Beispiel #1
bool clang::analyze_format_string::ParsePrintfString(FormatStringHandler &H,
                                                     const char *I,
                                                     const char *E,
                                                     const LangOptions &LO,
                                                     const TargetInfo &Target,
                                                     bool isFreeBSDKPrintf) {

  unsigned argIndex = 0;

  // Keep looking for a format specifier until we have exhausted the string.
  while (I != E) {
    const PrintfSpecifierResult &FSR = ParsePrintfSpecifier(H, I, E, argIndex,
                                                            LO, Target, true,
    // Did a fail-stop error of any kind occur when parsing the specifier?
    // If so, don't do any more processing.
    if (FSR.shouldStop())
      return true;
    // Did we exhaust the string or encounter an error that
    // we can recover from?
    if (!FSR.hasValue())
    // We have a format specifier.  Pass it to the callback.
    if (!H.HandlePrintfSpecifier(FSR.getValue(), FSR.getStart(),
                                 I - FSR.getStart()))
      return true;
  assert(I == E && "Format string not exhausted");
  return false;