Beispiel #1
void TestColumnMaxNorms(Int m, Int n, const Grid& g, bool print)
  // Generate random matrix to test.
  DistMatrix<T, MC, MR, W> A(g);
  Uniform(A, m, n);
  if (print)
    Print(A, "A");
  DistMatrix<T, MR, STAR, W> norms(g);
  ColumnMaxNorms(A, norms);
  if (print)
    Print(norms, "norms");
  for (Int j = 0; j < A.LocalWidth(); ++j)
    T got = norms.GetLocal(j, 0);
    T expected = 0;
    for (Int i = 0; i < A.LocalHeight(); ++i)
      expected = Max(expected, Abs(A.GetLocal(i, j)));
    T r;
    mpi::AllReduce(&expected, &r, 1, mpi::MAX, g.ColComm());
    expected = r;
    if (got != expected)
      Output("Results do not match, norms(", j, ")=", got,
             " instead of ", expected);
      RuntimeError("got != expected");
Beispiel #2
void TestColumnTwoNorms(Int m, Int n, const Grid& g, bool print)
  // Generate random matrix to test.
  DistMatrix<T, MC, MR, W> A(g);
  Uniform(A, m, n);
  if (print)
    Print(A, "A");
  DistMatrix<T, MR, STAR, W> norms(g);
  ColumnTwoNorms(A, norms);
  if (print)
    Print(norms, "norms");
  for (Int j = 0; j < A.LocalWidth(); ++j)
    T got = norms.GetLocal(j, 0);
    T expected = 0;
    for (Int i = 0; i < A.LocalHeight(); ++i)
      T val = A.GetLocal(i, j);
      expected += val * val;
    expected = mpi::AllReduce(expected, g.ColComm());
    expected = Sqrt(expected);
    // Compute max(expected, 1) to use relative bound.
    // (std::max and El::Max don't support BigFloat.
    T div = expected > 1 ? expected : 1;
    if (Abs(got - expected) / div > m * n * 10 * limits::Epsilon<El::Base<T>>())
      Output("Results do not match, norms(", j, ")=", got,
             " instead of ", expected);
      RuntimeError("got != expected");