Beispiel #1
void CServerList::InitHeader()
	Fvector2				pos;
	pos.set					(0,0);

	m_header[0].SetWidth	(m_itemInfo.size.icon);
	pos.x					+= m_itemInfo.size.icon;
	m_header[1].SetWidth	(m_itemInfo.size.server);
	m_header[1].SetWndPos	(pos);
	m_header[1].TextItemControl()->SetTextST	("server name");
	pos.x					+= m_itemInfo.size.server;
	m_header[2].SetWidth	(;
	m_header[2].SetWndPos	(pos);
	m_header[2].TextItemControl()->SetTextST		("map");
	pos.x					+=;
	m_header[3].SetWidth	(;
	m_header[3].SetWndPos	(pos);
	m_header[3].TextItemControl()->SetTextST	("game type");
	pos.x					+=;
	m_header[4].SetWidth	(m_itemInfo.size.players);
	m_header[4].SetWndPos	(pos);
	m_header[4].TextItemControl()->SetTextST	("players");
	pos.x					+= m_itemInfo.size.players;
	m_header[5].SetWidth	(;
	m_header[5].SetWndPos	(pos);
	m_header[5].TextItemControl()->SetTextST	("ping");
	pos.x					+=;
	m_header[6].SetWidth	(m_itemInfo.size.version);
	m_header[6].SetWndPos	(pos);
	m_header[6].TextItemControl()->SetTextST	("version");

	for(int i=0; i<LST_COLUMN_COUNT;++i)
		m_header_frames[i].SetWndPos	(m_header[i].GetWndPos());
		m_header_frames[i].SetWidth		(m_header[i].GetWndSize().x);
		m_header_frames[i].Enable		(true);
		m_header_frames[i].Show			(true);
		m_header_frames[i].SetVisible	(true);
Beispiel #2
// try to positioning clipRect center to vNewPoint
void CUICustomMap::SetActivePoint(const Fvector &vNewPoint)
	Fvector2 pos;
	Frect bound = BoundRect();
	if( )return;

	Fvector2	pos_on_map		= ConvertRealToLocalNoTransform(pos);
	Frect		map_abs_rect;
	Fvector2	pos_abs;


	Frect		clip_abs_rect	= GetClipperRect();
	Fvector2	clip_center;
	MoveWndDelta				(clip_center);
	SetHeadingPivot				(pos_on_map, Fvector2().set(0,0), false); 
Beispiel #3
void CUICellItem::Update()
		SetHeading			( 90.0f * (PI/180.0f) );
		SetHeadingPivot		(Fvector2().set(0.0f,0.0f), Fvector2().set(0.0f,GetWndSize().y), true);
		ResetHeadingPivot	();

	if ( CursorOverWindow() )
		Frect clientArea;
		Fvector2 cp			= GetUICursor().GetCursorPosition();
			GetMessageTarget()->SendMessage(this, DRAG_DROP_ITEM_FOCUSED_UPDATE, NULL);
	PIItem item = (PIItem)m_pData;
	if ( item )
		m_has_upgrade = item->has_any_upgrades();

//		Fvector2 size      = GetWndSize();
//		Fvector2 up_size = m_upgrade->GetWndSize();
//		pos.x = size.x - up_size.x - 4.0f;
		Fvector2 pos;
		pos.set( m_upgrade_pos );
		if ( ChildsCount() )
			pos.x += m_text->GetWndSize().x + 2.0f;
		m_upgrade->SetWndPos( pos );
	m_upgrade->Show( m_has_upgrade );
Beispiel #4
//position and heading for drawing pointer to src pos
bool CUICustomMap::GetPointerTo(const Fvector2& src, float item_radius, Fvector2& pos, float& heading)
	Frect		clip_rect_abs			= GetClipperRect(); //absolute rect coords
	Frect		map_rect_abs;

	Frect		rect;
	BOOL res = rect.intersection(clip_rect_abs, map_rect_abs);
	if(!res) return false;
	rect = clip_rect_abs;

	Fbox2 f_clip_rect_local;
	f_clip_rect_local.set(rect.x1, rect.y1, rect.x2, rect.y2 );

	Fvector2 f_center;

