void GeoDataLineStringPrivate::toPoleCorrected( const GeoDataLineString& q, GeoDataLineString& poleCorrected )
    poleCorrected.setTessellationFlags( q.tessellationFlags() );

    GeoDataCoordinates previousCoords;
    GeoDataCoordinates currentCoords;

    if ( q.isClosed() ) {
        if ( !( m_vector.first().isPole() ) &&
              ( m_vector.last().isPole() ) ) {
                qreal firstLongitude = ( m_vector.first() ).longitude();
                GeoDataCoordinates modifiedCoords( m_vector.last() );
                modifiedCoords.setLongitude( firstLongitude );
                poleCorrected << modifiedCoords;

    QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itCoords = m_vector.constBegin();
    QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itEnd = m_vector.constEnd();

    for( ; itCoords != itEnd; ++itCoords ) {

        currentCoords  = *itCoords;

        if ( itCoords == m_vector.constBegin() ) {
            previousCoords = currentCoords;

        if ( currentCoords.isPole() ) {
            if ( previousCoords.isPole() ) {
            else {
                qreal previousLongitude = previousCoords.longitude();
                GeoDataCoordinates currentModifiedCoords( currentCoords );
                currentModifiedCoords.setLongitude( previousLongitude );
                poleCorrected << currentModifiedCoords;
        else {
            if ( previousCoords.isPole() ) {
                qreal currentLongitude = currentCoords.longitude();
                GeoDataCoordinates previousModifiedCoords( previousCoords );
                previousModifiedCoords.setLongitude( currentLongitude );
                poleCorrected << previousModifiedCoords;
                poleCorrected << currentCoords;
            else {
                // No poles at all. Nothing special to handle
                poleCorrected << currentCoords;
        previousCoords = currentCoords;

    if ( q.isClosed() ) {
        if (  ( m_vector.first().isPole() ) &&
             !( m_vector.last().isPole() ) ) {
                qreal lastLongitude = ( m_vector.last() ).longitude();
                GeoDataCoordinates modifiedCoords( m_vector.first() );
                modifiedCoords.setLongitude( lastLongitude );
                poleCorrected << modifiedCoords;
void GeoDataLineStringPrivate::toDateLineCorrected(
                           const GeoDataLineString & q,
                           QVector<GeoDataLineString*> & lineStrings
    const bool isClosed = q.isClosed();

    const QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itStartPoint = q.constBegin();
    const QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itEndPoint = q.constEnd();
    QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itPoint = itStartPoint;
    QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>::const_iterator itPreviousPoint = itPoint;

    TessellationFlags f = q.tessellationFlags();

    GeoDataLineString * unfinishedLineString = 0;

    GeoDataLineString * dateLineCorrected = isClosed ? new GeoDataLinearRing( f )
                                                     : new GeoDataLineString( f );

    qreal currentLon = 0.0;
    qreal previousLon = 0.0;
    int previousSign = 1;

    bool unfinished = false;

    for (; itPoint != itEndPoint; ++itPoint ) {
        currentLon = itPoint->longitude();

        int currentSign = ( currentLon < 0.0 ) ? -1 : +1 ;

        if( itPoint == q.constBegin() ) {
            previousSign = currentSign;
            previousLon  = currentLon;

        // If we are crossing the date line ...
        if ( previousSign != currentSign && fabs(previousLon) + fabs(currentLon) > M_PI ) {

            unfinished = !unfinished;

            GeoDataCoordinates previousTemp;
            GeoDataCoordinates currentTemp;

            interpolateDateLine( *itPreviousPoint, *itPoint,
                                 previousTemp, currentTemp, q.tessellationFlags() );

            *dateLineCorrected << previousTemp;

            if ( isClosed && unfinished ) {
                // If it's a linear ring and if it crossed the IDL only once then
                // store the current string inside the unfinishedLineString for later use ...
                unfinishedLineString = dateLineCorrected;
                // ... and start a new linear ring for now.
                dateLineCorrected = new GeoDataLinearRing( f );
            else {
                // Now it can only be a (finished) line string or a finished linear ring.
                // Store it in the vector  if the size is not zero.
                if ( dateLineCorrected->size() > 0 ) {
                    lineStrings << dateLineCorrected;
                else {
                    // Or delete it.
                    delete dateLineCorrected;

                // If it's a finished linear ring restore the "remembered" unfinished String
                if ( isClosed && !unfinished && unfinishedLineString ) {
                    dateLineCorrected = unfinishedLineString;
                else {
                    // if it's a line string just create a new line string.
                    dateLineCorrected = new GeoDataLineString( f );

