// Purpose: Debugging, prints alternate list if one is created
// Input  : cpResult - 
//			(*pfnPrint - 
void PrintAlternates( ISpRecoResult* cpResult, void (*pfnPrint)( const char *fmt, ... ) )
	ISpPhraseAlt *rgPhraseAlt[ 32 ];
	memset( rgPhraseAlt, 0, sizeof( rgPhraseAlt ) );

	ULONG ulCount;
	ISpPhrase *phrase = ( ISpPhrase * )cpResult;
	if ( phrase )
		SPPHRASE *pElements;
		if ( SUCCEEDED( phrase->GetPhrase( &pElements ) ) )
			if ( pElements->Rule.ulCountOfElements > 0 )
				HRESULT hr = cpResult->GetAlternates(
				Assert( !FAILED( hr ) );
				for ( ULONG r = 0 ; r < ulCount; r++ )
					CSpDynamicString dstrText;
					hr = rgPhraseAlt[ r ]->GetText( (ULONG)SP_GETWHOLEPHRASE, (ULONG)SP_GETWHOLEPHRASE, TRUE, &dstrText, NULL);
					Assert( !FAILED( hr ) );

					pfnPrint( "[ ALT ]" );
					pfnPrint( dstrText.CopyToChar() );
					pfnPrint( "\r\n" );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		if ( rgPhraseAlt[ i ] )
			rgPhraseAlt[ i ]->Release();
			rgPhraseAlt[ i ] = NULL;
* CPhraseReplacement::Initialize *
*   Description:
*       Gets the phrase from the ISpPhrase object and calls SetUpMaps().
*       This initialization routine can be called either from a
*       client with a new CPhraseReplacement object or  
*       when an alternate is committed (or the recoresult has
*       otherwise changed).
*   Return:
*       Return value of ISpRecoResult::GetPhrase()
*       Return value of CPhraseReplacement::SetUpMaps()
HRESULT CPhraseReplacement::Initialize( ISpPhrase &rPhrase )
    // Get (or re-get) the phrase
    if ( m_pPhrase )
        ::CoTaskMemFree( m_pPhrase );
    HRESULT hr = rPhrase.GetPhrase( &m_pPhrase );
    if ( FAILED( hr ) )
        return hr;

    hr = SetUpMaps();
    m_fSuccessfulSetup = SUCCEEDED( hr );
    m_fUseMaps = (S_OK == hr);

    return hr;
}   /* CPhraseReplacement::Initialize */
// Purpose: Walk list of words and phonemes and create phoneme tags in CSentence object
//  FIXME:  Right now, phonemes are assumed to evenly space out across a word.
// Input  : *converter - 
//			result - 
//			sentence - 
void EnumeratePhonemes( ISpPhoneConverter *converter, const ISpRecoResult* result, CSentence& sentence )

	// Grab access to element container
	ISpPhrase *phrase = ( ISpPhrase * )result;
	if ( !phrase )

    SPPHRASE *pElements;
	if ( !SUCCEEDED( phrase->GetPhrase( &pElements ) ) )

	// Only use it if it's better/same size as what we already had on-hand
	if ( pElements->Rule.ulCountOfElements > 0 )
		//(unsigned int)( sentence.m_Words.Size() - sentence.GetWordBase() ) )

		// Walk list of words
		for ( ULONG i = 0; i < pElements->Rule.ulCountOfElements; i++ )
			unsigned int wordstart, wordend;

			// Get start/end sample index
			wordstart	= pElements->pElements[i].ulAudioStreamOffset + (unsigned int)pElements->ullAudioStreamPosition;
			wordend		= wordstart + pElements->pElements[i].ulAudioSizeBytes;

			// Create word tag
			CWordTag *w = new CWordTag( W2T( pElements->pElements[i].pszDisplayText ) );
			Assert( w );
			w->m_uiStartByte = wordstart;
			w->m_uiEndByte   = wordend;

			sentence.AddWordTag( w );

			// Count # of phonemes in this word
			SPPHONEID pstr[ 2 ];
			pstr[ 1 ] = 0;
			WCHAR wszPhoneme[ SP_MAX_PRON_LENGTH ];

			const SPPHONEID *current;
			SPPHONEID phoneme;
			current = pElements->pElements[i].pszPronunciation;
			float total_weight = 0.0f;
			while ( 1 )
				phoneme = *current++;
				if ( !phoneme )

				pstr[ 0 ] = phoneme;
				wszPhoneme[ 0 ] = L'\0';

				converter->IdToPhone( pstr, wszPhoneme );

				total_weight += WeightForPhoneme( W2A( wszPhoneme ) );

			current = pElements->pElements[i].pszPronunciation;

			// Decide # of bytes/phoneme weight
			float psize = 0;
			if ( total_weight )
				psize = ( wordend - wordstart ) / total_weight;

			int number = 0;

			// Re-walk the phoneme list and create true phoneme tags
			float startWeight = 0.0f;
			while ( 1 )
				phoneme = *current++;
				if ( !phoneme )

				pstr[ 0 ] = phoneme;
				wszPhoneme[ 0 ] = L'\0';

				converter->IdToPhone( pstr, wszPhoneme );
				CPhonemeTag *p = new CPhonemeTag( W2A( wszPhoneme ) );
				Assert( p );
				float weight = WeightForPhoneme( W2A( wszPhoneme ) );

				p->m_uiStartByte = wordstart + (int)( startWeight * psize );
				p->m_uiEndByte	 = p->m_uiStartByte + (int)( psize * weight );

				startWeight += weight;

				// Convert to IPA phoneme code
				p->SetPhonemeCode( TextToPhoneme( p->GetTag() ) );

				sentence.AddPhonemeTag( w, p );


	// Free memory