// . list of types is on: http://www.duke.edu/websrv/file-extensions.html
// . i copied it to the bottom of this file though
const char *HttpMime::getContentTypeFromExtension ( const char *ext ) {
	// assume text/html if no extension provided
	if ( ! ext || ! ext[0] ) return "text/html";
	// get hash for table look up
	int32_t key = hash32n ( ext );
	char **pp = (char **)s_mimeTable.getValue ( &key );
	// if not found in table, assume text/html
	if ( ! pp ) return "text/html";
	return *pp;
const char *extensionToContentTypeStr2 ( const char *ext , int32_t elen ) {
	// assume text/html if no extension provided
	if ( ! ext || ! ext[0] ) return NULL;
	if ( elen <= 0 ) return NULL;
	// get hash for table look up
	int32_t key = hash32 ( ext , elen );
	char **pp = (char **)s_mimeTable.getValue ( &key );
	if ( ! pp ) return NULL;
	return *pp;
iconv_t gbiconv_open( char *tocode, char *fromcode) {
	// get hash for to/from
	uint32_t hash1 = hash32Lower_a(tocode, gbstrlen(tocode), 0);
	uint32_t hash2 = hash32Lower_a(fromcode, gbstrlen(fromcode),0);
	uint32_t hash = hash32h(hash1, hash2);

	g_errno = 0;
	iconv_t *convp = (iconv_t *)s_convTable.getValue(&hash);
	iconv_t conv = NULL;
	if ( convp ) conv = *convp;
	//log(LOG_DEBUG, "uni: convertor %s -> %s from hash 0x%"XINT32": 0x%"XINT32"",
	//    fromcode, tocode,
	//    hash, conv);
	if (!conv){
		//log(LOG_DEBUG, "uni: Allocating new convertor for "
		//    "%s to %s (hash: 0x%"XINT32")",
		//    fromcode, tocode,hash);
		conv = iconv_open(tocode, fromcode);
		if (conv == (iconv_t) -1) {
			log(LOG_WARN, "uni: failed to open converter for "
			    "%s to %s: %s (%d)", fromcode, tocode, 
			    strerror(errno), errno);
			// need to stop if necessary converters don't open
			//char *xx=NULL; *xx = 0;
			g_errno = errno;
			if (errno == EINVAL)
				g_errno = EBADCHARSET;
			return conv;
		// add mem to table to keep track
		g_mem.addMem((void*)conv, 52, "iconv", 1);
		// cache convertor
		s_convTable.addKey(&hash, &conv);
		//log(LOG_DEBUG, "uni: Saved convertor 0x%"INT32" under hash 0x%"XINT32"",
		//    conv, hash);
		// reset convertor
		char *dummy = NULL;
		size_t dummy2 = 0;
		// JAB: warning abatement
		//size_t res = iconv(conv,NULL,NULL,&dummy,&dummy2);

	return conv;
nodeid_t getTagId ( char *s , NodeType **retp ) {

	// init table?
	static bool s_init = false;
	static HashTableX  s_ht;
	static char s_buf[10000];
	if ( ! s_init ) {
		s_init = true;
		s_ht.set ( 4 ,4,1024,s_buf,10000,false,0,"tagids");//niceness=0
		// how many NodeTypes do we have in g_nodes?
		static int32_t nn = sizeof(g_nodes) / sizeof(NodeType);
		// set the hash table
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
			char *name = g_nodes[i].m_nodeName;
			int32_t  nlen = gbstrlen(name);
			int64_t h = hash64Upper_a ( name,nlen,0LL );
			NodeType *nt = &g_nodes[i];
			if ( ! s_ht.addKey(&h,&nt) ) { 
				char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// sanity
		if ( s_ht.m_numSlots != 1024 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// sanity test
		nodeid_t tt = getTagId ( "br" );
		if ( tt != TAG_BR ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// find end of tag name. hyphens are ok to be in name.
	// facebook uses underscores like <start_time>
	char *e = s; for ( ; *e && (is_alnum_a(*e) || *e=='-'|| *e=='_'); e++);
	// hash it for lookup
	int64_t h = hash64Upper_a ( s , e - s , 0 );
	// look it up
	NodeType **ntp = (NodeType **)s_ht.getValue(&h);
	// assume none
	if ( retp ) *retp = NULL;
	// none?
	if ( ! ntp ) return 0;
	// got one
	if ( retp ) *retp = *ntp;
	// get id otherwise
	return (*ntp)->m_nodeId;
// a host is asking us (host #0) what proxy to use?
static void handleRequest54(UdpSlot *udpSlot, int32_t niceness) {

