 *  Adds predraw callbacks to the osg cameras to provide callback to our algorithm
void CullingMultiGPURender::setupDrawHook()
    int index = 0;
    Viewer::Contexts contexts;
    for(Viewer::Contexts::iterator citr = contexts.begin(); citr != contexts.end(); ++citr)
	GraphicsWindow* gw = dynamic_cast<GraphicsWindow*>(*citr);
	if(gw->getTraits()->screenNum >= _numGPUs)
	osg::GraphicsContext::Cameras& cameras = gw->getCameras();
	for(osg::GraphicsContext::Cameras::iterator citr = cameras.begin(); citr != cameras.end(); ++citr)
	    PreDrawHook * pdh = new PreDrawHook(new ChcPreDrawCallback(index++, _renderer->getNumGPUs(), _chcAnimate));
	    osg::Camera* camera = *citr;
 * Initialization function for the plugin called once when loaded.
 * Reads configuration from config file, initializes animation and renderer objects, 
 * sets up callbacks
 * @return init status, true if good, false otherwise
bool CullingMultiGPURender::init()

    int w,h;
    bool geo;
    DepthBits db;
    std::string filename;
    TextureCopyType copyType;

    // window size for multigpu rendering
    w = ConfigManager::getInt("Plugin.CullingMultiGPURender.Width");
    h = ConfigManager::getInt("Plugin.CullingMultiGPURender.Height");

    // geometry shaded normals or not
    geo = ConfigManager::getBool("Plugin.CullingMultiGPURender.GeometryShader");

    // file to load
    filename = ConfigManager::getEntry("Plugin.CullingMultiGPURender.FileName");

    // how many bits to use for depth buffers
    int bits = ConfigManager::getInt("Plugin.CullingMultiGPURender.DepthBuffer");

    // method used to copy textures
    std::string tcopy = ConfigManager::getEntry("Plugin.CullingMultiGPURender.TextureCopy");

    // convert bits into enum value
    if(bits == 16)
	db = D16;
    else if(bits == 24)
	db = D24;
	db = D32;

    // convert texture copy type into enum value
    if(tcopy == "PBOS")
	copyType = PBOS;
    else if(tcopy == "CUDA_COPY")
	copyType = CUDA_COPY;
	copyType = READ_PIX;

    // create the renderer
    _renderer = new MultiGPURenderer(w,h,geo,copyType,db);

    // find out how many gpus we should be using
    _numGPUs = _renderer->getNumGPUs();

    // get access to a camera for modelviewprojection calculation and eye position
    Viewer::Contexts contexts;
    GraphicsWindow* gw = dynamic_cast<GraphicsWindow*>(*contexts.begin());
    osg::GraphicsContext::Cameras& cameras = gw->getCameras();
    _camera = *cameras.begin();

    // initalize the ChcAnimate frame work
    //std::string filename("/home/covise/data/covise/philip/chcplusframe/convert2/fourcarsolidfixPlot"); // temp placement
    //filename = "/fastdata/honda/veryLargeFinal"; // temp placement
    //filename = "/data/covise/philip/chcplusframe/convert2/temp/Large15Deep"; // temp placement
    //filename = "/fastdata/honda/LargeDeep"; // temp placement
    //filename = "/home/aprudhom/data/honda/small-chc/smallPlot"; // andrew's system 
    //filename = "/remote/temp/veryLargeFinal"; // temp placement

    printf("Number of gpus found is %d\n", _renderer->getNumGPUs());
    // create and init animation managment class
    _chcAnimate = new ChcAnimate(filename, _renderer->getNumGPUs());
    _renderer->setPartMap( (std::map<int, PartInfo*> *) _chcAnimate->getGeometryMap());

    // register parts list per gpu with renderer
    for(int i = 0; i < _renderer->getNumGPUs(); i++)
	_renderer->setPartList(i, *_chcAnimate->getPartList(i));

    // create drawable for osg render traversal callback
    _drawable = new CallbackDrawable(_renderer, _chcAnimate, _renderer->getNumGPUs());
    _geode = new Geode();



    // setup predraw hook on osg cameras

    // replace osg stats graph with our custom one for different stat measurments
    osgViewer::View::EventHandlers eh = CVRViewer::instance()->getEventHandlers();

    std::cerr << "Viewer has " << eh.size() << " event handlers." << std::endl;

    for(osgViewer::View::EventHandlers::iterator it = eh.begin(); it != eh.end(); it++)
	    std::cerr << "Found Stats Handler." << std::endl;

    CustomStatsHandler * csh = new CustomStatsHandler(_renderer->getNumGPUs());

    return true;