Beispiel #1
- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::CreateInstance(const uint32 mapId, Player* player)
    if (GetId() != mapId || !player)
        return NULL;

    Map* map = NULL;
    uint32 NewInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map

    if (IsBattlegroundOrArena())
        // instantiate or find existing bg map for player
        // the instance id is set in battlegroundid
        NewInstanceId = player->GetBattlegroundId();
        if (!NewInstanceId) return NULL;
        map = _FindMap(NewInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            if (Battleground* NewBattleground = player->GetBattleground())
                map = CreateBattleground(NewInstanceId, NewBattleground);
        InstancePlayerBind* pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));
        InstanceSave* pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : NULL;

        // the player's permanent player bind is taken into consideration first
        // then the player's group bind and finally the solo bind.
        if (!pBind || !pBind->perm)
            InstanceGroupBind* groupBind = NULL;
            Group* group = player->GetGroup();
            // use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's)
            if (group)
                groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(this);
                if (groupBind)
                    pSave = groupBind->save;
        if (pSave)
            // solo/perm/group
            NewInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
            map = _FindMap(NewInstanceId);
            // it is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(NewInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficulty());
            // if no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found
            // the instance will be created for the first time
            NewInstanceId = sMapMgr->GenerateInstanceId();

            Difficulty diff = player->GetGroup() ? player->GetGroup()->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()) : player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid());
            map = CreateInstance(NewInstanceId, NULL, diff);

    return map;
- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::CreateInstanceForPlayer(const uint32 mapId, Player* player, uint32 loginInstanceId)
    if (GetId() != mapId || !player)
		return nullptr;

	Map* map = nullptr;
    uint32 newInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map

    if (IsBattlegroundOrArena())
        // instantiate or find existing bg map for player
        // the instance id is set in battlegroundid
        newInstanceId = player->GetBattlegroundId();
        if (!newInstanceId)
			return nullptr;

        map = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapId, newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            if (Battleground* bg = player->GetBattleground())
                map = CreateBattleground(newInstanceId, bg);
				return nullptr;
        InstancePlayerBind* pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));
		InstanceSave* pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : nullptr;

		// priority:
		// 1. player's permanent bind
		// 2. player's current instance id if this is at login
		// 3. group's current bind
		// 4. player's current bind
        if (!pBind || !pBind->perm)
			if (loginInstanceId) // if the player has a saved instance id on login, we either use this instance or relocate him out (return null)
				map = FindInstanceMap(loginInstanceId);
				return (map && map->GetId() == GetId()) ? map : nullptr; // is this check necessary? or does MapInstanced only find instances of itself?

			InstanceGroupBind* groupBind = nullptr;
            Group* group = player->GetGroup();
            // use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's)
            if (group)
                groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(this);
                if (groupBind)
					// solo saves should be reset when entering a group's instance
					player->UnbindInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));
                    pSave = groupBind->save;
        if (pSave)
            // solo/perm/group
            newInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            // it is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficulty());
            // if no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found
            // the instance will be created for the first time
            newInstanceId = sMapMgr->GenerateInstanceId();

            Difficulty diff = player->GetGroup() ? player->GetGroup()->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()) : player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid());
            //Seems it is now possible, but I do not know if it should be allowed
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, NULL, diff);

    return map;
Beispiel #3
//Teleport to Player
bool ChatHandler::HandleAppearCommand(const char* args)
    Player* target;
    uint64 target_guid;
    std::string target_name;
    if (!extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &target_guid, &target_name))
        return false;

    Player* _player = m_session->GetPlayer();
    if (target == _player || target_guid == _player->GetGUID())
        return false;

    if (target)
        // check online security
        if (HasLowerSecurity(target, 0))
            return false;

        std::string chrNameLink = playerLink(target_name);

        Map* cMap = target->GetMap();
        if (cMap->IsBattlegroundOrArena())
            // only allow if gm mode is on
            if (!_player->isGameMaster())
                PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_BG_GM, chrNameLink.c_str());
                return false;
            // if both players are in different bgs
            else if (_player->GetBattlegroundId() && _player->GetBattlegroundId() != target->GetBattlegroundId())
                _player->LeaveBattleground(false); // Note: should be changed so _player gets no Deserter debuff

