// parameters should be validated/clamped by caller
EGLint SwapChain11::swapRect(EGLint x, EGLint y, EGLint width, EGLint height)
    if (!mSwapChain)
        return EGL_SUCCESS;

    ID3D11Device *device = mRenderer->getDevice();
    ID3D11DeviceContext *deviceContext = mRenderer->getDeviceContext();

    // Set vertices
    D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
    HRESULT result = deviceContext->Map(mQuadVB, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource);
    if (FAILED(result))
        return EGL_BAD_ACCESS;

    d3d11::PositionTexCoordVertex *vertices = static_cast<d3d11::PositionTexCoordVertex*>(mappedResource.pData);

    // Create a quad in homogeneous coordinates
    float x1 = (x / float(mWidth)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    float y1 = (y / float(mHeight)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    float x2 = ((x + width) / float(mWidth)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    float y2 = ((y + height) / float(mHeight)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;

    float u1 = x / float(mWidth);
    float v1 = y / float(mHeight);
    float u2 = (x + width) / float(mWidth);
    float v2 = (y + height) / float(mHeight);

    d3d11::SetPositionTexCoordVertex(&vertices[0], x1, y1, u1, v1);
    d3d11::SetPositionTexCoordVertex(&vertices[1], x1, y2, u1, v2);
    d3d11::SetPositionTexCoordVertex(&vertices[2], x2, y1, u2, v1);
    d3d11::SetPositionTexCoordVertex(&vertices[3], x2, y2, u2, v2);

    deviceContext->Unmap(mQuadVB, 0);

    static UINT stride = sizeof(d3d11::PositionTexCoordVertex);
    static UINT startIdx = 0;
    deviceContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &mQuadVB, &stride, &startIdx);

    // Apply state
    deviceContext->OMSetDepthStencilState(NULL, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    static const float blendFactor[4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
    deviceContext->OMSetBlendState(NULL, blendFactor, 0xFFFFFFF);


    // Apply shaders
    deviceContext->VSSetShader(mPassThroughVS, NULL, 0);
    deviceContext->PSSetShader(mPassThroughPS, NULL, 0);
    deviceContext->GSSetShader(NULL, NULL, 0);

    // Apply render targets

    // Set the viewport
    D3D11_VIEWPORT viewport;
    viewport.TopLeftX = 0;
    viewport.TopLeftY = 0;
    viewport.Width = mWidth;
    viewport.Height = mHeight;
    viewport.MinDepth = 0.0f;
    viewport.MaxDepth = 1.0f;
    deviceContext->RSSetViewports(1, &viewport);

    // Apply textures
    deviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, &mOffscreenSRView);
    deviceContext->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, &mPassThroughSampler);

    // Draw
    deviceContext->Draw(4, 0);
    result = mSwapChain->Present(mSwapInterval, 0);

    if (result == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)
        HRESULT removedReason = device->GetDeviceRemovedReason();
        ERR("Present failed: the D3D11 device was removed: 0x%08X", removedReason);
        return EGL_CONTEXT_LOST;
    else if (result == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET)
        ERR("Present failed: the D3D11 device was reset from a bad command.");
        return EGL_CONTEXT_LOST;
    else if (FAILED(result))
        ERR("Present failed with error code 0x%08X", result);

    // Unbind
    static ID3D11ShaderResourceView *const nullSRV = NULL;
    deviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, &nullSRV);


    return EGL_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #2
// parameters should be validated/clamped by caller
EGLint SwapChain11::swapRect(EGLint x, EGLint y, EGLint width, EGLint height)
    if (!mSwapChain)
        return EGL_SUCCESS;

    if (mRenderToBackBuffer)
        // When rendering directly to the backbuffer, we must swap the whole buffer.
        if (!(x == 0 && y == 0 && width == mWidth && height == mHeight))
            ERR("When rendering directly to the backbuffer, swapRect can only be called on the entire backbuffer.");
            return EGL_FALSE;

    HRESULT result = S_OK;