	Fvector2 f_dir, f_src;

	f_src.set(src.x, src.y );
	f_dir.sub(f_center, f_src );
	Fvector2 f_intersect_point;
	res = f_clip_rect_local.Pick2(f_src,f_dir,f_intersect_point);

	heading = -f_dir.getH();

	f_intersect_point.mad(f_intersect_point,f_dir,item_radius );

	pos.set( iFloor(f_intersect_point.x), iFloor(f_intersect_point.y) );
	return true;
Beispiel #5
void RearrangeTabButtons(CUITabControl* pTab)
    TABS_VECTOR *	btn_vec		= pTab->GetButtonsVector();
    TABS_VECTOR::iterator it	= btn_vec->begin();
    TABS_VECTOR::iterator it_e	= btn_vec->end();

    Fvector2					pos;
    pos.set						((*it)->GetWndPos());
    float						size_x;

    for ( ; it != it_e; ++it )
        (*it)->SetWndPos		(pos);
        size_x					= (*it)->GetWndSize().x + 30.0f;
        (*it)->SetWidth			(size_x);
        pos.x					+= size_x - 6.0f;

    pTab->SetWidth( pos.x + 5.0f );
    pos.x = pTab->GetWndPos().x - pos.x;
    pos.y = pTab->GetWndPos().y;
    pTab->SetWndPos( pos );
Beispiel #6
void CUICustomItem::Render(FVF::TL*& Pointer, const Fvector2& pos_ns, u32 color, float angle)
//.	angle = -0.3f;
	CTexture* T		= RCache.get_ActiveTexture(0);
	Fvector2		ts;
	Fvector2		hp;
	ts.set			(float(T->get_Width()),float(T->get_Height()));
	hp.set			(0.5f/ts.x,0.5f/ts.y);

	if (!(uFlags&flValidRect))	SetRect		(0,0,ts.x,ts.y);

	if (!(uFlags&flValidOriginalRect)){
		uFlags		|= flValidOriginalRect;

	Fvector2							pivot,offset,SZ;
	SZ.set								(iVisRect.rb);

//	UI()->ClientToScreenScaled			(SZ, iVisRect.x2, iVisRect.y2);

	float cosA							= _cos(angle);
	float sinA							= _sin(angle);

	// Rotation
	if(!(uFlags&flValidHeadingPivot))	pivot.set(iVisRect.x2/2.f, iVisRect.y2/2.f);
	else								pivot.set(iHeadingPivot.x, iHeadingPivot.y);

//.	UI()->ClientToScreenScaled			(pivot, pivot.x, pivot.y);
	pivot.set							(pivot);
	offset.set							(pos_ns);

	Fvector2							LTt,RBt;
	LTt.set								(iOriginalRect.x1/ts.x+hp.x, iOriginalRect.y1/ts.y+hp.y);
	RBt.set								(iOriginalRect.x2/ts.x+hp.x, iOriginalRect.y2/ts.y+hp.y);
	// Check mirror mode
	if (tmMirrorHorisontal == eMirrorMode || tmMirrorBoth == eMirrorMode)	std::swap	(LTt.x,RBt.x);
	if (tmMirrorVertical == eMirrorMode || tmMirrorBoth == eMirrorMode)		std::swap	(LTt.y,RBt.y);
	// clip poly
	sPoly2D			S; S.resize(4);
	// LT
	S[0].set		(0.f,0.f,LTt.x,LTt.y);
	S[0].rotate_pt	(pivot,cosA,sinA);
	S[0].pt.add		(offset);
	// RT
	S[1].set		(SZ.x,0.f,RBt.x,LTt.y);
	S[1].rotate_pt	(pivot,cosA,sinA);
	S[1].pt.add		(offset);
	// RB
	S[2].set		(SZ.x,SZ.y,RBt.x,RBt.y);
	S[2].rotate_pt	(pivot,cosA,sinA);
	S[2].pt.add		(offset);
	// LB
	S[3].set		(0.f,SZ.y,LTt.x,RBt.y);
	S[3].rotate_pt	(pivot,cosA,sinA);
	S[3].pt.add		(offset);
	sPoly2D D;
	sPoly2D* R		= UI()->ScreenFrustum().ClipPoly(S,D);
	if (R&&R->size())
		for (u32 k=0; k<R->size(); k++,Pointer++)
			Fvector2 _pt;
			UI()->ClientToScreenScaled			(_pt, (*R)[k].pt.x, (*R)[k].pt.y);
			Pointer->set						(_pt.x, _pt.y,	color, (*R)[k].uv.x, (*R)[k].uv.y); 
Beispiel #7
void CUIFactionWarWnd::Init()
	CUIXml xml;

