Beispiel #1
bool BarProp::visible() const
    if (!m_frame)
        return false;
    FrameHost* host = m_frame->host();
    if (!host)
        return false;

    switch (m_type) {
    case Locationbar:
    case Personalbar:
    case Toolbar:
        return host->chrome().toolbarsVisible();
    case Menubar:
        return host->chrome().menubarVisible();
    case Scrollbars:
        return host->chrome().scrollbarsVisible();
    case Statusbar:
        return host->chrome().statusbarVisible();

    return false;
Beispiel #2
void Fullscreen::exitFullscreen()
    // The exitFullscreen() method must run these steps:

    // 1. Let doc be the context object. (i.e. "this")
    Document* currentDoc = document();
    if (!currentDoc->isActive())

    // 2. If doc's fullscreen element stack is empty, terminate these steps.
    if (m_fullScreenElementStack.isEmpty())

    // 3. Let descendants be all the doc's descendant browsing context's documents with a non-empty fullscreen
    // element stack (if any), ordered so that the child of the doc is last and the document furthest
    // away from the doc is first.
    WillBeHeapDeque<RefPtrWillBeMember<Document> > descendants;
    for (Frame* descendant = document()->frame() ? document()->frame()->tree().traverseNext() : 0; descendant; descendant = descendant->tree().traverseNext()) {
        if (!descendant->isLocalFrame())
        if (fullscreenElementFrom(*toLocalFrame(descendant)->document()))

    // 4. For each descendant in descendants, empty descendant's fullscreen element stack, and queue a
    // task to fire an event named fullscreenchange with its bubbles attribute set to true on descendant.
    for (WillBeHeapDeque<RefPtrWillBeMember<Document> >::iterator i = descendants.begin(); i != descendants.end(); ++i) {
        RequestType requestType = from(**i).m_fullScreenElementStack.last().second;
        enqueueChangeEvent(**i, requestType);

    // 5. While doc is not null, run these substeps:
    Element* newTop = 0;
    while (currentDoc) {
        RequestType requestType = from(*currentDoc).m_fullScreenElementStack.last().second;

        // 1. Pop the top element of doc's fullscreen element stack.

        //    If doc's fullscreen element stack is non-empty and the element now at the top is either
        //    not in a document or its node document is not doc, repeat this substep.
        newTop = fullscreenElementFrom(*currentDoc);
        if (newTop && (!newTop->inDocument() || newTop->document() != currentDoc))

        // 2. Queue a task to fire an event named fullscreenchange with its bubbles attribute set to true
        // on doc.
        enqueueChangeEvent(*currentDoc, requestType);

        // 3. If doc's fullscreen element stack is empty and doc's browsing context has a browsing context
        // container, set doc to that browsing context container's node document.
        if (!newTop && currentDoc->ownerElement()) {
            currentDoc = &currentDoc->ownerElement()->document();

        // 4. Otherwise, set doc to null.
        currentDoc = 0;

    // 6. Return, and run the remaining steps asynchronously.
    // 7. Optionally, perform some animation.

    FrameHost* host = document()->frameHost();

    // Speculative fix for per
    // FIXME: This check is wrong. We ASSERT(document->isActive()) above
    // so this should be redundant and should be removed!
    if (!host)

    // Only exit out of full screen window mode if there are no remaining elements in the
    // full screen stack.
    if (!newTop) {
        // FIXME: if the frame exiting fullscreen is not the frame that entered
        // fullscreen (but a parent frame for example), m_fullScreenElement
        // might be null. We want to pass an element that is part of the
        // document so we will pass the documentElement in that case.
        // This should be fix by exiting fullscreen for a frame instead of an
        // element, see
            m_fullScreenElement ? m_fullScreenElement.get() : document()->documentElement());

    // Otherwise, notify the chrome of the new full screen element.
Beispiel #3
static Frame* createWindow(Frame* openerFrame, Frame* lookupFrame, const FrameLoadRequest& request, const WindowFeatures& features, NavigationPolicy policy, ShouldSendReferrer shouldSendReferrer, bool& created)
    ASSERT(!features.dialog || request.frameName().isEmpty());

    if (!request.frameName().isEmpty() && request.frameName() != "_blank" && policy == NavigationPolicyIgnore) {
        if (Frame* frame = lookupFrame->loader().findFrameForNavigation(request.frameName(), openerFrame->document())) {
            if (request.frameName() != "_self")
            created = false;
            return frame;

