Beispiel #1
bool Dragger::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)
    if (ea.getHandled()) return false;

    osgViewer::View* view = dynamic_cast<osgViewer::View*>(&aa);
    if (!view) return false;
    if (!_mapNode.valid()) return false;

    if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH)
        Picker picker( view, this );
        Picker::Hits hits;

        if ( picker.pick( ea.getX(), ea.getY(), hits ) )
            _dragging = true;

            //Check for and handle vertical dragging if necessary
            bool pressedAlt = _modKeyMask && (ea.getModKeyMask() & _modKeyMask) > 0;
            _elevationDragging = (_defaultMode == Dragger::DRAGMODE_VERTICAL && !pressedAlt) || (_defaultMode == Dragger::DRAGMODE_HORIZONTAL && pressedAlt);

            if (_elevationDragging)

              // set movement range
              // TODO: values 0.0 and 300000.0 are rather experimental
              GeoPoint posStart(_position.getSRS(), _position.x(), _position.y(), 0.0, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE);
              osg::Vec3d posStartXYZ;

              GeoPoint posEnd(_position.getSRS(), _position.x(), _position.y(), 300000.0, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE);
              osg::Vec3d posEndXYZ;

              _projector->setLine(posStartXYZ, posEndXYZ);

              // set camera
              osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections;
              osg::Node::NodeMask intersectionMask = 0xffffffff;
              osgViewer::View* view = dynamic_cast<osgViewer::View*>(&aa);
              if (view->computeIntersections(ea.getX(),ea.getY(),intersections, intersectionMask))
                  for (osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator hitr = intersections.begin(); hitr != intersections.end(); ++hitr)
                      _pointer.addIntersection(hitr->nodePath, hitr->getLocalIntersectPoint());

                  bool draggerFound = false;
                  for (osgManipulator::PointerInfo::IntersectionList::iterator piit = _pointer._hitList.begin(); piit != _pointer._hitList.end(); ++piit)
                      for (osg::NodePath::iterator itr = piit->first.begin(); itr != piit->first.end(); ++itr)
                          Dragger* dragger = dynamic_cast<Dragger*>(*itr);
                          if (dragger==this)
                            draggerFound = true;
                              osg::Camera *rootCamera = view->getCamera();
                              osg::NodePath nodePath = _pointer._hitList.front().first;
                              osg::NodePath::reverse_iterator ritr;
                              for (ritr = nodePath.rbegin(); ritr != nodePath.rend(); ++ritr)
                                  osg::Camera* camera = dynamic_cast<osg::Camera*>(*ritr);
                                  if (camera && (camera->getReferenceFrame()!=osg::Transform::RELATIVE_RF || camera->getParents().empty()))
                                       rootCamera = camera;
                              _pointer.setMousePosition(ea.getX(), ea.getY());


                      if (draggerFound)

            return true;
    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE)
        _elevationDragging = false;

        if ( _dragging )
            _dragging = false;

    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG)
        if (_elevationDragging) 
            _pointer._hitIter = _pointer._hitList.begin();
            _pointer.setMousePosition(ea.getX(), ea.getY());

            if (_projector->project(_pointer, _startProjectedPoint)) 
                //Get the absolute mapPoint that they've drug it to.
                GeoPoint projectedPos;
                projectedPos.fromWorld(_position.getSRS(), _startProjectedPoint);

                // make sure point is not dragged down below
                // TODO: think of a better solution / HeightAboveTerrain performance issues?
                if (projectedPos.z() >= _verticalMinimum)
                    //If the current position is relative, we need to convert the absolute world point to relative.
                    //If the point is absolute then just emit the absolute point.
                    if (_position.altitudeMode() == ALTMODE_RELATIVE)
                        projectedPos.transformZ(ALTMODE_RELATIVE, getMapNode()->getTerrain());

                    setPosition( projectedPos );

            return true;
        if (_dragging)
            osg::Vec3d world;
            if ( getMapNode() && getMapNode()->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse(view, ea.getX(), ea.getY(), world) )
                //Get the absolute mapPoint that they've drug it to.
                GeoPoint mapPoint;
                mapPoint.fromWorld( getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), world );
                //_mapNode->getMap()->worldPointToMapPoint(world, mapPoint);

                //If the current position is relative, we need to convert the absolute world point to relative.
                //If the point is absolute then just emit the absolute point.
                if (_position.altitudeMode() == ALTMODE_RELATIVE)
                    mapPoint.alt() = _position.alt();
                    mapPoint.altitudeMode() = ALTMODE_RELATIVE;

                setPosition( mapPoint );
                return true;
    else if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MOVE)
        Picker picker( view, this );
        Picker::Hits hits;

        if ( picker.pick( ea.getX(), ea.getY(), hits ) )
            setHover( true );
            setHover( false );
    return false;