	CUIXmlInit::InitWindow( xml, "main_wnd", 0, this );

	m_background			= UIHelper::CreateFrameLine( xml, "background", this );

	m_center_background		= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "center_background", this );

	m_target_static			= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "target_static", this );
	m_target_caption		= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "target_caption", this );
	//m_target_caption->SetElipsis( 1, 0 );
	m_tc_pos				= m_target_caption->GetWndPos();

	m_target_desc			= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "target_decs", this );
	m_td_pos				= m_target_desc->GetWndPos();

	m_state_static			= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "state_static", this );
	m_our_icon				= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_our_icon", this );
	m_our_icon_over			= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_our_icon_over", this );
	m_our_name				= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_our_name", this );
	m_st_our_frac_info		= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_our_frac_info", this );
	m_st_our_mem_count		= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_our_mem_count", this );
	m_st_our_resource		= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_our_resource", this );
	m_pb_our_state			= UIHelper::CreateProgressBar( xml, "progress_our_state", this );
	m_pb_our_mem_count		= UIHelper::CreateProgressBar( xml, "progress_our_mem_count", this );
	m_pb_our_resource		= UIHelper::CreateProgressBar( xml, "progress_our_resource", this );

	m_enemy_icon			= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_enemy_icon", this );
	m_enemy_icon_over		= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_enemy_icon_over", this );
	m_enemy_name			= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_enemy_name", this );
	m_st_enemy_frac_info	= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_enemy_frac_info", this );
	m_st_enemy_mem_count	= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_enemy_mem_count", this );
	m_st_enemy_resource		= UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_enemy_resource", this );

	m_pb_enemy_state		= UIHelper::CreateProgressBar( xml, "progress_enemy_state", this );
	m_pb_enemy_mem_count	= UIHelper::CreateProgressBar( xml, "progress_enemy_mem_count", this );	
	m_pb_enemy_resource		= UIHelper::CreateProgressBar( xml, "progress_enemy_resource", this );	

	m_static_line1			= UIHelper::CreateFrameLine( xml, "static_line1", this );
	m_static_line2			= UIHelper::CreateFrameLine( xml, "static_line2", this );
	m_static_line3			= UIHelper::CreateFrameLine( xml, "static_line3", this );
	m_static_line4			= UIHelper::CreateFrameLine( xml, "static_line4", this );
	m_static_line_left		= UIHelper::CreateFrameLine( xml, "static_line_left", this );
	m_static_line_right		= UIHelper::CreateFrameLine( xml, "static_line_right", this );

	VERIFY( hint_wnd );
	m_war_states_parent = new CUIWindow();
	m_war_states_parent->SetAutoDelete( true );
	AttachChild( m_war_states_parent );
	Fvector2 pos;
	pos.x = xml.ReadAttribFlt( "static_vs_state", 0, "x" );
	pos.y = xml.ReadAttribFlt( "static_vs_state", 0, "y" );
	m_war_states_parent->SetWndPos( pos );

	for ( u8 i = 0; i < max_war_state; ++i )
		m_war_state[i] = new UIWarState();
		m_war_state[i]->InitXML( xml, "static_vs_state", m_war_states_parent );
		m_war_state[i]->set_hint_wnd( hint_wnd );
	float dx = xml.ReadAttribFlt( "static_vs_state", 0, "dx" );
	m_war_states_dx = dx;
	m_war_states_xcenter = xml.ReadAttribFlt( "static_vs_state", 0, "xcenter", 511.0f );

	pos.set( 0.0f, 0.0f );
	m_war_state[0]->SetWndPos( pos );
	for ( u8 i = 1; i < max_war_state; ++i )
		pos.x += m_war_state[i-1]->GetWndSize().x + dx;
		m_war_state[i]->SetWndPos( pos );

	for ( u8 i = 0; i < max_bonuce; ++i )
		m_our_bonuces[i] = UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_our_bonuce", this );
	dx = xml.ReadAttribFlt( "static_our_bonuce", 0, "dx" );
	pos = m_our_bonuces[0]->GetWndPos();
	for ( u8 i = 1; i < max_bonuce; ++i )
		pos.x += m_our_bonuces[i-1]->GetWndSize().x + dx;
		m_our_bonuces[i]->SetWndPos( pos );