            // all's well, set bg id
            // when porting out from the bg, it will be reset to 0
            _player->SetBattlegroundId(target->GetBattlegroundId(), target->GetBattlegroundTypeId());
            // remember current position as entry point for return at bg end teleportation
            if (!_player->GetMap()->IsBattlegroundOrArena())
        else if (cMap->IsDungeon())
            // we have to go to instance, and can go to player only if:
            //   1) we are in his group (either as leader or as member)
            //   2) we are not bound to any group and have GM mode on
            if (_player->GetGroup())
                // we are in group, we can go only if we are in the player group
                if (_player->GetGroup() != target->GetGroup())
                    PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_INST_PARTY, chrNameLink.c_str());
                    return false;
                // we are not in group, let's verify our GM mode
                if (!_player->isGameMaster())
                    PSendSysMessage(LANG_CANNOT_GO_TO_INST_GM, chrNameLink.c_str());
                    return false;

            // if the player or the player's group is bound to another instance
            // the player will not be bound to another one
            InstancePlayerBind* pBind = _player->GetBoundInstance(target->GetMapId(), target->GetDifficulty(cMap->IsRaid()));
            if (!pBind)
                Group* group = _player->GetGroup();
                // if no bind exists, create a solo bind
                InstanceGroupBind* gBind = group ? group->GetBoundInstance(target) : NULL;                // if no bind exists, create a solo bind
                if (!gBind)
                    if (InstanceSave* save = sInstanceSaveMgr->GetInstanceSave(target->GetInstanceId()))
                        _player->BindToInstance(save, !save->CanReset());

            if (cMap->IsRaid())

        PSendSysMessage(LANG_APPEARING_AT, chrNameLink.c_str());

        // stop flight if need
        if (_player->isInFlight())
        // save only in non-flight case

        // to point to see at target with same orientation
        float x, y, z;
        target->GetContactPoint(_player, x, y, z);

        _player->TeleportTo(target->GetMapId(), x, y, z, _player->GetAngle(target), TELE_TO_GM_MODE);
        _player->SetPhaseMask(target->GetPhaseMask(), true);
        // check offline security
        if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid))
            return false;

        std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name);

        PSendSysMessage(LANG_APPEARING_AT, nameLink.c_str());

        // to point where player stay (if loaded)
        float x, y, z, o;
        uint32 map;
        bool in_flight;
        if (!Player::LoadPositionFromDB(map, x, y, z, o, in_flight, target_guid))
            return false;

        // stop flight if need
        if (_player->isInFlight())
        // save only in non-flight case

        _player->TeleportTo(map, x, y, z, _player->GetOrientation());

    return true;
Beispiel #4
bool MapManager::CanPlayerEnter(uint32 mapid, Player* player, bool loginCheck)
    MapEntry const* entry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapid);
    if (!entry)
        return false;

    if (!entry->IsDungeon())
        return true;

    InstanceTemplate const* instance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(mapid);
    if (!instance)
        return false;

    Difficulty targetDifficulty = player->GetDifficulty(entry->IsRaid());
    //The player has a heroic mode and tries to enter into instance which has no a heroic mode
    MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetMapDifficultyData(entry->MapID, targetDifficulty);
    if (!mapDiff)
        // Send aborted message for dungeons
        if (entry->IsNonRaidDungeon())
            player->SendTransferAborted(mapid, TRANSFER_ABORT_DIFFICULTY, player->GetDungeonDifficulty());
            return false;
        else    // attempt to downscale
            mapDiff = GetDownscaledMapDifficultyData(entry->MapID, targetDifficulty);
    // FIXME: mapDiff is never used

    //Bypass checks for GMs
    if (player->IsGameMaster())
        return true;

    char const* mapName = entry->name;

    Group* group = player->GetGroup();
    if (entry->IsRaid())
        // can only enter in a raid group
        if ((!group || !group->isRaidGroup()) && !sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_IGNORE_RAID))
            // probably there must be special opcode, because client has this string constant in GlobalStrings.lua
            /// @todo this is not a good place to send the message
            player->GetSession()->SendAreaTriggerMessage(player->GetSession()->GetTrinityString(LANG_INSTANCE_RAID_GROUP_ONLY), mapName);
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' must be in a raid group to enter instance '%s'", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName);
            return false;

    if (!player->IsAlive())
        if (Corpse* corpse = player->GetCorpse())
            // let enter in ghost mode in instance that connected to inner instance with corpse
            uint32 corpseMap = corpse->GetMapId();
                if (corpseMap == mapid)