	char *request     = udpSlot->m_readBuf;
	int32_t  requestSize = udpSlot->m_readBufSize;

	// we now use the top part of the Msg13Request as the ProxyRequest
	Msg13Request *preq = (Msg13Request *)request;

	// sanity check
	if ( requestSize != preq->getProxyRequestSize() ) {
		log("db: Got bad request 0x54 size of %" PRId32" bytes. bad",
		    requestSize );
		g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );

	// is the request telling us it is done downloading through a proxy?
	if ( preq->m_opCode == OP_RETPROXY ) {
		returnProxy ( preq , udpSlot );

	// if sender is asking for a new proxy and wants us to ban
	// the previous proxy we sent for this urlIp...
	if ( preq->m_banProxyIp ) {
		// don't core if misses sanity. it seems we don't always
		// NULLify these or something.
		// these must match
		if(preq->m_banProxyIp   != preq->m_proxyIp  ||
		   preq->m_banProxyPort != preq->m_proxyPort){
			log("db: proxy: banproxyip != proxyip. mismatch!");
			g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , EBADENGINEER);
		// this will "return" the banned proxy
		returnProxy ( preq , NULL );
		// now add it to the banned table
		int64_t uip = preq->m_urlIp;
		int64_t pip = preq->m_banProxyIp;
		int64_t h64 = hash64h ( uip , pip );
		if ( ! s_proxyBannedTable.isInTable ( &h64 ) ) {
			s_proxyBannedTable.addKey ( &h64 );
			// for stats counting. each proxy ip maps to #
			// of unique website IPs that have banned it.

	// shortcut
	int32_t urlIp = preq->m_urlIp;

	// send to a proxy that is up and has the least amount
	// of LoadBuckets with this urlIp, if tied, go to least loaded.

	// clear counts for this url ip for scoring the best proxy to use
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < s_iptab.getNumSlots() ; i++ ) {
		// skip empty slots
		if ( ! s_iptab.m_flags[i] ) continue;
		SpiderProxy *sp = (SpiderProxy *)s_iptab.getValueFromSlot(i);
		sp->m_countForThisIp = 0;
		sp->m_lastTimeUsedForThisIp = 0LL;

	// this table maps a url's current IP to a possibly MULTIPLE slots
	// which tell us what proxy is downloading a page from that IP.
	// so we can try to find a proxy that is not download a url from
	// this IP currently, or hasn't been for the longest time...
	int32_t hslot = s_loadTable.getSlot ( &urlIp );
	// scan all proxies that have this urlip outstanding
	for ( int32_t i = hslot ; i >= 0 ; i = s_loadTable.getNextSlot(i,&urlIp)){
		// get the bucket
		LoadBucket *lb;
		lb = (LoadBucket *)s_loadTable.getValueFromSlot(i);
		// get the spider proxy this load point was for
		uint64_t key = (uint32_t)lb->m_proxyIp;
		key <<= 16;
		key |= (uint16_t)lb->m_proxyPort;
		SpiderProxy *sp = (SpiderProxy *)s_iptab.getValue(&key);
		// must be there unless user remove it from the list
		if ( ! sp ) continue;
		// count it up
		if (  lb->m_downloadEndTimeMS == 0LL ) 
		// set the last time used to the most recently downloaded time
		// that this proxy has downloaded from this ip
		if ( lb->m_downloadEndTimeMS &&
		     lb->m_downloadEndTimeMS > sp->m_lastTimeUsedForThisIp )
			sp->m_lastTimeUsedForThisIp = lb->m_downloadEndTimeMS;

