Beispiel #1
StatusCode SimG4UserLimitRegion::create() {
  G4LogicalVolume* world =
  // Support two usecases: 
  // (a) if user specifies world, set limits for everything
  if (std::find(m_volumeNames.begin(), m_volumeNames.end(), "world") != m_volumeNames.end()) {
    m_userLimits.emplace_back(new G4UserLimits(m_maxStep / Gaudi::Units::mm * CLHEP::mm,
                                               m_maxTrack / Gaudi::Units::mm * CLHEP::mm,
                                               m_maxTime / Gaudi::Units::s * CLHEP::s,
                                               m_minKineticEnergy / Gaudi::Units::MeV * CLHEP::MeV,
                                               m_minRange / Gaudi::Units::mm * CLHEP::mm));
          info() << "Creating user limits for world" << endmsg;
  // (b) if individiual volumenames are specified, try to find them and set limits for them.
  } else {
  for (const auto& volumeName : m_volumeNames) {
      for (int iter_region = 0; iter_region < world->GetNoDaughters(); ++iter_region) {
        if (world->GetDaughter(iter_region)->GetName().find(volumeName) != std::string::npos) {
          /// all G4Region objects are deleted by the G4RegionStore
              new G4Region(world->GetDaughter(iter_region)->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName() + "_userLimits"));
          m_userLimits.emplace_back(new G4UserLimits(m_maxStep / Gaudi::Units::mm * CLHEP::mm,
                                                     m_maxTrack / Gaudi::Units::mm * CLHEP::mm,
                                                     m_maxTime / Gaudi::Units::s * CLHEP::s,
                                                     m_minKineticEnergy / Gaudi::Units::MeV * CLHEP::MeV,
                                                     m_minRange / Gaudi::Units::mm * CLHEP::mm));
          info() << "Creating user limits in the region " << m_g4regions.back()->GetName() << endmsg;
  if (m_g4regions.size() != m_volumeNames.size()) {
    error() << "Regions  were not created for all the volumes" << endmsg;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
void SNSTargetDetector::ConstructDet()
    enum draw { wire=0, solid=1, invisible=2 };
    // expt volume
    G4NistManager* nist = G4NistManager::Instance();
    //G4Material* expMat = nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_AIR");
    G4Material* expMat = nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Galactic");

    G4double halfX = 55.*m;
    G4double halfY = 55.*m;//7.*m;
    G4double halfZ = 55.*m;//60.*m;
    G4Box* snsTargetBox = new G4Box("SNSexptBox", halfX, halfY, halfZ);
    G4String detLogName = "SNSTargetLogical";
    fDetLogical = new G4LogicalVolume(snsTargetBox, expMat, detLogName );

	G4ThreeVector* posCenter = new G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);  
	G4RotationMatrix* rotCenter = new G4RotationMatrix;	
	G4Material* steel = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("Steel");   
	G4Material* concrete = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("Concrete"); 
	G4Material* concreteHDC = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("HDConcrete");
	G4Material* water = nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_WATER"); 
	G4Material* SteelD2O = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("SteelD2O"); 
	G4Material* Al = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Al"); 
    //TARGET HG box   //red
    G4double HgHalfHt = 4.9*cm; //9.8/2
    G4double HgHalfX = 21.*cm; //42/2
    G4double HgHalfY = 20.3*cm; 
    G4Box* HgBox = new G4Box("HgBox", HgHalfX, HgHalfY, HgHalfHt); //HALF
    G4Material* Hg = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Hg");   
    G4LogicalVolume* HgTargetBoxLog = new G4LogicalVolume(HgBox, Hg, "HgTargetBoxLog");
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, *posCenter, HgTargetBoxLog, "HgTarget",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);
    HgTargetBoxLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Red()));

    //HG STEELBOX steel plate surrounding Hg target.  thick =0.7cm
    G4double tHgSt = 0.7*cm; //all around
    G4double HgSteelhalfX = HgHalfX+tHgSt;
	G4double HgSteelhalfY = HgHalfY+tHgSt;
	G4double HgSteelhalfZ = HgHalfHt+tHgSt; //5.6
	G4Box* steelHgBoxfull = new G4Box("SteelHgBoxFull", HgSteelhalfX,HgSteelhalfY, HgSteelhalfZ);
    G4SubtractionSolid* steelHgBox = new G4SubtractionSolid("SteelHgBox", 
                                   steelHgBoxfull, HgBox, rotCenter, *posCenter);
    G4LogicalVolume* HgSteelBoxLog = new G4LogicalVolume(steelHgBox, steel, "HgSteelBoxLog");
    HgSteelBoxLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Red()));
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, *posCenter, HgSteelBoxLog, "HgSteelBox",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);