                InstanceTemplate const* corpseInstance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(corpseMap);
                corpseMap = corpseInstance ? corpseInstance->Parent : 0;
            } while (corpseMap);

            if (!corpseMap)
                WorldPacket data(SMSG_CORPSE_NOT_IN_INSTANCE);
                TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' does not have a corpse in instance '%s' and cannot enter.", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName);
                return false;
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' has corpse in instance '%s' and can enter.", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName);
            player->ResurrectPlayer(0.5f, false);
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "Map::CanPlayerEnter - player '%s' is dead but does not have a corpse!", player->GetName().c_str());

    //Get instance where player's group is bound & its map
    if (group)
        InstanceGroupBind* boundInstance = group->GetBoundInstance(entry);
        if (boundInstance && boundInstance->save)
            if (Map* boundMap = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapid, boundInstance->save->GetInstanceId()))
                if (!loginCheck && !boundMap->CanEnter(player))
                    return false;
                This check has to be moved to InstanceMap::CanEnter()
                // Player permanently bounded to different instance than groups one
                InstancePlayerBind* playerBoundedInstance = player->GetBoundInstance(mapid, player->GetDifficulty(entry->IsRaid()));
                if (playerBoundedInstance && playerBoundedInstance->perm && playerBoundedInstance->save &&
                    boundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId() != playerBoundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId())
                    /// @todo send some kind of error message to the player
                    return false;

    // players are only allowed to enter 5 instances per hour
    if (entry->IsDungeon() && (!player->GetGroup() || (player->GetGroup() && !player->GetGroup()->isLFGGroup())))
        uint32 instanceIdToCheck = 0;
        if (InstanceSave* save = player->GetInstanceSave(mapid, entry->IsRaid()))
            instanceIdToCheck = save->GetInstanceId();

        // instanceId can never be 0 - will not be found
        if (!player->CheckInstanceCount(instanceIdToCheck) && !player->IsDead())
            player->SendTransferAborted(mapid, TRANSFER_ABORT_TOO_MANY_INSTANCES);
            return false;

    //Other requirements
    return player->Satisfy(sObjectMgr->GetAccessRequirement(mapid, targetDifficulty), mapid, true);
Beispiel #5
bool MapManager::CanPlayerEnter(uint32 mapid, Player* player, bool loginCheck)
    const MapEntry *entry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapid);
    if (!entry)
       return false;

    if (!entry->IsDungeon())
        return true;

    InstanceTemplate const* instance = sObjectMgr.GetInstanceTemplate(mapid);
    if (!instance)
        return false;

    Difficulty targetDifficulty = player->GetDifficulty(entry->IsRaid());
    //The player has a heroic mode and tries to enter into instance which has no a heroic mode
    MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetMapDifficultyData(entry->MapID, targetDifficulty);
    if (!mapDiff)
        // Send aborted message for dungeons
        if (entry->IsNonRaidDungeon())
            player->SendTransferAborted(mapid, TRANSFER_ABORT_DIFFICULTY, player->GetDungeonDifficulty());
            return false;
        else    // attempt to downscale
            mapDiff = GetDownscaledMapDifficultyData(entry->MapID, targetDifficulty);

    //Bypass checks for GMs
    if (player->isGameMaster())
        return true;

    const char *mapName = entry->name[player->GetSession()->GetSessionDbcLocale()];

    Group* pGroup = player->GetGroup();
    if (entry->IsRaid())
        // can only enter in a raid group
        if ((!pGroup || !pGroup->isRaidGroup()) && !sWorld.getBoolConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_IGNORE_RAID))
            // probably there must be special opcode, because client has this string constant in GlobalStrings.lua
            // TODO: this is not a good place to send the message
            player->GetSession()->SendAreaTriggerMessage(player->GetSession()->GetTrinityString(LANG_INSTANCE_RAID_GROUP_ONLY), mapName);
            sLog.outDebug("MAP: Player '%s' must be in a raid group to enter instance '%s'", player->GetName(), mapName);
            return false;

    if (!player->isAlive())
        if (Corpse *corpse = player->GetCorpse())
            // let enter in ghost mode in instance that connected to inner instance with corpse
            uint32 instance_map = corpse->GetMapId();
                if (instance_map == mapid)

