Beispiel #1
void YoursRunner::retrieveRoute( const RouteRequest *route )
    if ( route->size() != 2 ) {

    GeoDataCoordinates source = route->source();
    GeoDataCoordinates destination = route->destination();

    double fLon = source.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    double fLat = source.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

    double tLon = destination.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    double tLat = destination.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

    QString base = "";
    //QString base = "";
    QString args = "?flat=%1&flon=%2&tlat=%3&tlon=%4";
    args = args.arg( fLat, 0, 'f', 6 ).arg( fLon, 0, 'f', 6 ).arg( tLat, 0, 'f', 6 ).arg( tLon, 0, 'f', 6 );
    QString preferences = "&v=motorcar&fast=1&layer=mapnik";
    QString request = base + args + preferences;
    // mDebug() << "GET: " << request;

    m_request = QNetworkRequest( QUrl( request ) );

    QEventLoop eventLoop;

    connect( this, SIGNAL( routeCalculated( GeoDataDocument* ) ),
             &eventLoop, SLOT( quit() ) );

    // @todo FIXME Must currently be done in the main thread, see bug 257376
    QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( get() ) );

void GeoDataLineStringPrivate::interpolateDateLine( const GeoDataCoordinates & previousCoords,
                                                    const GeoDataCoordinates & currentCoords,
                                                    GeoDataCoordinates & previousAtDateLine,
                                                    GeoDataCoordinates & currentAtDateLine,
                                                    TessellationFlags f )
    GeoDataCoordinates dateLineCoords;

    int recursionCounter = 0;

//    mDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;

    if ( f.testFlag( RespectLatitudeCircle ) && previousCoords.latitude() == currentCoords.latitude() ) {
        dateLineCoords = currentCoords;
    else {
        dateLineCoords = findDateLine( previousCoords, currentCoords, recursionCounter );

    previousAtDateLine = dateLineCoords;
    currentAtDateLine = dateLineCoords;

    if ( previousCoords.longitude() < 0 ) {
        previousAtDateLine.setLongitude( -M_PI );
        currentAtDateLine.setLongitude( +M_PI );
    else {
        previousAtDateLine.setLongitude( +M_PI );
        currentAtDateLine.setLongitude( -M_PI );
Beispiel #3
void TestGeoDataTrack::simpleParseTest()
    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( simpleExampleContent );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->placemarkList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = folder->placemarkList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataTrackId );
    GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( placemark->geometry() );
    QCOMPARE( track->size(), 7 );
        QDateTime when = track->whenList().at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( when, QDateTime( QDate( 2010, 5, 28 ), QTime( 2, 2, 9 ), Qt::UTC ) );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesList().at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), -122.207881 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 37.371915 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 156.000000 );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( QDateTime( QDate( 2010, 5, 28 ), QTime( 2, 2, 9 ), Qt::UTC ) );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), -122.207881 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 37.371915 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 156.000000 );

    delete dataDocument;
Beispiel #4
qreal OsmDatabase::bearing( const GeoDataCoordinates &a, const GeoDataCoordinates &b ) const
    qreal delta = b.longitude() - a.longitude();
    qreal lat1 = a.latitude();
    qreal lat2 = b.latitude();
    return fmod( atan2( sin ( delta ) * cos ( lat2 ),
                       cos( lat1 ) * sin( lat2 ) - sin( lat1 ) * cos( lat2 ) * cos ( delta ) ), 2 * M_PI );
qreal AlternativeRoutesModelPrivate::bearing( const GeoDataCoordinates &one, const GeoDataCoordinates &two )
    qreal delta = two.longitude() - one.longitude();
    qreal lat1 = one.latitude();
    qreal lat2 = two.latitude();
    return fmod( atan2( sin ( delta ) * cos ( lat2 ),
                 cos( lat1 ) * sin( lat2 ) - sin( lat1 ) * cos( lat2 ) * cos ( delta ) ), 2 * M_PI );
Beispiel #6
void TestGeoDataTrack::withoutTimeTest()
    //"Simple Example" from kmlreference; when elements emptied
    QString content(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
"<kml xmlns=\"\""
" xmlns:gx=\"\">"
"  <Placemark>"
"    <gx:Track>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <when></when>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.207881 37.371915 156.000000</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.205712 37.373288 152.000000</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.204678 37.373939 147.000000</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.203572 37.374630 142.199997</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.203451 37.374706 141.800003</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.203329 37.374780 141.199997</gx:coord>"
"      <gx:coord>-122.203207 37.374857 140.199997</gx:coord>"
"    </gx:Track>"
"  </Placemark>"
"</kml>" );

    GeoDataDocument* dataDocument = parseKml( content );
    GeoDataFolder *folder = dataDocument->folderList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( folder->placemarkList().size(), 1 );
    GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = folder->placemarkList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataTrackId );
    GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( placemark->geometry() );
    QCOMPARE( track->size(), 7 );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesList().at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), -122.207881 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 37.371915 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 156.000000 );

        const GeoDataLineString *lineString = track->lineString();
        QCOMPARE( lineString->size(), 7 );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = lineString->at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), -122.207881 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 37.371915 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 156.000000 );

    delete dataDocument;
Beispiel #7
MapScreen::perform_search(QString term, qreal distance)
    GeoDataLatLonBox box;
    GeoDataCoordinates location;


    last_search_term = term;
    last_search_distance = distance;

    if (distance > MAX_DISTANCE) {

    location = navigation_screen->map_widget->focusPoint();
    box.setNorth(location.latitude() - km_to_rad(distance));
    box.setSouth(location.latitude() + km_to_rad(distance));
    box.setEast(location.longitude() - km_to_rad(distance));
    box.setWest(location.longitude() + km_to_rad(distance));

    qDebug() << "Box north:" << box.north(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    qDebug() << "Box south:" << box.south(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    qDebug() << "Box west:" << box.west(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    qDebug() << "Box east:" << box.east(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);

    search_manager->findPlacemarks(term, box);
Beispiel #8
TileId TileId::fromCoordinates(const GeoDataCoordinates &coords, int zoomLevel)
    if ( zoomLevel < 0 ) {
        return TileId();
    const int maxLat = 90 * 1000000;
    const int maxLon = 180 * 1000000;
    int lat = GeoDataCoordinates::normalizeLat( coords.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) * 1000000;
    int lon = GeoDataCoordinates::normalizeLon( coords.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) * 1000000;
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    for( int i=0; i<zoomLevel; ++i ) {
        const int deltaLat = maxLat >> i;
        if( lat <= ( maxLat - deltaLat )) {
            y += 1<<(zoomLevel-i-1);
            lat += deltaLat;
        const int deltaLon = maxLon >> i;
        if( lon >= ( maxLon - deltaLon )) {
            x += 1<<(zoomLevel-i-1);
        } else {
            lon += deltaLon;
    return TileId(0, zoomLevel, x, y);
void GosmoreRunner::reverseGeocoding( const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates )
    if ( !d->m_gosmoreMapFile.exists() )
        emit reverseGeocodingFinished( coordinates, GeoDataPlacemark() );