	for ( u8 i = 0; i < max_bonuce; ++i )
		m_enemy_bonuces[i] = UIHelper::CreateStatic( xml, "static_enemy_bonuce", this );
	dx = xml.ReadAttribFlt( "static_enemy_bonuce", 0, "dx" );
	pos = m_enemy_bonuces[0]->GetWndPos();
	for ( u8 i = 1; i < max_bonuce; ++i )
		pos.x += m_enemy_bonuces[i-1]->GetWndSize().x + dx;
		m_enemy_bonuces[i]->SetWndPos( pos );
	int delay = xml.ReadAttribInt( "main_wnd", 0, "update_delay", 3000 );
	m_update_delay = (0 < delay)? (u32)delay : 0;
Beispiel #8
void dxUIRender::GetActiveTextureResolution(Fvector2 &res)
	CTexture* T		= RCache.get_ActiveTexture(0);
	res.set			(float(T->get_Width()),float(T->get_Height()));
Beispiel #9
void CDeflector::L_Direct	(CDB::COLLIDER* DB, base_lighting* LightsSelected, HASH& H)
	R_ASSERT	(LightsSelected);

	lm_layer&	lm = layer;

	// Setup variables
	Fvector2	dim,half;
	dim.set		(float(lm.width),float(lm.height));
	half.set	(.5f/dim.x,.5f/dim.y);
	// Jitter data
	Fvector2	JS;
	JS.set		(.4999f/dim.x, .4999f/dim.y);
	u32			Jcount;
	Fvector2*	Jitter;
	Jitter_Select(Jitter, Jcount);
	// Lighting itself
	DB->ray_options	(0);
	for (u32 V=0; V<lm.height; V++)	{
		for (u32 U=0; U<lm.width; U++)	{
			u32				Fcount	= 0;
			base_color_c	C;
			try {
				for (u32 J=0; J<Jcount; J++) 
					// LUMEL space
					Fvector2 P;
					P.x = float(U)/dim.x + half.x + Jitter[J].x * JS.x;
					P.y = float(V)/dim.y + half.y + Jitter[J].y * JS.y;
					xr_vector<UVtri*>&	space	= H.query(P.x,P.y);
					// World space
					Fvector		wP,wN,B;
					for (UVtri** it=&*space.begin(); it!=&*space.end(); it++)
						if ((*it)->isInside(P,B)) {
							// We found triangle and have barycentric coords
							Face	*F	= (*it)->owner;
							Vertex	*V1 = F->v[0];
							Vertex	*V2 = F->v[1];
							Vertex	*V3 = F->v[2];
//. не нужно использовать	if (F->Shader().flags.bLIGHT_Sharp)	{ wN.set(F->N); }
//							else								
								wN.from_bary(V1->N,V2->N,V3->N,B);	exact_normalize	(wN); 
								wN.add		(F->N);					exact_normalize	(wN);
							try {
								LightPoint	(DB, RCAST_Model, C, wP, wN, *LightsSelected, (b_norgb?LP_dont_rgb:0)|(b_nosun?LP_dont_sun:0)|LP_UseFaceDisable, F); //.
								Fcount		+= 1;
							} catch (...) {
								clMsg("* ERROR (CDB). Recovered. ");
			} catch (...) {
				clMsg("* ERROR (Light). Recovered. ");
			if (Fcount) {
				C.scale			(Fcount);
				C.mul			(.5f);
				lm.surface		[V*lm.width+U]._set(C);
				lm.marker		[V*lm.width+U] = 255;
			} else {
				lm.surface		[V*lm.width+U]._set(C);	// 0-0-0-0-0
				lm.marker		[V*lm.width+U] = 0;
	// *** Render Edges
	float texel_size = (1.f/float(_max(lm.width,lm.height)))/8.f;
	for (u32 t=0; t<UVpolys.size(); t++)
		UVtri&		T	= UVpolys[t];
		Face*		F	= T.owner;
		try {
			L_Direct_Edge	(DB,LightsSelected, T.uv[0], T.uv[1], F->v[0]->P, F->v[1]->P, F->N, texel_size,F);
			L_Direct_Edge	(DB,LightsSelected, T.uv[1], T.uv[2], F->v[1]->P, F->v[2]->P, F->N, texel_size,F);
			L_Direct_Edge	(DB,LightsSelected, T.uv[2], T.uv[0], F->v[2]->P, F->v[0]->P, F->N, texel_size,F);
		} catch (...)
			clMsg("* ERROR (Edge). Recovered. ");
Beispiel #10
void CUICustomItem::Render(const Fvector2& pos_ns, u32 color, float angle)
	Fvector2		ts;
	Fvector2		hp;

	hp.set			(0.5f/ts.x,0.5f/ts.y);

	if ( !uFlags.test(flValidRect) )	
		SetRect		(0,0,ts.x,ts.y);

	if (!uFlags.test(flValidOriginalRect) )

