Beispiel #1
 * @brief Return pointer on child walking down a hierarchy of tags
 * @param[in] name Child element hierarchy.
 * @return Pointer to child element (NULL if element does not exist).
 * @exception GException::invalid_argument
 *            Hierarchy string invalid.
 * Returns a pointer to the child element described by a hierarchy of the
 * following syntax
 *     params > param[1] > value > struct
 * The > symbols indicate subsequent hierarchy levels, the square brackets
 * provides the index in case that multiple tags with the same name exist
 * at a given hierarchy level. Omitting the index means that the first
 * tag with the specified name is accessed.
 * If the specified element does not exist the method returns a NULL pointer.
GXmlElement* GXmlNode::element(const std::string& name)
    // Initialise child node pointer
    GXmlElement* element = NULL;

    // Split name into tags
    std::vector<std::string> tags = gammalib::split(name, ">");

    // Walk down the hierarchy
    GXmlNode* current = this;
    for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); ++i) {

        // Get tag name and index
        std::string tag   = gammalib::strip_whitespace(tags[i]);
        int         index = extract_index(tag);

        // Break if the requested node does not exist
        int n = current->elements(tag);
        if (n < 1 || index < 0 || index >= n) {
            element = NULL;

        // Get node
        element = current->element(tag, index);
        current = element;

        // Break if node has not been found
        if (current == NULL) {
            element = NULL;
    } // endfor: walked down hierarchy

    // Return child element
    return element;
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Append all XML child nodes from another XML node
 * @param[in] node XML node.
 * Append all XML child nodes found in @p node to the actual object. Nodes
 * are copied deeply so that they live now on their on in the actual object.
void GXmlNode::extend(const GXmlNode& node)
    // Do nothing if node container is empty
    if (!node.is_empty()) {

        // Get size. Note that we extract the size first to avoid an
        // endless loop that arises when a container is appended to
        // itself.
        int num = node.size();

        // Reserve enough space
        reserve(size() + num);

        // Loop over all child nodes and append pointers to deep copies 
        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {

    } // endif: node container was not empty
    // Return
Beispiel #3
 * @brief Test XML constructors
void TestGXml::test_GXml_construct(void)
    // Test void constructor
    test_try("Test void constructor");
    try {
        GXml xml;
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Test load constructor
    test_try("Test load constructor");
    try {
        GXml xml(m_xml_file);
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Test copy constructor
    test_try("Test copy constructor");
    try {
        GXml xml1(m_xml_file);
        GXml xml2 = xml1;
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Test XML file creation
    test_try("Test XML file creation");
    try {
        GXml xml;
        xml.append(GXmlComment("This is a comment."));
        GXmlElement* lib = xml.element("source_library", 0);
        lib->append(GXmlElement("source name=\"LMC\" type=\"DiffuseSource\""));
        GXmlNode* src = lib->element("source", 0);
        src->append(GXmlElement("spectrum type=\"PLSuperExpCutoff\""));
        GXmlNode* spec = src->element("spectrum", 0);
        spec->append(GXmlElement("parameter free=\"1\" max=\"1000\" min=\"1e-07\""
                " name=\"Prefactor\" scale=\"1e-07\""
                " value=\"0.02754520844\""));
        spec->append(GXmlElement("parameter free=\"1\" max=\"5\" min=\"-5\""
                " name=\"Index1\" scale=\"1\" value=\"-2.0458781\""));
        GXmlElement* par = spec->element("parameter", 0);
        par->attribute("value", "1.01");
        par->attribute("error", "3.145");
        par = spec->element("parameter", 1);
        par->attribute("value", "-2.100");
        par->attribute("error", "9.876");
        src->append(GXmlElement("spatialModel file=\"LMC.fits\" type=\"SpatialMap\""));
        GXmlNode* spat = src->element("spatialModel", 0);
        spat->append(GXmlElement("parameter free=\"0\" max=\"1000\" min=\"0.001\""
                " name=\"Prefactor\" scale=\"1\" value=\"1\""));
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Return