Beispiel #1
bool AppleUSBCDC::confirmControl(UInt8 subClass, IOUSBInterface *CInterface)
    IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest	req;
    IOUSBInterface		*Comm;
    UInt8			intSubClass;
    bool			driverOK = false;

    XTRACE(this, subClass, 0, "confirmControl");
        // We need to look for CDC interfaces of the specified subclass
    req.bInterfaceClass	= kUSBCommunicationClass;
//    req.bInterfaceSubClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
	req.bInterfaceSubClass = subClass;
    req.bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
    req.bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
    Comm = fpDevice->FindNextInterface(NULL, &req);
    if (!Comm)
        XTRACE(this, 0, 0, "confirmDriver - Finding the first CDC interface failed");
        return false;

    while (Comm)
        intSubClass = Comm->GetInterfaceSubClass();
        if (intSubClass == subClass)					// Just to make sure...
			XTRACE(this, Comm->GetInterfaceNumber(), CInterface->GetInterfaceNumber(), "confirmControl - Checking interfaces");
            if (Comm == CInterface)
				driverOK = true;

            // see if there's another CDC interface
		req.bInterfaceClass = kUSBCommunicationClass;
//		req.bInterfaceSubClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
		req.bInterfaceSubClass = subClass;
		req.bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
		req.bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
        Comm = fpDevice->FindNextInterface(Comm, &req);
        if (!Comm)
            XTRACE(this, 0, 0, "confirmControl - No more CDC interfaces");
    return driverOK;

}/* end confirmControl */
Beispiel #2
bool AppleUSBCDC::confirmDriver(UInt8 subClass, UInt8 dataInterface)
    IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest	req;
    IOUSBInterface		*Comm;
    UInt8			intSubClass;
	UInt8			controlInterfaceNumber;
    bool			driverOK = false;

    XTRACE(this, subClass, dataInterface, "confirmDriver");
        // We need to look for CDC interfaces of the specified subclass
    req.bInterfaceClass	= kUSBCommunicationClass;
//    req.bInterfaceSubClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
	req.bInterfaceSubClass = subClass;
    req.bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
    req.bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
    Comm = fpDevice->FindNextInterface(NULL, &req);
    if (!Comm)
        XTRACE(this, 0, 0, "confirmDriver - Finding the first CDC interface failed");
        return false;

    while (Comm)
		controlInterfaceNumber = Comm->GetInterfaceNumber();
        intSubClass = Comm->GetInterfaceSubClass();
        if (intSubClass == subClass)					// Just to make sure...
            switch (intSubClass)
                case kUSBAbstractControlModel:
                    driverOK = checkACM(Comm, controlInterfaceNumber, dataInterface);
                case kUSBEthernetControlModel:
                    driverOK = checkECM(Comm, controlInterfaceNumber, dataInterface);
                case kUSBWirelessHandsetControlModel:
                    driverOK = checkWMC(Comm, controlInterfaceNumber, dataInterface);
                case kUSBDeviceManagementModel:
                    driverOK = checkDMM(Comm, controlInterfaceNumber, dataInterface);
                case kUSBEthernetEmulationModel:
                        // There's only one interface for EEM so the data and the control interface are the same
                        // May need to revisit this
                    if (controlInterfaceNumber == dataInterface)
                        driverOK = true; 
				case kUSBNetworkControlModel:
					driverOK = checkMBIM(Comm, controlInterfaceNumber, dataInterface);
				case kUSBMobileBroadbandInterfaceModel:
					driverOK = checkMBIM(Comm, controlInterfaceNumber, dataInterface);
        if (driverOK)
            XTRACE(this, 0, 0, "confirmDriver - Interface confirmed");

            // see if there's another CDC interface
        req.bInterfaceClass = kUSBCommunicationClass;
//		req.bInterfaceSubClass = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
		req.bInterfaceSubClass = subClass;
		req.bInterfaceProtocol = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
		req.bAlternateSetting = kIOUSBFindInterfaceDontCare;
        Comm = fpDevice->FindNextInterface(Comm, &req);
        if (!Comm)
            XTRACE(this, 0, 0, "confirmDriver - No more CDC interfaces");
    return driverOK;

}/* end confirmDriver */