            *dateLineCorrected << currentTemp;
            *dateLineCorrected << *itPoint;

        else {
            *dateLineCorrected << *itPoint;

        previousSign = currentSign;
        previousLon  = currentLon;
        itPreviousPoint = itPoint;

    // If the line string doesn't cross the dateline an even number of times
    // then need to take care of the data stored in the unfinishedLineString
    if ( unfinished && unfinishedLineString && !unfinishedLineString->isEmpty() ) {
        *dateLineCorrected << *unfinishedLineString;
        delete unfinishedLineString;

    lineStrings << dateLineCorrected;
bool CylindricalProjectionPrivate::lineStringToPolygon( const GeoDataLineString &lineString,
                                              const ViewportParams *viewport,
                                              QVector<QPolygonF *> &polygons ) const
    const TessellationFlags f = lineString.tessellationFlags();

    qreal x = 0;
    qreal y = 0;

    qreal previousX = -1.0;
    qreal previousY = -1.0;

    int mirrorCount = 0;
    qreal distance = repeatDistance( viewport );

    polygons.append( new QPolygonF );

    GeoDataLineString::ConstIterator itCoords = lineString.constBegin();
    GeoDataLineString::ConstIterator itPreviousCoords = lineString.constBegin();

    GeoDataLineString::ConstIterator itBegin = lineString.constBegin();
    GeoDataLineString::ConstIterator itEnd = lineString.constEnd();

    bool processingLastNode = false;

    // We use a while loop to be able to cover linestrings as well as linear rings:
    // Linear rings require to tessellate the path from the last node to the first node
    // which isn't really convenient to achieve with a for loop ...

    const bool isLong = lineString.size() > 10;
    const int maximumDetail = levelForResolution(viewport->angularResolution());
    // The first node of optimized linestrings has a non-zero detail value.
    const bool hasDetail = itBegin->detail() != 0;

    while ( itCoords != itEnd )
        // Optimization for line strings with a big amount of nodes
        bool skipNode = (hasDetail ? itCoords->detail() > maximumDetail
                : itCoords != itBegin && isLong && !processingLastNode &&
                !viewport->resolves( *itPreviousCoords, *itCoords ) );

        if ( !skipNode ) {

            Q_Q( const CylindricalProjection );

            q->screenCoordinates( *itCoords, viewport, x, y );

            // Initializing variables that store the values of the previous iteration
            if ( !processingLastNode && itCoords == itBegin ) {
                itPreviousCoords = itCoords;
                previousX = x;
                previousY = y;

            // This if-clause contains the section that tessellates the line
            // segments of a linestring. If you are about to learn how the code of
            // this class works you can safely ignore this section for a start.

            if ( lineString.tessellate() ) {

                mirrorCount = tessellateLineSegment( *itPreviousCoords, previousX, previousY,
                                           *itCoords, x, y,
                                           polygons, viewport,
                                           f, mirrorCount, distance );

            else {
                // special case for polys which cross dateline but have no Tesselation Flag
                // the expected rendering is a screen coordinates straight line between
                // points, but in projections with repeatX things are not smooth
                mirrorCount = crossDateLine( *itPreviousCoords, *itCoords, x, y, polygons, mirrorCount, distance );

            itPreviousCoords = itCoords;
            previousX = x;
            previousY = y;

        // Here we modify the condition to be able to process the
        // first node after the last node in a LinearRing.

        if ( processingLastNode ) {

        if ( itCoords == itEnd  && lineString.isClosed() ) {
            itCoords = itBegin;
            processingLastNode = true;

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox box = lineString.latLonAltBox();

    // Closing e.g. in the Antarctica case.
    // This code makes the assumption that
    // - the first node is located at 180 E
    // - and the last node is located at 180 W
    // TODO: add a similar pattern in the crossDateLine() code.
    if( lineString.isClosed() && box.width() == 2*M_PI ) {
        QPolygonF *poly = polygons.last();
        if( box.containsPole( NorthPole ) ) {
            qreal topMargin = 0.0;
            qreal dummy = 0.0;
            q_ptr->screenCoordinates(0.0, q_ptr->maxLat(), viewport, topMargin, dummy );
            poly->push_back( QPointF( poly->last().x(), topMargin ) );
            poly->push_back( QPointF( poly->first().x(), topMargin ) );
        } else {
            qreal bottomMargin = 0.0;
            qreal dummy = 0.0;
            q_ptr->screenCoordinates(0.0, q_ptr->minLat(), viewport, bottomMargin, dummy );
            poly->push_back( QPointF( poly->last().x(), bottomMargin ) );
            poly->push_back( QPointF( poly->first().x(), bottomMargin ) );
    } */

    repeatPolygons( viewport, polygons );

    return polygons.isEmpty();