	// first try to get a spider proxy that is not "dead"
	bool skipDead = true;

	int32_t numBannedProxies = 0;
	int32_t aliveProxyCandidates = 0;

	// get the min of the counts
	int32_t minCount = 999999;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < s_iptab.getNumSlots() ; i++ ) {
		// skip empty slots
		if ( ! s_iptab.m_flags[i] ) continue;
		// get the spider proxy
		SpiderProxy *sp = (SpiderProxy *)s_iptab.getValueFromSlot(i);

		// if this proxy was banned by the url's ip... skip it. it is
		// not a candidate...
		if ( skipDead ) {
			int64_t uip = preq->m_urlIp;
			int64_t pip = sp->m_ip;
			int64_t h64 = hash64h ( uip , pip );
			if ( s_proxyBannedTable.isInTable ( &h64 ) ) {

		// if it failed the last test, skip it
		if ( skipDead && sp->m_lastDownloadError ) continue;

		if ( skipDead ) aliveProxyCandidates++;

		if ( sp->m_countForThisIp >= minCount ) continue;
		minCount = sp->m_countForThisIp;

	// all dead? then get the best dead one
	if ( minCount == 999999 ) {
		skipDead = false;
		goto redo;

	// . we only use one proxy if none are banned by this IP
	// . when that gets banned, we will use the next 2 proxies with
	//   a higher backoff/crawlDelay, etc.
	int32_t threshHold;
	if      ( numBannedProxies <= 0  ) threshHold = 1;

	// if first proxy gets banned, try next 2 proxies until both get ban'd
	else if ( numBannedProxies == 1  ) threshHold = 2;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  1+2) threshHold = 3 - numBannedProxies;

	// if next two proxies got banned, try next 4 proxies until banned
	else if ( numBannedProxies == 3  ) threshHold = 4;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  3+4) threshHold = 7 - numBannedProxies;

	// if next 4 proxies got banned, try next 8 proxies until they get band
	else if ( numBannedProxies == 7  ) threshHold = 8;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  7+8) threshHold = 15 - numBannedProxies;

	else if ( numBannedProxies == 15) threshHold = 16;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  15+16 ) threshHold = 31-numBannedProxies;

	else if ( numBannedProxies == 31 ) threshHold = 32;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  31+32)threshHold=63-numBannedProxies;

	else if ( numBannedProxies == 63 ) threshHold = 64;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  63+64)threshHold=127-numBannedProxies;

	else if ( numBannedProxies == 127 ) threshHold = 128;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  127+128)threshHold=255-numBannedProxies;

	else if ( numBannedProxies == 255 ) threshHold = 256;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  255+256)threshHold=512-numBannedProxies;

	else if ( numBannedProxies == 511 ) threshHold = 512;
	else if ( numBannedProxies <  511+512)threshHold=1024-numBannedProxies;

	else threshHold = 1024;
	if ( threshHold <= 0 ) {
		log("proxy: spiderproxy error in threshold of %" PRId32" "
		    "for banned=%" PRId32,threshHold,numBannedProxies);
		threshHold = 1;

	// reset minCount so we can take the min over those we check here
	minCount = -1;
	int64_t oldest = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
	SpiderProxy *winnersp = NULL;
	int32_t count = 0;
	// start at a random slot based on url's IP so we don't
	// overload the first proxy
	int32_t start = ((uint32_t)urlIp) % s_iptab.getNumSlots();
	int32_t slotCount = s_iptab.getNumSlots();
	// . now find the best proxy wih the minCount
	for ( int32_t i = start ; ; i++ ) {
		// scan all slots in hash table, then stop
		if ( slotCount-- <= 0 ) break;
		// wrap around to zero if we hit the end
		if ( i == s_iptab.getNumSlots() ) i = 0;
		// skip empty slots
		if ( ! s_iptab.m_flags[i] ) continue;
		// get the spider proxy
		SpiderProxy *sp = (SpiderProxy *)s_iptab.getValueFromSlot(i);
		// if it failed the last test, skip it... not here...
		if ( skipDead && sp->m_lastDownloadError ) continue;

