) {
				const unsigned int sampleOffset = sampleBootSize + engine->maxLightPathDepth * sampleLightStepSize +
					(eyeVertex.depth - 1) * sampleEyeStepSize;

				RayHit eyeRayHit;
				Spectrum connectionThroughput;
				if (!scene->Intersect(device, false, sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset), &eyeRay,
						&eyeRayHit, &eyeVertex.bsdf, &connectionThroughput)) {
					// Nothing was hit, look for infinitelight

					// This is a trick, you can not have a BSDF of something that has
					// not been hit. DirectHitInfiniteLight must be aware of this.
					eyeVertex.bsdf.hitPoint.fixedDir = -eyeRay.d;
					eyeVertex.throughput *= connectionThroughput;

					DirectHitLight(false, eyeVertex, &eyeSampleResult.radiance);

					if (eyeVertex.depth == 1)
						eyeSampleResult.alpha = 0.f;
				eyeVertex.throughput *= connectionThroughput;

				// Something was hit

				// Update MIS constants
				const float factor = 1.f / MIS(AbsDot(eyeVertex.bsdf.hitPoint.shadeN, eyeVertex.bsdf.hitPoint.fixedDir));
				eyeVertex.dVCM *= MIS(eyeRayHit.t * eyeRayHit.t) * factor;
				eyeVertex.dVC *= factor;
				eyeVertex.dVM *= factor;

				// Check if it is a light source
				if (eyeVertex.bsdf.IsLightSource())
					DirectHitLight(true, eyeVertex, &eyeSampleResult.radiance);

				// Note: pass-through check is done inside SceneIntersect()

				// Direct light sampling

				DirectLightSampling(sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 1),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 2),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 3),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 4),
						sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 5),
						eyeVertex, &eyeSampleResult.radiance);

				if (!eyeVertex.bsdf.IsDelta()) {
					// Connect vertex path ray with all light path vertices

					for (vector<PathVertexVM>::const_iterator lightPathVertex = lightPathVertices.begin();
							lightPathVertex < lightPathVertices.end(); ++lightPathVertex)
						ConnectVertices(eyeVertex, *lightPathVertex, &eyeSampleResult,
								sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 6));

					// Vertex Merging step

					hashGrid.Process(this, eyeVertex, &eyeSampleResult.radiance);

				// Build the next vertex path ray

				if (!Bounce(sampler, sampleOffset + 7, &eyeVertex, &eyeRay))



		// Splat all samples

		for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex)


#ifdef WIN32
		// Work around Windows bad scheduling

	for (u_int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < samplers.size(); ++samplerIndex)
		delete samplers[samplerIndex];
	delete rndGen;

	//SLG_LOG("[BiDirVMCPURenderThread::" << renderThread->threadIndex << "] Rendering thread halted");
void PathCPURenderThread::RenderFunc() {
	//SLG_LOG("[PathCPURenderEngine::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread started");

	// Initialization

	PathCPURenderEngine *engine = (PathCPURenderEngine *)renderEngine;
	RandomGenerator *rndGen = new RandomGenerator(engine->seedBase + threadIndex);
	Scene *scene = engine->renderConfig->scene;
	PerspectiveCamera *camera = scene->camera;
	Film * film = threadFilm;
	const unsigned int filmWidth = film->GetWidth();
	const unsigned int filmHeight = film->GetHeight();

	// Setup the sampler
	double metropolisSharedTotalLuminance, metropolisSharedSampleCount;
	Sampler *sampler = engine->renderConfig->AllocSampler(rndGen, film,
			&metropolisSharedTotalLuminance, &metropolisSharedSampleCount);
	const unsigned int sampleBootSize = 4;
	const unsigned int sampleStepSize = 9;
	const unsigned int sampleSize = 
		sampleBootSize + // To generate eye ray
		engine->maxPathDepth * sampleStepSize; // For each path vertex

	// Trace paths

	vector<SampleResult> sampleResults(1);
	sampleResults[0].type = PER_PIXEL_NORMALIZED;
	while (!boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) {
		float alpha = 1.f;