	Fvector2							pivot,offset,SZ;
	SZ.set								(iVisRect.rb);

	float cosA							= _cos(angle);
	float sinA							= _sin(angle);

	// Rotation
	if( !uFlags.test(flValidHeadingPivot) )	
		pivot.set(iVisRect.x2/2.f, iVisRect.y2/2.f);
		pivot.set(iHeadingPivot.x, iHeadingPivot.y);

	pivot.set							(pivot);
	offset.set							(pos_ns);

	offset.add							(iHeadingOffset);

	Fvector2							LTt,RBt;
	LTt.set								(iOriginalRect.x1/ts.x+hp.x, iOriginalRect.y1/ts.y+hp.y);
	RBt.set								(iOriginalRect.x2/ts.x+hp.x, iOriginalRect.y2/ts.y+hp.y);

	float kx =	(UI()->is_16_9_mode())?0.8333f:1.0f;

	// clip poly
	sPoly2D								S; 
	S.resize							(4);
	// LT
	S[0].set		(0.f,0.f,LTt.x,LTt.y);
	S[0].rotate_pt	(pivot,cosA,sinA,kx);
	S[0].pt.add		(offset);

	// RT
	S[1].set		(SZ.x,0.f,RBt.x,LTt.y);
	S[1].rotate_pt	(pivot,cosA,sinA,kx);
	S[1].pt.add		(offset);
	// RB
	S[2].set		(SZ.x,SZ.y,RBt.x,RBt.y);
	S[2].rotate_pt	(pivot,cosA,sinA,kx);
	S[2].pt.add		(offset);
	// LB
	S[3].set		(0.f,SZ.y,LTt.x,RBt.y);
	S[3].rotate_pt	(pivot,cosA,sinA,kx);
	S[3].pt.add		(offset);

	for(int i=0; i<4;++i)
		UI()->ClientToScreenScaled		(S[i].pt);

	sPoly2D D;
	sPoly2D* R		= UI()->ScreenFrustum().ClipPoly(S,D);
	if (R&&R->size()){
		for (u32 k=0; k<R->size()-2; k++)
			UIRender->PushPoint((*R)[0+0].pt.x, (*R)[0+0].pt.y,	0, color, (*R)[0+0].uv.x, (*R)[0+0].uv.y);
			UIRender->PushPoint((*R)[k+1].pt.x, (*R)[k+1].pt.y,	0, color, (*R)[k+1].uv.x, (*R)[k+1].uv.y);
			UIRender->PushPoint((*R)[k+2].pt.x, (*R)[k+2].pt.y,	0, color, (*R)[k+2].uv.x, (*R)[k+2].uv.y);
/*  this is tri-fan drawing
	if (R&&R->size())
		for (u32 k=0; k<R->size(); k++)
			UIRender->PushPoint((*R)[k].pt.x, (*R)[k].pt.y,	0, color, (*R)[k].uv.x, (*R)[k].uv.y);
Beispiel #11
void CMapLocation::UpdateSpot(CUICustomMap* map, CMapSpot* sp )
	if( map->MapName() == GetLevelName() )
		bool b_alife = !!ai().get_alife();

		if ( b_alife && m_flags.test(eHideInOffline) && !m_owner_se_object->m_bOnline )

		if ( b_alife && m_owner_se_object->m_flags.test(CSE_ALifeObject::flVisibleForMap) == FALSE )

		if ( IsGameTypeSingle() )
			CGameTask* ml_task = Level().GameTaskManager().HasGameTask( this, true );
			if ( ml_task )
				CGameTask* active_task = Level().GameTaskManager().ActiveTask();
				bool border_show = ( ml_task == active_task );
				if ( m_minimap_spot )
					m_minimap_spot->show_static_border( border_show );
				if ( m_level_spot )
					m_level_spot->show_static_border( border_show );
				if ( m_complex_spot )
					m_complex_spot->show_static_border( border_show );

		//update spot position
		Fvector2 position	= GetPosition();

		m_position_on_map	= map->ConvertRealToLocal(position, (map->Heading())?false:true); //for visibility calculating

		sp->SetWndPos		(m_position_on_map);

