Beispiel #1
void Chrome::setToolTip(const HitTestResult& result)
    // First priority is a potential toolTip representing a spelling or grammar error
    String toolTip = result.spellingToolTip();

    // Next priority is a toolTip from a URL beneath the mouse (if preference is set to show those).
    if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page->settings()->showsURLsInToolTips()) {
        if (Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode()) {
            // Get tooltip representing form action, if relevant
            if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
                if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::SUBMIT)
                    if (HTMLFormElement* form = input->form())
                        toolTip = form->action();

        // Get tooltip representing link's URL
        if (toolTip.isEmpty())
            // FIXME: Need to pass this URL through userVisibleString once that's in WebCore
            toolTip = result.absoluteLinkURL().string();

    // Lastly we'll consider a tooltip for element with "title" attribute
    if (toolTip.isEmpty())
        toolTip = result.title();

Beispiel #2
void Chrome::setToolTip(const HitTestResult& result)
    // First priority is a potential toolTip representing a spelling or grammar error
    TextDirection toolTipDirection;
    String toolTip = result.spellingToolTip(toolTipDirection);

    // Next priority is a toolTip from a URL beneath the mouse (if preference is set to show those).
    if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page.settings().showsURLsInToolTips()) {
        if (Element* element = result.innerNonSharedElement()) {
            // Get tooltip representing form action, if relevant
            if (isHTMLInputElement(element)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(element);
                if (input->isSubmitButton()) {
                    if (HTMLFormElement* form = input->form()) {
                        toolTip = form->action();
                        if (form->renderer())
                            toolTipDirection = form->renderer()->style()->direction();
                            toolTipDirection = LTR;

        // Get tooltip representing link's URL
        if (toolTip.isEmpty()) {
            // FIXME: Need to pass this URL through userVisibleString once that's in WebCore
            toolTip = result.absoluteLinkURL().string();
            // URL always display as LTR.
            toolTipDirection = LTR;

    // Next we'll consider a tooltip for element with "title" attribute
    if (toolTip.isEmpty())
        toolTip = result.title(toolTipDirection);

    if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page.settings().showsToolTipOverTruncatedText())
        toolTip = result.innerTextIfTruncated(toolTipDirection);

    // Lastly, for <input type="file"> that allow multiple files, we'll consider a tooltip for the selected filenames
    if (toolTip.isEmpty()) {
        if (Element* element = result.innerNonSharedElement()) {
            if (isHTMLInputElement(element)) {
                toolTip = toHTMLInputElement(element)->defaultToolTip();

                // FIXME: We should obtain text direction of tooltip from
                // ChromeClient or platform. As of October 2011, all client
                // implementations don't use text direction information for
                // ChromeClient::setToolTip. We'll work on tooltip text
                // direction during bidi cleanup in form inputs.
                toolTipDirection = LTR;

    m_client.setToolTip(toolTip, toolTipDirection);
HTMLInputElement* RadioInputType::findNextFocusableRadioButtonInGroup(HTMLInputElement* currentElement, bool forward)
    HTMLElement* htmlElement;
    for (htmlElement = nextElement(*currentElement, element().form(), forward); htmlElement; htmlElement = nextElement(*htmlElement, element().form(), forward)) {
        if (!isHTMLInputElement(*htmlElement))
        HTMLInputElement* inputElement = toHTMLInputElement(htmlElement);
        if (element().form() == inputElement->form() && inputElement->type() == InputTypeNames::radio && inputElement->name() == element().name() && inputElement->isFocusable())
            return inputElement;
    return nullptr;
Beispiel #4
void Chrome::setToolTip(const HitTestResult& result)
    // First priority is a potential toolTip representing a spelling or grammar error
    String toolTip = result.spellingToolTip();

    // Next priority is a toolTip from a URL beneath the mouse (if preference is set to show those).
    if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page->settings()->showsURLsInToolTips()) {
        if (Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode()) {
            // Get tooltip representing form action, if relevant
            if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
                if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::SUBMIT)
                    if (HTMLFormElement* form = input->form())
                        toolTip = form->action();

        // Get tooltip representing link's URL
        if (toolTip.isEmpty())
            // FIXME: Need to pass this URL through userVisibleString once that's in WebCore
            toolTip = result.absoluteLinkURL().string();

    // Next we'll consider a tooltip for element with "title" attribute
    if (toolTip.isEmpty())
        toolTip = result.title();