		Ray eyeRay;
		const float screenX = min(sampler->GetSample(0) * filmWidth, (float)(filmWidth - 1));
		const float screenY = min(sampler->GetSample(1) * filmHeight, (float)(filmHeight - 1));
		camera->GenerateRay(screenX, screenY, &eyeRay,
			sampler->GetSample(2), sampler->GetSample(3));

		int depth = 1;
		bool lastSpecular = true;
		float lastPdfW = 1.f;
		Spectrum radiance;
		Spectrum pathThrouput(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
		BSDF bsdf;
		while (depth <= engine->maxPathDepth) {
			const unsigned int sampleOffset = sampleBootSize + (depth - 1) * sampleStepSize;

			RayHit eyeRayHit;
			Spectrum connectionThroughput;
			if (!scene->Intersect(device, false, sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset),
					&eyeRay, &eyeRayHit, &bsdf, &connectionThroughput)) {
				// Nothing was hit, look for infinitelight
				DirectHitInfiniteLight(lastSpecular, pathThrouput * connectionThroughput, eyeRay.d,
						lastPdfW, &radiance);

				if (depth == 1)
					alpha = 0.f;
			pathThrouput *= connectionThroughput;

			// Something was hit

			// Check if it is a light source
			if (bsdf.IsLightSource()) {
				DirectHitFiniteLight(lastSpecular, pathThrouput,
						eyeRayHit.t, bsdf, lastPdfW, &radiance);

			// Note: pass-through check is done inside SceneIntersect()

			// Direct light sampling

			DirectLightSampling(sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 1),
					sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 2),
					sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 3),
					sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 4),
					sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 5),
					pathThrouput, bsdf, depth, &radiance);

			// Build the next vertex path ray

			Vector sampledDir;
			BSDFEvent event;
			float cosSampledDir;
			const Spectrum bsdfSample = bsdf.Sample(&sampledDir,
					sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 6),
					sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 7),
					&lastPdfW, &cosSampledDir, &event);
			if (bsdfSample.Black())

			lastSpecular = ((event & SPECULAR) != 0);

			if ((depth >= engine->rrDepth) && !lastSpecular) {
				// Russian Roulette
				const float prob = Max(bsdfSample.Filter(), engine->rrImportanceCap);
				if (sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 8) < prob)
					lastPdfW *= prob;

			pathThrouput *= bsdfSample * (cosSampledDir / lastPdfW);
			assert (!pathThrouput.IsNaN() && !pathThrouput.IsInf());

			eyeRay = Ray(bsdf.hitPoint, sampledDir);

		assert (!radiance.IsNaN() && !radiance.IsInf());

		sampleResults[0].screenX = screenX;
		sampleResults[0].screenY = screenY;
		sampleResults[0].radiance = radiance;
		sampleResults[0].alpha = alpha;

#ifdef WIN32
		// Work around Windows bad scheduling

	delete sampler;
	delete rndGen;

	//SLG_LOG("[PathCPURenderEngine::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread halted");
void BackgroundImgPlugin::ApplyOCL(Film &film, const u_int index) {
	if (!film.HasChannel(Film::ALPHA)) {
		// I can not work without alpha channel

	// Check if I have to resample the image map

	if (!applyKernel) {
		oclIntersectionDevice = film.oclIntersectionDevice;

		slg::ocl::ImageMap imgMapDesc;
		imgMapDesc.channelCount = filmImageMap->GetChannelCount();
		imgMapDesc.width = filmImageMap->GetWidth();
		imgMapDesc.height = filmImageMap->GetHeight();
		imgMapDesc.pageIndex = 0;
		imgMapDesc.pixelsIndex = 0;
		imgMapDesc.storageType = (slg::ocl::ImageMapStorageType)filmImageMap->GetStorage()->GetStorageType();

		// Allocate OpenCL buffers
		oclIntersectionDevice->AllocBufferRO(&oclFilmImageMapDesc, &imgMapDesc, sizeof(slg::ocl::ImageMap), "BackgroundImg image map description");
		oclIntersectionDevice->AllocBufferRO(&oclFilmImageMap, filmImageMap->GetStorage()->GetPixelsData(),
				filmImageMap->GetStorage()->GetMemorySize(), "BackgroundImg image map");

		// Compile sources
		const double tStart = WallClockTime();