    QString queryString = "flat=%1&flon=%2&tlat=%1&tlon=%2&fastest=1&v=motorcar";
    double lon = coordinates.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    double lat = coordinates.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    queryString = queryString.arg( lat, 0, 'f', 8).arg(lon, 0, 'f', 8 );
    QByteArray output = d->retrieveWaypoints( queryString );

    GeoDataPlacemark placemark;
    placemark.setCoordinate( coordinates );

    QStringList lines = QString::fromUtf8( output ).split( '\r' );
    if ( lines.size() > 2 ) {
        QStringList fields = lines.size()-2 ).split(',');
        if ( fields.size() >= 5 ) {
            QString road = fields.last().trimmed();
            placemark.setAddress( road );
            GeoDataExtendedData extendedData;
            extendedData.addValue( GeoDataData( "road", road ) );
            placemark.setExtendedData( extendedData );

    emit reverseGeocodingFinished( coordinates, placemark );
Beispiel #10
GeoDataCoordinates MyPaintLayer::approximate(const GeoDataCoordinates &base, qreal angle, qreal dist) const
    // This is just a rough estimation that ignores projections.
    // It only works for short distances. Don't use in real code.
    GeoDataCoordinates::Unit deg = GeoDataCoordinates::Degree;
    return GeoDataCoordinates ( base.longitude(deg) + 1.5 * dist * sin(angle),
				base.latitude(deg) + dist * cos(angle), 0.0, deg);
Beispiel #11
void PlacemarkTextAnnotation::move( const GeoDataCoordinates &source, const GeoDataCoordinates &destination )
    Q_UNUSED( source );
    qreal lat = destination.latitude();
    qreal lon = destination.longitude();
    GeoDataCoordinates::normalizeLonLat( lon, lat );
    placemark()->setCoordinate( lon, lat );
GeoDataCoordinates AlternativeRoutesModelPrivate::coordinates( const GeoDataCoordinates &start, qreal distance, qreal bearing )
    qreal lat1 = start.latitude();
    qreal lon1 = start.longitude();
    qreal lat2 = asin( sin( lat1 ) * cos( distance ) + cos( lat1 ) * sin( distance ) * cos( bearing ) );
    qreal lon2 = lon1 + atan2( sin( bearing ) * sin( distance ) * cos( lat1 ), cos( distance ) - sin( lat1 ) * sin( lat2 ) );
    return GeoDataCoordinates( lon2, lat2 );
Beispiel #13
void GosmoreRunner::retrieveRoute( const RouteRequest *route )
    if ( !d->m_gosmoreMapFile.exists() )
        emit routeCalculated( nullptr );

    GeoDataLineString* wayPoints = new GeoDataLineString;
    QByteArray completeOutput;

    for( int i=0; i<route->size()-1; ++i )
        QString queryString = "flat=%1&flon=%2&tlat=%3&tlon=%4&fastest=1&v=motorcar";
        GeoDataCoordinates source = route->at(i);
        double fLon = source.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
        double fLat = source.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
        queryString = queryString.arg(fLat, 0, 'f', 8).arg(fLon, 0, 'f', 8);
        GeoDataCoordinates destination = route->at(i+1);
        double tLon = destination.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
        double tLat = destination.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
        queryString = queryString.arg(tLat, 0, 'f', 8).arg(tLon, 0, 'f', 8);

        QByteArray output;
        if ( d->m_partialRoutes.contains( queryString ) ) {
            output = d->m_partialRoutes[queryString];
        else {
            output = d->retrieveWaypoints( queryString );

        GeoDataLineString points = d->parseGosmoreOutput( output );
        d->merge( wayPoints, points );
        completeOutput.append( output );

    QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*> instructions = d->parseGosmoreInstructions( completeOutput );

    GeoDataDocument* result = d->createDocument( wayPoints, instructions );
    emit routeCalculated( result );
Beispiel #14
void PlasmaRunner::collectMatches(QList<Plasma::QueryMatch> &matches,
                                  const QString &query, const GeoDataFolder *folder)
    const QString queryLower = query.toLower();

    QVector<GeoDataFeature*>::const_iterator it = folder->constBegin();
    QVector<GeoDataFeature*>::const_iterator end = folder->constEnd();

    for (; it != end; ++it) {
        GeoDataFolder *folder = dynamic_cast<GeoDataFolder*>(*it);
        if ( folder ) {
            collectMatches(matches, query, folder);

        GeoDataPlacemark *placemark = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>( *it );
        if ( placemark ) {
            // For short query strings only match exactly, to get a sane number of matches
            if (query.length() < minContainsMatchLength) {
                if ( placemark->name().toLower() != queryLower &&
                     ( placemark->descriptionIsCDATA() || // TODO: support also with CDATA
                       placemark->description().toLower() != queryLower ) ) {
            } else {
                if ( ! placemark->name().toLower().contains(queryLower) &&
                     ( placemark->descriptionIsCDATA() || // TODO: support also with CDATA
                       ! placemark->description().toLower().contains(queryLower) ) ) {

            const GeoDataCoordinates coordinates = placemark->coordinate();
            const qreal lon = coordinates.longitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
            const qreal lat = coordinates.latitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
            const QVariant coordinatesData = QVariantList()
                << QVariant(lon)
                << QVariant(lat)
                << QVariant(placemark->lookAt()->range()*METER2KM);

            Plasma::QueryMatch match(this);
            match.setSubtext(i18n("Show in OpenStreetMap with Marble"));

            matches << match;
GeoDataLatLonAltBox::GeoDataLatLonAltBox( const GeoDataCoordinates & coordinates )
    : GeoDataLatLonBox(),
      d( new GeoDataLatLonAltBoxPrivate )
    setWest( coordinates.longitude() );
    setEast( coordinates.longitude() );
    setNorth( coordinates.latitude() );
    setSouth( coordinates.latitude() );
    d->m_minAltitude = coordinates.altitude();
    d->m_maxAltitude = coordinates.altitude();
Beispiel #16
void RoutingLayerPrivate::renderRequest( GeoPainter *painter )
    for ( int i = 0; i < m_routeRequest->size(); ++i ) {
        GeoDataCoordinates pos = m_routeRequest->at( i );
        if ( pos.longitude() != 0.0 && pos.latitude() != 0.0 ) {
            QPixmap pixmap = m_routeRequest->pixmap( i );
            painter->drawPixmap( pos, pixmap );
            QRegion region = painter->regionFromRect( pos, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height() );
            m_regions.push_front( RequestRegion( i, region ) );
bool VerticalPerspectiveProjection::screenCoordinates( const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates,
                                             const ViewportParams *viewport,
                                             qreal &x, qreal &y, bool &globeHidesPoint ) const
    Q_D(const VerticalPerspectiveProjection);
    const qreal P =  d->m_P;
    const qreal deltaLambda = coordinates.longitude() - viewport->centerLongitude();
    const qreal phi = coordinates.latitude();
    const qreal phi1 = viewport->centerLatitude();

    qreal cosC = qSin( phi1 ) * qSin( phi ) + qCos( phi1 ) * qCos( phi ) * qCos( deltaLambda );