		Frect wnd_rect		= sp->GetWndRect();

		if ( map->IsRectVisible(wnd_rect) ) 
			//update heading if needed
			if( sp->Heading() && !sp->GetConstHeading() )
				Fvector2 dir_global = CalcDirection();
				float h = dir_global.getH();
				float h_ = map->GetHeading()+h;
				sp->SetHeading( h_ );
			map->AttachChild	(sp);

		if ( IsGameTypeSingle() )
			CMapSpot* s = GetSpotBorder( sp );
			if ( s )
				s->SetWndPos( sp->GetWndPos() );
				map->AttachChild( s );

		bool b_pointer =( GetSpotPointer(sp) && map->NeedShowPointer(wnd_rect));

			m_position_on_map	= map->ConvertRealToLocal(position, true); //for drawing
			sp->SetWndPos		(m_position_on_map);

			UpdateSpotPointer( map, GetSpotPointer(sp) );
	else if ( Level().name() == map->MapName() && GetSpotPointer(sp) )
		GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID		dest_graph_id;

		dest_graph_id		= m_owner_se_object->m_tGraphID;


		VERIFY( Actor() );
		GraphEngineSpace::CGameVertexParams		params(Actor()->locations().vertex_types(),flt_max);
		bool res = ai().graph_engine().search(

		if ( res )
			xr_vector<u32>::reverse_iterator it = map_point_path.rbegin();
			xr_vector<u32>::reverse_iterator it_e = map_point_path.rend();

			xr_vector<CLevelChanger*>::iterator lit = g_lchangers.begin();
			//xr_vector<CLevelChanger*>::iterator lit_e = g_lchangers.end();
			bool bDone						= false;
			//for(; (it!=it_e)&&(!bDone) ;++it){
			//	for(lit=g_lchangers.begin();lit!=lit_e; ++lit){

			//		if((*it)==(*lit)->ai_location().game_vertex_id() )
			//		{
			//			bDone = true;
			//			break;
			//		}

			//	}
			static bool bbb = false;
				Msg("! Error. Path from actor to selected map spot does not contain level changer :(");
				xr_vector<u32>::iterator it			= map_point_path.begin();
				xr_vector<u32>::iterator it_e		= map_point_path.end();
				for(; it!=it_e;++it){
					//					Msg("%d-%s",(*it),ai().game_graph().vertex(*it));
					Msg("[%d] level[%s]",(*it),*ai().game_graph().header().level(ai().game_graph().vertex(*it)->level_id()).name());
				Msg("- Available LevelChangers:");
				xr_vector<CLevelChanger*>::iterator lit,lit_e;
				lit_e							= g_lchangers.end();
				for(lit=g_lchangers.begin();lit!=lit_e; ++lit){
					GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID gid = (*lit)->ai_location().game_vertex_id();
					Fvector p = ai().game_graph().vertex(gid)->level_point();
					Msg("lch_name=%s pos=%f %f %f",*ai().game_graph().header().level(ai().game_graph().vertex(gid)->level_id()).name(), p.x, p.y, p.z);

				Fvector2 position;
				position.set			((*lit)->Position().x, (*lit)->Position().z);
				m_position_on_map		= map->ConvertRealToLocal(position, false);
				UpdateSpotPointer		(map, GetSpotPointer(sp));
				xr_vector<u32>::reverse_iterator it = map_point_path.rbegin();
				xr_vector<u32>::reverse_iterator it_e = map_point_path.rend();
				for(; (it!=it_e)&&(!bDone) ;++it)
					Fvector p = ai().game_graph().vertex(*it)->level_point();
						Fvector2 position;
						position.set			(p.x, p.z);
						m_position_on_map		= map->ConvertRealToLocal(position, false);
						UpdateSpotPointer		(map, GetSpotPointer(sp));

Beispiel #12
void ui_core::ClientToScreenScaled(Fvector2& src_and_dest)
	src_and_dest.set(ClientToScreenScaledX(src_and_dest.x),	ClientToScreenScaledY(src_and_dest.y));
Beispiel #13
void ui_core::ClientToScreenScaled(Fvector2& dest, float left, float top)
	dest.set(ClientToScreenScaledX(left),	ClientToScreenScaledY(top));
Beispiel #14
void OGF::MakeProgressive	(float metric_limit)
	// test
	// there is no-sense to simplify small models
	// for batch size 50,100,200 - we are CPU-limited anyway even on nv30
	// for nv40 and up the better guess will probably be around 500
	if (faces.size()<c_PM_FaceLimit)		return		;	

//. AlexMX added for draft build mode
	if (g_params.m_quality==ebqDraft)		return		;

	progressive_cs.Enter	();

	vecOGF_V	_saved_vertices		=	vertices	;
	vecOGF_F	_saved_faces		=	faces		;

