void ModelViewController::ConvertToGCode()
	string GcodeTxt;

	Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->GCodeResult->buffer();
	buffer->remove(0, buffer->length());

	buffer = gui->GCodeStart->buffer();
	char* pText = buffer->text();
	string GCodeStart(pText);
	buffer = gui->GCodeLayer->buffer();
	pText = buffer->text();
	string GCodeLayer(pText);
	buffer = gui->GCodeEnd->buffer();
	pText = buffer->text();
	string GCodeEnd(pText);

	ProcessControl.ConvertToGCode(GcodeTxt, GCodeStart, GCodeLayer, GCodeEnd);
	buffer = gui->GCodeResult->buffer();

	GcodeTxt += "\0";
	buffer->append( GcodeTxt.c_str() );
Beispiel #2
void CFLTKEditor::UnIndent()
	bool bChangedBuffer = false;
	int iSelStart = 0, iSelEnd = 0, iCurPos = 0, iTabSize, i;
	char *pcLine;
	Fl_Text_Buffer *pBuffer = GetTextBuffer();

	pBuffer->selection_position(&iSelStart, &iSelEnd);
	if (iSelEnd > iSelStart)
		iCurPos = pBuffer->line_start(iSelStart);
		iTabSize = pBuffer->tab_distance();

		while (pBuffer->line_end(iCurPos) < iSelEnd)
			pcLine = pBuffer->line_text(iCurPos);
			if (pcLine[0] == '\t')
				bChangedBuffer = true;
				pBuffer->remove(iCurPos, iCurPos+1);
			else if (pcLine[0] == ' ')
				for (i = 1; i < iTabSize; i++)
					if (pcLine[i] != ' ')

				if (i == iTabSize) // same number of spaces as a tab
					bChangedBuffer = true;
					pBuffer->remove(iCurPos, iCurPos + iTabSize);
					iSelEnd -= iTabSize;
			iCurPos = pBuffer->skip_lines(iCurPos, 1);

		if (bChangedBuffer)
			pBuffer->select(pBuffer->line_start(iSelStart), iSelEnd);
static void
	int			fd,
	void *			user_arg

	char			line[ 256 ];
	int			    len;

    if (serial_fd==0) 

	if( !read_char_line( serial_fd, line, sizeof(line) ) )
		perror( "read_char" );

	len = strlen( line );
	line[len++] = '\n';
	line[len] = '\0';

    if (gui->pause_raw_output->value()!=1) {
        Fl_Text_Buffer *textBuffer = gui->raw_serial_output->buffer();
        int numLines = textBuffer->count_lines(0, textBuffer->length());
        gui->raw_serial_output->scroll(numLines, 0);

        // ugly way to keep the buffer from growing unchecked
        if (numLines > 1000) {
            textBuffer->remove(0, (textBuffer->length()-100));

	if( strncmp( line, "$GPADC", 6 ) == 0 )
	} else

	if( strncmp( line, "$GPPPM", 6 ) == 0 )
	} else

		// Ignore the line for now

Beispiel #4
static void
style_update(int		pos,			// I - Position of update
			 int		nInserted,		// I - Number of inserted chars
			 int		nDeleted,		// I - Number of deleted chars
			 int		/*nRestyled*/,	// I - Number of restyled chars
			 const char * /*deletedText*/,// I - Text that was deleted
			 void		*cbArg) {		// I - Callback data
  int	start,							// Start of text
		end;							// End of text
  char	last,							// Last style on line
		*style,							// Style data
		*text;							// Text data

  SchemeEditor *editor = (SchemeEditor*)cbArg;
  Fl_Text_Buffer *textbuf = editor->buffer();
  Fl_Text_Buffer *stylebuf = editor->style_buffer();

  // If this is just a selection change, just unselect the style buffer...
  if (nInserted == 0 && nDeleted == 0) {

  // Track changes in the text buffer...
  if (nInserted > 0) {
	// Insert characters into the style buffer...
	style = new char[nInserted + 1];
	memset(style, 'A', nInserted);
	style[nInserted] = '\0';

	stylebuf->replace(pos, pos + nDeleted, style);
	delete[] style;
  } else {
	// Just delete characters in the style buffer...
	stylebuf->remove(pos, pos + nDeleted);

  // Select the area that was just updated to avoid unnecessary
  // callbacks...
  stylebuf->select(pos, pos + nInserted - nDeleted);

  // Re-parse the changed region; we do this by parsing from the
  // beginning of the previous line of the changed region to the end of
  // the line of the changed region...	Then we check the last
  // style character and keep updating if we have a multi-line
  // comment character...
  start = textbuf->line_start(pos);
//	if (start > 0) start = textbuf->line_start(start - 1);
  end	= textbuf->line_end(pos + nInserted);
  text	= textbuf->text_range(start, end);
  style = stylebuf->text_range(start, end);
  if (start==end)
	last = 0;
	last  = style[end - start - 1];

//	printf("start = %d, end = %d, text = \"%s\", style = \"%s\", last='%c'...\n",
//		   start, end, text, style, last);

  style_parse(text, style, end - start);

//	printf("new style = \"%s\", new last='%c'...\n",
//		   style, style[end - start - 1]);

  stylebuf->replace(start, end, style);
  editor->redisplay_range(start, end);

  if (start==end || last != style[end - start - 1]) {
//	  printf("Recalculate the rest of the buffer style\n");
	// Either the user deleted some text, or the last character
	// on the line changed styles, so reparse the
	// remainder of the buffer...

	end	  = textbuf->length();
	text  = textbuf->text_range(start, end);
	style = stylebuf->text_range(start, end);

	style_parse(text, style, end - start);

	stylebuf->replace(start, end, style);
	editor->redisplay_range(start, end);

void ModelViewController::ClearGcode()
	Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->GCodeResult->buffer();
	buffer->remove(0, buffer->length());