void Various_Processing_Component::LaplacianSmoothing (PolyhedronPtr pMesh, double deformFactor, int iteraNum, bool preserveBoundaries)
	Vertex_iterator	pVertex;
	int numVertex = pMesh->size_of_vertices();
	Vector * newPositions = new Vector[numVertex];

	for (int i=0; i<iteraNum; i++)
		int n = 0;
		for (pVertex = pMesh->vertices_begin(); pVertex != pMesh->vertices_end(); pVertex++)
			Vector currentVector = pVertex->point() - CGAL::ORIGIN;

			// do not smooth the boundary vertices if demanded by user
			bool is_border_vertex = false;
			bool stopFlag = false;
			Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator hav = (*pVertex).vertex_begin();
				if (hav->is_border()==true)
					is_border_vertex = true;
					stopFlag = true;
			} while ((hav!=(*pVertex).vertex_begin())&&(stopFlag==false));

			if ((preserveBoundaries==true)&&(is_border_vertex==true))
				newPositions[n] = currentVector;

			std::size_t degree = (*pVertex).vertex_degree();
			double alpha = 1.0/degree;
			Vector vectemp = Point3d(0,0,0) - CGAL::ORIGIN;
			Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator h = (*pVertex).vertex_begin();
				vectemp = vectemp+(h->opposite()->vertex()->point()-CGAL::ORIGIN-currentVector)*alpha;
			} while (h != (*pVertex).vertex_begin());
			newPositions[n] = currentVector + deformFactor*vectemp;

		n = 0;
		for (pVertex = pMesh->vertices_begin(); pVertex != pMesh->vertices_end(); pVertex++)
			pVertex->point() = Point3d(0,0,0) + newPositions[n];

	delete [] newPositions;
	newPositions = 0;

void Various_Processing_Component::NoiseAdditionUniform (PolyhedronPtr pMesh, double noiseIntensity, bool preserveBoundaries)
	// mesh centre calculation based on discrete "moment".
	//TODO: maybe in the future it will be based on volume moment.
	int numVertex = pMesh->size_of_vertices();;
	Vector centroid = Point3d(0,0,0) - CGAL::ORIGIN;
	double distancetoCentroid = 0.0;
	Vertex_iterator	pVertex;
	for (pVertex = pMesh->vertices_begin(); pVertex != pMesh->vertices_end(); pVertex++)
		Vector vectemp = pVertex->point() - CGAL::ORIGIN;
		centroid = centroid + vectemp;
	centroid = centroid/numVertex;

	// calculate the average distance from vertices to mesh centre
	for (pVertex = pMesh->vertices_begin(); pVertex!= pMesh->vertices_end(); pVertex++)
		Vector vectemp = pVertex->point() - CGAL::ORIGIN;
		distancetoCentroid = distancetoCentroid + (double)std::sqrt((vectemp - centroid) * (vectemp - centroid));
	distancetoCentroid = distancetoCentroid/numVertex;

	// add random uniform-distributed (between [-noiseLevel, +noiseLevel])
	double noisex, noisey, noisez;
	double noiseLevel = distancetoCentroid * noiseIntensity;
	for (pVertex = pMesh->vertices_begin(); pVertex!= pMesh->vertices_end(); pVertex++)
		// keep boundaries untouched if demanded by user
		bool is_border_vertex = false;
		bool stopFlag = false;
		Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator hav = (*pVertex).vertex_begin();
			if (hav->is_border()==true)
				is_border_vertex = true;
				stopFlag = true;
		} while ((hav!=(*pVertex).vertex_begin())&&(stopFlag==false));

		if ((preserveBoundaries==true)&&(is_border_vertex==true))

		noisex = noiseLevel * (1.0*rand()/RAND_MAX-0.5)*2;
		noisey = noiseLevel * (1.0*rand()/RAND_MAX-0.5)*2;
		noisez = noiseLevel * (1.0*rand()/RAND_MAX-0.5)*2;
		Vector temp = Point3d(noisex, noisey, noisez) - CGAL::ORIGIN;
		pVertex->point() = pVertex->point() + temp;

	// for correct rendering, we need to update the mesh normals
// this time, we add Gaussian-distributed additive noise to the mesh vertex coordinates
// the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution is "noiseLevel = distancetoCentroid * noiseIntensity"
void Various_Processing_Component::NoiseAdditionGaussian (PolyhedronPtr pMesh, double noiseIntensity, bool preserveBoundaries)
	int numVertex = pMesh->size_of_vertices();;
	Vector centroid = Point3d(0,0,0) - CGAL::ORIGIN;
	double distancetoCentroid = 0.0;
	Vertex_iterator	pVertex;
	for (pVertex = pMesh->vertices_begin(); pVertex != pMesh->vertices_end(); pVertex++)
		Vector vectemp = pVertex->point() - CGAL::ORIGIN;
		centroid = centroid + vectemp;
	centroid = centroid/numVertex;

	for (pVertex = pMesh->vertices_begin(); pVertex!= pMesh->vertices_end(); pVertex++)
		Vector vectemp = pVertex->point() - CGAL::ORIGIN;
		distancetoCentroid = distancetoCentroid + (double)std::sqrt((vectemp - centroid) * (vectemp - centroid));
	distancetoCentroid = distancetoCentroid/numVertex;

	double noisex, noisey, noisez;
	double * gaussNumbers = new double[3];
	double noiseLevel = distancetoCentroid * noiseIntensity;
	for (pVertex = pMesh->vertices_begin(); pVertex!= pMesh->vertices_end(); pVertex++)
		bool is_border_vertex = false;
		bool stopFlag = false;
		Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator hav = (*pVertex).vertex_begin();
			if (hav->is_border()==true)
				is_border_vertex = true;
				stopFlag = true;
		} while ((hav!=(*pVertex).vertex_begin())&&(stopFlag==false));

		if ((preserveBoundaries==true)&&(is_border_vertex==true))

		// pseudo-random Gaussian-distributed numbers generation from uniformly-distributed pseudo-random numbers
		double x, y, r2;
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
				x = -1.0 + 2.0 * 1.0*rand()/RAND_MAX;
				y = -1.0 + 2.0 * 1.0*rand()/RAND_MAX;
				r2 = x * x + y * y;
			} while ((r2>1.0)||(r2==0.0));
			gaussNumbers[i] = y * sqrt(-2.0 * log(r2) / r2);

		noisex = noiseLevel * gaussNumbers[0];
		noisey = noiseLevel * gaussNumbers[1];
		noisez = noiseLevel * gaussNumbers[2];
		Vector temp = Point3d(noisex, noisey, noisez) - CGAL::ORIGIN;
		pVertex->point() = pVertex->point() + temp;


	delete [] gaussNumbers;
	gaussNumbers = 0;