* Creates a backlog item in the project with the specified name, under the parent object (if not empty string).
* The items will be called the item name.
* Params:
*	projectName - name of the project to create the item in the backlog
*	parentName - name of the parent item to put the item under
*	itemName - name for the newly created item
* Returns:
*  the ref ID of the newly created item. -1 if not successful.
HPMUniqueID HansoftUtils::createBacklogItem(HPMString projectName, HPMString parentName, HPMString itemName)
	HPMSdkSession *session = SessionManager::getInstance().Session();
	HPMUniqueID projectID = HansoftUtils::findProject(projectName);
	if (!projectID.IsValid())
		return -1;
	HPMProjectProperties projectProp = session->ProjectGetProperties(projectID);
	HPMUniqueID productBacklogUID = session->ProjectUtilGetBacklog(projectID);
	HPMTaskEnum Tasks = session->TaskEnum(productBacklogUID);
	for (HPMUInt32 j = 0; j < Tasks.m_Tasks.size(); ++j)
		HPMUniqueID parentBacklogID = Tasks.m_Tasks[j];
		// TODO: Handle if no parent is specified
		if (session->TaskGetDescription(parentBacklogID).compare(parentName) == 0)
			HPMTaskCreateUnified newBacklogItem;
			newBacklogItem.m_Tasks[0].m_bIsProxy = false;
			newBacklogItem.m_Tasks[0].m_LocalID = -1;
			newBacklogItem.m_Tasks[0].m_TaskLockedType = EHPMTaskLockedType_BacklogItem;

			HPMTaskCreateUnifiedReference prevRefID;
			prevRefID.m_bLocalID = false;
			prevRefID.m_RefID = -1;
			newBacklogItem.m_Tasks[0].m_PreviousRefID = prevRefID;

			HPMTaskCreateUnifiedReference prevWorkPrioRefID;
			prevWorkPrioRefID.m_bLocalID = false;
			prevWorkPrioRefID.m_RefID = -2;
			newBacklogItem.m_Tasks[0].m_PreviousWorkPrioRefID = prevWorkPrioRefID;

			HPMTaskCreateUnifiedReference parentBacklogTaskRefID;
			parentBacklogTaskRefID.m_bLocalID = false;
			parentBacklogTaskRefID.m_RefID = session->TaskGetMainReference(parentBacklogID);

			newBacklogItem.m_Tasks[0].m_NonProxy_ReuseID = 0;
			newBacklogItem.m_Tasks[0].m_NonProxy_WorkflowID = 0xffffffff;

			HPMChangeCallbackData_TaskCreateUnified TaskCreateReturn = session->TaskCreateUnifiedBlock(productBacklogUID, newBacklogItem);
			if (newBacklogItem.m_Tasks.size() == 1)
				// The returned is a task ref in the project container. We need the task id not the reference id.
				HPMUniqueID newTestSuiteTaskRefID = TaskCreateReturn.m_Tasks[0].m_TaskRefID;

				HPMUniqueID newTestSuiteTaskID = session->TaskRefGetTask(newTestSuiteTaskRefID);

				// Set the name and the status of the test suite
				session->TaskSetDescription(newTestSuiteTaskID, itemName);
				session->TaskSetStatus(newTestSuiteTaskID, EHPMTaskStatus_NotDone, true, EHPMTaskSetStatusFlag_All);

				return newTestSuiteTaskRefID;
				return -1;
	return -1;
Beispiel #2
 void CustomColumnCopy()
     auto project_id = FindProjectByName(project_);
     if (!project_id.IsValid())
     auto program_backlog_id = GetProductBacklog(project_id);
     auto program_schedule_id = GetProductSchedule(project_id);
     if (!program_backlog_id.IsValid())
     auto source_column = FindColumn(program_backlog_id, source_);
     auto destination_column = FindColumn(program_backlog_id, destination_);
     if (source_column.m_Name == "" || destination_column.m_Name == "")
     int count = 0;
     for (auto task : session_->TaskEnum(program_backlog_id).m_Tasks)
         auto data = GetCustomColumnValue(task, source_column);
         SetCustomColumnValue(task, destination_column, data);
     wcout << "Copied: " << count << " tasks.\r\n";