                InstanceTemplate const* instance = sObjectMgr.GetInstanceTemplate(instance_map);
                instance_map = instance ? instance->parent : 0;
            while (instance_map);

            if (!instance_map)
                WorldPacket data(SMSG_CORPSE_NOT_IN_INSTANCE);
                sLog.outDebug("MAP: Player '%s' does not have a corpse in instance '%s' and cannot enter.", player->GetName(), mapName);
                return false;
            sLog.outDebug("MAP: Player '%s' has corpse in instance '%s' and can enter.", player->GetName(), mapName);
            sLog.outDebug("Map::CanPlayerEnter - player '%s' is dead but does not have a corpse!", player->GetName());

    //Get instance where player's group is bound & its map
    if (pGroup)
        InstanceGroupBind* boundedInstance = pGroup->GetBoundInstance(entry);
        if (boundedInstance && boundedInstance->save)
            if (Map *boundedMap = sMapMgr.FindMap(mapid,boundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId()))
                if (!loginCheck && !boundedMap->CanEnter(player))
                    return false;
                This check has to be moved to InstanceMap::CanEnter()
                // Player permanently bounded to different instance than groups one
                InstancePlayerBind* playerBoundedInstance = player->GetBoundInstance(mapid, player->GetDifficulty(entry->IsRaid()));
                if (playerBoundedInstance && playerBoundedInstance->perm && playerBoundedInstance->save &&
                    boundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId() != playerBoundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId())
                    //TODO: send some kind of error message to the player
                    return false;

    //Other requirements
    return player->Satisfy(sObjectMgr.GetAccessRequirement(mapid, targetDifficulty), mapid, true);
Beispiel #6
Map::EnterState MapManager::PlayerCannotEnter(uint32 mapid, Player* player, bool loginCheck)
    MapEntry const* entry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapid);
    if (!entry)
        return Map::CANNOT_ENTER_NO_ENTRY;

    if (!entry->IsDungeon())
        return Map::CAN_ENTER;

    InstanceTemplate const* instance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(mapid);
    if (!instance)

    Difficulty targetDifficulty, requestedDifficulty;
    targetDifficulty = requestedDifficulty = player->GetDifficulty(entry->IsRaid());
    // Get the highest available difficulty if current setting is higher than the instance allows
    MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetDownscaledMapDifficultyData(entry->MapID, targetDifficulty);
    if (!mapDiff)

    //Bypass checks for GMs
    if (player->IsGameMaster())
        return Map::CAN_ENTER;

    char const* mapName = entry->name[player->GetSession()->GetSessionDbcLocale()];

    Group* group = player->GetGroup();
    if (entry->IsRaid()) // can only enter in a raid group
        if ((!group || !group->isRaidGroup()) && !sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_IGNORE_RAID))
            return Map::CANNOT_ENTER_NOT_IN_RAID;

    if (!player->IsAlive())
        if (player->HasCorpse())
            // let enter in ghost mode in instance that connected to inner instance with corpse
            uint32 corpseMap = player->GetCorpseLocation().GetMapId();
                if (corpseMap == mapid)

                InstanceTemplate const* corpseInstance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(corpseMap);
                corpseMap = corpseInstance ? corpseInstance->Parent : 0;
            } while (corpseMap);

            if (!corpseMap)

            TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' has corpse in instance '%s' and can enter.", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName);
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "Map::CanPlayerEnter - player '%s' is dead but does not have a corpse!", player->GetName().c_str());

    //Get instance where player's group is bound & its map
    if (!loginCheck && group)
        InstanceGroupBind* boundInstance = group->GetBoundInstance(entry);
        if (boundInstance && boundInstance->save)
            if (Map* boundMap = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapid, boundInstance->save->GetInstanceId()))
                if (Map::EnterState denyReason = boundMap->CannotEnter(player))
                    return denyReason;

    // players are only allowed to enter 5 instances per hour
    if (entry->IsDungeon() && (!player->GetGroup() || (player->GetGroup() && !player->GetGroup()->isLFGGroup())))
        uint32 instanceIdToCheck = 0;
        if (InstanceSave* save = player->GetInstanceSave(mapid, entry->IsRaid()))
            instanceIdToCheck = save->GetInstanceId();

        // instanceId can never be 0 - will not be found
        if (!player->CheckInstanceCount(instanceIdToCheck) && !player->isDead())
            return Map::CANNOT_ENTER_TOO_MANY_INSTANCES;