		// prepare progressive geom
		VIPM_Init				();
		//clMsg("--- append v start .");
		for (u32 v_idx=0;  v_idx<vertices.size(); v_idx++)	
			VIPM_AppendVertex	(vertices[v_idx].P,	vertices[v_idx].UV[0]					);
		//clMsg("--- append f start .");
		for (u32 f_idx=0;  f_idx<faces.size();    f_idx++)	
			VIPM_AppendFace		(faces[f_idx].v[0],	faces[f_idx].v[1],	faces[f_idx].v[2]	);
		//clMsg("--- append end.");

		// Convert
		VIPM_Result*	VR		= 0;
		try						{
						VR		= VIPM_Convert			(u32(25),1.f,1);
		} catch (...)			{
			progressive_clear	()		;
			clMsg				("* mesh simplification failed: access violation");
		if (0==VR)				{
			progressive_clear	()		;
			clMsg				("* mesh simplification failed");
		while (VR && VR->swr_records.size()>0)	{
			// test metric
			u32		_full	=	vertices.size	()		;
			u32		_remove	=	VR->swr_records.size()	;
			u32		_simple	=	_full - _remove			;
			float	_metric	=	float(_remove)/float(_full);
			if		(_metric<metric_limit)		{
				progressive_clear				()		;
				clMsg	("* mesh simplified from [%4dv] to [%4dv], nf[%4d] ==> em[%0.2f]-discarded",_full,_simple,VR->indices.size()/3,metric_limit);
				break									;
			} else {
				clMsg	("* mesh simplified from [%4dv] to [%4dv], nf[%4d] ==> em[%0.2f]-accepted", _full,_simple,VR->indices.size()/3,metric_limit);

			// OK
			// Permute vertices
			for(u32 i=0; i<vertices.size(); i++)

			// Fill indices
			faces.resize			(VR->indices.size()/3);
			for (u32 f_idx=0; f_idx<faces.size(); f_idx++){
				faces[f_idx].v[0]	= VR->indices[f_idx*3+0];
				faces[f_idx].v[1]	= VR->indices[f_idx*3+1];
				faces[f_idx].v[2]	= VR->indices[f_idx*3+2];
			// Fill SWR
			m_SWI.count				= VR->swr_records.size();
			m_SWI.sw				= xr_alloc<FSlideWindow>(m_SWI.count);
			for (u32 swr_idx=0; swr_idx!=m_SWI.count; swr_idx++){
				FSlideWindow& dst	= m_SWI.sw[swr_idx];
				VIPM_SWR& src		= VR->swr_records[swr_idx];
				dst.num_tris		= src.num_tris;
				dst.num_verts		= src.num_verts;
				dst.offset			= src.offset;

			break	;
		// cleanup
		VIPM_Destroy			();

	if (progressive_test() && x_vertices.size() && x_faces.size())
		// prepare progressive geom
		VIPM_Init				();
		Fvector2				zero; zero.set		(0,0);
		for (u32 v_idx=0;  v_idx<x_vertices.size(); v_idx++)	VIPM_AppendVertex	(x_vertices[v_idx].P,	zero						);
		for (u32 f_idx=0;  f_idx<x_faces.size();    f_idx++)	VIPM_AppendFace		(x_faces[f_idx].v[0],	x_faces[f_idx].v[1],	x_faces[f_idx].v[2]	);

		VIPM_Result*	VR		= 0;
		try						{
			VR		= VIPM_Convert			(u32(25),1.f,1);
		} catch (...)			{
			faces				= _saved_faces		;
			vertices			= _saved_vertices	;
			progressive_clear	()		;
			clMsg				("* X-mesh simplification failed: access violation");
		if (0==VR)				{
			faces				= _saved_faces		;
			vertices			= _saved_vertices	;
			progressive_clear	()		;
			clMsg				("* X-mesh simplification failed");
		} else {
			// Convert
			VIPM_Result*	VR		= VIPM_Convert		(u32(25),1.f,1);
			VERIFY			(VR->swr_records.size()>0)	;

			// test metric
			u32		_full	=	vertices.size	()		;
			u32		_remove	=	VR->swr_records.size()	;
			u32		_simple	=	_full - _remove			;
			float	_metric	=	float(_remove)/float(_full);
			clMsg	("X mesh simplified from [%4dv] to [%4dv], nf[%4d]",_full,_simple,VR ? VR->indices.size()/3 : 0);

			// OK
			vec_XV					vertices_saved;

			// Permute vertices
			vertices_saved			= x_vertices;
			for(u32 i=0; i<x_vertices.size(); i++)

