Beispiel #1
Histogram Histogram::operator-(const Histogram& h2)
	Histogram& h1=*this;
	Histogram res;

	Histogram::Iterator it1 = h1.begin();
	Histogram::Iterator it2 = h2.begin();

	while (it1 != h1.end() && it2 != h2.end())
		keydata key1 = it1.getKey();
		keydata key2 = it2.getKey();

		if (key1 < key2)

		else if (key1 == key2)
			valdata val1 = it1.getVal();
			valdata val2 = it2.getVal();
			if (val1 > val2) res.setValue(key1, val1-val2);
		else ++it2;

	while (it1 != h1.end()) { res.setValue(it1.getKey(),it1.getVal()); ++it1; };
	return res;
Beispiel #2
/** Compute the log likelihood that these samples came from the
 * specified distribution shifted by the parameter theta.
 * @param theta the parameter of the PMF, f_theta(x)
 * @param samples the samples
 * @param pmf the probability mass function
 * @return the log likelihood
static pair<double, unsigned>
computeLikelihood(int theta, const Histogram& samples, const PMF& pmf)
	double likelihood = 0;
	unsigned nsamples = 0;
	for (Histogram::const_iterator it = samples.begin();
			it != samples.end(); ++it) {
		double p = pmf[it->first + theta];
		unsigned n = it->second;
		likelihood += n * log(p);
		if (p > pmf.minProbability())
			nsamples += n;
	return make_pair(likelihood, nsamples);
Beispiel #3
void ClassResultOp::operator()(const imagein::Image* img, const std::map<const imagein::Image*, std::string>&) {

    QDialog* dialog = new QDialog(QApplication::activeWindow());
    QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(dialog);
    QFormLayout* formLayout = new QFormLayout();
    QSpinBox* innerBox = new QSpinBox();
    QSpinBox* borderBox = new QSpinBox();
    innerBox->setRange(0, img->getWidth());
    borderBox->setRange(0, img->getWidth());
    innerBox->setSuffix(" px");
    borderBox->setSuffix(" px");
    formLayout->insertRow(0, qApp->translate("ClassResult", "Critère de zone intérieure : "), innerBox);
    formLayout->insertRow(1, qApp->translate("ClassResult", "Critère de zone frontière : "), borderBox);
    layout->addWidget(new QLabel(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "<b>Critère de zones (relatifs aux zones totales) : </b>")));
    layout->addWidget(new QLabel(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "<b>Select the image's classes zones : </b>")));
    ImageZoneSelector* zoneSelector = new ImageZoneSelector(dialog, img);
    QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, dialog);
    QObject::connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), dialog, SLOT(accept()));
    QObject::connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), dialog, SLOT(reject()));
    QDialog::DialogCode code = static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(dialog->exec());

    if(code!=QDialog::Accepted) return;

    string returnval;

    int param1 = 2;
    int param2 = 8;
    vector<Rectangle> selection = zoneSelector->getSelections();
    int K = selection.size();
    int* classes = new int[K];
    outText(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "Voici les résultats du classement : \n").toStdString());
    outText(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "\nNombre de classes = %1 ").arg(K).toStdString());
    for(int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
        Histogram histo = img->getHistogram(0,;
        classes[i] = (uint8_t) (std::max_element(histo.begin(), histo.end()) - histo.begin());
        outText(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "Valeur de la classe %1 = %2").arg(i+1).arg(classes[i]).toStdString());

    //Zone frontire
    double *tauxF = new double[K];
    double *tauxI = new double[K];
    for(int i = 0; i < K; ++i){
        tauxF[i] = 0.;
        tauxI[i] = 0.;

    for(int n = 0; n < K; ++n) {
        Rectangle zone =;
        for(unsigned int j =; j < zone.bottom(); ++j) {
            for(unsigned int i = zone.left(); i < zone.right(); ++i) {
                if(img->getPixelAt(i, j) == classes[n]) {
                    if( i >= zone.left() + param2 && i < zone.right() - param2 && j >= + param2 && j < zone.bottom() - param2 ) {
                    if( i < zone.left() + param1 || i >= zone.right() - param1 || j < + param1 || j >= zone.bottom() - param1 ) {

    for(int n = 0; n < K; ++n) {
        Rectangle zone =;
        const double areaI = (zone.h - 2*param2) * (zone.w - 2*param2);
        const double areaF = (zone.h * zone.w) - (zone.h - 2*param1) * (zone.w - 2*param1);
        tauxI[n] = tauxI[n] * 100. / areaI;
        tauxF[n] = tauxF[n] * 100. / areaF;
    for(int n = 0; n < K; ++n) {
        outText(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "Le taux de bon classement en zone intérieure %1 vaut: %2\%").arg(n+1).arg(tauxI[n], 0, 'f', 2).toStdString());
    for(int n = 0; n < K; ++n) {
        outText(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "Le taux de bon classement en zone frontière %1 vaut: %2\%").arg(n+1).arg(tauxF[n], 0, 'f', 2).toStdString());

    double tauxGI = 0., tauxGF = 0.;
    for(int i = 0; i < K; ++i){
        tauxGI += tauxI[i];
        tauxGF += tauxF[i];
    tauxGI /= K;
    tauxGF /= K;

    outText(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "Le taux de bon classement en zone intérieure globale vaut: %1\%").arg(tauxGI, 0, 'f', 2).toStdString());
    outText(qApp->translate("ClassResult", "Le taux de bon classement en zone frontière globale vaut: %1\%").arg(tauxGF, 0, 'f', 2).toStdString());

Beispiel #4
 void print(std::ostream &o) const {
     o <<"Total syscalls called:\t" <<ncalls <<"\n";
     o <<"By call number:\n";
     for (Histogram::const_iterator ci=calls.begin(); ci!=calls.end(); ++ci)
         o <<"  " <<ci->first <<":\t" <<ci->second <<"\n";
Beispiel #5
 void print(std::ostream &o) const {
     o <<"Total instructions executed:\t" <<ninsns <<"\n";
     o <<"By instruction:\n";
     for (Histogram::const_iterator ii=insns.begin(); ii!=insns.end(); ++ii)
         o <<"  " <<ii->first <<":\t" <<ii->second <<"\n";