    // Sandboxed frames cannot open new auxiliary browsing contexts.
    if (openerFrame->document()->isSandboxed(SandboxPopups)) {
        // FIXME: This message should be moved off the console once a solution to exists.
        openerFrame->document()->addConsoleMessage(SecurityMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, "Blocked opening '" + request.resourceRequest().url().elidedString() + "' in a new window because the request was made in a sandboxed frame whose 'allow-popups' permission is not set.");
        return 0;

    if (openerFrame->settings() && !openerFrame->settings()->supportsMultipleWindows()) {
        created = false;
        return openerFrame->tree().top();

    Page* oldPage = openerFrame->page();
    if (!oldPage)
        return 0;

    Page* page = oldPage->chrome().client().createWindow(openerFrame, request, features, policy, shouldSendReferrer);
    if (!page)
        return 0;
    FrameHost* host = &page->frameHost();

    Frame* frame = page->mainFrame();


    if (request.frameName() != "_blank")


    // 'x' and 'y' specify the location of the window, while 'width' and 'height'
    // specify the size of the viewport. We can only resize the window, so adjust
    // for the difference between the window size and the viewport size.

    FloatRect windowRect = host->chrome().windowRect();
    FloatSize viewportSize = host->chrome().pageRect().size();

    if (features.xSet)
    if (features.ySet)
    if (features.widthSet)
        windowRect.setWidth(features.width + (windowRect.width() - viewportSize.width()));
    if (features.heightSet)
        windowRect.setHeight(features.height + (windowRect.height() - viewportSize.height()));

    // Ensure non-NaN values, minimum size as well as being within valid screen area.
    FloatRect newWindowRect = DOMWindow::adjustWindowRect(frame, windowRect);


    created = true;
    return frame;
void FullscreenElementStack::webkitExitFullscreen()
    // The exitFullscreen() method must run these steps:

    // 1. Let doc be the context object. (i.e. "this")
    Document* currentDoc = document();

    // 2. If doc's fullscreen element stack is empty, terminate these steps.
    if (m_fullScreenElementStack.isEmpty())

    // 3. Let descendants be all the doc's descendant browsing context's documents with a non-empty fullscreen
    // element stack (if any), ordered so that the child of the doc is last and the document furthest
    // away from the doc is first.
    Deque<RefPtr<Document> > descendants;
    for (Frame* descendant = document()->frame() ?  document()->frame()->tree().traverseNext() : 0; descendant; descendant = descendant->tree().traverseNext()) {
        if (fullscreenElementFrom(descendant->document()))

    // 4. For each descendant in descendants, empty descendant's fullscreen element stack, and queue a
    // task to fire an event named fullscreenchange with its bubbles attribute set to true on descendant.
    for (Deque<RefPtr<Document> >::iterator i = descendants.begin(); i != descendants.end(); ++i) {

    // 5. While doc is not null, run these substeps:
    Element* newTop = 0;
    while (currentDoc) {
        // 1. Pop the top element of doc's fullscreen element stack.

        //    If doc's fullscreen element stack is non-empty and the element now at the top is either
        //    not in a document or its node document is not doc, repeat this substep.
        newTop = fullscreenElementFrom(currentDoc);
        if (newTop && (!newTop->inDocument() || newTop->document() != currentDoc))

        // 2. Queue a task to fire an event named fullscreenchange with its bubbles attribute set to true
        // on doc.

        // 3. If doc's fullscreen element stack is empty and doc's browsing context has a browsing context
        // container, set doc to that browsing context container's node document.
        if (!newTop && currentDoc->ownerElement()) {
            currentDoc = &currentDoc->ownerElement()->document();

        // 4. Otherwise, set doc to null.
        currentDoc = 0;

    // 6. Return, and run the remaining steps asynchronously.
    // 7. Optionally, perform some animation.

    FrameHost* host = document()->frameHost();

    // Speculative fix for per
    // FIXME: This check is wrong. We ASSERT(document->isActive()) above
    // so this should be redundant and should be removed!
    if (!host)

    // Only exit out of full screen window mode if there are no remaining elements in the
    // full screen stack.
    if (!newTop) {

    // Otherwise, notify the chrome of the new full screen element.