    // Don't display placemarks that are below 10km altitude and
    // are on the Earth's backside (where cosC < 1/P)
    if (cosC < 1/P && coordinates.altitude() < 10000) {
        globeHidesPoint = true;
        return false;

    // Let (x, y) be the position on the screen of the placemark ..
    // First determine the position in unit coordinates:
    qreal k = (P - 1) / (P - cosC); // scale factor
    x = ( qCos( phi ) * qSin( deltaLambda ) ) * k;
    y = ( qCos( phi1 ) * qSin( phi ) - qSin( phi1 ) * qCos( phi ) * qCos( deltaLambda ) ) * k;

    // Transform to screen coordinates
    qreal pixelAltitude = (coordinates.altitude() + EARTH_RADIUS) * d->m_altitudeToPixel;
    x *= pixelAltitude;
    y *= pixelAltitude;

    // Don't display satellites that are on the Earth's backside:
    if (cosC < 1/P && x*x+y*y < viewport->radius() * viewport->radius()) {
        globeHidesPoint = true;
        return false;
    // The remaining placemarks are definetely not on the Earth's backside
    globeHidesPoint = false;

    x += viewport->width() / 2;
    y = viewport->height() / 2 - y;

    // Skip placemarks that are outside the screen area
    if ( x < 0 || x >= viewport->width() || y < 0 || y >= viewport->height() ) {
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #18
void PopupLayer::popup()
    GeoDataCoordinates coords = d->m_popupItem->coordinate();
    ViewportParams viewport( d->m_widget->viewport()->projection(),
                             coords.longitude(), coords.latitude(), d->m_widget->viewport()->radius(),
                             d->m_widget->viewport()->size() );
    qreal sx, sy, lon, lat;
    viewport.screenCoordinates( coords, sx, sy );
    sx = viewport.radius() < viewport.width() ? 0.5 * (viewport.width() + viewport.radius()) : 0.75 * viewport.width();
    viewport.geoCoordinates( sx, sy, lon, lat, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian );
    coords.setLatitude( lat );
    coords.setLongitude( lon );
    d->m_widget->centerOn( coords, true );
    setVisible( true );
Beispiel #19
void PolylineAnnotation::move( const GeoDataCoordinates &source, const GeoDataCoordinates &destination )
    GeoDataLineString *lineString = static_cast<GeoDataLineString*>( placemark()->geometry() );
    GeoDataLineString oldLineString = *lineString;

    const qreal deltaLat = destination.latitude() - source.latitude();
    const qreal deltaLon = destination.longitude() - source.longitude();

    Quaternion latRectAxis = Quaternion::fromEuler( 0, destination.longitude(), 0);
    Quaternion latAxis = Quaternion::fromEuler( -deltaLat, 0, 0);
    Quaternion lonAxis = Quaternion::fromEuler(0, deltaLon, 0);
    Quaternion rotAxis = latRectAxis * latAxis * latRectAxis.inverse() * lonAxis;

    qreal lonRotated, latRotated;
    for ( int i = 0; i < oldLineString.size(); ++i ) {
        Quaternion qpos =;
        qpos.getSpherical( lonRotated, latRotated );
        GeoDataCoordinates movedPoint( lonRotated, latRotated, 0 );

        lineString->append( movedPoint );
Beispiel #20
void OsmNominatimRunner::reverseGeocoding( const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates )
    m_coordinates = coordinates;
    QString base = "";
    // @todo: Alternative URI with addressdetails=1 could be used for shorther placemark name
    QString query = "&lon=%1&lat=%2&accept-language=%3";
    double lon = coordinates.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    double lat = coordinates.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    QString url = QString( base + query ).arg( lon ).arg( lat ).arg( MarbleLocale::languageCode() );

    m_reverseGeocodingRequest.setRawHeader("User-Agent", TinyWebBrowser::userAgent("Browser", "OsmNominatimRunner") );

    // @todo FIXME Must currently be done in the main thread, see bug 257376
    QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( startReverseGeocoding() ) );
bool KmlLineStringTagWriter::write( const GeoNode *node, GeoWriter& writer ) const
    const GeoDataLineString *lineString = static_cast<const GeoDataLineString*>( node );

    if ( lineString->size() > 1 )
        writer.writeStartElement( kml::kmlTag_LineString );
        writer.writeStartElement( "coordinates" );

        // Write altitude for *all* elements, if *any* element
        // has altitude information (!= 0.0)
        bool hasAltitude = false;
        for ( int i = 0; i < lineString->size(); ++i ) {
            if ( lineString->at( i ).altitude() ) {
                hasAltitude = true;

        for ( int i = 0; i < lineString->size(); ++i ) {
            GeoDataCoordinates coordinates = lineString->at( i );
            if ( i > 0 )
                writer.writeCharacters( " " );

            qreal lon = coordinates.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            writer.writeCharacters( QString::number( lon, 'f', 10 ) );
            writer.writeCharacters( "," );
            qreal lat = coordinates.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            writer.writeCharacters( QString::number( lat, 'f', 10 ) );

            if ( hasAltitude ) {
                qreal alt = coordinates.altitude();
                writer.writeCharacters( "," );
                writer.writeCharacters( QString::number( alt, 'f', 2 ) );


        return true;

    return false;
bool LambertAzimuthalProjection::screenCoordinates( const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates,
                                             const ViewportParams *viewport,
                                             qreal &x, qreal &y, bool &globeHidesPoint ) const
    const qreal lambda = coordinates.longitude();
    const qreal phi = coordinates.latitude();
    const qreal lambdaPrime = viewport->centerLongitude();
    const qreal phi1 = viewport->centerLatitude();

    qreal cosC = qSin( phi1 ) * qSin( phi ) + qCos( phi1 ) * qCos( phi ) * qCos( lambda - lambdaPrime );
    // Prevent division by zero
    if (cosC <= 0) {
        globeHidesPoint = true;
        return false;

    qreal k = qSqrt(2 / (1 + cosC));

    // Let (x, y) be the position on the screen of the placemark..
    x = ( qCos( phi ) * qSin( lambda - lambdaPrime ) ) * k;
    y = ( qCos( phi1 ) * qSin( phi ) - qSin( phi1 ) * qCos( phi ) * qCos( lambda - lambdaPrime ) ) * k;

    x *= viewport->radius() / qSqrt(2);
    y *= viewport->radius() / qSqrt(2);

    const qint64  radius  = clippingRadius() * viewport->radius();

    if (x*x + y*y > radius * radius) {
        globeHidesPoint = true;
        return false;

    globeHidesPoint = false;

    x += viewport->width() / 2;
    y = viewport->height() / 2 - y;