    //Other requirements
    if (player->Satisfy(sObjectMgr->GetAccessRequirement(mapid, targetDifficulty), mapid, true))
        return Map::CAN_ENTER;
- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::CreateInstanceForPlayer(const uint32 mapId, Player* player)
    if (GetId() != mapId || !player)
        return NULL;

    Map* map = NULL;
    uint32 newInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map

    if (IsBattlegroundOrArena())
        // instantiate or find existing bg map for player
        // the instance id is set in battlegroundid
        newInstanceId = player->GetBattlegroundId();
        if (!newInstanceId)
            return NULL;

        map = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapId, newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            if (Battleground* bg = player->GetBattleground())
                map = CreateBattleground(newInstanceId, bg);
                return NULL;
    else if (!IsGarrison())
        InstancePlayerBind* pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry()));
        InstanceSave* pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : NULL;

        // the player's permanent player bind is taken into consideration first
        // then the player's group bind and finally the solo bind.
        if (!pBind || !pBind->perm)
            InstanceGroupBind* groupBind = NULL;
            Group* group = player->GetGroup();
            // use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's)
            if (group)
                groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(this);
                if (groupBind)
                    pSave = groupBind->save;
        if (pSave)
            // solo/perm/group
            newInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            // it is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficultyID());
            // if no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found
            // the instance will be created for the first time
            newInstanceId = sMapMgr->GenerateInstanceId();

            Difficulty diff = player->GetGroup() ? player->GetGroup()->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry()) : player->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry());
            //Seems it is now possible, but I do not know if it should be allowed
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, NULL, diff);
        newInstanceId = player->GetGUID().GetCounter();
        map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            map = CreateGarrison(newInstanceId, player);

    return map;
Beispiel #8
- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::CreateInstanceForPlayer(const uint32 mapId, Player* player)
    if (GetId() != mapId || !player)
        return NULL;

    Map* map = NULL;
    uint32 newInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map.

    if (IsBattlegroundOrArena())
        // Instantiate or find existing bg map for player. The instance id is set in battlegroundid.
        newInstanceId = player->GetBattlegroundId();
        if (!newInstanceId)
            return NULL;

        map = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapId, newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            if (Battleground* bg = player->GetBattleground())
                map = CreateBattleground(newInstanceId, bg);
                return NULL;
        InstancePlayerBind* pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));
        InstanceSave* pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : NULL;

        // The player's permanent player bind is taken into consideration first, then the player's group bind and finally the solo bind.
        if (!pBind || !pBind->perm)
            InstanceGroupBind* groupBind = NULL;
            Group* group = player->GetGroup();

            // Use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's).
            if (group)
                groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(this);
                if (groupBind)
                    pSave = groupBind->save;

        if (pSave)
            // Solo / permanent / group lock exists.
            newInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);

            if (IsRaid())
                if (player->IsOnDynamicDifficultyMap())
                    // Dynamic Difficulty lock: create an instance that matches the difficulty the player changes to.
                    if (player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()) != pSave->GetDifficulty() || map && map->GetSpawnMode() != player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()))
                        map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));
                    // Shared locks: create an instance to match the current player raid difficulty, if the save and player difficulties don't match.
                    // We must check for save difficulty going original diff -> new one, and map spawn mode going new -> original, to make sure all cases are handled.
                    // Although Heroic 10 / 25 Man also theoretically share a cooldown, if you kill a boss on 10 / 25 Heroic you cannot enter any other Heroic size version of the raid (cannot switch).
                    // Heroic size switching is already handled with no checks needed. The map is created on the save difficulty and you can only switch difficulty dynamically, from inside.
                    if (pSave->GetDifficulty() == RAID_DIFFICULTY_10MAN_NORMAL || pSave->GetDifficulty() == RAID_DIFFICULTY_25MAN_NORMAL)
                        // Normal. The map is created on the player difficulty.
                        if (player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()) != pSave->GetDifficulty() || map && map->GetSpawnMode() != player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()))
                            map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()));

            // It is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't, create it.
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficulty());
            // If no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found, the instance will be created for the first time.
            newInstanceId = sMapMgr->GenerateInstanceId();

            Difficulty diff = player->GetGroup() ? player->GetGroup()->GetDifficulty(IsRaid()) : player->GetDifficulty(IsRaid());