			// Fill indices
			x_faces.resize			(VR->indices.size()/3);
			for (u32 f_idx=0; f_idx<x_faces.size(); f_idx++){
				x_faces[f_idx].v[0]	= VR->indices[f_idx*3+0];
				x_faces[f_idx].v[1]	= VR->indices[f_idx*3+1];
				x_faces[f_idx].v[2]	= VR->indices[f_idx*3+2];

			// Fill SWR
			x_SWI.count				= VR->swr_records.size();
			x_SWI.sw				= xr_alloc<FSlideWindow>(x_SWI.count);
			for (u32 swr_idx=0; swr_idx!=x_SWI.count; swr_idx++){
				FSlideWindow& dst	= x_SWI.sw[swr_idx];
				VIPM_SWR& src		= VR->swr_records[swr_idx];
				dst.num_tris		= src.num_tris;
				dst.num_verts		= src.num_verts;
				dst.offset			= src.offset;

		// cleanup
		VIPM_Destroy			();

	progressive_cs.Leave	();
void CUIProgressShape::Draw()
		DrawText		();

	UIRender->SetShader				(*GetShader());
	Fvector2						tsize;

	UIRender->StartPrimitive		(m_sectorCount*3,IUIRender::ptTriList, UI().m_currentPointType);

	Frect pos_rect;
	GetAbsoluteRect					(pos_rect);
	UI().ClientToScreenScaled		(, pos_rect.x1, pos_rect.y1);
	UI().ClientToScreenScaled		(pos_rect.rb, pos_rect.x2, pos_rect.y2);

	Fvector2						center_pos;
	pos_rect.getcenter				(center_pos);

	Frect tex_rect					= GetUIStaticItem().GetTextureRect();					/= tsize.x;					/= tsize.y;
	tex_rect.rb.x					/= tsize.x;
	tex_rect.rb.y					/= tsize.y;

	Fvector2						center_tex;
	tex_rect.getcenter				(center_tex);

	float		radius_pos			= pos_rect.width()/2.0f;

	float		radius_tex			= tex_rect.width()/2.0f;

	float		curr_angle			=  m_angle_begin;
	float		sin_a				= _sin(curr_angle);
	float		cos_a				= _cos(curr_angle);
	Fvector2	start_pos_pt,	prev_pos_pt;
	Fvector2	start_tex_pt,	prev_tex_pt;
	start_pos_pt.set				(0.0f, -radius_pos);
	prev_pos_pt						= start_pos_pt;

	start_tex_pt.set				(0.0f, -radius_tex);
	prev_tex_pt						= start_tex_pt;

	_make_rot_tex(prev_pos_pt, start_pos_pt.y, sin_a, cos_a);
	_make_rot_tex(prev_tex_pt, start_tex_pt.y, sin_a, cos_a);

	float angle_range = PI_MUL_2;
	if ( m_bClockwise )
		angle_range = -abs( m_angle_end - m_angle_begin );
		angle_range = abs( m_angle_end - m_angle_begin );
	for ( u32 i = 0; i < m_sectorCount; ++i )
		float ffff					= calc_color		(i+1, m_sectorCount, m_stage, 1.0f, m_blend);
		u32 color					= color_argb_f		(ffff,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); 

		UIRender->PushPoint(center_pos.x, center_pos.y, 0, color, center_tex.x, center_tex.y);

		Fvector2	tp;
		tp.set						(prev_pos_pt);
		tp.add						(center_pos);

		Fvector2	tx;
		tx.set						(prev_tex_pt);
		tx.add						(center_tex);

		Fvector2	tp1;
		Fvector2	tx1;

		curr_angle					+= angle_range/float(m_sectorCount);

		sin_a						= _sin(curr_angle);
		cos_a						= _cos(curr_angle);

		_make_rot_tex(prev_pos_pt, start_pos_pt.y, sin_a, cos_a);
		_make_rot_tex(prev_tex_pt, start_tex_pt.y, sin_a, cos_a);

		tp.set						(prev_pos_pt);
		tp.add						(center_pos);

		tx.set						(prev_tex_pt);
		tx.add						(center_tex);

		if (m_bClockwise)
			UIRender->PushPoint(tp1.x,	tp1.y,	0,	color, tx1.x,	tx1.y);
			UIRender->PushPoint(tp.x,	tp.y,	0,	color, tx.x,	tx.y);
			UIRender->PushPoint(tp.x,	tp.y,	0, color, tx.x,		tx.y);
			UIRender->PushPoint(tp1.x,	tp1.y,	0, color, tx1.x,	tx1.y);