    // Skip placemarks that are outside the screen area
    if ( x < 0 || x >= viewport->width() || y < 0 || y >= viewport->height() ) {
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #23
void PlasmaRunner::match(Plasma::RunnerContext &context)
    QList<Plasma::QueryMatch> matches;

    const QString query = context.query();

    bool success = false;
    // TODO: how to estimate that input is in Degree, not Radian?
    GeoDataCoordinates coordinates = GeoDataCoordinates::fromString(query, success);

    if (success) {
        const QVariant coordinatesData = QVariantList()
            << QVariant(coordinates.longitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree))
            << QVariant(coordinates.latitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree))
            << QVariant(0.1); // TODO: make this distance value configurable

        Plasma::QueryMatch match(this);
        match.setText(i18n("Show the coordinates %1 in OpenStreetMap with Marble", query));

        matches << match;

    // TODO: BookmarkManager does not yet listen to updates, also does not sync between processes :(
    // So for now always load on demand, even if expensive possibly
    BookmarkManager bookmarkManager(new GeoDataTreeModel);
    bookmarkManager.loadFile( QStringLiteral("bookmarks/bookmarks.kml") );

    for (GeoDataFolder* folder: bookmarkManager.folders()) {
        collectMatches(matches, query, folder);

    if ( ! matches.isEmpty() ) {
Beispiel #24
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true);

    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    app.setApplicationName( "Marble Virtual Globe" );
    app.setOrganizationName( "KDE" );
    app.setOrganizationDomain( "" );
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050700

    // Load Qt translation system catalog for libmarblewidget, the plugins and this app

    app.setApplicationDisplayName(MainWindow::tr("Marble - Virtual Globe"));

    // For non static builds on mac and win
    // we need to be sure we can find the qt image
    // plugins. In mac be sure to look in the
    // application bundle...

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    QApplication::addLibraryPath( QApplication::applicationDirPath() 
        + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("plugins"));
#ifdef Q_OS_MACX
    qDebug("Adding qt image plugins to plugin search path...");
    CFURLRef myBundleRef = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle());
    CFStringRef myMacPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(myBundleRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
    const char *mypPathPtr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(myMacPath,CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
    QString myPath(mypPathPtr);
    // if we are not in a bundle assume that the app is built
    // as a non bundle app and that image plugins will be
    // in system Qt frameworks. If the app is a bundle
    // lets try to set the qt plugin search path...
    if (myPath.contains(".app"))
      myPath += QLatin1String("/Contents/plugins");
      QApplication::addLibraryPath( myPath );
      qDebug( "Added %s to plugin search path", qPrintable( myPath ) );

    QString marbleDataPath;
    int dataPathIndex=0;
    QString mapThemeId;
    QString tour;
    QString coordinatesString;
    QString distanceString;
    QString geoUriString;
    MarbleGlobal::Profiles profiles = MarbleGlobal::getInstance()->profiles();

    QStringList args = QApplication::arguments();

    if ( args.contains( "-h" ) || args.contains( "--help" ) ) {
        qWarning() << "Usage: marble [options] [files]";
        qWarning() << "[files] can be zero, one or more .kml and/or .gpx files to load and show.";
        qWarning() << "general options:";
        qWarning() << "  --marbledatapath=<path> .... Overwrite the compile-time path to map themes and other data";
        qWarning() << "  --geo-uri=<uri> ............ Show map at given geo uri";
        qWarning() << "  --latlon=<coordinates> ..... Show map at given lat lon coordinates";
        qWarning() << "  --distance=<value> ......... Set the distance of the observer to the globe (in km)";
        qWarning() << "  --map=<id> ................. Use map id (e.g. \"earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml\")";
        qWarning() << "  --tour=<file> .............. Load a KML tour from the given file and play it";
        qWarning() << "debug options:";
        qWarning() << "  --debug-info ............... write (more) debugging information to the console";
        qWarning() << "  --fps ...................... Show the paint performance (paint rate) in the top left corner";
        qWarning() << "  --runtimeTrace.............. Show the time spent and other debug info of each layer";
        qWarning() << "  --tile-id................... Write the identifier of texture tiles on top of them";
        qWarning() << "  --timedemo ................. Measure the paint performance while moving the map and quit";
        qWarning() << "  --debug-polygons ........... Display the polygon nodes and their index for debugging";
        qWarning() << "  --debug-levels ............. Display OSM placemarks according to the level selected";
        qWarning() << "profile options (note that marble should automatically detect which profile to use. Override that with the options below):";
        qWarning() << "  --highresolution ........... Enforce the profile for devices with high resolution (e.g. desktop computers)";
        qWarning() << "  --nohighresolution ......... Deactivate the profile for devices with high resolution (e.g. desktop computers)";

        return 0;

    for ( int i = 1; i < args.count(); ++i ) {
        const QString arg =;

        if ( arg == QLatin1String( "--debug-info" ) )
            MarbleDebug::setEnabled( true );
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--marbledatapath=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            marbleDataPath =;
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--marbledatapath" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 && i+1 < args.size() ) {
            dataPathIndex = i + 1;
            marbleDataPath = args.value( dataPathIndex );
        else if ( arg == QLatin1String( "--highresolution" ) ) {
            profiles |= MarbleGlobal::HighResolution;
        else if ( arg == QLatin1String( "--nohighresolution" ) ) {
            profiles &= ~MarbleGlobal::HighResolution;
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--latlon=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            coordinatesString = arg.mid(9);
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--latlon" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 && i+1 < args.size() ) {
            coordinatesString = args.value( i );
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--geo-uri=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) {
            geoUriString = arg.mid(10);
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--geo-uri" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 && i+1 < args.size() )
            geoUriString = args.value(i);
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--distance=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            distanceString = arg.mid(11);
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--distance" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 && i+1 < args.size() ) {
            distanceString = args.value( i );
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--map=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            mapThemeId = arg.mid(6);
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--map" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 && i+1 < args.size() ) {
            mapThemeId = args.value( i );
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--tour=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            tour = arg.mid(7);
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--tour" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 && i+1 < args.size() ) {
            tour = args.value( i );
    MarbleGlobal::getInstance()->setProfiles( profiles );

    MarbleLocale::MeasurementSystem const measurement =
    MarbleGlobal::getInstance()->locale()->setMeasurementSystem( measurement );

