Beispiel #1
void HighScoreList::AddHighScore( HighScore hs, int &iIndexOut, bool bIsMachine )
	int i;
	for( i=0; i<(int)vHighScores.size(); i++ )
		if( hs >= vHighScores[i] )
	const int iMaxScores = bIsMachine ? 
		PREFSMAN->m_iMaxHighScoresPerListForMachine : 
	if( i < iMaxScores )
		vHighScores.insert( vHighScores.begin()+i, hs );
		iIndexOut = i;

		// Delete extra machine high scores in RemoveAllButOneOfEachNameAndClampSize
		// and not here so that we don't end up with less than iMaxScores after 
		// removing HighScores with duplicate names.
		if( !bIsMachine )
			ClampSize( bIsMachine );
	HighGrade = min( hs.GetGrade(), HighGrade );
Beispiel #2
bool HighScore::operator>=( const HighScore& other ) const
	/* Make sure we treat AAAA as higher than AAA, even though the score
 	 * is the same. */
	if( PREFSMAN->m_bPercentageScoring )
		if( GetPercentDP() != other.GetPercentDP() )
			return GetPercentDP() >= other.GetPercentDP();
		if( GetScore() != other.GetScore() )
			return GetScore() >= other.GetScore();

	return GetGrade() >= other.GetGrade();