bool GraphicsElementManager::LoadFont( int font_id, const string& font_name, int font_type, int w, int h, float bold, float italic, float shadow )
	int w_scaled = (int)(w * m_fScale);
	int h_scaled = (int)(h * m_fScale);
	const int ttf_resolution = 64;

	if( (int)m_vecpFont.size() <= font_id )
		size_t num_to_append = font_id + 1 - m_vecpFont.size();
		m_vecpFont.insert(        m_vecpFont.end(),        num_to_append, NULL );
		m_vecOrigFontSize.insert( m_vecOrigFontSize.end(), num_to_append, Vector2(0,0) );

	SafeDelete( m_vecpFont[font_id] );

	m_vecOrigFontSize[font_id] = Vector2( (float)w, (float)h );

	FontFactory font_factory;
	FontBase *pFont = font_factory.CreateFontRawPtr( font_name );
	if( !pFont )
		return false;

	pFont->SetFontSize( w_scaled, h_scaled );

	pFont->SetItalic( italic );

	m_vecpFont[font_id] = pFont;

	return true;
Beispiel #2
	Create a font from a definition file
	FontBase* FontManager::createFont(FontType type, const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup)
		Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file '" + filename + "'.");

		FontBase* temp = 0;
		if(FreeType == type)
			temp = new Font_FreeType(filename, resourceGroup, new Font_FreeType::FontImplData(d_implData->d_ftlib));
		else if (PixelMap == type)
			temp = new PixmapFont(filename, resourceGroup);
			temp = new Font_Bitmap(filename, resourceGroup);

		temp->load(filename, resourceGroup);

		String name = temp->getName();

		if (isFontPresent(name))
			delete temp;

			throw AlreadyExistsException((utf8*)"FontManager::createFont - A font named '" + name + "' already exists.");

		d_fonts[name] = temp;

		// if this was the first font created, set it as the default font
		if (d_fonts.size() == 1)

		return temp; 
Beispiel #3
	Load all resources for this scheme
void Scheme::loadResources(void)
	Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"---- Begining resource loading for GUI scheme '" + d_name + "' ----", Informative);

	ImagesetManager& ismgr		= ImagesetManager::getSingleton();
	FontManager& fntmgr			= FontManager::getSingleton();
	WindowFactoryManager& wfmgr = WindowFactoryManager::getSingleton();
    WidgetLookManager& wlfMgr   = WidgetLookManager::getSingleton();

	std::vector<LoadableUIElement>::const_iterator	pos;

	// check imagesets
	for (pos = d_imagesets.begin(); pos != d_imagesets.end(); ++pos)
		if (!ismgr.isImagesetPresent((*pos).name))
			// load imageset (texture load delay!)
			Imageset* iset = ismgr.createImageset((*pos).filename, (*pos).resourceGroup );

			// check for wrong imageset for specified name
			String realname = iset->getName();

			if (realname != (*pos).name)
				throw InvalidRequestException((utf8*)"Scheme::loadResources - The Imageset created by file '" + 
					(*pos).filename + "' is named '" + realname + "', not '" + (*pos).name + "' as required by Scheme '" + d_name + "'.");



    // check imagesets that are created directly from image files
    for (pos = d_imagesetsFromImages.begin(); pos != d_imagesetsFromImages.end(); ++pos)
        if (!ismgr.isImagesetPresent((*pos).name))
            ismgr.createImagesetFromImageFile((*pos).name, (*pos).filename, (*pos).resourceGroup);

	// check fonts
	std::vector<FontElement>::iterator itFont;
	for (itFont = d_fonts.begin(); itFont != d_fonts.end(); ++itFont)
		if (!fntmgr.isFontPresent((*itFont).name))
			FontBase* font = fntmgr.createFont((*itFont).type, (*itFont).filename, (*itFont).resourceGroup);

			// check for wrong font for specified name
			String realname = font->getName();

			if (realname != (*itFont).name)
				throw InvalidRequestException((utf8*)"Scheme::loadResources - The Font created by file '" + 
					(*pos).filename + "' is named '" + realname + "', not '" + (*pos).name + "' as required by Scheme '" + d_name + "'.");



    // load look'n'feels (can't actually check these, so just re-parse data; it does no harm except maybe wase a bit of time)
    for (pos = d_looknfeels.begin(); pos != d_looknfeels.end(); ++pos)
        wlfMgr.parseLookNFeelSpecification((*pos).filename, (*pos).resourceGroup);

	// check factories
	std::vector<UIModule>::iterator	cmod = d_widgetModules.begin();
	for (;cmod != d_widgetModules.end(); ++cmod)
		// create and load dynamic module as required
		if ((*cmod).module == NULL)
			(*cmod).module = new FactoryModule((*cmod).name);

        // see if we should just register all factories available in the module (i.e. No factories explicitly specified)
        if ((*cmod).factories.size() == 0)
            Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("No window factories specified for module '" + (*cmod).name + "' - adding all available factories...");
        // some names were explicitly given, so only register those.
            std::vector<UIElementFactory>::const_iterator	elem = (*cmod).factories.begin();
            for (; elem != (*cmod).factories.end(); ++elem)
                if (!wfmgr.isFactoryPresent((*elem).name))

	// check aliases
	std::vector<AliasMapping>::iterator alias = d_aliasMappings.begin();
	for (;alias != d_aliasMappings.end(); ++alias)
		// get iterator 
		WindowFactoryManager::TypeAliasIterator iter = wfmgr.getAliasIterator();

		// look for this alias
		while (!iter.isAtEnd() && (iter.getCurrentKey() != (*alias).aliasName))

		// if the alias exists
		if (!iter.isAtEnd())
			// if the current target type matches
			if (iter.getCurrentValue().getActiveTarget() == (*alias).targetName)
				// assume this mapping is ours and skip to next alias


		// create a new alias entry
		wfmgr.addWindowTypeAlias((*alias).aliasName, (*alias).targetName);

    // check falagard window mappings.
    std::vector<FalagardMapping>::iterator falagard = d_falagardMappings.begin();
    for (;falagard != d_falagardMappings.end(); ++falagard)
        // get iterator
        WindowFactoryManager::FalagardMappingIterator iter = wfmgr.getFalagardMappingIterator();

        // look for this mapping
        while (!iter.isAtEnd() && (iter.getCurrentKey() != (*falagard).windowName))

        // if the alias exists
        if (!iter.isAtEnd())
            // if the current target and looks match
            if ((iter.getCurrentValue().d_baseType == (*falagard).targetName) &&
                (iter.getCurrentValue().d_lookName == (*falagard).lookName))
                // assume this mapping is ours and skip to next

        // create a new mapping entry
        wfmgr.addFalagardWindowMapping((*falagard).windowName, (*falagard).targetName, (*falagard).lookName);

	// set font blink time of all fonts.

	Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"---- Resource loading for GUI scheme '" + d_name + "' completed ----", Informative);