    QVariantMap cmdLineSettings;
    if ( !mapThemeId.isEmpty() ) {
        cmdLineSettings.insert( QLatin1String("mapTheme"), QVariant(mapThemeId) );

    if ( !coordinatesString.isEmpty() ) {
        bool success = false;
        const GeoDataCoordinates coordinates = GeoDataCoordinates::fromString(coordinatesString, success);
        if ( success ) {
            QVariantList lonLat;
            lonLat << QVariant( coordinates.longitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) )
                   << QVariant( coordinates.latitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
            cmdLineSettings.insert( QLatin1String("lonlat"), QVariant(lonLat) );
    if ( !distanceString.isEmpty() ) {
        bool success = false;
        const qreal distance = distanceString.toDouble(&success);
        if ( success ) {
            cmdLineSettings.insert( QLatin1String("distance"), QVariant(distance) );
    if ( !tour.isEmpty() ) {
        cmdLineSettings.insert( QLatin1String("tour"), QVariant(tour) );

    cmdLineSettings.insert( QLatin1String("geo-uri"), QVariant(geoUriString) );

    MainWindow *window = new MainWindow( marbleDataPath, cmdLineSettings );
    window->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );

//    window->marbleWidget()->rotateTo( 0, 0, -90 );
//    window->show();

    for ( int i = 1; i < args.count(); ++i ) {
        const QString arg =;
        if (arg == QLatin1String("--timedemo")) {
            window->resize(900, 640);
            MarbleTest marbleTest( window->marbleWidget() );
            return 0;

        if (arg == QLatin1String("--fps")) {
            window->marbleControl()->marbleWidget()->setShowFrameRate( true );
        else if (arg == QLatin1String("--tile-id")) {
        else if (arg == QLatin1String("--runtimeTrace")) {
            window->marbleControl()->marbleWidget()->setShowRuntimeTrace( true );
        else if (arg == QLatin1String("--debug-polygons")) {
            window->marbleControl()->marbleWidget()->setShowDebugPolygons( true );
        else if ( i != dataPathIndex && QFile::exists( arg ) ) {
        else if (arg == QLatin1String("--debug-levels")) {

    auto const marbleWidget = window->marbleControl()->marbleWidget();
    bool const debugModeEnabled = marbleWidget->showRuntimeTrace() || marbleWidget->showDebugPolygons() ||
            marbleWidget->debugLevelTags() || MarbleDebug::isEnabled();

    return app.exec();
Beispiel #25
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
    // The GraphicsSystem needs to be set before the instantiation of the
    // QApplication. Therefore we need to parse the current setting
    // in this unusual place :-/
    QSettings graphicsSettings("KDE", "Marble Virtual Globe"); // keep the parameters here
    QString const graphicsString = graphicsSettings.value("View/graphicsSystem", "raster").toString();
    QApplication::setGraphicsSystem( graphicsString );

    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    app.setApplicationName( "Marble Virtual Globe" );
    app.setOrganizationName( "KDE" );
    app.setOrganizationDomain( "" );
    // Widget translation

#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
    // Work around
    QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
    QString lang( "C" );
    QStringList const locales = QStringList() << "LC_ALL" << "LC_MESSAGES" << "LANG" << "LANGUAGE";
    foreach( const QString &locale, locales ) {
        if ( env.contains( locale ) && !env.value( locale ).isEmpty() ) {
            lang = env.value( locale, "C" );

    lang = lang.section( '_', 0, 0 );
    QString      lang = QLocale::system().name().section('_', 0, 0);
    QTranslator  translator;
    translator.load( "marble-" + lang, MarbleDirs::path(QString("lang") ) );

    // For non static builds on mac and win
    // we need to be sure we can find the qt image
    // plugins. In mac be sure to look in the
    // application bundle...

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    QApplication::addLibraryPath( QApplication::applicationDirPath()
                                  + QDir::separator() + "plugins" );
#ifdef Q_OS_MACX
    qDebug("Adding qt image plugins to plugin search path...");
    CFURLRef myBundleRef = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle());
    CFStringRef myMacPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(myBundleRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
    const char *mypPathPtr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(myMacPath,CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
    QString myPath(mypPathPtr);
    // if we are not in a bundle assume that the app is built
    // as a non bundle app and that image plugins will be
    // in system Qt frameworks. If the app is a bundle
    // lets try to set the qt plugin search path...
    if (myPath.contains(".app"))
        myPath += "/Contents/plugins";
        QApplication::addLibraryPath( myPath );
        qDebug( "Added %s to plugin search path", qPrintable( myPath ) );

    QString marbleDataPath;
    int dataPathIndex=0;
    QString mapThemeId;
    QString coordinatesString;
    QString distanceString;
    const MarbleGlobal::Profiles profiles = MarbleGlobal::SmallScreen | MarbleGlobal::HighResolution;

    QStringList args = QApplication::arguments();

    if ( args.contains( "-h" ) || args.contains( "--help" ) ) {
        qWarning() << "Usage: marble [options] [files]";
        qWarning() << "[files] can be zero, one or more .kml and/or .gpx files to load and show.";
        qWarning() << "general options:";
        qWarning() << "  --marbledatapath=<path> .... Overwrite the compile-time path to map themes and other data";
        qWarning() << "  --latlon=<coordinates> ..... Show map at given lat lon coordinates";
        qWarning() << "  --distance=<value> ......... Set the distance of the observer to the globe (in km)";
        qWarning() << "  --map=<id> ................. Use map id (e.g. \"earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml\")";
        qWarning() << "debug options:";
        qWarning() << "  --debug-info ............... write (more) debugging information to the console";
        qWarning() << "  --fps ...................... Show the paint performance (paint rate) in the top left corner";
        qWarning() << "  --runtimeTrace.............. Show the time spent and other debug info of each layer";
        qWarning() << "  --tile-id................... Write the identifier of texture tiles on top of them";
        qWarning() << "  --timedemo ................. Measure the paint performance while moving the map and quit";

        return 0;

    for ( int i = 1; i < args.count(); ++i ) {
        const QString arg =;

        if ( arg == QLatin1String( "--debug-info" ) )
            MarbleDebug::setEnabled( true );
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--marbledatapath=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            marbleDataPath =;
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--marbledatapath" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) {
            dataPathIndex = i + 1;
            marbleDataPath = args.value( dataPathIndex );
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--latlon=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            coordinatesString = arg.mid(9);
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--latlon" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) {
            // TODO: misses an error check if there is a value at all
            // and error reporting to user (problem also exists with marbledatapath)
            coordinatesString = args.value( i );
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--distance=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            distanceString = arg.mid(11);
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--distance" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) {
            // TODO: misses an error check if there is a value at all
            // and error reporting to user (problem also exists with marbledatapath)
            distanceString = args.value( i );
        else if ( arg.startsWith( QLatin1String( "--map=" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
            mapThemeId = arg.mid(6);
        else if ( QLatin1String( "--map" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) {
            // TODO: misses an error check if there is a value at all
            // and error reporting to user (problem also exists with marbledatapath)
            mapThemeId = args.value( i );
    MarbleGlobal::getInstance()->setProfiles( profiles );

    QLocale::MeasurementSystem const measurement = QLocale::system().measurementSystem();
    MarbleGlobal::getInstance()->locale()->setMeasurementSystem( measurement );