		// if this proxy was banned by the url's ip... skip it. it is
		// not a candidate...
		if ( skipDead ) {
			int64_t uip = preq->m_urlIp;
			int64_t pip = sp->m_ip;
			int64_t h64 = hash64h ( uip , pip );
			if ( s_proxyBannedTable.isInTable ( &h64 ) ) continue;

		// if some proxies are "alive" then only pick from
		// the first half of the proxies that are alive (i.e. still
		// work). that way, when one of those goes dead we will inc
		// the backoff (crawldelay) and a new proxy that we haven't
		// used for this url's IP will take it's place. and such
		// new proxies will only have the new backoff count used
		// through them. that way, we don't get ALL of our proxies
		// banned at about the same time since we do somewhat uniform
		// load balancing over them.
		if ( skipDead && count >= threshHold)//aliveProxyCandidates/2 )

		// count the alive/non-banned candidates

		// if all hosts were "dead" because they all had 
		// m_lastDownloadError set then minCount will be 999999
		// and nobody should continue from this statement:
		if ( sp->m_countForThisIp > minCount && minCount>=0 ) continue;
		// then go by last download time for this ip
		if ( sp->m_countForThisIp == minCount && minCount>=0 &&
		     sp->m_lastTimeUsedForThisIp >= oldest ) 

		// pick the spider proxy used longest ago
		oldest   = sp->m_lastTimeUsedForThisIp;
		minCount = sp->m_countForThisIp;
		// got a new winner
		winnersp = sp;

	// we must have a winner
	if ( ! winnersp ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }

	int64_t nowms = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();

	// add a new load bucket then!
	LoadBucket bb;
	bb.m_urlIp = urlIp;
	// the time it started
	bb.m_downloadStartTimeMS = nowms;
	// download has not ended yet
	bb.m_downloadEndTimeMS = 0LL;
	// the host using the proxy
	bb.m_hostId = udpSlot->getHostId();
	// key is this for m_prTable
	bb.m_proxyIp   = winnersp->m_ip;
	bb.m_proxyPort = winnersp->m_port;
	// a new id. we use this to update the downloadEndTime when done
	static int32_t s_lbid = 0;
	// add it now
	bb.m_id = s_lbid++;
	s_loadTable.addKey ( &urlIp , &bb );
	// winner count update

	// sanity
	if ( (int32_t)sizeof(ProxyReply) > TMPBUFSIZE ){g_process.shutdownAbort(true);}

	// and give proxy ip/port back to the requester so they can
	// use that to download their url
	ProxyReply *prep = (ProxyReply *)udpSlot->m_tmpBuf;
	prep->m_proxyIp = winnersp->m_ip;
	prep->m_proxyPort = winnersp->m_port;

	// this is just '\0' if none

	// do not count the proxy we are returning as "more"
	prep->m_hasMoreProxiesToTry = ( aliveProxyCandidates > 1 );
	// and the loadbucket id, so requester can tell us it is done
	// downloading through the proxy and we can update the LoadBucket
	// for this transaction (m_lbId)
	prep->m_lbId = bb.m_id;
	// requester wants to know how many proxies have been banned by the
	// urlIp so it can increase a self-imposed crawl-delay to be more
	// sensitive to the spider policy.
	prep->m_numBannedProxies = numBannedProxies;

	//char *p = udpSlot->m_tmpBuf;
	//*(int32_t  *)p = winnersp->m_ip  ; p += 4;
	//*(int16_t *)p = winnersp->m_port; p += 2;
	// and the loadbucket id
	//*(int32_t *)p = bb.m_id; p += 4;