    //INNER REFLECTOR PLUG  0 to 49.5 cm rad, ht =  0 to 5.6+5 both ways
    G4double IRPRad =  49.5*cm;
    G4double IRPhalfHt =  10.6*cm;
    G4Tubs* IRPFull = new G4Tubs ("innerRefPlug", 0, IRPRad, IRPhalfHt, 0, twopi);
	G4Box* IRPcutBox = new G4Box("IRPcutBox",HgSteelhalfX, IRPRad,HgSteelhalfZ);
    G4SubtractionSolid* IRPsolidSub = new G4SubtractionSolid("IRPsolidSub", 
                                IRPFull, IRPcutBox, rotCenter, *posCenter);
    //placing later

    //BE PLUG
    //rad=0. to 33 . Ht=  from IRPhalfHt to IRPhalfHt+35. cm
    G4double BePlugRad  = 33.*cm;
	G4double BePlugHalfHt = 17.5*cm;//35/2  from HgSteelhalfZ up/down
    G4Tubs* BePlugCyl = new G4Tubs ("BePlugCyl", 0.*cm, BePlugRad, BePlugHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    //placing later

    //ht 5.6 to 5.6+25cm?.    rad upto corner of box 21 half size =29.8cm
    //coupled H Top //red
	G4double lH1halfX = 10.*cm; //20/2
	G4double lH1halfY = 5.*cm; //10/2
	G4double lH1halfZ = 12.5*cm;//25/2
	G4double lH1posYhalf = 10.*cm;
	G4Box* lHBox = new G4Box("liquidHBox1",lH1halfX, lH1halfY, lH1halfZ);
    //G4Tubs* liquidHCyl1 = new G4Tubs ("LiquidHCyl1", 0, 5.*cm, 15.*cm, 0, twopi);
	G4ThreeVector posLH1(0, lH1posYhalf, HgSteelhalfZ + lH1halfZ);  //z=5.6 to 30.6
    G4RotationMatrix* rotLH1 = new G4RotationMatrix; 
    G4Material* matLHydr = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("LiquidHydrogen");  
    G4LogicalVolume* liquidHLog1 = new G4LogicalVolume(lHBox, matLHydr, "LiquidH1Log");
    liquidHLog1->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Yellow()));
    new G4PVPlacement( rotLH1, posLH1, liquidHLog1, "LiquidHydr1",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);   

	G4SubtractionSolid* IRPsolidSub1 = new G4SubtractionSolid("IRPsolidSub1", 
										IRPsolidSub, lHBox, rotLH1, posLH1);
	G4ThreeVector posLH1_BeTop(0, lH1posYhalf, HgSteelhalfZ+lH1halfZ -(HgSteelhalfZ+BePlugHalfHt));
    G4SubtractionSolid* BePlugTopSub1 = new G4SubtractionSolid("BePlugTopSub1", 
										BePlugCyl, lHBox, rotLH1, posLH1_BeTop);

    //coupled H Bottom
	G4ThreeVector posLH2(0, lH1posYhalf, -(HgSteelhalfZ + lH1halfZ));      
    G4RotationMatrix* rotLH2 = new G4RotationMatrix; 
    G4LogicalVolume* liquidHLog2 = new G4LogicalVolume(lHBox, matLHydr, "LiquidH2Log");
    liquidHLog2->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Yellow()));
    new G4PVPlacement( rotLH2, posLH2, liquidHLog2, "LiquidHydr2",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  

	G4SubtractionSolid* IRPsolidSub2 = new G4SubtractionSolid("IRPsolidSub2", 
											IRPsolidSub1, lHBox, rotLH2, posLH2);
	G4ThreeVector posLH1_BeBot(0, lH1posYhalf, -(HgSteelhalfZ+lH1halfZ)+(HgSteelhalfZ+BePlugHalfHt));
    G4SubtractionSolid* BePlugBotSub1 = new G4SubtractionSolid("BePlugBotSub1", 
										BePlugCyl, lHBox, rotLH2, posLH1_BeBot);

    // liquid hydrogen decoupled moderator 3 Top
	G4double lH3posXhalf = -10.*cm;
	G4double lH3posYhalf = -10.*cm;	
	G4ThreeVector posLH3(lH3posXhalf, lH3posYhalf, HgSteelhalfZ + lH1halfZ);      
    G4RotationMatrix* rotLH3 = new G4RotationMatrix; 
	G4LogicalVolume* liquidHLog3 = new G4LogicalVolume(lHBox, matLHydr, "LiquidH3Log");
    new G4PVPlacement( rotLH3, posLH3, liquidHLog3, "LiquidHydr3",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  
	G4SubtractionSolid* IRPsolidSub3 = new G4SubtractionSolid("IRPsolidSub3", 
											IRPsolidSub2, lHBox, rotLH3, posLH3);
	G4ThreeVector posLH3_BeTop(lH3posXhalf, lH3posYhalf, 
							   HgSteelhalfZ+lH1halfZ -(HgSteelhalfZ+BePlugHalfHt));
    G4SubtractionSolid* BePlugTopSub2 = new G4SubtractionSolid("BePlugTopSub2", 
										BePlugTopSub1, lHBox, rotLH3, posLH3_BeTop);