    QVariantMap cmdLineSettings;
    if ( !mapThemeId.isEmpty() ) {
        cmdLineSettings.insert( QLatin1String("mapTheme"), QVariant(mapThemeId) );

    if ( !coordinatesString.isEmpty() ) {
        bool success = false;
        const GeoDataCoordinates coordinates = GeoDataCoordinates::fromString(coordinatesString, success);
        if ( success ) {
            QVariantList lonLat;
            lonLat << QVariant( coordinates.longitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) )
                   << QVariant( coordinates.latitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
            cmdLineSettings.insert( QLatin1String("lonlat"), QVariant(lonLat) );
    if ( !distanceString.isEmpty() ) {
        bool success = false;
        const qreal distance = distanceString.toDouble(&success);
        if ( success ) {
            cmdLineSettings.insert( QLatin1String("distance"), QVariant(distance) );

    MainWindow *window = new MainWindow( marbleDataPath, cmdLineSettings );
    window->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );

//    window->marbleWidget()->rotateTo( 0, 0, -90 );
//    window->show();

    for ( int i = 1; i < args.count(); ++i ) {
        const QString arg =;
        if ( arg == "--timedemo" )
            window->resize(900, 640);
            MarbleTest marbleTest( window->marbleWidget() );
            return 0;
        else if( arg == "--fps" ) {
            window->marbleWidget()->setShowFrameRate( true );
        else if ( arg == "--tile-id" )
        else if( arg == "--runtimeTrace" ) {
            window->marbleWidget()->setShowRuntimeTrace( true );
        else if ( i != dataPathIndex && QFile::exists( arg ) ) {
            window->addGeoDataFile( QFileInfo( arg ).absoluteFilePath() );

    return app.exec();
Beispiel #26
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
    KAboutData aboutData( "marble", 0,
                          ki18n( "Marble Virtual Globe" ),
                          ki18n( "A World Atlas." ),
                          ki18n( "(c) 2007-2012" ), // FIXME: use subs() here and replace 2012 by %1
                          "" );

    // Active Development Team of Marble
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Torsten Rahn" ),
                         ki18n( "Developer and Original Author" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Bernhard Beschow" ),
                         ki18n( "WMS Support, Mobile, Performance" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Thibaut Gridel" ),
                         ki18n( "Geodata" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Jens-Michael Hoffmann" ),
                         ki18n( "OpenStreetMap Integration, OSM Namefinder, Download Management" ),
                         "*****@*****.**", "" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Florian E&szlig;er" ),
                         ki18n( "Elevation Profile" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Wes Hardaker" ),
                         ki18n( "APRS Plugin" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Bastian Holst" ),
                         ki18n( "Online Services support" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Guillaume Martres" ),
                         ki18n( "Satellites" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Rene Kuettner" ),
                         ki18n( "Satellites, Eclipses" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Friedrich W. H. Kossebau" ),
                         ki18n( "Plasma Integration, Bugfixes" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Dennis Nienhüser" ),
                         ki18n( "Routing, Navigation, Mobile" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Niko Sams" ),
                         ki18n( "Routing, Elevation Profile" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Patrick Spendrin" ),
                         ki18n( "Core Developer: KML and Windows support" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Eckhart Wörner" ),
                         ki18n( "Bugfixes" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    // Developers:    
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Inge Wallin" ),
                         ki18n( "Core Developer and Co-Maintainer" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Henry de Valence" ),
                         ki18n( "Core Developer: Marble Runners, World-Clock Plasmoid" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Pino Toscano" ),
                         ki18n( "Network plugins" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Harshit Jain" ),
                         ki18n( "Planet filter" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Simon Edwards" ),
                         ki18n( "Marble Python Bindings" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Magnus Valle" ),
                         ki18n( "Historical Maps" ),
                         "" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Médéric Boquien" ),
                         ki18n( "Astronomical Observatories" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );

    // ESA Summer of Code in Space
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Rene Kuettner" ),
                         ki18n( "ESA Summer of Code in Space 2012 Project:"
                                " Visualization of planetary satellites" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Guillaume Martres" ),
                         ki18n( "ESA Summer of Code in Space 2011 Project:"
                                " Visualisation of Satellite Orbits" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );    
    // Google Summer of Code
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Konstantin Oblaukhov" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2011 Project:"
                                " OpenStreetMap Vector Rendering" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Daniel Marth" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2011 Project:"
                                " Marble Touch on MeeGo" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Gaurav Gupta" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2010 Project:"
                                " Bookmarks" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Harshit Jain " ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2010 Project:"
                                " Time Support" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Siddharth Srivastava" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2010 Project:"
                                " Turn-by-turn Navigation" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Andrew Manson" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2009 Project:"
                                " OSM Annotation" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Bastian Holst" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2009 Project:"
                                " Online Services" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Patrick Spendrin" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2008 Project:"
                                " Vector Tiles for Marble" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Shashank Singh" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2008 Project:"
                                " Panoramio / Wikipedia -photo support for Marble" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Carlos Licea" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2007 Project:"
                                " Equirectangular Projection (\"Flat Map\")" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Andrew Manson" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2007 Project:"
                                " GPS Support for Marble" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Murad Tagirov" ),
                         ki18n( "Google Summer of Code 2007 Project:"
                                " KML Support for Marble" ),
                         "*****@*****.**" );

    // Developers
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Simon Schmeisser" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Claudiu Covaci" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "David Roberts" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Nikolas Zimmermann" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Jan Becker" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Stefan Asserhäll" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Laurent Montel" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Mayank Madan" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Prashanth Udupa" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Anne-Marie Mahfouf" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Josef Spillner" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Frerich Raabe" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Frederik Gladhorn" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Fredrik Höglund" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Albert Astals Cid" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Thomas Zander" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Joseph Wenninger" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Kris Thomsen" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Daniel Molkentin" ),
                         ki18n( "Development & Patches" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Christophe Leske" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Sebastian Wiedenroth" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Tim Sutton" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Christian Ehrlicher" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Ralf Habacker" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Steffen Joeris" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Marcus Czeslinski" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Marcus D. Hanwell" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Chitlesh Goorah" ),
                         ki18n( "Platforms & Distributions" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Nuno Pinheiro" ),
                         ki18n( "Artwork" ));
    aboutData.addAuthor( ki18n( "Torsten Rahn" ),
                         ki18n( "Artwork" ));

    // Credits
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Luis Silva" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Stefan Jordan" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Robert Scott" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Lubos Petrovic" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Benoit Sigoure" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Martin Konold" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Matthias Welwarsky" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Rainer Endres" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Ralf Gesellensetter" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "Tim Alder" ),
                         ki18n( "Various Suggestions & Testing" ));
    aboutData.addCredit( ki18n( "John Layt" ),
                         ki18n( "Special thanks for providing an"
                                " important source of inspiration by creating"
                                " Marble's predecessor \"Kartographer\"." ));

    QApplication::setGraphicsSystem( readGraphicsSystem( argc, argv, aboutData ) );

    KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );

    // Autodetect profiles
    MarbleGlobal::Profiles profiles = MarbleGlobal::detectProfiles();

    KCmdLineOptions  options;
    options.add( "debug-info", ki18n( "Enable debug output" ) );
    options.add( "timedemo", ki18n( "Make a time measurement to check performance" ) );
    options.add( "fps", ki18n( "Show frame rate" ) );
    options.add( "tile-id", ki18n( "Show tile IDs" ) );
    options.add( "runtimeTrace", ki18n( "Show time spent in each layer" ) );
    options.add( "marbledatapath <data path>", ki18n( "Use a different directory which contains map data" ) );
    if( profiles & MarbleGlobal::SmallScreen ) {
        options.add( "nosmallscreen", ki18n( "Do not use the interface optimized for small screens" ) );
    else {
        options.add( "smallscreen", ki18n( "Use the interface optimized for small screens" ) );
    if( profiles & MarbleGlobal::HighResolution ) {
        options.add( "nohighresolution", ki18n( "Do not use the interface optimized for high resolutions" ) );
    else {
        options.add( "highresolution", ki18n( "Use the interface optimized for high resolutions" ) );
    options.add( "latlon <coordinates>", ki18n( "Show map at given lat lon coordinates" ) );
    options.add( "distance <value>", ki18n( "Set the distance of the observer to the globe (in km)" ) );
    options.add( "map <id>", ki18n( "Use map id (e.g. \"earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml\")" ) );
    options.add( "+[file]", ki18n( "One or more placemark files to be opened" ) );

    KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
    KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();

    KApplication app;
    KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog( "marble_qt" );


    if ( args->isSet( "debug-info" ) ) {
        MarbleDebug::enable = true;
    } else {
        MarbleDebug::enable = false;

    if ( args->isSet( "smallscreen" ) ) {
        profiles |= MarbleGlobal::SmallScreen;
    else {
        profiles &= ~MarbleGlobal::SmallScreen;

    if ( args->isSet( "highresolution" ) ) {
        profiles |= MarbleGlobal::HighResolution;
    else {
        profiles &= ~MarbleGlobal::HighResolution;

    MarbleGlobal::getInstance()->setProfiles( profiles );

    QString marbleDataPath = args->getOption( "marbledatapath" );
    if( marbleDataPath.isEmpty() ) {
        marbleDataPath.clear(); /** @todo: why is this done? */
    MainWindow *window = new MainWindow( marbleDataPath );
    window->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true );

    if ( args->isSet( "timedemo" ) ) {
        window->resize(900, 640);
        MarbleTest test( window->marbleWidget() );
        return 0;

    if ( args->isSet( "fps" ) ) {
        window->marbleControl()->marbleWidget()->setShowFrameRate( true );

    if ( args->isSet( "tile-id" ) ) {
	window->marbleControl()->marbleWidget()->setShowTileId( true );

    const QString map = args->getOption( "map" );
    if ( !map.isEmpty() ) {

    const QString coordinatesString = args->getOption( "latlon" );
    if ( !coordinatesString.isEmpty() ) {
        bool success = false;
        const GeoDataCoordinates coordinates = GeoDataCoordinates::fromString(coordinatesString, success);
        if ( success ) {
            const qreal longitude = coordinates.longitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
            const qreal latitude = coordinates.latitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
            window->marbleWidget()->centerOn(longitude, latitude);

    const QString distance = args->getOption( "distance" );
    if ( !distance.isEmpty() ) {
        bool success = false;
        const qreal distanceValue = distance.toDouble(&success);
        if ( success )

    // Read the files that are given on the command line.
    for ( int i = 0; i < args->count(); ++i ) {

        // FIXME: Use openUrl( args->url(i) ) instead?
        if ( QFile::exists( args->arg( i ) ) )
            window->marbleControl()->addGeoDataFile( args->arg( i ) );

    return app.exec();
Beispiel #27
void CountryByShape::postQuestion( QObject *gameObject )
    //Find a random placemark

    Q_ASSERT_X( d->m_countryNames, "CountryByShape::postQuestion",
                "CountryByShapePrivate::m_countryNames is NULL" );

    QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*> countryPlacemarks = d->m_countryNames->placemarkList();

    uint randomSeed = uint(QTime::currentTime().msec());
    qsrand( randomSeed );

    bool found = false;
    GeoDataPlacemark *placemark =0;
    GeoDataPoint *point = 0;
    GeoDataCoordinates coord;
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox box;
    QVariantList answerOptions;
    while ( !found ) {
        int randomIndex = qrand()%countryPlacemarks.size();
        placemark = countryPlacemarks[randomIndex];
        point = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPoint*>( placemark->geometry() );
        coord = point->coordinates();

        if ( point ) {
             * Find the country geometry and fetch corresponding
             * GeoDataLatLonAltBox to zoom in to that country so that
             * it fills the viewport.

            Q_ASSERT_X( d->m_countryBoundaries, "CountryByShape::postQuestion",
                        "CountryByShapePrivate::m_countryBoundaries is NULL" );

            QVector<GeoDataFeature*>::Iterator i = d->m_countryBoundaries->begin();
            QVector<GeoDataFeature*>::Iterator const end = d->m_countryBoundaries->end();
            for ( ; i != end; ++i ) {
                GeoDataPlacemark *country = static_cast<GeoDataPlacemark*>( *i );

                GeoDataPolygon *polygon = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPolygon*>( country->geometry() );
                GeoDataLinearRing *linearring = dynamic_cast<GeoDataLinearRing*>( country->geometry() );
                GeoDataMultiGeometry *multigeom = dynamic_cast<GeoDataMultiGeometry*>( country->geometry() );

                if ( polygon &&
                    polygon->contains( coord ) &&
                    !d->m_continentsAndOceans.contains(country->name(), Qt::CaseSensitive) )
                    box = polygon->latLonAltBox();
                    found = true;
                if ( linearring &&
                    linearring->contains( coord ) &&
                    !d->m_continentsAndOceans.contains(country->name(), Qt::CaseSensitive) )
                    box = linearring->latLonAltBox();
                    found = true;
                if ( multigeom ) {
                    QVector<GeoDataGeometry*>::Iterator iter = multigeom->begin();
                    QVector<GeoDataGeometry*>::Iterator const end = multigeom->end();

                    for ( ; iter != end; ++iter ) {
                        GeoDataPolygon *poly  = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPolygon*>( *iter );
                        if ( poly &&
                            poly->contains( coord ) &&
                            !d->m_continentsAndOceans.contains(country->name(), Qt::CaseSensitive) )
                            box = poly->latLonAltBox();
                            found = true;
                if ( found ) {
    d->m_marbleWidget->setHighlightEnabled( true );
    emit announceHighlight( coord.longitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree),
                            GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