    // Lastly, for <input type="file"> that allow multiple files, we'll consider a tooltip for the selected filenames
    if (toolTip.isEmpty()) {
        if (Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode()) {
            if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
                if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::FILE) {
                    FileList* files = input->files();
                    unsigned listSize = files->length();
                    if (files && listSize > 1) {
                        Vector<UChar> names;
                        for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) {
                            append(names, files->item(i)->fileName());
                            if (i != listSize - 1)
                        toolTip = String::adopt(names);
        /* [retval][out] */ IDOMHTMLElement** result)
    if (!result)
        return E_POINTER;
    *result = 0;
    ASSERT(m_element && m_element->hasTagName(inputTag));
    HTMLInputElement* inputElement = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(m_element);
    COMPtr<IDOMElement> domElement;
    if (domElement)
        return domElement->QueryInterface(IID_IDOMHTMLElement, (void**) result);
    return E_FAIL;
Beispiel #6
void RadioInputType::didDispatchClick(Event* event, const ClickHandlingState& state)
    if (event->defaultPrevented() || event->defaultHandled()) {
        // Restore the original selected radio button if possible.
        // Make sure it is still a radio button and only do the restoration if it still belongs to our group.
        HTMLInputElement* checkedRadioButton = state.checkedRadioButton.get();
        if (checkedRadioButton
                && checkedRadioButton->isRadioButton()
                && checkedRadioButton->form() == element()->form()
                && checkedRadioButton->name() == element()->name()) {

    // The work we did in willDispatchClick was default handling.
Beispiel #7
bool RadioInputType::isKeyboardFocusable() const
    // When using Spatial Navigation, every radio button should be focusable.
    if (isSpatialNavigationEnabled(element()->document()->frame()))
        return true;

    // Never allow keyboard tabbing to leave you in the same radio group.  Always
    // skip any other elements in the group.
    Node* currentFocusedNode = element()->document()->focusedNode();
    if (currentFocusedNode && currentFocusedNode->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
        HTMLInputElement* focusedInput = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(currentFocusedNode);
        if (focusedInput->isRadioButton() && focusedInput->form() == element()->form() && focusedInput->name() == element()->name())
            return false;

    // Allow keyboard focus if we're checked or if nothing in the group is checked.
    return element()->checked() || !element()->checkedRadioButtonForGroup();
Beispiel #8
void RadioInputType::handleKeydownEvent(KeyboardEvent* event)
    if (event->defaultHandled())
    const String& key = event->keyIdentifier();
    if (key != "Up" && key != "Down" && key != "Left" && key != "Right")

    // Left and up mean "previous radio button".
    // Right and down mean "next radio button".
    // Tested in WinIE, and even for RTL, left still means previous radio button
    // (and so moves to the right). Seems strange, but we'll match it. However,
    // when using Spatial Navigation, we need to be able to navigate without
    // changing the selection.
    Document& document = element().document();
    if (isSpatialNavigationEnabled(document.frame()))
    bool forward = (key == "Down" || key == "Right");

    // We can only stay within the form's children if the form hasn't been demoted to a leaf because
    // of malformed HTML.
    Node* node = &element();
    while ((node = (forward ? NodeTraversal::next(*node) : NodeTraversal::previous(*node)))) {
        // Once we encounter a form element, we know we're through.
        if (node->hasTagName(formTag))
        // Look for more radio buttons.
        if (!node->hasTagName(inputTag))
        HTMLInputElement* inputElement = toHTMLInputElement(node);
        if (inputElement->form() != element().form())
        if (inputElement->isRadioButton() && inputElement->name() == element().name() && inputElement->isFocusable()) {
            RefPtr<HTMLInputElement> protector(inputElement);
            inputElement->dispatchSimulatedClick(event, SendNoEvents);
Beispiel #9
bool RadioInputType::isKeyboardFocusable(KeyboardEvent* event) const
    if (!InputType::isKeyboardFocusable(event))
        return false;

    // When using Spatial Navigation, every radio button should be focusable.
    if (isSpatialNavigationEnabled(element().document().frame()))
        return true;

    // Never allow keyboard tabbing to leave you in the same radio group.  Always
    // skip any other elements in the group.
    Element* currentFocusedNode = element().document().focusedElement();
    if (currentFocusedNode && isHTMLInputElement(currentFocusedNode)) {
        HTMLInputElement* focusedInput = toHTMLInputElement(currentFocusedNode);
        if (focusedInput->isRadioButton() && focusedInput->form() == element().form() && focusedInput->name() == element().name())
            return false;

    // Allow keyboard focus if we're checked or if nothing in the group is checked.
    return element().checked() || !element().checkedRadioButtonForGroup();
JSValue* JSHTMLInputElement::getValueProperty(ExecState* exec, int token) const
    switch (token) {
    case DefaultValueAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->defaultValue());
    case DefaultCheckedAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsBoolean(imp->defaultChecked());
    case FormAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return toJS(exec, WTF::getPtr(imp->form()));
    case AcceptAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->accept());
    case AccessKeyAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->accessKey());
    case AlignAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->align());
    case AltAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->alt());
    case CheckedAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsBoolean(imp->checked());
    case DisabledAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsBoolean(imp->disabled());
    case MaxLengthAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsNumber(imp->maxLength());
    case NameAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->name());
    case ReadOnlyAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsBoolean(imp->readOnly());
    case SizeAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsNumber(imp->size());
    case SrcAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->src());
    case TabIndexAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsNumber(imp->tabIndex());
    case TypeAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->type());
    case UseMapAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->useMap());
    case ValueAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsString(imp->value());
    case IndeterminateAttrNum: {
        HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());

        return jsBoolean(imp->indeterminate());
    case ConstructorAttrNum:
        return getConstructor(exec);
    return 0;