		// Set #define symbols
		stringstream ssParams;
		ssParams << scientific <<

		ssParams << " -D PARAM_HAS_IMAGEMAPS";
		ssParams << " -D PARAM_IMAGEMAPS_PAGE_0";
		ssParams << " -D PARAM_IMAGEMAPS_COUNT=1";

		switch (imgMapDesc.storageType) {
			case slg::ocl::BYTE:
			case slg::ocl::HALF:
			case slg::ocl::FLOAT:
				throw runtime_error("Unknown storage type in BackgroundImgPlugin::ApplyOCL(): " + ToString(imgMapDesc.storageType));

		switch (imgMapDesc.channelCount) {
			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 3:
			case 4:
				throw runtime_error("Unknown channel count in BackgroundImgPlugin::ApplyOCL(): " + ToString(imgMapDesc.channelCount));			

		cl::Program *program = ImagePipelinePlugin::CompileProgram(
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_utils_funcs +
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_color_types +
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_color_funcs +
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_imagemap_types +
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_imagemap_funcs +

		// BackgroundImgPlugin_Apply kernel

		SLG_LOG("[BackgroundImgPlugin] Compiling BackgroundImgPlugin_Apply Kernel");
		applyKernel = new cl::Kernel(*program, "BackgroundImgPlugin_Apply");

		// Set kernel arguments
		u_int argIndex = 0;
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetWidth());
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetHeight());
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_IMAGEPIPELINE));
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK));
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_ALPHA));
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclFilmImageMapDesc);
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclFilmImageMap);


		delete program;

		// Because imgMapDesc is a local variable

		const double tEnd = WallClockTime();
		SLG_LOG("[BackgroundImgPlugin] Kernels compilation time: " << int((tEnd - tStart) * 1000.0) << "ms");
			cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(RoundUp(film.GetWidth() * film.GetHeight(), 256u)), cl::NDRange(256));
Beispiel #16
void Reinhard02ToneMap::ApplyOCL(Film &film, const u_int index) {
	const u_int pixelCount = film.GetWidth() * film.GetHeight();
	const u_int workSize = RoundUp((pixelCount + 1) / 2, 64u);

	if (!applyKernel) {
		// Allocate buffers
		oclIntersectionDevice = film.oclIntersectionDevice;
		oclIntersectionDevice->AllocBufferRW(&oclAccumBuffer, (workSize / 64) * sizeof(float) * 3, "Accumulation buffer");

		// Compile sources
		const double tStart = WallClockTime();

		cl::Program *program = ImagePipelinePlugin::CompileProgram(
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_luxrays_types +
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_color_types +
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_color_funcs +
				slg::ocl::KernelSource_tonemap_reinhard02_funcs +

		SLG_LOG("[Reinhard02ToneMap] Compiling OpRGBValuesReduce Kernel");
		opRGBValuesReduceKernel = new cl::Kernel(*program, "OpRGBValuesReduce");
		SLG_LOG("[Reinhard02ToneMap] Compiling OpRGBValueAccumulate Kernel");
		opRGBValueAccumulateKernel = new cl::Kernel(*program, "OpRGBValueAccumulate");
		SLG_LOG("[Reinhard02ToneMap] Compiling Reinhard02ToneMap_Apply Kernel");
		applyKernel = new cl::Kernel(*program, "Reinhard02ToneMap_Apply");

		delete program;

		// Set kernel arguments
		u_int argIndex = 0;
		opRGBValuesReduceKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetWidth());
		opRGBValuesReduceKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetHeight());
		opRGBValuesReduceKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_IMAGEPIPELINE));
		opRGBValuesReduceKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK));
		opRGBValuesReduceKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclAccumBuffer);

		argIndex = 0;
		opRGBValueAccumulateKernel->setArg(argIndex++, workSize / 64);
		opRGBValueAccumulateKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclAccumBuffer);

		argIndex = 0;
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetWidth());
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, film.GetHeight());
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_IMAGEPIPELINE));
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *(film.ocl_FRAMEBUFFER_MASK));
		const float gamma = GetGammaCorrectionValue(film, index);
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, gamma);
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, preScale);
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, postScale);
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, burn);
		applyKernel->setArg(argIndex++, *oclAccumBuffer);

		const double tEnd = WallClockTime();
		SLG_LOG("[Reinhard02ToneMap] Kernels compilation time: " << int((tEnd - tStart) * 1000.0) << "ms");

			cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(workSize), cl::NDRange(64));
			cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(64), cl::NDRange(64));

			cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(RoundUp(pixelCount, 256u)), cl::NDRange(256));