Beispiel #1
Patchwork::Patchwork(const HOGPyramid & pyramid) : padx_(pyramid.padx()), pady_(pyramid.pady()),
	// Remove the padding from the bottom/right sides since convolutions with Fourier wrap around
	const int nbLevels = pyramid.levels().size();
	for (int i = 0; i < nbLevels; ++i) {
		rectangles_[i].first.setWidth(pyramid.levels()[i].cols() - padx_);
		rectangles_[i].first.setHeight(pyramid.levels()[i].rows() - pady_);
	// Build the patchwork planes
	const int nbPlanes = BLF(rectangles_);
	// Constructs an empty patchwork in case of error
	if (nbPlanes <= 0)
	for (int i = 0; i < nbPlanes; ++i) {
		planes_[i] = Plane::Constant(MaxRows_, HalfCols_, Cell::Zero());
		Map<HOGPyramid::Level, Aligned>
			plane(reinterpret_cast<HOGPyramid::Cell *>(planes_[i].data()), MaxRows_, HalfCols_ * 2);
		// Set the last feature to 1
		for (int y = 0; y < MaxRows_; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < MaxCols_; ++x)
				plane(y, x)(HOGPyramid::NbFeatures - 1) = 1.0f;
	// Recopy the pyramid levels into the planes
	for (int i = 0; i < nbLevels; ++i) {
		Map<HOGPyramid::Level, Aligned>
			plane(reinterpret_cast<HOGPyramid::Cell *>(planes_[rectangles_[i].second].data()),
				  MaxRows_, HalfCols_ * 2);
		plane.block(rectangles_[i].first.y(), rectangles_[i].first.x(),
					rectangles_[i].first.height(), rectangles_[i].first.width()) =
	// Transform the planes
	int i;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i)
	for (i = 0; i < nbPlanes; ++i)
		fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(Forwards_, reinterpret_cast<float *>(planes_[i].data()->data()),
							  reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex *>(planes_[i].data()->data()));
		fftw_execute_dft_r2c(Forwards_, reinterpret_cast<double *>(planes_[i].data()->data()),
							 reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex *>(planes_[i].data()->data()));
Beispiel #2
void CFFLD::detect(const Mixture & mixture, int width, int height, const HOGPyramid & pyramid, double threshold, double overlap, const string image, ostream & out, const string & images, vector<Detection> & detections, vector<DetectionResult> & vResult )
	// Compute the scores
	vector<HOGPyramid::Matrix> scores;
	vector<Mixture::Indices> argmaxes;
	vector<vector<vector<Model::Positions> > > positions;
	if (!images.empty())
		mixture.convolve(pyramid, scores, argmaxes, &positions);
		mixture.convolve(pyramid, scores, argmaxes);

	// Cache the size of the models
	vector<pair<int, int> > sizes(mixture.models().size());
	for (int i = 0; i < sizes.size(); ++i)
		sizes[i] = mixture.models()[i].rootSize();
	// For each scale
	for (int i = pyramid.interval(); i < scores.size(); ++i) 
		// Scale = 8 / 2^(1 - i / interval)
		const double scale = pow(2.0, static_cast<double>(i) / pyramid.interval() + 2.0);
		const int rows = scores[i].rows();
		const int cols = scores[i].cols();
		for (int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) 
			for (int x = 0; x < cols; ++x) 
				const float score = scores[i](y, x);
				if (score > threshold) 
					if (((y == 0) || (x == 0) || (score > scores[i](y - 1, x - 1))) &&
						((y == 0) || (score > scores[i](y - 1, x))) &&
						((y == 0) || (x == cols - 1) || (score > scores[i](y - 1, x + 1))) &&
						((x == 0) || (score > scores[i](y, x - 1))) &&
						((x == cols - 1) || (score > scores[i](y, x + 1))) &&
						((y == rows - 1) || (x == 0) || (score > scores[i](y + 1, x - 1))) &&
						((y == rows - 1) || (score > scores[i](y + 1, x))) &&
						((y == rows - 1) || (x == cols - 1) || (score > scores[i](y + 1, x + 1)))) 
						FFLD::Rectangle bndbox((x - pyramid.padx()) * scale + 0.5,
											   (y - pyramid.pady()) * scale + 0.5,
											   sizes[argmaxes[i](y, x)].second * scale + 0.5,
											   sizes[argmaxes[i](y, x)].first * scale + 0.5);
						// Truncate the object
						bndbox.setX(max(bndbox.x(), 0));
						bndbox.setY(max(bndbox.y(), 0));
						bndbox.setWidth(min(bndbox.width(), width - bndbox.x()));
						bndbox.setHeight(min(bndbox.height(), height - bndbox.y()));
						if (!bndbox.empty())
							detections.push_back(Detection(score, i, x, y, bndbox));
	// Non maxima suppression
	sort(detections.begin(), detections.end());
	for (int i = 1; i < detections.size(); ++i)
		detections.resize(remove_if(detections.begin() + i, detections.end(),
									Intersector(detections[i - 1], overlap, true)) -
	// Print the detection
	const size_t lastDot = image.find_last_of('.');
	string id = image.substr(0, lastDot);
	const size_t lastSlash = id.find_last_of("/\\");
	if (lastSlash != string::npos)
		id = id.substr(lastSlash + 1);
	if (out) 
#pragma omp critical
		for (int i = 0; i < detections.size(); ++i)
			out << id << ' ' << detections[i].score << ' ' << (detections[i].left() + 1) << ' '
				<< (detections[i].top() + 1) << ' ' << (detections[i].right() + 1) << ' '
				<< (detections[i].bottom() + 1) << endl;

	// Output the result to OpenCV Rect
	for( int j = 0; j < detections.size(); j ++ )
			DetectionResult result;
			// The position of the root one octave below
			const int argmax = argmaxes[detections[j].l](detections[j].y, detections[j].x);
			const int x2 = detections[j].x * 2 - pyramid.padx();
			const int y2 = detections[j].y * 2 - pyramid.pady();
			const int l = detections[j].l - pyramid.interval();

			const double scale = pow(2.0, static_cast<double>(l) / pyramid.interval() + 2.0);
			for (int k = 0; k < positions[argmax].size(); ++k) 
				const FFLD::Rectangle bndbox((positions[argmax][k][l](y2, x2)(0) - 
					pyramid.padx()) * scale + 0.5, 
					(positions[argmax][k][l](y2, x2)(1) - pyramid.pady()) * scale + 0.5,
					mixture.models()[argmax].partSize().second * scale + 0.5,
					mixture.models()[argmax].partSize().second * scale + 0.5 );
				Rect rtPart( bndbox.x_, bndbox.y_, bndbox.width_, bndbox.height_ );	
				result.vParts.push_back( rtPart );

			Rect rtRoot( detections[j].x_, detections[j].y_, detections[j].width_, detections[j].height_ );
			result.rtRoot = rtRoot;

			vResult. push_back(result);