    //water moderator  decoupled   Bottom  
	G4ThreeVector posWatermod(-lH3posXhalf, lH3posYhalf, -(HgSteelhalfZ+lH1halfZ));  
    G4RotationMatrix* rotLH4     = new G4RotationMatrix; 
    G4LogicalVolume* waterModLog = new G4LogicalVolume(lHBox, water, "WaterModeratorLog");
    waterModLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Yellow()));
    new G4PVPlacement( rotLH4, posWatermod, waterModLog, "WaterModerator",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);   

	G4SubtractionSolid* IRPsolidSub4 = new G4SubtractionSolid("IRPsolidSub4", 
										IRPsolidSub3, lHBox, rotLH4, posWatermod);
	G4ThreeVector posLH4_BeBot(-lH3posXhalf, lH3posYhalf, 
    G4SubtractionSolid* BePlugBotSub2 = new G4SubtractionSolid("BePlugBotsub2", 
									BePlugBotSub1, lHBox, rotLH4, posLH4_BeBot);

    //IRP plug placement
	G4Material* BeD2O = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("BeD2O"); 
	G4LogicalVolume* IRPLog = new G4LogicalVolume(IRPsolidSub4, Al, "InnerRefPlugLog");
	IRPLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Grey()));
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, *posCenter, IRPLog, "InnerRefPlug",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  
    //Top Be Plug placement
	G4LogicalVolume* BePlugTopLog = new G4LogicalVolume(BePlugTopSub2, BeD2O, "UpperBePlugLog");
    G4ThreeVector posUpperBePlug(0, 0, IRPhalfHt+BePlugHalfHt);
    BePlugTopLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Brown()));

    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posUpperBePlug, BePlugTopLog, "UpperBePlug",
												fDetLogical, false, 0 , true); 
	//Bottom Be plug placement
    G4LogicalVolume* BePlugBotLog = new G4LogicalVolume(BePlugBotSub2, BeD2O, "LowerBePlugLog");
    BePlugBotLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Brown()));	
    G4ThreeVector posLowerBePlug(0, 0, -(IRPhalfHt+BePlugHalfHt));  
	new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posLowerBePlug, BePlugBotLog, "BePlugBottom",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);   

