 * Removes old entries from (recent) history
void HistoryCoordinator::ServiceWork()
	DownloadQueue* pDownloadQueue = DownloadQueue::Lock();

	time_t tMinTime = time(NULL) - g_pOptions->GetKeepHistory() * 60*60*24;
	bool bChanged = false;
	int index = 0;

	// traversing in a reverse order to delete items in order they were added to history
	// (just to produce the log-messages in a more logical order)
	for (HistoryList::reverse_iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetHistory()->rbegin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetHistory()->rend(); )
		HistoryInfo* pHistoryInfo = *it;
		if (pHistoryInfo->GetKind() != HistoryInfo::hkDup && pHistoryInfo->GetTime() < tMinTime)
			if (g_pOptions->GetDupeCheck() && pHistoryInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkNzb)
				// replace history element
				HistoryHide(pDownloadQueue, pHistoryInfo, index);
				char szNiceName[1024];
				pHistoryInfo->GetName(szNiceName, 1024);

				pDownloadQueue->GetHistory()->erase(pDownloadQueue->GetHistory()->end() - 1 - index);
				if (pHistoryInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkNzb)
				info("Collection %s removed from history", szNiceName);

				delete pHistoryInfo;

			it = pDownloadQueue->GetHistory()->rbegin() + index;
			bChanged = true;

	if (bChanged)

 * Removes old entries from (recent) history
void HistoryCoordinator::ServiceWork()
	GuardedDownloadQueue downloadQueue = DownloadQueue::Guard();

	time_t minTime = Util::CurrentTime() - g_Options->GetKeepHistory() * 60*60*24;
	bool changed = false;
	int index = 0;

	// traversing in a reverse order to delete items in order they were added to history
	// (just to produce the log-messages in a more logical order)
	for (HistoryList::reverse_iterator it = downloadQueue->GetHistory()->rbegin(); it != downloadQueue->GetHistory()->rend(); )
		HistoryInfo* historyInfo = (*it).get();
		if (historyInfo->GetKind() != HistoryInfo::hkDup && historyInfo->GetTime() < minTime)
			if (g_Options->GetDupeCheck() && historyInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkNzb)
				// replace history element
				HistoryHide(downloadQueue, historyInfo, index);
				if (historyInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkNzb)
				info("Collection %s removed from history", historyInfo->GetName());

				downloadQueue->GetHistory()->erase(downloadQueue->GetHistory()->end() - 1 - index);

			it = downloadQueue->GetHistory()->rbegin() + index;
			changed = true;

	if (changed)
Beispiel #3
void ParCoordinator::PostParChecker::StatDupeSources(DupeSourceList* pDupeSourceList)
	DownloadQueue* pDownloadQueue = DownloadQueue::Lock();

	int iTotalExtraParBlocks = 0;
	for (DupeSourceList::iterator it = pDupeSourceList->begin(); it != pDupeSourceList->end(); it++)
		DupeSource* pDupeSource = *it;
		if (pDupeSource->GetUsedBlocks() > 0)
			for (HistoryList::iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetHistory()->begin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetHistory()->end(); it++)
				HistoryInfo* pHistoryInfo = *it;
				if (pHistoryInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkNzb &&
					pHistoryInfo->GetNZBInfo()->GetID() == pDupeSource->GetID())
					pHistoryInfo->GetNZBInfo()->SetExtraParBlocks(pHistoryInfo->GetNZBInfo()->GetExtraParBlocks() - pDupeSource->GetUsedBlocks());
		iTotalExtraParBlocks += pDupeSource->GetUsedBlocks();

	m_pPostInfo->GetNZBInfo()->SetExtraParBlocks(m_pPostInfo->GetNZBInfo()->GetExtraParBlocks() + iTotalExtraParBlocks);

void HistoryCoordinator::PrepareEdit(DownloadQueue* downloadQueue, IdList* idList, DownloadQueue::EEditAction action)
	// First pass: when marking multiple items - mark them bad without performing the mark-logic,
	// this will later (on second step) avoid moving other items to download queue, if they are marked bad too.
	if (action == DownloadQueue::eaHistoryMarkBad)
		for (int id : *idList)
			HistoryInfo* historyInfo = downloadQueue->GetHistory()->Find(id);
			if (historyInfo && historyInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkNzb)
void HistoryCoordinator::PrepareEdit(DownloadQueue* pDownloadQueue, IDList* pIDList, DownloadQueue::EEditAction eAction)
	// First pass: when marking multiple items - mark them bad without performing the mark-logic,
	// this will later (on second step) avoid moving other items to download queue, if they are marked bad too.
	if (eAction == DownloadQueue::eaHistoryMarkBad)
		for (IDList::iterator itID = pIDList->begin(); itID != pIDList->end(); itID++)
			int iID = *itID;
			HistoryInfo* pHistoryInfo = pDownloadQueue->GetHistory()->Find(iID);
			if (pHistoryInfo && pHistoryInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkNzb)
Beispiel #6
void HistoryBinCommand::Execute()
	SNZBHistoryRequest HistoryRequest;
	if (!ReceiveRequest(&HistoryRequest, sizeof(HistoryRequest)))