	// with dup keys we end up with long chains of crap and this
	// takes forever. so just flush the whole thing every 2 minutes AND
	// when 20000+ entries are in there
	static time_t s_lastTime = 0;
	time_t now = nowms / 1000;
	if ( s_lastTime == 0 ) s_lastTime = now;
	time_t elapsed = now - s_lastTime;
	if ( elapsed > 120 && s_loadTable.getNumSlots() > 10000 ) {
		log("sproxy: flushing %i entries from proxy loadtable that "
		    "have accumulated since %i seconds ago",
		// only do this one per minute
		s_lastTime = now;

	int32_t sanityCount = 0;//s_loadTable.getNumSlots();
	// top:
	// now remove old entries from the load table. entries that
	// have completed and have a download end time more than 10 mins ago.
	for ( int32_t i = s_loadTable.getNumSlots() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
		// skip if empty
		if ( ! s_loadTable.m_flags[i] ) continue;
		// get the bucket
		LoadBucket *pp =(LoadBucket *)s_loadTable.getValueFromSlot(i);
		// skip if still active
		if ( pp->m_downloadEndTimeMS == 0LL ) continue;
		// delta t
		int64_t took = nowms - pp->m_downloadEndTimeMS;
		// < 10 mins? now it's < 15 seconds to prevent clogging.
		if ( took < LOADPOINT_EXPIRE_MS ) continue;

		// 100 at a time so we don't slam cpu
		if ( sanityCount++ > 100 ) break;

		// ok, its too old, nuke it to save memory
		// the keys might have buried us but we really should not
		// mis out on analyzing any keys if we just keep looping here
		// should we? TODO: figure it out. if we miss a few it's not
		// a big deal.
		//goto top;

	// send the proxy ip/port/LBid back to user
	g_udpServer.sendReply(udpSlot->m_tmpBuf, sizeof(ProxyReply), udpSlot->m_tmpBuf, sizeof(ProxyReply), udpSlot);
void processReply ( char *reply , long replyLen ) {

	// store our current reply
	SafeBuf fb2;
	fb2.safeMemcpy(reply,replyLen );

	// log that we got the reply
	log("qa: got reply(len=%li)(errno=%s)=%s",

	char *content = NULL;
	long  contentLen = 0;

	// get mime
	if ( reply ) {
		HttpMime mime;
		mime.set ( reply, replyLen , NULL );
		// only hash content since mime has a timestamp in it
		content = mime.getContent();
		contentLen = mime.getContentLen();
		if ( content && contentLen>0 && content[contentLen] ) { 
			char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	if ( ! content ) {
		content = "";
		contentLen = 0;

	s_content = content;

	// take out <responseTimeMS>
	markOut ( content , "<currentTimeUTC>");
	markOut ( content , "<responseTimeMS>");

	// until i figure this one out, take it out
	markOut ( content , "<docsInCollection>");

	// until i figure this one out, take it out
	markOut ( content , "<hits>");

	// for those links in the html pages
	markOut ( content, "rand64=");

	// for json
	markOut ( content , "\"currentTimeUTC\":" );
	markOut ( content , "\"responseTimeMS\":");
	markOut ( content , "\"docsInCollection\":");

	// for xml
	markOut ( content , "<currentTimeUTC>" );
	markOut ( content , "<responseTimeMS>");
	markOut ( content , "<docsInCollection>");

	// indexed 1 day ago
	markOut ( content,"indexed:");
	// modified 1 day ago
	markOut ( content,"modified:");

	// s_gigabitCount... it is perpetually incrementing static counter
	// in PageResults.cpp

	// for some reason the term freq seems to change a little in
	// the scoring table

	// make checksum. we ignore back to back spaces so this
	// hash works for <docsInCollection>10 vs <docsInCollection>9
	long contentCRC = 0; 
	if ( content ) contentCRC = qa_hash32 ( content );

	// note it
	log("qa: got contentCRC of %lu",contentCRC);