	//INNER STEEL upper cylinder BePlugRad=33 to 49 cm rad, ht =  from n plug gap upto Beplug  
	G4double innerSteelRad1 = BePlugRad;
	G4double innerSteelRad2 = IRPRad;
	G4double innerSteelGap  =  BePlugHalfHt;
	G4double innerSteelHalfHt   = (2.*BePlugHalfHt -innerSteelGap)/2.; //subtract gap for n plugs
	G4Tubs* innerSteelD2Ocyl = new G4Tubs ("innerSteelD2Ocyl", innerSteelRad1, 
									innerSteelRad2, innerSteelHalfHt, 0, twopi);
	G4LogicalVolume* innerUpperSteelD2OLog = new G4LogicalVolume(innerSteelD2Ocyl, 
												SteelD2O, "InnerUpperSteelD2OLog");
	G4ThreeVector posInUpSteel(0, 0, IRPhalfHt+innerSteelGap+innerSteelHalfHt);
	innerUpperSteelD2OLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Grey()));
	new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posInUpSteel, innerUpperSteelD2OLog, "InnerUpperSteelD2",
					   fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);	
	//INNER STEEL cylinder BOTTOM  
	G4LogicalVolume* innerBotSteelD2OLog = new G4LogicalVolume(innerSteelD2Ocyl, 
												SteelD2O, "InnerBotSteelD2OLog");
	G4ThreeVector posInBotSteel(0, 0, -(IRPhalfHt+innerSteelGap+innerSteelHalfHt));
	innerBotSteelD2OLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Grey()));
	new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posInBotSteel, innerBotSteelD2OLog, "InnerBottomSteelD2O",
                       fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);   				
	//OUTER STEEL CYLINDER from 49 to 95cm. ht =219cm
	G4double outerSteelR1   =  IRPRad;
	G4double outerSteelR2   =  95.*cm; 
	G4double outerSteelHt   =  109.5*cm; //219/2
	G4Tubs* outerSteelCyl = new G4Tubs ("outerSteelCyl", outerSteelR1, 
									outerSteelR2, outerSteelHt, 0, twopi);
	G4Material* Steel = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("Steel");   
	//Proton cut
	G4Box* cutPBox1 = new G4Box("cutPBox", HgSteelhalfX, outerSteelR2, HgSteelhalfZ);
	G4ThreeVector posCutPBox1(0,-outerSteelR1-(outerSteelR2 -outerSteelR1)/2., 0);
	G4SubtractionSolid* outerSteelCylSub = new G4SubtractionSolid("outerSteelCylSub",
										outerSteelCyl, 	cutPBox1, rotCenter, posCutPBox1);
	G4LogicalVolume* outerSteelLog = new G4LogicalVolume(outerSteelCylSub, 
														 Steel, "OuterSteelLog");	
	outerSteelLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Blue()));	
	new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, *posCenter, outerSteelLog, "OuterSteelCylinder",
					   fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);   
    //MONOLITH STEEL cylinder
    G4double monoSteelRmax    = 5.*m;
    G4double monoSteelRmin    = 1.*m;
    G4double monoSteelHalfHt  = 6.25*m; //12.5/2 
    G4double protonBeamCutXZ  = 0.3*m; //42/2 cm is target in transverse 
    G4double transMonoZ       = 1.75*m;//6.25+1.75=8m bove; 6.25-1.75=4.5mbelow
    //minumum 1m ht below target is needed for innerSteelD2Ocyl2
    G4double monoLidTopHalfHt    = 0.5*m; // full ht=1m 
    G4double monoLidBotHalfHt    = 6.*inch; // 1 foot/2 
    G4Tubs* monoSteel1        = new G4Tubs ("MonoSteel1",monoSteelRmin, 
                                      monoSteelRmax, monoSteelHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4Tubs* monoSteelLidTop       = new G4Tubs ("monoSteelLidTop",0, monoSteelRmin,
                                                    monoLidTopHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4Tubs* monoSteelLidBot       = new G4Tubs ("monoSteelLidBot",0, monoSteelRmin,
                                                   monoLidBotHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4ThreeVector transMonoLidTop(0, 0,  monoSteelHalfHt-monoLidTopHalfHt);
    G4ThreeVector transMonoLidBot(0, 0, -monoSteelHalfHt+monoLidBotHalfHt);
    G4UnionSolid* monoSteel2  = new G4UnionSolid("MonoSteel2",
                         monoSteel1, monoSteelLidTop, rotCenter, transMonoLidTop);
    G4UnionSolid* monoSteel3  = new G4UnionSolid("MonoSteel3",
                         monoSteel2, monoSteelLidBot, rotCenter, transMonoLidBot);

   //beam entrance hole box1 
    G4double cutPBoxHalfY1  = (monoSteelRmax - monoSteelRmin)/2. + 0.3*m;  //extra
    G4Box* monoSteelCutBox1   = new G4Box("MonoSteelCutBox", protonBeamCutXZ, 
                                        cutPBoxHalfY1, protonBeamCutXZ);
    G4ThreeVector transBoxMonoSteel1(0., -monoSteelRmin-(monoSteelRmax-monoSteelRmin)/2.,-transMonoZ);  
    G4SubtractionSolid* monoSteel4 = new G4SubtractionSolid("MonoSteel4", 
                monoSteel3, monoSteelCutBox1, rotCenter, transBoxMonoSteel1);

    G4ThreeVector  transMonoSteel(0.,0., transMonoZ);// shift Y +0.5m
    G4LogicalVolume* monoSteelLog = new G4LogicalVolume(monoSteel4, steel, "MonoSteelLog");
    monoSteelLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Magenta()));
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter,  transMonoSteel, monoSteelLog, "MonolithSteelCyl",
                                                fDetLogical, false, 0 , true); 
    //PROTON BEAM BOX outer of concrete and steel
    G4double protonBoxOuterHalfXZ = 2.0*m;//3.52*m; //NOTE
    G4double protonBoxOuterHalfY  = 15.*m; //NOTE: this will be moved out another 21 m
    SNSTargetOuterProtonBox* outerProtonBox = new SNSTargetOuterProtonBox("OuterProtonBox"
    ,protonBoxOuterHalfXZ, protonBoxOuterHalfY, protonBoxOuterHalfXZ, G4Colour::Cyan(), wire);
    G4ThreeVector* posOuterProtonBox = new G4ThreeVector(0, -protonBoxOuterHalfY-monoSteelRmax, 0);
    outerProtonBox->Place(rotCenter, posOuterProtonBox, fDetLogical); 