	SNZBHistoryResponse HistoryResponse;
	memset(&HistoryResponse, 0, sizeof(HistoryResponse));
	HistoryResponse.m_MessageBase.m_iSignature = htonl(NZBMESSAGE_SIGNATURE);
	HistoryResponse.m_MessageBase.m_iStructSize = htonl(sizeof(HistoryResponse));
	HistoryResponse.m_iEntrySize = htonl(sizeof(SNZBHistoryResponseEntry));

	char* buf = NULL;
	int bufsize = 0;

	// Make a data structure and copy all the elements of the list into it
	DownloadQueue* pDownloadQueue = g_pQueueCoordinator->LockQueue();

	// calculate required buffer size for nzbs
	int iNrEntries = pDownloadQueue->GetHistoryList()->size();
	bufsize += iNrEntries * sizeof(SNZBHistoryResponseEntry);
	for (HistoryList::iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetHistoryList()->begin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetHistoryList()->end(); it++)
		HistoryInfo* pHistoryInfo = *it;
		char szNicename[1024];
		pHistoryInfo->GetName(szNicename, sizeof(szNicename));
		bufsize += strlen(szNicename) + 1;
		// align struct to 4-bytes, needed by ARM-processor (and may be others)
		bufsize += bufsize % 4 > 0 ? 4 - bufsize % 4 : 0;

	buf = (char*) malloc(bufsize);
	char* bufptr = buf;

	// write nzb entries
	for (HistoryList::iterator it = pDownloadQueue->GetHistoryList()->begin(); it != pDownloadQueue->GetHistoryList()->end(); it++)
		HistoryInfo* pHistoryInfo = *it;
		SNZBHistoryResponseEntry* pListAnswer = (SNZBHistoryResponseEntry*) bufptr;
		pListAnswer->m_iID					= htonl(pHistoryInfo->GetID());
		pListAnswer->m_iKind				= htonl((int)pHistoryInfo->GetKind());
		pListAnswer->m_tTime				= htonl((int)pHistoryInfo->GetTime());

		char szNicename[1024];
		pHistoryInfo->GetName(szNicename, sizeof(szNicename));
		pListAnswer->m_iNicenameLen			= htonl(strlen(szNicename) + 1);

		if (pHistoryInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkNZBInfo)
			NZBInfo* pNZBInfo = pHistoryInfo->GetNZBInfo();
			unsigned long iSizeHi, iSizeLo;
			Util::SplitInt64(pNZBInfo->GetSize(), &iSizeHi, &iSizeLo);
			pListAnswer->m_iSizeLo				= htonl(iSizeLo);
			pListAnswer->m_iSizeHi				= htonl(iSizeHi);
			pListAnswer->m_iFileCount			= htonl(pNZBInfo->GetFileCount());
			pListAnswer->m_iParStatus			= htonl(pNZBInfo->GetParStatus());
			pListAnswer->m_iScriptStatus		= htonl(pNZBInfo->GetScriptStatus());
		else if (pHistoryInfo->GetKind() == HistoryInfo::hkUrlInfo)
			UrlInfo* pUrlInfo = pHistoryInfo->GetUrlInfo();
			pListAnswer->m_iUrlStatus			= htonl(pUrlInfo->GetStatus());

		bufptr += sizeof(SNZBHistoryResponseEntry);
		strcpy(bufptr, szNicename);
		bufptr += ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iNicenameLen);
		// align struct to 4-bytes, needed by ARM-processor (and may be others)
		if ((size_t)bufptr % 4 > 0)
			pListAnswer->m_iNicenameLen = htonl(ntohl(pListAnswer->m_iNicenameLen) + 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4);
			memset(bufptr, 0, 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4); //suppress valgrind warning "uninitialized data"
			bufptr += 4 - (size_t)bufptr % 4;


	HistoryResponse.m_iNrTrailingEntries = htonl(iNrEntries);
	HistoryResponse.m_iTrailingDataLength = htonl(bufsize);

	// Send the request answer
	send(m_iSocket, (char*) &HistoryResponse, sizeof(HistoryResponse), 0);

	// Send the data
	if (bufsize > 0)
		send(m_iSocket, buf, bufsize, 0);