            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, NULL, diff);

    return map;
Beispiel #9
- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::GetInstance(const WorldObject* obj)
    uint32 CurInstanceId = obj->GetInstanceId();
    Map* map = NULL;

    if (obj->GetMapId() == GetId() && CurInstanceId != 0)
        // the object wants to be put in a certain instance of this map
        map = _FindMap(CurInstanceId);
            // For players if the instanceId is set, it's assumed they are already in a map,
            // hence the map must be loaded. For Creatures, GameObjects etc the map must exist
            // prior to calling GetMap, they are not allowed to create maps for themselves.
            sLog.outError("GetInstance: object %s(%d), typeId %d, in world %d, should be in map %d,%d but that's not loaded yet.", obj->GetName(), obj->GetGUIDLow(), obj->GetTypeId(), obj->IsInWorld(), obj->GetMapId(), obj->GetInstanceId());
        // instance not specified, find an existing or create a new one
        if(obj->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER)
            sLog.outError("MAPINSTANCED: WorldObject '%u' (Entry: %u TypeID: %u) is in map %d,%d and requested base map instance of map %d, this must not happen", obj->GetGUIDLow(), obj->GetEntry(), obj->GetTypeId(), obj->GetMapId(), obj->GetInstanceId(), GetId());
            return NULL;
            uint32 NewInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map
            Player* player = (Player*)obj;

            // TODO: battlegrounds and arenas

            InstancePlayerBind *pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty());
            InstanceSave *pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : NULL;

            // the player's permanet player bind is taken into consideration first
            // then the player's group bind and finally the solo bind.
            if(!pBind || !pBind->perm)
                InstanceGroupBind *groupBind = NULL;
                Group *group = player->GetGroup();
                // use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's)
                if(group && (groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty())))
                    pSave = groupBind->save;

                // solo/perm/group
                NewInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
                map = _FindMap(NewInstanceId);
                // it is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't
                    map = CreateInstance(NewInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficulty());
                return map;
                // if no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found
                // the instance will be created for the first time
                NewInstanceId = MapManager::Instance().GenerateInstanceId();
                return CreateInstance(NewInstanceId, NULL, player->GetDifficulty());
Beispiel #10
bool MapManager::CanPlayerEnter(uint32 mapid, Player* player, bool loginCheck)
    MapEntry const* entry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapid);
    if (!entry)
        return false;

    if (!entry->IsDungeon())
        return true;

    InstanceTemplate const* instance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(mapid);
    if (!instance)
        return false;

    Difficulty targetDifficulty, requestedDifficulty;
    targetDifficulty = requestedDifficulty = player->GetDifficultyID(entry);
    // Get the highest available difficulty if current setting is higher than the instance allows
    MapDifficultyEntry const* mapDiff = GetDownscaledMapDifficultyData(entry->ID, targetDifficulty);
    if (!mapDiff)
        player->SendTransferAborted(mapid, TRANSFER_ABORT_DIFFICULTY, requestedDifficulty);
        return false;

    //Bypass checks for GMs
    if (player->IsGameMaster())
        return true;

    char const* mapName = entry->MapName_lang;

    Group* group = player->GetGroup();
    if (entry->IsRaid())
        // can only enter in a raid group
        if ((!group || !group->isRaidGroup()) && !sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_IGNORE_RAID))
            /// @todo this is not a good place to send the message
            WorldPacket data(SMSG_RAID_GROUP_ONLY);
            data << uint32(0) << uint32(2);
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' must be in a raid group to enter instance '%s'", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName);
            return false;

    if (!player->IsAlive())
        if (Corpse* corpse = player->GetCorpse())
            // let enter in ghost mode in instance that connected to inner instance with corpse
            uint32 corpseMap = corpse->GetMapId();
                if (corpseMap == mapid)

                InstanceTemplate const* corpseInstance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(corpseMap);
                corpseMap = corpseInstance ? corpseInstance->Parent : 0;
            } while (corpseMap);

            if (!corpseMap)
                WorldPackets::Misc::AreaTriggerNoCorpse packet;
                TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' does not have a corpse in instance '%s' and cannot enter.", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName);
                return false;
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' has corpse in instance '%s' and can enter.", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName);
            player->ResurrectPlayer(0.5f, false);
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "Map::CanPlayerEnter - player '%s' is dead but does not have a corpse!", player->GetName().c_str());