	// BASEMENT road base stone(gravel), or granite loose
    G4double tunnelWall        = 18.*inch;
	G4double basementRad       = 22.3*m - tunnelWall;//rad 23.8-1.5m -wall. distLOS=25m
    //x=18.3, y=-15.2 =>rad 23.8.;  z=7.8 (8.1m-0.3 for det 1foot above ground)=>25m LOS
    G4double detToTargetFullZ  = 7.8*m;//8.1m-0.3(=1foot) 
	G4double detToWallGap	   = 1.5*m;
	G4double detAxialDist      = basementRad + tunnelWall+detToWallGap;
    G4double instrFloorTop2Tgt = protonBoxOuterHalfXZ;//2.*m;
    G4double instrFloorHalfHt  = 9.*inch;//18"/2
    G4double basementTop2Tgt   = instrFloorTop2Tgt + 2.*instrFloorHalfHt;
    G4double basementHalfHt    = (detToTargetFullZ - basementTop2Tgt+3.*m)/2.;   
    G4double basementPushZ     = basementHalfHt + basementTop2Tgt; 
	G4double monoBase		   = 1.*m; //instrFloorHalfHt;

    //FLOOR SLAB concrete 18"
    G4ThreeVector instrFloorPos(0,0, -instrFloorTop2Tgt-instrFloorHalfHt );
    G4Tubs* instrFloorFull     = new G4Tubs ("instrFloorCyl", 0, 
									basementRad, instrFloorHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4Tubs* floorMonoCut       = new G4Tubs ("floorMonoCut", 0,  
							monoSteelRmax+monoBase, instrFloorHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4SubtractionSolid* instrFloorCyl = new G4SubtractionSolid("basementCyl", 
                        instrFloorFull, floorMonoCut, rotCenter, *posCenter);
    G4LogicalVolume* instrFloorLog    = new G4LogicalVolume(instrFloorCyl, 
                                                   concrete, "InstrFloorLog"); 
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, instrFloorPos, instrFloorLog, "InstrFloor", 
                                                    fDetLogical, false, 0, true);  

	//basement Inner
    G4double basementOuterLayer   = 4.*m;
    G4double basementRadInnerDisk = basementRad - basementOuterLayer;

	G4Tubs*  basementInSolid    = new G4Tubs ("basementInSolid", 0, basementRadInnerDisk, 
													basementHalfHt, 0, twopi);
	G4double monoCutHalfHt	  = (monoSteelHalfHt-transMonoZ-basementTop2Tgt+monoBase)/2.;
	G4Tubs* basementMonoCut	  = new G4Tubs ("BasementMonoCut", 0, 
					monoSteelRmax+ monoBase, monoCutHalfHt, 0, twopi);
	G4ThreeVector posMonoCut(0, 0, basementHalfHt-monoCutHalfHt); 
	G4SubtractionSolid* basementInCyl = new G4SubtractionSolid("basementInCyl", 
						basementInSolid, basementMonoCut, rotCenter, posMonoCut);
    //G4Material* vac = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("Vacuum");	 
	G4Material* stone = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("RoadStone");	
	G4String materialType 		 = 										"RoadStone";
	G4LogicalVolume* basementInLog = new G4LogicalVolume(basementInCyl, stone, "BasementInLog"); 

	G4ThreeVector basementPos (0, 0, -basementPushZ);//cylinder
	basementInLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Red()));
	new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, basementPos, basementInLog, "BasementIn", 
												fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  
    //basement Outer layer
    G4Tubs*  basementLayerCyl = new G4Tubs ("basementLayerSolid", 
                basementRadInnerDisk, basementRad, basementHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4LogicalVolume* basementLayerLog = new G4LogicalVolume(basementLayerCyl, 
                                                        stone, "BasementLayerLog"); 
    basementLayerLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Yellow()));
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, basementPos, basementLayerLog, "BasementLayer", 
                                                fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  

	G4double monoBaseCutHalf = monoCutHalfHt+instrFloorHalfHt;
	G4Tubs*  monoBaseCyl     = new G4Tubs ("monoBaseCyl", monoSteelRmax, 
							monoSteelRmax+monoBase,	 monoBaseCutHalf, 0, twopi);
	G4Tubs*  monoBaseBot     = new G4Tubs ("monoBaseBot", 0, 
								monoSteelRmax,	monoBase/2., 0, twopi);	
	G4ThreeVector monoBaseBotPos(0,0,-monoBaseCutHalf+monoBase/2.);
	G4UnionSolid* monoBaseSolid = new G4UnionSolid("monoBaseSolid", monoBaseCyl,
									monoBaseBot, rotCenter, monoBaseBotPos); 	
	G4LogicalVolume* monoBaseLog = new G4LogicalVolume(monoBaseSolid,
												concreteHDC, "MonoBaseLog"); 
	G4ThreeVector monoBasePos(0,0, -instrFloorTop2Tgt-monoBaseCutHalf);
	new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, monoBasePos, monoBaseLog, "MonoBase", 
											fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  	
    G4Tubs*  tunnelWallCyl          = new G4Tubs ("tunnelWall", basementRad, 
                          basementRad+tunnelWall, basementHalfHt+instrFloorHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4LogicalVolume* tunnelWallLog = new G4LogicalVolume(tunnelWallCyl, concrete, "TunnelWallLog"); 
    G4ThreeVector tunnelWallPos(0,0,-basementPushZ+instrFloorHalfHt);
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, tunnelWallPos, tunnelWallLog, "TunnelWall", 
                                                    fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  