     * Now disable the highlight feature so that
     * the user click doesn't disturbe the highlight
     * we did to ask question.
    d->m_marbleWidget->setHighlightEnabled( false );

    d->m_marbleWidget->centerOn( box, true );

    answerOptions << placemark->name()
    << countryPlacemarks[qrand()%countryPlacemarks.size()]->name()
    << countryPlacemarks[qrand()%countryPlacemarks.size()]->name()
    << countryPlacemarks[qrand()%countryPlacemarks.size()]->name();

    // Randomize options in list answerOptions
    for ( int i = 0; i < answerOptions.size(); ++i ) {
        QVariant option = answerOptions.takeAt( qrand()%answerOptions.size() );
        answerOptions.append( option );

    if ( gameObject ) {
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod( gameObject, "countryByShapeQuestion",
                                   Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant(answerOptions)),
                                   Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant(placemark->name())) );
int CylindricalProjectionPrivate::processTessellation( const GeoDataCoordinates &previousCoords,
                                                    const GeoDataCoordinates &currentCoords,
                                                    int tessellatedNodes,
                                                    QVector<QPolygonF*> &polygons,
                                                    const ViewportParams *viewport,
                                                    TessellationFlags f,
                                                    int mirrorCount,
                                                    qreal repeatDistance) const

    const bool clampToGround = f.testFlag( FollowGround );
    const bool followLatitudeCircle = f.testFlag( RespectLatitudeCircle )
                                      && previousCoords.latitude() == currentCoords.latitude();

    // Calculate steps for tessellation: lonDiff and altDiff
    qreal lonDiff = 0.0;
    if ( followLatitudeCircle ) {
        const int previousSign = previousCoords.longitude() > 0 ? 1 : -1;
        const int currentSign = currentCoords.longitude() > 0 ? 1 : -1;

        lonDiff = currentCoords.longitude() - previousCoords.longitude();
        if ( previousSign != currentSign
             && fabs(previousCoords.longitude()) + fabs(currentCoords.longitude()) > M_PI ) {
            if ( previousSign > currentSign ) {
                // going eastwards ->
                lonDiff += 2 * M_PI ;
            } else {
                // going westwards ->
                lonDiff -= 2 * M_PI;
        if ( fabs( lonDiff ) == 2 * M_PI ) {
            return mirrorCount;

    const qreal altDiff = currentCoords.altitude() - previousCoords.altitude();

    // Create the tessellation nodes.
    GeoDataCoordinates previousTessellatedCoords = previousCoords;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= tessellatedNodes; ++i ) {
        const qreal t = (qreal)(i) / (qreal)( tessellatedNodes + 1 );

        // interpolate the altitude, too
        const qreal altitude = clampToGround ? 0 : altDiff * t + previousCoords.altitude();

        qreal lon = 0.0;
        qreal lat = 0.0;
        if ( followLatitudeCircle ) {
            // To tessellate along latitude circles use the
            // linear interpolation of the longitude.
            lon = lonDiff * t + previousCoords.longitude();
            lat = previousTessellatedCoords.latitude();
        else {
            // To tessellate along great circles use the
            // normalized linear interpolation ("NLERP") for latitude and longitude.
            const Quaternion itpos = Quaternion::nlerp( previousCoords.quaternion(), currentCoords.quaternion(), t );
            itpos. getSpherical( lon, lat );

        const GeoDataCoordinates currentTessellatedCoords( lon, lat, altitude );
        Q_Q(const CylindricalProjection);
        qreal bx, by;
        q->screenCoordinates( currentTessellatedCoords, viewport, bx, by );
        mirrorCount = crossDateLine( previousTessellatedCoords, currentTessellatedCoords, bx, by, polygons,
                                     mirrorCount, repeatDistance );
        previousTessellatedCoords = currentTessellatedCoords;

    // For the clampToGround case add the "current" coordinate after adding all other nodes.
    GeoDataCoordinates currentModifiedCoords( currentCoords );
    if ( clampToGround ) {
        currentModifiedCoords.setAltitude( 0.0 );
    Q_Q(const CylindricalProjection);
    qreal bx, by;
    q->screenCoordinates( currentModifiedCoords, viewport, bx, by );
    mirrorCount = crossDateLine( previousTessellatedCoords, currentModifiedCoords, bx, by, polygons,
                                 mirrorCount, repeatDistance );
    return mirrorCount;
Beispiel #29
QString OpenRouteServiceRunner::formatCoordinates(const GeoDataCoordinates &coordinates)
    return QStringLiteral("%1,%2")
            .arg(coordinates.longitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 0, 'f', 8)
            .arg(coordinates.latitude(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 0, 'f', 8);
Beispiel #30
void TestTrack::simpleParseTest()
    //example track recorded using a Garmin Vista HCx and downloaded using gpsbabel
    QString content(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
"  version=\"1.0\""
"  creator=\"GPSBabel -\""
"  xmlns:xsi=\"\""
"  xmlns=\"\""
"  xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">"
"<bounds minlat=\"47.231073193\" minlon=\"12.549449634\" maxlat=\"48.502999926\" maxlon=\"14.302069964\"/>"
"  <name>test track</name>"
"<trkpt lat=\"47.231477033\" lon=\"12.560534449\">"
"  <ele>1130.647705</ele>"
"  <time>2011-06-24T10:33:40Z</time>"
"<trkpt lat=\"47.231486840\" lon=\"12.560604354\">"
"  <ele>1127.763672</ele>"
"  <time>2011-06-24T10:33:55Z</time>"
"<trkpt lat=\"47.231497569\" lon=\"12.560612401\">"
"  <ele>1121.995850</ele>"
"  <time>2011-06-24T10:34:00Z</time>"

    GpxParser parser;

    QByteArray array( content.toUtf8() );
    QBuffer buffer( &array ); QIODevice::ReadOnly );
    qDebug() << "Buffer content:" << endl << buffer.buffer();
    if ( ! &buffer ) ) {
        QFAIL( "Could not parse data!" );
    GeoDocument* document = parser.releaseDocument();
    QVERIFY( document );
    GeoDataDocument *dataDocument = static_cast<GeoDataDocument*>( document );
    GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = dataDocument->placemarkList().at( 0 );
    QCOMPARE( placemark->geometry()->geometryId(), GeoDataMultiGeometryId );
    GeoDataMultiGeometry* multiGeo = static_cast<GeoDataMultiGeometry*>( placemark->geometry() );
    GeoDataTrack* track = static_cast<GeoDataTrack*>( &multiGeo->at( 0 ) );
    QCOMPARE( track->size(), 3 );
        QDateTime when = track->whenList().at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( when, QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 6, 24 ), QTime( 10, 33, 40 ), Qt::UTC ) );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = track->coordinatesAt( QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 6, 24 ), QTime( 10, 33, 40 ), Qt::UTC ) );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );
        const GeoDataLineString* lineString = track->lineString();
        QCOMPARE( lineString->size(), 3 );
        GeoDataCoordinates coord = lineString->at( 0 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 12.560534449 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 47.231477033 );
        QCOMPARE( coord.altitude(), 1130.647705 );

    delete document;