    //Get instance where player's group is bound & its map
    if (group)
        InstanceGroupBind* boundInstance = group->GetBoundInstance(entry);
        if (boundInstance && boundInstance->save)
            if (Map* boundMap = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapid, boundInstance->save->GetInstanceId()))
                if (!loginCheck && !boundMap->CanEnter(player))
                    return false;
                This check has to be moved to InstanceMap::CanEnter()
                // Player permanently bounded to different instance than groups one
                InstancePlayerBind* playerBoundedInstance = player->GetBoundInstance(mapid, player->GetDifficultyID(entry));
                if (playerBoundedInstance && playerBoundedInstance->perm && playerBoundedInstance->save &&
                    boundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId() != playerBoundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId())
                    /// @todo send some kind of error message to the player
                    return false;

    // players are only allowed to enter 5 instances per hour
    if (entry->IsDungeon() && (!player->GetGroup() || (player->GetGroup() && !player->GetGroup()->isLFGGroup())))
        uint32 instanceIdToCheck = 0;
        if (InstanceSave* save = player->GetInstanceSave(mapid))
            instanceIdToCheck = save->GetInstanceId();

        // instanceId can never be 0 - will not be found
        if (!player->CheckInstanceCount(instanceIdToCheck) && !player->isDead())
            player->SendTransferAborted(mapid, TRANSFER_ABORT_TOO_MANY_INSTANCES);
            return false;

    //Other requirements
    return player->Satisfy(sObjectMgr->GetAccessRequirement(mapid, targetDifficulty), mapid, true);
Beispiel #11
- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::GetInstance(const WorldObject* obj)
    uint32 CurInstanceId = obj->GetInstanceId();
    Map* map = NULL;

    if (obj->GetMapId() == GetId() && CurInstanceId != 0)
        // the object wants to be put in a certain instance of this map
        map = _FindMap(CurInstanceId);
            // For players if the instanceId is set, it's assumed they are already in a map,
            // hence the map must be loaded. For Creatures, GameObjects etc the map must exist
            // prior to calling GetMap, they are not allowed to create maps for themselves.
            sLog.outError("GetInstance: object %s(%d), typeId %d, in world %d, should be in map %d,%d but that's not loaded yet.", obj->GetName(), obj->GetGUIDLow(), obj->GetTypeId(), obj->IsInWorld(), obj->GetMapId(), obj->GetInstanceId());
        // instance not specified, find an existing or create a new one
        if(obj->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER)
            sLog.outError("MAPINSTANCED: WorldObject '%u' (Entry: %u TypeID: %u) is in map %d,%d and requested base map instance of map %d, this must not happen", obj->GetGUIDLow(), obj->GetEntry(), obj->GetTypeId(), obj->GetMapId(), obj->GetInstanceId(), GetId());
            return NULL;
            uint32 NewInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map
            Player* player = (Player*)obj;

                // instantiate or find existing bg map for player
                // the instance id is set in battlegroundid
                NewInstanceId = player->GetBattleGroundId();
                        return NULL;
                map = _FindMap(NewInstanceId);
                    map = CreateBattleGround(NewInstanceId);
                    sLog.outError("The bg-class couldn't be assigned (very early) to the battlegroundmap, it's possible, that some db-spawned creatures are now not handled right this is related to battleground alterac valley (av) - please post bugreport, and add information how this bg was created (if you don't have information, report it also) Player: %s (%u) in map:%u requested map:%u", player->GetName(), player->GetGUIDLow(), player->GetMapId(), GetId());
                        sLog.outError("somehow the battleground was found, but please report also - i end this bg now..");
                        player->GetBattleGround()->EndBattleGround(0); //to avoid the assert
                return map;

            InstancePlayerBind *pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty());
            InstanceSave *pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : NULL;

            // the player's permanet player bind is taken into consideration first
            // then the player's group bind and finally the solo bind.
            if(!pBind || !pBind->perm)
                InstanceGroupBind *groupBind = NULL;
                Group *group = player->GetGroup();
                // use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's)
                if(group && (groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficulty())))
                    pSave = groupBind->save;

                // solo/perm/group
                NewInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
                map = _FindMap(NewInstanceId);
                // it is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't
                    map = CreateInstance(NewInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficulty());
                return map;
                // if no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found
                // the instance will be created for the first time
                NewInstanceId = MapManager::Instance().GenerateInstanceId();
                return CreateInstance(NewInstanceId, NULL, player->GetDifficulty());