    G4double baseRoofTopHalf     = 9.*inch;//18/2 instrument floor slab
    G4double baseRoofStoneHalf   = 2.5*12.*inch; //5/2 feet
    G4double baseRoofInHalf      = 9.*inch;//18/2  
    G4double baseRoofGravel       = 4.*m+tunnelWall; // 
    G4ThreeVector posHallRoofTop   (0,0, -instrFloorTop2Tgt-baseRoofTopHalf);
    G4ThreeVector posHallRoofStone (0,0, -instrFloorTop2Tgt-2.*baseRoofTopHalf
    G4ThreeVector posHallRoofIn    (0,0, -instrFloorTop2Tgt-2.*baseRoofTopHalf

    G4Tubs*  basementRoofTop   = new G4Tubs ("basementRoof1", basementRad+tunnelWall, 
                          basementRad+baseRoofGravel, baseRoofTopHalf, 0, twopi);
    G4LogicalVolume* basementRoofTopLog = new G4LogicalVolume( basementRoofTop,
                                        concrete, "basementRoofTopLog");
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posHallRoofTop, basementRoofTopLog,
                          "BasementRoofTop", fDetLogical, false, 0 , true); 

    G4Tubs*  basementRoofStone  = new G4Tubs ("basementRoof2", basementRad+tunnelWall, 
                          basementRad+baseRoofGravel, baseRoofStoneHalf, 0, twopi);
//G4Material* stone          = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("Stone");

    G4LogicalVolume* basementRoofStoneLog = new G4LogicalVolume( basementRoofStone,
                                        stone, "basementRoofStoneLog");
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posHallRoofStone, basementRoofStoneLog,
                          "BasementRoofStone", fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  

    G4Tubs*  basementRoofIn     = new G4Tubs ("basementRoof3", basementRad+tunnelWall, 
                          basementRad+baseRoofGravel, baseRoofInHalf, 0, twopi);
    G4LogicalVolume* basementRoofInLog = new G4LogicalVolume( basementRoofIn,
                                        concrete, "basementRoofInLog");
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posHallRoofIn, basementRoofInLog, 
                         "BasementRoofIn", fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  

    //BULK SHIELD HDC outer concrete from monolith to 10m
    G4double bulkConcShieldRmin    = monoSteelRmax;// 5.*m;
    G4double bulkConcShieldRmax    = 10.*m; 
    G4double bulkConcShieldHalfHt  = (instrFloorTop2Tgt+ 1.5*m)/2.;//1.5m above
    G4Tubs* bulkConcShieldCyl      = new G4Tubs ("BulkNBeamConcShieldCyl",
        bulkConcShieldRmin, bulkConcShieldRmax, bulkConcShieldHalfHt,0, twopi);
    G4double cutBoxBulkShieldHalfY  = (bulkConcShieldRmax-
                        bulkConcShieldRmin)/2. + 1.*m;  //extra 
    G4Box* bulkShieldPCutBox        = new G4Box("bulkHDCProtonCutBox1", 
        protonBoxOuterHalfXZ, cutBoxBulkShieldHalfY, protonBoxOuterHalfXZ);
    //G4double posBulkProtCutZ = bulkConcShieldHalfHt-(monoSteelHalfHt+2.*monConcLidHalfHt - transMonoZ);
    G4double posBulkProtCutZ = bulkConcShieldHalfHt-instrFloorTop2Tgt;//protonBoxOuterHalfXZ;
    G4ThreeVector  transBulkShieldCut(0., -bulkConcShieldRmin-(bulkConcShieldRmax
            -bulkConcShieldRmin)/2. + 0.6*m, -posBulkProtCutZ); //adjust extra Y
    G4SubtractionSolid* bulkConcShieldSub = new G4SubtractionSolid("bulkConcShieldSub", 
        bulkConcShieldCyl, bulkShieldPCutBox, rotCenter, transBulkShieldCut);

    G4LogicalVolume* bulkConcShieldLog  = new G4LogicalVolume( bulkConcShieldSub,
                                        concreteHDC, "BulkNBeamConcShieldLog");
    bulkConcShieldLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Brown()));
    //bulkConcShieldLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4VisAttributes::Invisible));
    G4ThreeVector posBulkShieldHDC(0, 0, posBulkProtCutZ);
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posBulkShieldHDC, bulkConcShieldLog, "BulkNBeamConcShield",
                          fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);  