	// if what we expected, save to disk if not there yet, then
	// call s_callback() to resume the qa pipeline
	if ( contentCRC == s_expectedCRC ) {
		// save content if good
		char fn3[1024];
		File ff; ff.set ( fn3 );
		if ( ! ff.doesExist() ) {
			// if not there yet then save it
		// . continue on with the qa process
		// . which qa function that may be

	// if crc of content does not match what was expected then do a diff
	// so we can see why not

	// this means caller does not care about the response
	if ( ! s_checkCRC ) {

	//const char *emsg = "qa: bad contentCRC of %li should be %li "
	//	"\n";//"phase=%li\n";

	// hash url
	long urlHash32 = hash32n ( s_url.getUrl() );

	// combine test function too since two tests may use the same url
	long nameHash = hash32n ( s_qt->m_testName );

	// combine together
	urlHash32 = hash32h ( nameHash , urlHash32 );

	static bool s_init = false;
	if ( ! s_init ) {
		s_init = true;
		// make symlink
		//char cmd[512];
		//snprintf(cmd,"cd %s/html ;ln -s ../qa ./qa", g_hostdb.m_dir);
		char dir[1024];
		long status = ::mkdir ( dir ,
					S_IROTH | S_IXOTH );
	        if ( status == -1 && errno != EEXIST && errno )
			log("qa: Failed to make directory %s: %s.",
		// try to load from disk
		SafeBuf fn;
		log("qa: loading crctable.dat");
		s_ht.load ( fn.getBufStart() , "crctable.dat" );

	// break up into lines
	char fn2[1024];
	fb2.save ( fn2 );

	// look up in hashtable to see what reply crc should be
	long *val = (long *)s_ht.getValue ( &urlHash32 );

	// just return if the same
	if ( val && contentCRC == *val ) {
		g_qaOutput.safePrintf("<b style=color:green;>"
				      "passed test</b><br>%s : "
				      "<a href=%s>%s</a> (urlhash=%lu "
				      "crc=<a href=/qa/content.%lu>"

	if ( ! val ) {
		// add it so we know
		s_ht.addKey ( &urlHash32 , &contentCRC );
		g_qaOutput.safePrintf("<b style=color:blue;>"
				      "first time testing</b><br>%s : "
				      "<a href=%s>%s</a> "
				      "(urlhash=%lu "
				      "crc=<a href=/qa/content.%lu>%lu"

	log("qa: crc changed for url %s from %li to %li",

	// get response on file
	SafeBuf fb1;
	char fn1[1024];
	sprintf(fn1,"%sqa/content.%lu",g_hostdb.m_dir, *val);

	// do the diff between the two replies so we can see what changed
	char cmd[1024];
	sprintf(cmd,"diff %s %s > /tmp/diffout",fn1,fn2);
	log("qa: %s\n",cmd);

	g_qaOutput.safePrintf("<b style=color:red;>FAILED TEST</b><br>%s : "
			      "<a href=%s>%s</a> (urlhash=%lu)<br>"

			      "<input type=checkbox name=urlhash%lu value=1 "
			      // use ajax to update test crc. if you undo your
			      // check then it should put the old val back.
			      // when you first click the checkbox it should
			      // gray out the diff i guess.
			      "onclick=submitchanges(%lu,%lu);> "
			      "Accept changes"

			      "original on left, new on right. "
			      "oldcrc = <a href=/qa/content.%lu>%lu</a>"

			      " != <a href=/qa/content.%lu>%lu</a> = newcrc"
			      "<br>diff output follows:<br>"
			      "<pre id=%lu style=background-color:0xffffff;>",

			      // input checkbox name field

			      // submitchanges() parms

			      // original/old content.%lu

			      // new content.%lu

			      // for the pre tag id:

	// store in output
	SafeBuf sb;
	g_qaOutput.htmlEncode ( sb.getBufStart() );


	// if this is zero allow it to slide by. it is learning mode i guess.
	// so we can learn what crc we need to use.
	// otherwise, stop right there for debugging
	//if ( s_expectedCRC != 0 ) exit(1);

	// keep on going