    ID3D11Device *device = mRenderer->getDevice();

    if (!mRenderToBackBuffer)
        ID3D11DeviceContext *deviceContext = mRenderer->getDeviceContext();

        // Set vertices
        D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
        result = deviceContext->Map(mQuadVB, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource);
        if (FAILED(result))
            return EGL_BAD_ACCESS;

        d3d11::PositionTexCoordVertex *vertices = static_cast<d3d11::PositionTexCoordVertex*>(mappedResource.pData);

        // Create a quad in homogeneous coordinates
        float x1 = (x / float(mWidth)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
        float y1 = (y / float(mHeight)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
        float x2 = ((x + width) / float(mWidth)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
        float y2 = ((y + height) / float(mHeight)) * 2.0f - 1.0f;

        float u1 = x / float(mWidth);
        float v1 = y / float(mHeight);
        float u2 = (x + width) / float(mWidth);
        float v2 = (y + height) / float(mHeight);

        d3d11::SetPositionTexCoordVertex(&vertices[0], x1, y1, u1, v1);
        d3d11::SetPositionTexCoordVertex(&vertices[1], x1, y2, u1, v2);
        d3d11::SetPositionTexCoordVertex(&vertices[2], x2, y1, u2, v1);
        d3d11::SetPositionTexCoordVertex(&vertices[3], x2, y2, u2, v2);

        deviceContext->Unmap(mQuadVB, 0);

        static UINT stride = sizeof(d3d11::PositionTexCoordVertex);
        static UINT startIdx = 0;
        deviceContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &mQuadVB, &stride, &startIdx);

        // Apply state
        deviceContext->OMSetDepthStencilState(NULL, 0xFFFFFFFF);

        static const float blendFactor[4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
        deviceContext->OMSetBlendState(NULL, blendFactor, 0xFFFFFFF);


        // Apply shaders
        deviceContext->VSSetShader(mPassThroughVS, NULL, 0);
        deviceContext->PSSetShader(mPassThroughPS, NULL, 0);
        deviceContext->GSSetShader(NULL, NULL, 0);

        // Apply render targets

        // Set the viewport
        D3D11_VIEWPORT viewport;
        viewport.TopLeftX = 0;
        viewport.TopLeftY = 0;
        viewport.Width = static_cast<FLOAT>(mWidth);
        viewport.Height = static_cast<FLOAT>(mHeight);
        viewport.MinDepth = 0.0f;
        viewport.MaxDepth = 1.0f;
        deviceContext->RSSetViewports(1, &viewport);

        // Apply textures
        mRenderer->setShaderResource(gl::SAMPLER_PIXEL, 0, mOffscreenSRView);
        deviceContext->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, &mPassThroughSampler);

        // Draw
        deviceContext->Draw(4, 0);

    result = mSwapChain->Present(0, 0);
    // Use IDXGISwapChain1::Present1 with a dirty rect if DXGI 1.2 is available.
    if (mSwapChain1 != nullptr)
        RECT rect =
            static_cast<LONG>(x), static_cast<LONG>(mHeight - y - height),
            static_cast<LONG>(x + width), static_cast<LONG>(mHeight - y)
        DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS params = { 1, &rect, nullptr, nullptr };
        result = mSwapChain1->Present1(mSwapInterval, 0, &params);
        result = mSwapChain->Present(mSwapInterval, 0);

    if (result == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED)
        HRESULT removedReason = device->GetDeviceRemovedReason();
        ERR("Present failed: the D3D11 device was removed: 0x%08X", removedReason);
        return EGL_CONTEXT_LOST;
    else if (result == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET)
        ERR("Present failed: the D3D11 device was reset from a bad command.");
        return EGL_CONTEXT_LOST;
    else if (FAILED(result))
        ERR("Present failed with error code 0x%08X", result);

    // Unbind
    mRenderer->setShaderResource(gl::SAMPLER_PIXEL, 0, NULL);


    return EGL_SUCCESS;