	//DETECTOR, annulus
    G4double detCsIRad          = 5.5*cm;
    G4double detCsIRadInner     = detAxialDist - detCsIRad;
    G4double detCsIRadOuter     = detAxialDist + detCsIRad; 
    G4double detCsIHalfHt       = 16.5*cm;//33/2 
    G4ThreeVector posDetector   = G4ThreeVector(0,0, -detToTargetFullZ ); //NOTE
    G4Tubs* detCsICyl = new G4Tubs ("DetCsICyl", detCsIRadInner, 
                                    detCsIRadOuter, detCsIHalfHt,0, twopi);
    G4Material* csI     = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("CsI"); //d=4.5g/cc
    G4Material* lead    = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Pb");
    G4Material* cadmium = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Cd");
    //G4Material* poly  = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("HDPE");
    G4LogicalVolume* detCsILog = new G4LogicalVolume(detCsICyl, csI, "DetCsILog");
    detCsILog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Magenta())); 
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posDetector, detCsILog, "SNSDetectorCsI", 
                                                fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);

    G4double detPbRad           = detCsIRad +18.*cm;
    G4double detPbRadInner      = detAxialDist - detPbRad;
    G4double detPbRadOuter      = detAxialDist + detPbRad; 
    G4double detPbHalfHt        = detCsIHalfHt + 18.*cm; 
    G4Tubs* detPbCylFull        = new G4Tubs ("DetPbCylFull", detPbRadInner, 
                                        detPbRadOuter, detPbHalfHt,0, twopi);
    G4SubtractionSolid* detPbcyl = new G4SubtractionSolid("detPbcyl", 
                            detPbCylFull, detCsICyl, rotCenter, *posCenter);
    G4LogicalVolume* detPbLog = new G4LogicalVolume(detPbcyl, lead, "DetPbLog");
    detPbLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Brown()));    
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posDetector, detPbLog, "DetLeadShield", 
                                                fDetLogical, false, 0 , true); 

    G4double detCdRad           = detPbRad + 0.5*mm;
    G4double detCdInner         = detAxialDist - detCdRad;
    G4double detCdOuter         = detAxialDist + detCdRad; 
    G4double detCdHalfHt        = detPbHalfHt + 0.5*mm; 
    G4Tubs* detCdCylFull        = new G4Tubs ("DetCdCylFull", detCdInner, 
                                        detCdOuter, detCdHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4SubtractionSolid* detCdCyl= new G4SubtractionSolid("detCdCyl", 
                            detCdCylFull, detPbCylFull, rotCenter, *posCenter);
    G4LogicalVolume* detCdLog = new G4LogicalVolume(detCdCyl, cadmium, "DetCdLog");
    detCdLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Grey())); 
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posDetector, detCdLog, "DetCdShield", 
                                                fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);

    G4double detWaterRad        = detCdRad + 12.*2.54*cm;
    G4double detWaterInner      = detAxialDist - detWaterRad;
    G4double detWaterOuter      = detAxialDist + detWaterRad; 
    G4double detWaterHalfHt     = detPbHalfHt + 12.*2.54*cm; 
    G4Tubs*  detWaterCylFull    = new G4Tubs ("DetPbCylFull", detWaterInner, 
                                        detWaterOuter, detWaterHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4SubtractionSolid* detWaterCyl = new G4SubtractionSolid("detWaterCyl", 
                            detWaterCylFull, detCdCylFull, rotCenter, *posCenter);

    G4LogicalVolume* detWaterLog = new G4LogicalVolume(detWaterCyl, water, "DetWaterLog");
    detWaterLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Red())); 
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posDetector, detWaterLog, "DetWaterShield", 
                                                fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);

    G4double detPolyRad   = detPbRad + 3.*2.54*cm;
    G4double detPolyInner = detAxialDist - detPolyRad;
    G4double detPolyOuter = detAxialDist + detPolyRad; 
    G4double detPolyHalfHt  = detPbHalfHt + 3.*2.54*cm; 
    G4Tubs* detPolyCylFull     = new G4Tubs ("DetPbCylFull", detPolyInner, 
                                        detPolyOuter, detPolyHalfHt, 0, twopi);
    G4SubtractionSolid* detPolyCyl = new G4SubtractionSolid("detPolyCyl", 
                            detPolyCylFull, detPbCylFull, rotCenter, *posCenter);

    detPolyLog = new G4LogicalVolume(detPolyCyl, poly, "DetPolyLog");
    detPolyLog->SetVisAttributes(new G4VisAttributes (G4Colour::Red())); 
    new G4PVPlacement( rotCenter, posDetector, detPolyLog, "DetPolyShield", 
                                                fDetLogical, false, 0 , true);

    //cuts. NOTE: don't define region without setting default cut/or in macro
    //parallel world has cut of the world by default. Don't set it, otherwise it will
     // be taken for the default.
    G4Region* regBase = new G4Region("BasementIn");
    G4ProductionCuts* cutBase = new G4ProductionCuts();

    G4Region* regBaseLayer = new G4Region("BasementLayer");
    G4ProductionCuts* cutBase2 = new G4ProductionCuts();

    G4Region* regDet = new G4Region("Det_CsI");
    G4ProductionCuts* cutDet = new G4ProductionCuts();

    //force step in volume
    G4double maxStep = (detCsIRad < detCsIHalfHt )? 0.5*detCsIRad: 0.5*detCsIHalfHt;
    G4UserLimits* stepLimit = new G4UserLimits(maxStep);

    G4double maxStep2 =  0.5*5.5*m/65; //stepHt/2
    G4UserLimits* stepLimit2 = new G4UserLimits(maxStep2);

	G4cout << "World of size (m) = " << 2*halfX/m<< " "<< 2*halfY/m << " " 
								<< 2*halfZ/m << G4endl;
	G4cout << "Hg target of size (cm) " << 2*HgHalfX/cm << " " << 2*HgHalfY/cm 
					<< " " << 2*HgHalfHt/cm << G4endl;
	G4cout <<"Target Steel box of size (cm) " << 2*HgSteelhalfX/cm<< " " << 
					2*HgSteelhalfY/cm << " " << 2*HgSteelhalfZ/cm << G4endl;
	G4cout <<"inner Reflector Plug of Al rad:ht (cm) " << IRPRad/cm << " " 
					<< 2*IRPhalfHt/cm  << " from 0cm at center " << G4endl;
	G4cout <<"BePlug : top and Bottom of rad:ht (cm) " << BePlugRad/cm 
			<< " from 0 rad, and ht " << 2*BePlugHalfHt/cm << " from +/- z  "
			<<  IRPhalfHt+BePlugHalfHt << G4endl;
	G4cout <<"LiquidHydrogen moderators size (cm) " << 2*lH1halfX/cm << " " << 
			2*lH1halfY/cm  << " " << 2* lH1halfZ/cm << G4endl;
	G4cout <<" inner upper/lower Steel cylinders of rad:Ht (cm) " << 
		innerSteelRad2/cm-innerSteelRad1/cm << " " << 2*innerSteelHalfHt/cm << " from "
			<< innerSteelRad1/cm << " to " << innerSteelRad2/cm << " at +/- z (cm): " <<
		(IRPhalfHt+innerSteelGap+innerSteelHalfHt)/cm <<	G4endl;
	G4cout <<"OUTER Steel cylinders of rad:Ht (cm) " << 
		outerSteelR2/cm-outerSteelR1/cm << " " << 2*outerSteelHt/cm << " from "
		<< outerSteelR1/cm << " to " << outerSteelR2/cm << " at center" <<	G4endl;
	G4cout <<"OUTER Proton Box of CS (m) " <<  2*protonBoxOuterHalfXZ/m 
		<< " and length "<< 2.*protonBoxOuterHalfY/m << G4endl;
	G4cout << "MonolithSteelCyl of rad from "<< monoSteelRmin/m << " m to "
		<< monoSteelRmax/m << " m of ht " << 2.*monoSteelHalfHt/m << " m " << G4endl;
	G4cout << "Constructed Outer Concrete Building of rad from "
		<< bulkConcShieldRmin/m << " m to "	<< bulkConcShieldRmax/m 
		<< " of ht " << 2.*bulkConcShieldHalfHt/m << " m" <<G4endl;
	G4cout << "Constructed Basement of rad "<< (basementRad+tunnelWall)/m 
		<< " (m) of ht "  << 2.*basementHalfHt/m << " m of "<<  materialType<< G4endl;
	G4cout << "Defined Region: Basement" << G4endl;

    G4cout << "Constructed around Basement a ring Detector at z: "
    <<  -detToTargetFullZ/m << " m, radius: "  << detAxialDist/m 
    << " CsI:: rad= "<< detCsIRad/cm << " cm, ht= " << 2.*detCsIHalfHt/cm 
    << " cm:\nLeadShield:: rad= "<< detPbRad/cm << " cm, ht= " 
    << 2.*detPbHalfHt/cm << " cm.\nCd Shield:: rad= " << detCdRad/cm << " cm, ht= "
    << 2.*detCdHalfHt/cm << " cm.\nWATER:: rad= " << detWaterRad/cm << " cm, ht= "
    << 2.*detWaterHalfHt/cm << G4endl;


} 	//END OF DETECTOR construction